My Tamed Beasts Are a Little Strong

Chapter 12 Take it easy, I'll smoke a cigarette (2/3)

"She's Miss Zhu, and my royal beast is the strongest of the litter she gave birth to back then. She's older than my dad, so she's a special employee of our family." Wang Qilin said.

"I know, you told me." Bai Ye said.

"It just so happens that Ms. Pig is going to give birth to a litter of cubs recently. You haven't signed a contract with the Beast Master yet. I'll pick the strongest one for you when the time comes," Wang Qilin said.

"Don't be so troublesome, I already have a royal beast." Bai Ye said.

"Huh? When did you not tell me?" Wang Qilin was shocked.

Am I not your good partner?

"I just signed the contract two days ago." Bai Ye said, "I'm still young, so I didn't want to tell you."

"Okay, so that's how it is." Wang Qilin was relieved.

"By the way, when the time comes, you don't need to be nervous when you deliver Ms. Pig's birth. You just cooperate with her. Ms. Pig is very experienced. She is the breeding mother of our farm." After finishing speaking, Wang Qilin secretly stuffed Bai Ye A pack of special extended cigarettes for royal beasts.

Bai Ye was puzzled.

"You can order it for Ms. Pig when you deliver the baby. Ms. Pig usually likes to have a few if nothing happens." Wang Qilin.

The hobbies of the Beastmaster are all kinds of strange things.

Some like to listen to music, some like to pursue excitement, some like to fight, some like to sleep, and there are quite a few like this who like to smoke.

Where there is a demand, there is a market, so someone specially invented a smoke suitable for royal beast extraction.

This kind of smoke is thicker and bigger than the cigarette smoked by people.

The staff of the Municipal Affairs Bureau came to the scene one after another.

Register names one by one and check the ID card.

Simultaneous fingerprint inspection.

After confirming the identity, the staff will cooperate to take the person to the corresponding "test center".

Nearly half of those who came to take the exam were students.

Because it is the weekend, so there are parents to follow.

After confirming his identity, Bai Ye followed the staff with a small box.

In the gap between the houses on the roadside, the dark and burly Wang Qilin smiled, showing a row of white teeth, waved to him and gave him a thumbs up.

Bai Ye laughed, and returned a middle finger.

After being brought to the test site, Bai Ye was taken aback.

The partner I cooperated with was actually "Ms. Pig".

Madam Zhu was like an older pregnant woman, and Ge You lay paralyzed on the floor covered with straw mats.

The two hind legs are crossed.

The right leg on top still swayed slightly from time to time.

Seeing Bai Ye coming in, he hooked his trotters.

He patted the open space beside him and signaled Bai Ye to come over.

Bai Ye inexplicably felt that this scene was a bit distorted.

The staff member wearing a hat nodded to Bai Ye, then turned and left.

Bai Ye understood instantly.

This should all be arranged.

The test center is divided into separate compartments, like a public latrine, so the sound insulation is not good, and the sound from the test center next door can be heard clearly.

At the top is a huge cloth shed.

The smell in the air is not very good.

Bai Ye wanted to wear a mask, but was afraid that "Miss Pig" would feel that she looked down on him, so what should I do.

So with a confused look on his face, he raised his head to look at Miss Zhu, and then looked down at the mask in his pocket.

Wait until everyone arrives one after another.

The examiner walked into the shed with a timer.

He held a microphone and loudly told everyone the test rules. The test time was 60 minutes.

Do not seek help from others.

If the exam process causes an accident to the partner's dystocia, the examinee will compensate the farm for the full loss.

You can also give up the exam halfway to seek professional delivery. But it also counts as an exam failure.

No matter what method leads to the failure of the exam, you will not be able to apply for the second exam within the next six months.

During the exam, you are not allowed to whisper, and you are not allowed to ask other people around you.

You can only stay in the test center.

Bai Ye took two deep breaths, and then began to...

Nervous voices came from the test center next door from time to time.

Some students were so nervous that when they saw the bleeding, they were so nervous that they couldn't do what to do, and they fell to the ground and cried loudly.

The dull space became a little boring.

Bai Ye closed his eyes and breathed for a moment to prevent himself from being influenced by others.

Remove the ice pack.

At this time, a big hand suddenly stretched out.

Bai Ye was taken aback, and when he raised his head, he saw "Madam Pig" with a calm expression on his face, signaling Bai Ye not to be nervous.

Also stick out the trotters.

Bai Ye quickly passed the cigarette over.

After receiving the cigarette, Ms. Zhu held the cigarette and put it in her mouth.

Bai Ye handed over the fire.

Ms. Pig took a deep breath.

Squinting his eyes, pig lips slowly exhaled a puff of smoke rings.

Being so comforted by "Ms. Pig", Bai Ye was relieved a lot.

Then Bai Ye understood what Wang Qilin meant by telling him to lie down.

You don't need his help in the whole process, you just need him to help wrap the piglet with a thin cloth after it is born, and wipe off the stains on the body by the way.

In less than ten minutes, everything went smoothly.

Ms. Zhu finished her three cigarettes smoothly.

This... is this the end?

Bai Ye looked down at the seven piglets lined up on the ground.

Still like a dream.

If it wasn't for the nervous nagging of other candidates beside him reminding him that he was still taking the exam, he would have thought it was just a dream.

Final exam results are approved.

Bai Ye passed the pass, and he only needs to sign up to get the junior monster nurse certificate.

"Has your 'lady pig' always been this wild?" Even though he had passed the exam, Bai Ye still had the illusion that it was like a dream.

"Of course the way is wild." Wang Qilin said proudly.

"Ms. Pig is one of the oldest batch of pig kings in my farm. She usually doesn't take the exams. That's why you let her come out when you come. You must know that Ms. Pig's strength ranks first among all the monsters in the entire farm." is the highest."

I heard what Wang Qilin said.

Looking back, Bai Ye felt that Madam Pig's every move seemed to be different from those ordinary pigs with iron armor and fangs. Could this be the unique temperament of a master.

"Those examiners won't suspect?" Bai Ye was still a little worried.

"It's just a primary certificate, and it doesn't have much gold content. Who cares about it, as long as it's within the rules, it's fine." Wang Qilin waved his hand, unwilling to say more about it.

"And it's not just my family who do this. Basically, every farm has it. This is an unspoken rule." Wang Qilin said.

After dinner at Wang Qilin's house, Wang Fugui was going to drive Bai Ye back to the city.

As a result, it just left the farm. Bai Ye saw a familiar figure right outside the gate.

"Uncle Wang, stop." Bai Ye said quickly,

Buggy brakes.

Bai Ye poked his head out of the car window and asked in disbelief, "Sister!? When did you come?"

Fang Luolin lifted the hair beside her ears, her face was as usual: "I just arrived for a while."

"Get in the car, girl, I'll take you to the city gate. It's getting late, and it's a bit dangerous to be alone in the suburbs." Wang Guifu invited Fang Luolin to get in the car.

After returning to the city, take the bus back to the community.

"Wait." Fang Luolin returned to the bedroom, took out a gift box and put it on the table.

"You forgot to give you a birthday gift that day, and this is a birthday gift for compensation."

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