Chapter 416 Defending the Enemy

With this thought in his mind, Chu Ning couldn't hold it in any longer.

 Immediately, I briefly organized the contents of the cold-faced Nascent Soul monk's storage bag.

When he was just looking for Huang Fengqi, Chu Ning had actually already taken a rough look at the contents of this man's storage bag.

At this moment, in addition to spiritual stones, materials and other treasures, Chu Ning was also very interested in several black vials covered with runes.

“If I’m not mistaken, this is something commonly used by demonic sects to seal ghosts.

 And this high-quality treasure has another great use, that is, it can be used to seal the Nascent Soul. "

 Thinking that I often fight with Yuanying monks now, I don’t necessarily need to kill them directly every time.

 This thing is quite useful to me.

After finishing organizing the contents of the storage bag, Chu Ning took out the Snow Crystal Zhi spirit liquid, took it, and then refined it to replenish the energy he had just consumed.

 Then he picked up the yellow wind flag and began to understand the talisman formation on it.

 In fact, Chu Ning already had a certain understanding of these eighteen types of runes when analyzing the source of the symbols.

 It’s just that without using it, the understanding is not very deep.

Now that Chu Ning has a direction to use, it becomes even easier for him to understand it.

He first began to analyze the talisman array retained on the Yellow Wind Flag by analyzing the source of the talismans.

This gave him another big surprise.

“In fact, not many of the talisman formations on this flag are incomplete.

 Just because it happens to be a relatively core part, the aura on it is greatly lost, and the entire Dharma flag cannot be used.

Moreover, judging from the talisman array on the flag, this yellow wind flag should be a magic weapon with dual attributes of wind and earth.

And it’s not just the imitation used by the cold-faced monk that only has earth attributes. "

With this direction in mind, Chu Ning began to perfect the following array bit by bit with eighteen kinds of runes.

 With this process, Chu Ning also gained a deeper understanding of the eighteen kinds of runes.

It is said that there are eighteen kinds of runes, but Chu Ning feels that the principles of the laws of heaven and earth contained in them are all-encompassing.

Time passed little by little, and the results of each of Chu Ning's deductions were recorded on a stack of talisman papers in front of Chu Ning.

 After half a month like this.

"Finally finished!"

Chuning looked at the several talisman papers in front of him, his eyes flickering slightly.

The deduction of the Tao patterns on the Dharma flag turned out to be much faster than he expected.

As he discovered before, the damage to the formation runes on the Yellow Wind Flag was far less than imagined.

 In this way, the time spent was much less than he expected.

  Once again carefully scrutinizing the runes and patterns recorded on the talisman paper, Chu Ning finally confirmed at this moment that he should have understood the complete formation engraved on the flag.

Chuning picked up the Dharma flag casually, his eyes flashing brightly.

“An ordinary monk would not be able to repair this ancient treasure even if he knew how to inscribe the runes on it.

Perhaps monks in the late Yuanying period can do it, but ordinary monks in the middle and early stages of Yuanying absolutely cannot.

 Because of the power of their infant fire, they simply cannot re-sacrifice this ancient treasure flag. "

 When Chu Ning was thinking this, the corners of his mouth raised slightly.

“I own the earth-line essence fire. This fire is among the heaven and earth spiritual fires, although it is not ranked high.

 However, this earthly essence fire is the heaven and earth spiritual fire most suitable for refining elixirs and refining weapons.

Even though this Dharma flag is an ancient treasure, I believe that if I use the infant fire in conjunction with the leyline essence fire, I can completely refine it. "

With this thought in mind, Chu Ning practiced some divine refining skills and recovered the spiritual consciousness that had been spent on these deductions, and then he was ready to take action.

At this moment, a rapid voice suddenly sounded.

"Senior Chu, we have discovered the monks from the Demonic Alliance. Uncle Qin asked us to go and discuss strategies to defend against the enemy."

Chun Ning raised his eyebrows slightly when he heard the shout.

 Then he flicked his sleeves, put everything into the storage bag, and then walked out of the quiet room.

At this moment, there is an anxious-looking Jindan monk standing outside, who is from Tianyu Pavilion.

When the Jindan monk saw Chu Ning coming out, he immediately bowed and saluted:

“Senior Chu, Uncle Qin asked me to go to the mountain gate, and the other senior Yuan Ying has also gone.”

Chuning nodded slightly when he heard this.

 With a flash of his body, he disappeared directly from the place.

At the gate of Tianyu Pavilion, when Chu Ning flew over, Qin Yangzi and Wuchangdong had already arrived, with solemn expressions on their faces.

Chun Ning looked through the mountain gate into the distance, and at the same time, his consciousness also opened up to sense.

 The next moment, his face became more serious.

“Eight Yuanying monks, and two middle-stage Yuanying monks.

  Additional to the three Nascent Soul cultivators who had been damaged earlier, there are more than ten Nascent Soul cultivators.

The Demonic Alliance is so bold to attack, aren't they afraid that the Tianji Alliance will take advantage of it? "

After Chu Ning finished speaking, Wu Changdong immediately said with a slightly blue face:

“The two parties must have reached some kind of tacit understanding, although most of the main monks stayed behind to deal with the other party’s attacks.

 But according to the news coming from Yunxiao City a few days ago, the Jimeng League had been on hold recently.

 Perhaps the two parties will launch an attack on the alliance in the next day or two at the same time.

It’s just that the place of conflict between the two parties is not far from Yunxiao City, and the alliance leaders do not dare to leave Yunxiao City at will.

They are worried that they will suddenly unite to attack Yunxiao City.

Once Yunxiao City is lost, many sects behind it will be scattered, making it even more difficult to defend. "

 After hearing what Wu Changdong said, Chu Ning frowned slightly.

