The Red Army's demeanor is indifferent, just like a strong man.

Others though feel vaguely something is wrong.

But they still think the boss is right.

"It's not necessary to win." A strong man from the corpse clan said.

"That's right, the old man also thinks it's unnecessary. We are the core of the corpse clan. As long as we exist, the corpse clan will never perish."

A group of corpse clans were discussing a lot, and the matter of the death of the corpse clan senior just now was diluted.

That senior died, and they will definitely keep this hatred in their hearts, but they won't do it now.

Ten years is not too late for a gentleman to take revenge.

In the main hall, the top powerhouses of the corpse clan are ready to leave.

But just as they activated the teleportation formation in the hall, in the void, eighteen weapons seemed to strike across another world.

Ten of them hit the strong corpse clan in the hall.

The remaining eight shots hit the key nodes of the formation in the temple.

Boom boom boom! !

All the attacks of the Eight Paths to the nodes of the formation were stopped by the Red Army.

Behind him, a bone wing pierced through the back, like a big umbrella shielding all attacks in front of the node.

But the teleportation array did not start as scheduled.

The Red Army suddenly turned around, and one of the formation nodes was destroyed!

There are traces of the power of space left on it.

"The power of space." The red army said slowly with an ugly expression.

He was actually overwhelmed, the sneak attack just now was just a feint, the real purpose was to destroy the teleportation formation with the space-type monster in the dark.

There is no teleportation array.

There is no time to arrange it in a short time, and now the enemy is outside.

The Red Army's face was extremely gloomy.

He turned his head to look into the distance, and the black dragon of Huangquan noticed the movement here.

Spatial fluctuations?

These corpses want to escape!

The black dragon of Huangquan rushed down, but the big fish could not be allowed to escape.

"It seems that we can't retreat." The Red Army sighed.

He didn't want to fight at first.

But now there is no way but to fight to the death.

He doesn't want to fight, but that doesn't mean he doesn't have the courage to fight.

To this day, he has never lacked the courage to fight to the death.

"Kill!" The red army roared, and its wings split behind.

Pale bone wings extended from the shoulder blades, soaring into the sky, crashing into the roof.


In the sky, the Black Dragon of Huangquan and the Red Army fought together.

The two fought hand to hand.

Blood rained down one after another.

The battle was extremely fierce.

Huangquan Black Dragon was huge, and was torn into pieces by the Red Army, and the blood rained down like rain.

The Red Army was also uncomfortable, and the bone wing was pierced with a big hole.

Down below, the battle is heating up.

The Twelve Councils took action one after another.

The Black Dragon of Huangquan was fighting to the death on the front line, and they could no longer sit still and watch the show.

"Get rid of the disaster!"

The golden light shines.

A giant golden rat came from afar, waving a banner in its hand.

Where the golden light shines, the corpses land one after another.

A corpse clan knelt down.

Intense black air emanated from his body, and his skin split open one after another, quickly melting into a mummy.

The phoenix-crowned snake made another move, causing huge waves.

On the other side of the battlefield, a huge golden pig jumped into the battlefield, collapsing mountains and mountains, rampaging like a giant tank.

There is also a huge striped tiger, surrounded by purple flames, burning the sky and boiling the earth.

On the sky, the clouds parted.

A slender ape with six arms is lazily lying on the clouds, and two of its arms are tearing the clouds into its mouth, chewing food leisurely.

The other four arms extend infinitely like rubber.

In an instant, he crossed a distance of 10,000 meters and took a photo from top to bottom.

A strong man from the corpse clan couldn't dodge in time and was caught.

The next moment, the big hand squeezed hard.


It's like pinching and frying a dollop of tomato sauce.

On the battlefield behind, the fairy-browed ape looked up at the six-armed ape in the sky, his eyes were deep, and he was muttering something in his mouth.


For all the members of the Twelve Councils, the lowest beast-familiar level is above diamonds.

That's another level.

This level of existential battle, even the aftermath of every move caused by it is not something ordinary people can bear.

A large number of corpses died in the aftermath of the battle.

The people watching the battle understood why the higher ups did not allow them to join the battlefield, but they had to retreat dozens of miles instead.

They can't even bear the aftermath, and they can't do anything but make trouble after they go in.

That's another level above diamonds.

Only the existence between that level can fight.

"What is the realm above diamonds?" Bai Ye asked Xiaowei.

Xiaowei was absent-minded at the moment, and it was only after Bai Ye called out several times that he suddenly woke up and reacted.

"I went to do something big just now!" Xiaowei said proudly.

"What's the big deal?"

"I won't tell you." Xiao Wei chuckled.

"If you don't tell me, I can guess if I went there with the bald man."

The expression on Xiaoweimao's face is very vivid, surprised and shocked, as if the little secret has been seen through.

A look of how do you know.

"What are you doing?"

"Hmm..." Xiaowei rolled his eyes.

The bald boy promised it just now to keep it a secret, so it would be bad to tell Bai Ye now.

"I didn't tell you that you bald man asked me to destroy a formation." Xiaowei said.

"You are really Baldy's good friend." Bai Ye was very pleased.

"That's not true, my friend is the best." Xiao Wei was proud.

"Do you know the realm above diamonds?"

"Of course I know." Xiaowei said. "Huaxing, Domain, World Master."

Transformation star, domain, world master.

Bai Ye said silently in his heart.

These three realms are still far away from him now, but he believes that they are not far away, and it should only be a matter of time.

Both Xiaowei and Baldy have domains, and the lowest realm before should be domains.

The fighting on the front lines is intensifying.

The number of strong men who fell from the corpse clan is increasing.

And the number of top combat powers on the human side was beyond the expectations of the corpse clan.

The red army looked embarrassed, and he suddenly rushed in the direction of the human army.

Why is the battlefield in his lair, even if he loses, the human race will have to pay a heavy price!

The actions of the Red Army were seen through, and Huangquan Black Dragon released a high-level dark skill, the Underworld Death Gun.

The red army closed their wings behind their backs, their speed skyrocketed, and they continued to rush towards the human army.

"Catch the stars and the moon." "Transform and change positions." The six-armed ape that had been lying on the clouds moved.

One of the arms stretches toward the sky.

It is as if a star is held in the palm of its hand.

In an instant, a distance of thousands of miles was crossed.

Infinite silver stars fell like meteors.

Because of the extremely fast speed, it even left a long star tail behind it.

Across a distance of tens of thousands of miles, it suddenly fell violently!

Boom boom boom! ! ! !

The Red Army's trajectory changed suddenly, and a pulling force appeared beside it, trying to drag it to another position.

But the tyrannical and violent physical body of the Red Army tore apart this pulling force.

It broke through the cage and continued to fly in the direction of the human army.

Among the army, the Xianbrowed Ape glanced at the red army flying towards the direction of the little master.

The old face was bitter.

He sighed softly.

"Shift and reposition."

The spatial fluctuations around the Red Army's body reappeared just now.

It's just that the pulling force this time is more than a hundred times stronger.

In an instant, the Red Army returned to the position it had been in ten seconds ago.

Before he could react, the silver starlight above his head fell and hit it hard!


The earth trembled, setting off monstrous earth waves.

The nearby mountain peaks turned into dust after only persisting for a few seconds.

The ultimate brilliance and the blazing light of the explosion can be seen even thousands of miles away.

On the sky, the six-armed ape, who had been sluggish all this time, suddenly sat up and looked around in surprise.

The corpse clan obviously broke free from its shape shifting, but just now there was another wave of exactly the same ability released again.

Could it be that... there are its kind around here?

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