My Tamed Beasts Are a Little Strong

Chapter 21 Training (2/3)

However, the movement of the super-dimensional is too big, it would be great if the movement can be smaller.

Bai Ye still remembered the monster he stabbed to death with a finger in the wild through Xiaowei's second super-dimensional power when he experienced the super-dimensional power for the second time.

That monster is at least high-level gold just by its size.

Not even platinum is out of the question.

But that time, his fingertips were also injured, and a small hole was pierced, and a drop of blood flowed out.

I don't have the abnormal healing speed of the imperial beast.

This also shows that the boost power provided by the current ultra-dimensional is not invincible.

It shows that there are still existences that can hurt oneself.

And there are many kinds of beasts, there are many kinds of monsters in Obsidian alone.

Bai Ye still doesn't know if some weird abilities such as curses will be passed on to him through super dimensions.

So just relying on a super-dimensional ability did not make Bai Ye feel inflated and think that he was invincible.

Maybe it would be good to let Xiao Diao use the super-dimensional mirror to display the super-dimensional ability in the future.

A giant claw that descended from the sky.


"Bang." The door was slammed shut.

Fang Luolin returned home with a frosty face.

As soon as he came back, he saw Bai Ye lying on the sofa drinking herbal tea with a relaxed expression, and his heart felt sore.

You are working hard outside, and you are still blowing on the air conditioner and drinking herbal tea at home.

"Come and have a cup of herbal tea and rest for a while, I've already prepared the meal." Bai Ye patted the sofa beside him.

Get up and go to the kitchen to serve the steamed vegetables kept warm in the pot.

Fang Luolin sat on the sofa and took a big drink, then put down the bag in his hand.

"By the way, I brought you something."

"Why did you come back so early, the beast tide is over?" Although the school captain witnessed the beast tide receding with his own eyes. But Bai Ye still pretended not to know, and asked casually.

"It's over." Fang Luolin said. "I came back and met a fly, it was annoying."

Because of his good looks and strong strength, Fang Luolin never lacked suitors.

However, most of them also have self-knowledge, and will not bother after being rejected.

"It's the man downstairs? What does he do at home?"

The person downstairs is the one on Qingyangniao's back.

"What is Zheng Pingchun? He said that his family is in the meat processing plant and canning business." Fang Luolin said casually.

"Meat processing factory..." Bai Ye was thoughtful.

"The farm outside the city seems to have suffered heavy losses, and his family's business should be affected."

"It's none of my business, this time I killed a lot of monsters, earned some points, and exchanged something for you." Fang Luolin took out a bottle of yellow fish oil.

"This is golden fish oil. It clears eyesight and is good for meditation." Fang Luolin took out three bottles of golden fish oil from his bag as he babbled.

"This is a crystal block of the wind attribute. It is directly made, and it contains a lot of nutrients. It is a pity that there is no crystal block of the space attribute, only the wind attribute." Fang Luolin took out two more boxes.

This is a 30*50cm box. After opening, there are neatly stacked rows of wind crystals of high quality.

The colors are all pure blue, at least top grade.

This kind of wind crystal contains high nutrition, even a high-level beast master does not need to take too much at one time.

"What about you, what did you exchange for yourself?"

Fang Luolin took out one thing after another.

But it's not for her own use.

"I changed to an intermediate ice skill book, and I learned it on the road."

"What skills did you learn?"

"Why are you asking so many questions?" Fang Luolin rolled his eyes.

Bai Ye was silent.

He watched the whole time.

This silly elder sister didn't change things for herself at all.

"You are not afraid that you will not be able to marry in the future.

" Bai Ye teased.

"It just so happens that I'm not going to get married." Fang Luolin didn't care.

Bai Ye sighed.

Open Gold Fish Oil.

"How do you eat this thing?" Bai Ye looked at it several times.

There are no instructions on how to use it.

"Eat it raw, or as a condiment, it's a bit salty and greasy." Fang Luolin asked how to use it.

Bai Ye scooped up a large spoonful of rice and mixed it with the rice.

He is going to eat it directly as lard bibimbap.

Unexpectedly, the taste of direct bibimbap is okay.

Fang Luolin's eyelids twitched when he saw it, and his heart ached.

This is all because my old lady put her life on the line, so you can't save a little.

"Why don't you eat?" Bai Ye said innocently.

"I'll scoop it up for you." Bai Ye was about to help his sister dig a spoonful, but Fang Luolin hurriedly stopped her, "No need, I'll do it myself."

Back to the room after dinner.

Bai Ye turned on the phone, and there was a missed call on the top.

It's skinny.

Call back to Wang Qilin.

On the other end of the phone, Wang Qilin's voice was a little choked up. "Old family is gone. I just took a test, and in a blink of an eye, my family is gone."

"That's how I found out. Just now, there was a beast horde outside. My dad called me after I finished the exam and asked me not to go home. I went home now and found that my home was gone."

Bai Ye didn't know how to comfort her.

He is not good at comforting people.

"That... as long as the person is still there. Are all your animals running away?"

"Only the pig mother and her cubs are left. The other armored and tusked pigs were swept away by the beast tide."

No wonder I saw some pigs looking familiar in the mirror at that time...

At that time, they were wrapped in the tide of beasts, and those iron-clad fang pigs rushed to the city.

Wang Qilin's father had a good impression on Bai Ye.

He is a generous and friendly uncle.

"My dad called me, so I'll hang up first, and we'll talk next time." Wang Qilin had something to do there, and the two hung up the phone without talking for a few words.

Sitting on a chair and thinking for a while, Bai Ye took the phone to charge.

Still need strength.

Only a silver-level envoy can become an adventure-level envoy, who can leave the base city to explore outside.

There is always the basic ability to explore.

The basic requirements for becoming a silver-level imperial envoy are a silver-level imperial beast and silver-level mental power.

Bai Ye is not going to expose Xiao Wei, so he needs to raise Xiao Diao as soon as possible.

There is also meditation, break through to the gold level as soon as possible.

Bai Ye thought silently in his heart.

A week passed.

Under the suppression of some high-level officials in the base city, the negative impact of the beast tide on most people is very small except for a very small number of people, because the number of deaths is controlled within 10 people, which is very important for the high-level people in the base city. It's all something to brag about.

Bai Ye didn't leave home for a week.

He has been meditating and training Xiao Diao in the room.

I have to say that Xiao Diao's training was quite effective.

With the supply of a large number of wind crystals, Xiao Diao has now successfully broken through to the Black Iron Three Stars.

From the size of a palm, it has grown to the size of a chicken.

The only thing that hasn't changed is the pair of wise eyes.

"Coo coo coo." A strange sound came from Xiao Diao's throat.

Now Xiaodiao's intelligence has grown a lot, and it already understands who is the highest status in this family.

Xiao Diao was squatting obediently against his master's thigh, his eyes glowing with wisdom.

Extra Dimensional Mirror

Bai Ye held the phone in his left hand, and stroked the feathers on Xiao Diao's back with his right hand.

Turn off the roast chicken method pushed by the mobile phone.

On the top is a row of news "Frozen Snow Demon Found in the North Ridge Snow Cave, a New Ice-type Royal Beast"

"Nanhua University won the championship again, the 63rd Dongzhou Hundred Cities Strongest University Competition won the crown, maybe the stinger style will become a new genre? "


The outside world is far more exciting than my own boring southern town.

close news,

Bai Ye searched for a way to quickly train the imperial beast.

Those who cultivate the second and third beast masters should not be as dull and simple as the first beast master.

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