My Tamed Beasts Are a Little Strong

Chapter 110 Father and Son Meet

Bai Ye saw the man standing on the deck from a distance.

Many years have passed.

Father and son meet again.

"I've grown taller," Bering said.

"Yes." Bai Ye nodded.

On the contrary, Fang Luolin's eyes were a little red.

"Dad." He called out cautiously.

Bai Ling looked at Fang Luolin, with a smile on his face, "It's better to be a girl, if you know how to call me."

Bai Ye rolled his eyes.

Xianbrowed Ape jumped out from the gift box that Fang Luolin was carrying.

"Master." Xianbrowed Ape clasped his hands together and saluted.

"Thank you for your hard work." Bering said.

Xianbrowed Ape shook his head slightly.

"Long time no see." Bai Luo said to Xianbrowed Ape.

Xianmei Ape smiled slightly.

Bai Ye felt that this scene was a bit strange.

Grandfather's attitude towards the centipede is somewhat unusual.

It seems that they have known each other for a long time.

However, Bai Ye didn't think too much about it. This fairy-browed ape lived very old, so he might have known him a long time ago.

"Let's go back first," Bai Luo said.

He knew that the father and son must have endless things to say.

But it's not appropriate here either.

There are many eyes watching this place nearby.

There was a lot of noise just now.

But after crossing the chaotic star sea, the remaining distance is very short for the real snake.

It has a long tail.

The next moment, everyone disappeared in place.

"It doesn't look like space ability." Bai Ye was a little surprised.

He didn't feel the spatial fluctuations.

"This is the field, and you can do it in the future, it's just a small way." Bai Luo said with a smile.

Bai Luo's residence is a palace.

This palace is very luxurious.

It's not the mountain farm that Bai Ye imagined.

Nor is it a thatched cottage, two acres of small fields.

It seemed that he had seen through Bai Ye's thoughts.

Bai Luo smiled softly: "I also have that thatched cottage. There is a small hill behind the palace, and on it are several small brick houses, a small yard, two dogs and a few chickens. This palace is usually used to entertain Guests."

"Does this dog have the blood of the Tengu, and does this chicken have the blood of the Phoenix?" Bai Ye was curious.

This is recorded in some biographical novels he read.

"Hahaha." Bai Luo laughed loudly.

"When your father was young, he thought that the old hen I raised had the blood of the phoenix. At that time, he took one home and wanted to sign a soul contract, but it was unsuccessful. He thought it was because of his poor qualifications, so he hid in the bed and cried one game."

Bering coughed.

The old man blushed.

How long has it been.

How can you say that in front of a child.

The father's prestige does not exist.

Bering is ready to transfer the flames of war.

He looked at Bai Ye in a blink of an eye.

Bering asked, "Why did you come here? I remember that you are still in school. Did you skip class?"

"I didn't skip class." Bai Ye said innocently.

"Dad, my brother skipped a grade, and now he is in the same grade as me, a freshman." Fang Luolin secretly glanced at his father.

"???" Bering was silent.

Why doesn't he know.

Just when Bering was about to continue shifting the battlefield.

There were footsteps outside the hall.

"Xiaoye is back?"

A woman who looked about twenty years old walked into the hall.

His appearance was vaguely similar to Fang Luolin's.

Although it looks like a green girl,

But the temperament is much more mature.

"Hmph, don't tell me immediately when you come back." Fang He glared at Bai Ling.

She rushed over as soon as she heard the news.

She had been waiting in other halls early.

Come here as soon as you hear the movement.

Bai Ye and Fang Luolin are brothers and sisters.

One takes the surname of the mother and the other takes the surname of the father.

The Fang family used to be a big family not inferior to the Bai family.

It's just that something happened to Fang's family later.

Therefore, Fang He is not allowed to return to the family for the time being.

Now he lives in Bai's house with Bering.

Bai Luo got up and coughed. "Let's talk first, I haven't fed the chicken today. I'll come back later.


He didn't think it was right for him to be here.

The family has not seen each other for a long time.

Definitely have something to talk about.

Bai Luo got up and left, and Bai Ling chased after him.

Bai Luo waved his hand, "You don't need to keep me, old man, I'll go first."

"No, grandpa, it's because you forgot your crutches." Bering said.

Silently took the crutch, and glanced at Bering's leg.