"Having said that, the situation here is equally critical. Isn't there any support arranged within the alliance?"

As soon as he said this, Chu Ning suddenly looked back. At this time, he had already noticed two figures flying towards the mountain gate.

At the same time, Wu Changdong’s voice also sounded.

“A few fellow Taoists arrived two days ago. We saw that fellow Taoist Chu has not come out of seclusion, so we did not introduce him to the fellow Taoists.”

While the two were talking, two figures had arrived at the entrance of the valley.

Chun Ning saw that they were all acquaintances.

One is Lu Yuezhang of the Guiyuan Sect, and the other is an early Yuanying monk of the Haoyuan Sect whom he met once in Yunxiao City, named Shi Tianjing.

“It turns out that Fellow Daoist Lu and Fellow Daoist Shi are here.”

Chun Ning cupped his hands towards the two of them.

Lu Yuezhang bowed his hand and said:

“Fellow Daoist Chu, you have been practicing in seclusion these days and I have not seen you face to face, but we are all aware of your bravery.”

Several people have met. Qin Yangzi looked at the Demonic Alliance monks who had pressed within a hundred miles, but there was still a trace of sadness on his face.

“Fellow Taoists, I have activated the sect-protecting formation.

But there are eight Nascent Soul monks on the opposite side. If we defend them directly, our sect's protective formation may not be able to withstand the attack.

We still have to take the initiative to meet the enemy, but there are eight Yuanying monks on the opposite side, and we only have six now.

If the six queens are restrained and the two Yuanying monks come to break the formation, the sect's formation should be able to sustain it for a while.

But what if these two people don't break the formation, but besiege others..."

Wuchangdong heard this and said to Lu Yuezhang:

“Fellow Daoist Lu, it seems that the two of us can only contain one more person.”

 “Okay!” Lu Yuezhang nodded seriously.

He and Wu Changdong are not weak in strength, but they have to deal with a mid-stage Nascent Soul monk while also containing an early-stage Nascent Soul monk.

 Such a task is not so easy to accomplish.

"In that case, let's go out to meet the enemy." Wu Changdong said at this moment.

"This formation is our retreat. It is best not to have too much impact during the battle ahead."

 Immediately, the six Yuanying monks, carrying many golden elixirs and foundation-building monks, flew out of the formation one after another.

The two golden elixir monks from Bai Hong Sect have recovered from their injuries, and Lu Yuejian also brought more than ten golden elixir monks with him.

Coupled with the Jindan monks in Shangtianyu Pavilion, the combat power of monks of this level, the Yunxiao Alliance is not bad now.

Chun Ning suddenly said at this moment:

“Fellow Taoists, I sensed that among the eight people, there was a monk in the early stage of Nascent Soul whose aura was slightly weaker.

   It is better to leave him to me. With a quick victory, I may be able to help the two fellow Taoists relieve the pressure immediately. "

Hearing what Chu Ning said, Wu Changdong, who was flying out with the monks, looked at Chu Ning with some confusion.

Just now, he wanted to arrange for Chu Ning to deal with the strongest one among the early Yuanying monks of the Demonic Alliance.

 Looking at it like this, Wu Changdong was slightly startled.

Because at this time, Chu Ning's body clearly did not have the aura of a Yuanying monk, but only the aura of the peak of the late Golden Core.

 Methods of concealing aura are not uncommon among high-level monks.

Wuchangdong himself can actually do it.

 However, these methods will often be noticed once you encounter a monk of the same level or higher.

Especially when you are at such a close distance and you are deliberately exploring, it is difficult to hide it.

But at this moment, Chu Ning's body gave him the feeling that it was indeed the aura of a late-stage Jindan monk.

If Wu Changdong hadn't known that Chu Ning was indeed a Yuanying monk, there would have been no doubt at all.

Not only Wu Changdong discovered it, but several other Yuanying monks also discovered Chu Ning’s anomaly.

  Immediately, everyone’s faces showed strange expressions.

Chu Ning said casually at this moment: "I can temporarily suppress my own cultivation, although the time is short, and the opponent may notice it after casting the spell.

 But as long as the timing is right, there may be a chance to give the opponent a fatal blow. "

Although Chu Ning did not fully demonstrate the talent of hiding the breath of his spirit body.

 But as soon as these words came out, everyone’s eyes brightened.

 There is a clear gap between late-stage Jindan monks and Nascent Soul monks even at their peak.

Even if they are facing a late-stage Golden Core player without clear understanding of the situation, they will not be able to use their full strength at the beginning.

In this way, coupled with Chu Ning's powerful magical power, there is indeed a good chance of hitting the target.

 Everyone immediately agreed with Chu Ning’s plan.

The monks from the Demonic Alliance came very quickly. In less than half a quarter of an hour, the army of monks arrived.

 At this moment, all words are redundant.


As an evil voice sounded from the Demonic Alliance formation, eight Nascent Soul monks took the lead in rushing out of the formation.

On the Yunxiao League side, many Yuanying monks also rushed out one after another.

As for the rest of the monks, they are not in a hurry to take action at the moment. Apparently they want to wait until these Nascent Soul monks have handed over their hands before taking action.

 Otherwise, they can only be used as cannon fodder.

Chun Ning’s target at the moment is a middle-aged male cultivator who looks about forty years old and is wearing purple clothes.

This person's aura is the lowest among the eight Demonic Alliance monks.

The male cultivator in purple clothes was stunned for a moment when he saw that the person flying toward him turned out to be a late-stage Jindan cultivator.

  Immediately afterwards, a look of secret joy and disdain appeared on his face, and he immediately came forward to greet him.

 (End of this chapter)

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