Chapter 65 Cangmu Sword Technique

Chuning came to Lingzhifang Dojo, and as expected, He Changyou was still waiting there.

But it was not in the main ashram, but in a small room next to the ashram.

“I’ve met Deacon He.” Chu Ning cupped his hands and bowed slightly to him.

He Changyou nodded slightly, glanced at Chu Ning, and then went straight to the topic and asked:

“Has Lingfu Pavilion taught you the art of making talismans?”

Chun Ning thought of what Zhuang Yunde said before, and with the mentality of giving it a try, he said truthfully:

“Yes, Deacon Liao of Lingfu Pavilion gave his disciple a copy of the basic technique of making talismans passed down in the pavilion.

 In addition, he also gave the disciple a medium-grade talisman pen and some talisman ink paper.

 And promised to pass on the spiritual talisman method to his disciples after studying the basics of making talismans. "

Chun Ning said with a very honest and respectful expression on his face, while He Changyou was slightly startled when he heard the magic talisman.

Chuning did not stop and continued:

“In addition, I also gave the disciple five talismans, four elementary and middle-grade talismans, and one of them was an elementary and high-grade talisman.

Oh, Deacon Liao told his disciples to pick up things when they are used up. If there is anything you don’t understand, just go and ask the brothers for advice. "

 After saying this, Chu Ning's face appropriately showed a hint of joy.

 It's like a disciple who has never seen the world has just received a big reward.

Of course, he is actually like this.

It's just that after Zhuang Yunde's reminder, his expression became more revealing.

He Changyou, on the other hand, listened with his eyes twinkling slightly.

 When Chu Ning finished speaking, he slowly spoke with a calm face:

“Master Uncle Liao is very kind to you, and he even agreed to pass on the spirit talisman.

I was thinking about asking for something for you before, but it seems I don’t need to ask anymore. Lingfu Pavilion also values ​​your talent in making talismans. "

Chun Ning did not hear anything unusual from He Changyou's words.

The other party is still continuing to say:

“After you entered the sect, you were first a disciple of Lingzhifang. Over the past year or so, I have seen your performance.

Although you have insufficient spiritual root qualifications, your compatibility with wood-based exercises and spells is very high.

If you specialize in practicing wood-based skills and spells, you can also achieve success. "

Having said this, he paused for a moment before continuing:

“Actually, I have already had the idea to focus on cultivating the magic talent you showed in the assessment for promotion to Area C, and I happened to come across this talisman making competition.

 According to sect practice, since you have been recognized by the two sects, you can naturally become an outer disciple.

  Don’t go to Area C for the time being. "

Chun Ning's face changed slightly when he heard this. He didn't expect that Zhuang Yunde hadn't reaped the benefits he mentioned, but instead asked him not to farm the land first.

Although I have acquired the art of making talismans, I should be able to earn good income and resources in the future.

 But Chu Ning has not forgotten that he also has an important talent, the Yinmu Spirit Body!

  You can quickly increase your cultivation speed with the help of spiritual plants and Qingmu Chunhua Technique.

 Chun Ning didn’t want to give up on such a shortcut.

How can you do this if you don’t allow yourself to farm?

 So Chu Ning immediately said:

“Deacon He, I have just started to learn the art of planting spiritual plants, and I want to continue planting.”

 “Who said you are not allowed to plant?”

He Changyou glanced at Chu Ning strangely.

“I am going to find you a place to live in the outer gate area. After all, the spiritual energy there is stronger and will be more helpful to you.

As for planting, let’s check it out in Area C. In a few months there will be some disciples who have to go out to free up the spiritual fields.

 At that time, we will arrange some better spiritual fields for you.

 When you reach the later stage of Qi refining, you can apply to the sect to plant in Area B. "

Hearing what He Changyou said, Chu Ning breathed a sigh of relief.

One month from what the other party pointed out, it seems that some disciples with good cultivation skills will go on to carry out the mysterious mission like Zhuang Yunde. “In the next month, you can practice at your residence with peace of mind, improve your cultivation and spells, and learn the art of making talismans.

  I will let you know in a month when the accommodation and spiritual land have been arranged. "

He Changyou continued speaking at this time, and then looked at Chu Ning again.

“Lingfu Pavilion has given you some rewards, and our Lingzhu House is naturally not stingy. What do you want?”

It was really said by Zhuang Yunde.

 This is Chu Ning’s only thought at the moment.

He originally thought that what He Changyou said just now was enough treatment to let him live in the outer gate and select some good spiritual land for him in the future.

 I didn’t expect that the other party actually wanted extra rewards.

Chun Ning appropriately showed a hint of surprise, and then he began to pretend to lower his head and think.

 After a moment, Chu Ning raised his head again.

“Deacon, I have only come into contact with some methods of cultivating ordinary spiritual plants.

Mainly practicing auxiliary spells for planting. The only spells used for attack and defense are simple thorns and vine armor.

I wonder if I can get more exposure to other spiritual plants and spells after becoming an outer disciple. "

Chun Ning’s words were quite euphemistic, but He Changyou also knew that Chu Ning actually wanted it.

 After he thought for a moment, he reached out and patted it from his storage bag.

Then he took out two jade slips, and Chu Ning couldn't look away.

He Changyou first handed a jade slip to Chu Ning:

“The Treasure Book of Spiritual Plants, which records the cultivation methods and functions of most commonly used spiritual plants.

It also contains a lot of knowledge about relatively rare spiritual plants and elixirs, most of which have methods of planting and cultivating them. "

After hearing this, Chu Ning immediately picked it up.

Zhuang Yunde actually brought him a jade slip last time, which also introduced Lingzhi.

But there is more of an introduction and only a small amount of cultivation techniques.

 Obviously, the jade slip held by He Changyou will be more complete.

He Changyou then picked up another jade slip and handed it to Chu Ning.

“This is a set of primary and advanced attack spells of the wood system.

It is called Cangmu Sword Technique and is very suitable for disciples who have practiced the Cangmu Chunhua Technique. "

Chun Ning’s eyes were a little bright.

 He actually wanted to practice a more offensive spell.

 After all, although Thorns has the ability to bind, its attack power is still too weak.

He previously obtained a junior intermediate spell, Golden Sword Technique, from Bearded Beard. He practiced it for a while without making much progress, so he gave up.

Now, He Changyou actually came up with a set of basic and advanced attack spells, which undoubtedly made Chu Ning overjoyed.

Chun Ning quickly took it and then saluted: "Thank you, deacon!"

 Chuning said this very sincerely.

Despite Zhuang Yunde's previous suggestions, Chu Ning was still extremely surprised to be able to get such a good thing from He Changyou.

“Well, you should go back first, and I will let you know if there are any arrangements in the clan.”

 When He Changyou said this, Chu Ning immediately thanked him again and left.

He got a lot of good things today, and he has to go back and digest them.

 (End of this chapter)

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