My Tamed Beasts Are a Little Strong

Chapter 106 The Ancestral Land of the Bai Family

The other end of the Boundary Sea of ​​Chaos Star Sea.

A chaotic and huge starry sky.

There are a few huge stars sparsely scattered in the starry sky.

These few stars are like a veil.

through the veil,

In the depths of the starry sky.

It is an extremely prosperous and prosperous life star field.

What is more conspicuous and special is that there is an extremely lush tree in the center of this star field.

The tree is huge,

Countless planets are like dewdrops on trees.

Huge branches thicker than the diameter of the planet, piercing through the planet.

The leaves are like land, and there are mountains and rivers on them.

At the bottom of this tree, the very root.

In the center of the small star field formed by the entanglement of all tree roots, a dull yellow planet is dead.

On the heavy stars.

Huge palaces are located on the surface of the planet.

The earth is vertical and horizontal, and the dead air and vitality coexist on it, and the two become earth veins and permeate the air.

This is the ancestral land of the Bai family.

It is also the place where countless ancestors of the Bai family have slept with their royal beasts for countless years.

Life is limited, but the lifespan of imperial beasts is long,

Even the members of the Bai family don't know how many ancestors are still alive.

How many imperial beasts of the ancestors of the Bai family are still protecting their family.

And the direct descendants of the Bai family have always guarded this planet.

Hundreds of millions of Bai family members,

But the number of direct descendants of the Bai family is less than ten thousand.

The blood of every direct descendant of the Bai family is extremely precious.

The direct lineage of the Bai family is very special. It is not based on blood, but on achievements.

Once the members of the Bai family can become the direct descendants of the Bai family, those who have a realm king within three generations can become the direct descendants of the Bai family.

"Grandpa, my son must return to the Bai family to enjoy the treatment of the direct bloodline." Bai Ling said.

"You know the rules of my Bai family."

"You are already the third generation here."

"But my father, your son is also the king of the realm! In this way, Xiao Ye happens to be the third generation." Bering said a little excitedly.

"He..." Bai Luo sighed.

Why is he unwilling, but the family rules are strict.

But when his son died in the battle, he used the record breakthrough.

Only briefly broke through to the realm king's combat power, and after that battle, life and death are unknown.

If he is still alive, with his talent, he will definitely be able to break through the realm king.


This is all if.

If everyone is like this, then what's the use of family rules.

Because of this, in order to maintain the rules of the Bai family.

In order to maintain the existence of the Bai family.

Rules must be followed.

Even the Bai family is the same.

As the existing power of the Bai family, he must abide by the rules.

If he takes the lead in breaking the rules,

The consequences are unimaginable.

"At the beginning, my father also fought for the Bai family, and during the battle, he broke through to the strength of the realm king, and even beheaded an evil god of the realm king realm." Bai Ling said.

"Why can't the clan consider father as the king of the realm? Couldn't his father's sacrifice be exchanged for the treatment of a direct descendant from the clan? I, Bering, only have one son, so I won't occupy too many resources in the clan." Bering continued.

Bai Luo was silent.

"This is a vague matter," Bering said. "I know the family rules, and I also know that in this case, whether it is to judge my father as the king of the realm or not to judge my father as the king of the realm, it doesn't matter. It's just because you are a powerful family member and you want to take the lead in enforcing the law, so you kill your relatives righteously .”

"Nonsense." In the main hall, another member of the Bai family couldn't see it, and reprimanded him in a low voice.

"So I ask Grandpa to avoid suspicion." Chief Bering knelt on the ground.

"I want to apply again for my father's eligibility to enter the monument of my Bai family. To avoid suspicion, I beg my grandfather not to participate in the voting!" Bai Ling raised his hands high and said loudly.

The atmosphere in the hall became weird.

The void generates electricity.

The situation is changing.

The huge spiritual thoughts are like the sea of ​​stars, and the waves burst into endless waves, and the stars are disillusioned.

Bering's move may not be counted as outrageous.

But it is impossible to take off the hat of contradicting the ancestors in public.

In other halls, Da Neng, the ancestor of the Bai family, was about to reprimand Bai Lingshi.

Bai Luo got up a little desolately and lonely, "I never thought that I, Bai Luo, who had bled for the Bai family for many years, would end up being so begged by my grandson."

After speaking, he laughed wryly.

The eyes are full of sadness.

"Bering, do you know what you said!"


In the main hall, shouts of anger were like thunderbolts from the blue sky.

"That's all." Bai Luo stopped the other colleagues.

Xiao Se left the hall, leaving everyone with a lonely back. "I couldn't protect him when he was alive. After he left, he was misunderstood by future generations. That's all. I don't participate in this matter. Your colleagues don't need to look at me, even if they voted fairly."

The ancestral land of the Bai family.

Twenty years have passed.

Regarding whether Bai Zhong can enter the Bai Family Monument, the matter of being included in the protection of the direct line within three generations will be voted again.

This time it was passed with a large vote of approval.

Regarding Bai Zhong's experience, the deeds are also widely spread within the scope of the Bai family's life planet.

Tragic, heroic, and talented.

Countless younger generations of the Bai family regard Bai Zhong as their idol.


"Grandpa's acting skills are so good, I almost cried." Bering gave a thumbs up.

Praise your old man.

Bai Luo stroked his beard with a look of embarrassment.

"Now I understand that Jiang is still old and hot. I have already said this, and it is not convenient for me to come forward in person."

"Grandpa was right."

"Hey, I really couldn't do anything about your father back then. I was stopped by someone. Although that person concealed his identity, I can be sure that he is definitely a human race!" Bai Luo's tone was full of murderous intent.

"Your father was too talented back then. He was feared by others and envied by villains. He united with other races to set a trap for him. I was stopped, and the other ancestors of the Bai family who were away could not catch up for a while. When we When he arrived, he had fallen into the space-time turbulence."

Bering was silent.

Space-time turbulence is scary.

There are many people who have entered the chaotic flow of time and space from ancient times to the present.

But no one has ever been able to come out.

There is a time involved.

There are even greater horrors.

The Bai family is very efficient.

After passing, prepare to guide Bai Ye back to the ancestral land of the Bai family.

"Where is your kid?" Bering and Bai Luo walked side by side.

The two stood in front of the receiving boat.

The escorting boat is the royal beast of an ancestor of the Bai family.

Also a beast.

Years old, able to receive life from the other side of the galaxy to cross the galaxy.

"Revolving star field." Bering was very confident.

Although Bai Ye was only in Obsidian before leaving.

But now only a few years have passed, how far can this kid run.

Even if you leave the planet, you won't even be able to escape the border of the revolving star field in a few years.

"How did you run so far away?" Bai Luo shook his head.

"At the beginning, I heard that someone found Candle Dragon there, so I went there."

"found it?"

"No, but there are other gains." Bering said.

Before leaving, Bering plucked a hair from Bai Ye, and the hair on the receiving boat was turned into ashes.

The next moment, a rainbow bridge on the ship flew to... the next door.

Hongqiao made a turn around Luanxinghai, and then stopped on the other side.



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