Bai Luo snorted lightly.

After the great-grandfather left.

Bering said to Bai Ye.

"I heard from my grandfather that you have already signed the third Beast Familiar, and you cannot sign another Beast Familiar until your spiritual power breaks through the diamond.

I forgot to tell you before, you can’t rush to sign the Beast Familiar, too many beasts will easily distract you and affect your follow-up breakthrough. "

Bering said.

"The imperial beast will also affect the breakthrough?" Bai Ye wondered.

Why didn't he feel it.

"It's normal if you don't know. Most people don't know. Different beasts have different qualities, and their attributes are different." Bai Ling said.

"The breakthrough of the imperial beast can bring feedback to the imperial envoy, and they complement each other."

"But the more beasts there are, the more impurities there will be. If the quality of the beasts is good, the impurities will be less. If the quality of the beasts is not high, the more impurities will affect your future breakthrough."

It's no secret.

But it is a hidden information resource held by big families.

When there is a strong imperial envoy who has broken through to a certain level in the family.

This is of course no secret.

"Meditate and distinguish carefully, you can find some gray particles in your mental power." Bering passed a formula to Bai Ye.

After Bai Ye learned it, he followed suit.

The mental power is thorough.

It's like turning into a mirror.

In the clear and rippling sea of ​​consciousness.

Bai Ye found some gray particles.

There are twenty-seven of them.

It took Bai Ye twenty-seven seconds to drive all the gray particles out of the sea of ​​consciousness.

The sea of ​​consciousness has regained its thoroughness.

"So many." Bai Ye sighed.

"There must be more impurities." Bering smiled.

Finally, I found some confidence in being a father from this kid.

"The easiest way to get rid of these impurities is to distinguish them with mental power. It's just that this is the most troublesome way. After all, cleaning them one by one is the most stupid way." Bering said.

"There are two other ways. One is to use foreign objects to get rid of it. Our Bai family has the World Tree, and the young leaves of the World Tree have the effect of cleaning the sea of ​​consciousness."

"The second is the formula. The ancestors of our Bai family have summed up and created a set of formulas that can clean up impurities. But you should not sign too many beasts, otherwise the speed of cleaning up impurities will not keep up with the speed of generation."

Signing the Royal Beast is a double-edged sword.

Impurities will be produced continuously after signing the soul contract.

Even if the envoy wanted to stop it, he couldn't stop it.

"Dad, but my twenty-seven impurities have been cleaned up." Bai Ye hesitated.

"Only twenty-seven of them have been cleaned, and tens of thousands of impurities are produced in the Sea of ​​Consciousness every day. Don't tell me you don't do anything every day, but keep cleaning the impurities?" Bering shook his head.

This kid is just naive.

"But I seem to have only twenty-seven in total." Bai Ye glanced at the Nightmare Lord.

This guy is the biggest manure machine.

He could feel that most of the impurities in it came from the soul contract channel of the Nightmare Lord.

Bai Ling's eyelids twitched.

"Lying is not..."

"Xiaoye never tells lies." Fang He defended the calf.

"I'm not saying he's lying, maybe he's wrong." Bering said with a headache.

This daughter-in-law spoiled him since she was a child.

Not afraid to spoil him either.

If Xiaoye hadn't lied.

Bering looked at Xiao Wei in Bai Ye's arms, the Nightmare Lord standing on his shoulder, and the ultimate world-swallowing snake on his wrist.

"Then the origin of these royal beasts may not be simple." Bai Ling said.

They may be some legendary beasts.

It is the topmost existence in the entire starry sky.

But this probability is too rare.

At the beginning, he went to Obsidian specifically to find the trace of the Candle Dragon cub.

But the snake on Bai Ye's wrist is obviously not Zhulong.

Candle Dragon has a snake-like face and a red body, with straight eyes, one white and one black, when you open your eyes, it’s bright and when you close your eyes, it’s dark.

Of course, that was Candle Dragon's talent.

But even so, under normal circumstances, there are strong light and dark forces all over Candle Dragon.

But the snake on the son's wrist has no power of light and darkness. It seems to be a "discarded snake" without attributes, but there are no monsters without attributes in this world, so it looks even more weird.

"What are their names?" Bering was thinking the same as Bai Luo at the moment.

Wondering if I can get some clues from their names.

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