My Tamed Beasts Are a Little Strong

Chapter 25 Class A Contract

I bought some ingredients from downstairs and took them home.

Stopping at the door of the house, when Bai Ye took the key, he looked down and saw a few small cards on the ground.

Confused, he squatted down and picked up the card.

It was the business cards of some loan companies, and some bikini promotional cards.

Crumple up the card and throw it in the trash can in the hallway.

Bai Ye opened the door and went home.

Sitting on the sofa, Bai Ye was in a daze.

At the beginning of my sister's departure, being alone at home and no one caring about him really made me very happy.

But what followed was a burst of emptiness.

In the dead of night, a person is lying on a quiet bed.

Bai Ye turned on the TV and turned up the volume to the maximum.


Looking back, for some reason, Bai Ye's eyes fell on the bronze sculpture of the old man in the living room.

This bronze sculpture should have been at home for a long time in his memory.

I had this strange bronze statue at home when I was a child. Although it looks a bit strange, I got used to it after looking at it for a long time.

The phone rang suddenly, and Bai Ye quickly answered the call after seeing the name of the caller.

"Hey, can you hear me, Xiaobai, did you miss me?"

A familiar and missed voice came from the phone.

The corners of Bai Ye's mouth couldn't help but rise, and he leaned back on the sofa, changing to a comfortable sitting position.

"What Xiaobai, no matter how old or young, call me Dad."

"Okay you, I haven't seen you so courageous in a few days, and you dare to talk to me like this." Fang Luolin's crisp voice came from the phone.

"Have you arrived at the school yet?"

"Just arrived in the afternoon."

"Smoke cage, cold water, moon cage sand?"

"My brother is a big fool."

Match the password.

Bai Ye breathed a sigh of relief, it seems that her sister arrived safely.

In order to prevent being controlled and threatened by others, Bai Ye and his sister made a secret code in advance.

It's just this password that I'm a little uncomfortable with... I was planning to call other passwords.

"Okay, I've already arrived at the school. I just met my supervisor today. She took me through the admission procedures. You don't know, our university is really big. I almost thought it was a city. Every day from the dormitory where I live to It takes dozens of minutes to walk from the teaching building..." the other end of the phone was chattering.

Bai Ye listened silently.

The moonlight is beautiful tonight.

The impetuous heart calmed down.

After chatting for half an hour, I hung up the phone.

Bai Ye stood in front of the window and looked out the window, stretching.

Meditate for an extra hour today.

Now that the progress of meditation is getting faster and faster, he feels that he should soon break through to the silver ten stars, and then there is only one last step left, to break through to gold.


The next day, a special guest came to the house.

Junior high school teacher Zhou Xia.

"Have you contacted the study you want to study? It's been almost a month. I see that you haven't reported to the high school you want to go to. Do you have no idea?" It turned out that Zhou Xia came to be a lobbyist for No. 1 Middle School.

Because Bai Ye hadn't contacted other schools after the exam.

After the results were announced, Bai Ye's results did cause quite a commotion, especially among the class and grade.

Meditation results as high as silver nine stars.

directly became the leader of this session.

However, because Bai Ye didn't have a deep connection with other classmates, and because he was always withdrawn, those influences eventually dissipated outside Bai Ye's circle.

This achievement has indeed attracted the attention of many people.

Some schools are very exciting, but Bai Ye was originally a student in No. 1 Middle School.

From the perspective of many schools, Bai Ye would choose No. 1 Middle School in the end.

Even Yizhong thinks so.

But as time passed, Bai Ye still didn't choose his preferred school.

In the first middle school, some began to worry.

So they found Zhou Xia, Bai Ye's junior high school teacher.

"I'm still thinking about it, Mr. Zhou, if I want to study in the main city of Hei Yao, is there a way?" Bai Ye asked.

It doesn't really make much sense for him to stay here alone now.

Except this empty house.

Bai Ye thought in his heart that it would be great if he could find a way to transfer his student status to the main city.

Although it is very difficult to rashly transfer to the high school in the main city of Obsidian.

But my grades are not bad, as long as there is a way to get there, it is not difficult to move. If I can't, I will rent a house first.

"Are you going to the main city of Hei Yao?" Zhou Xia didn't expect Bai Ye to bring this up suddenly.

He hesitated for a long time.

On the one hand, Zhou Xia thought in her heart that if I could persuade Bai Ye to stay in school, not only would I get a bonus, but I might be able to get down after being stuck with my senior title for several years.

On the other hand, it was my student Bai Ye's own thoughts.

"Could you tell the teacher why you want to go to Obsidian's home stadium?" Zhou Xia asked.

"The main city of Obsidian is the largest city, and the educational resources there must be very good, but it's too far away, and you don't have any relatives or friends there..."

"My elder sister is studying in the main city of Hei Yao, and now she is the only relative in my family." Bai Ye said.

Parents temporarily left Obsidian due to business, so it's really no problem.

Zhou Xia misunderstood.

There was a bit of pity in the eyes looking at Bai Ye.

It turned out that he wanted to accompany his only family member.

Zhou Xia sighed, "Teacher can ask for you, but I'm not sure it will work."

If it's somewhere else, maybe she can guarantee it.

But the identity and geographical location of the main city of Obsidian are very special.

Those families with decent family conditions will basically send their children to places with better educational resources if they can.

Under such circumstances, the schools in the main city of Obsidian have almost no shortage of students.

It is not easy to go there to study.

If it's a university, it's okay to say, just pass the college entrance examination, but Bai Ye only has the grades of the high school entrance examination.

The senior high school entrance examination in each base city is independent.

The high school entrance examination results in the city where you live may not be recognized by the schools in the main city of Obsidian.

Zhou Xia majored in education at university. She had a college roommate who was from the main city of Obsidian. After graduation, she stayed in the main city of Obsidian by virtue of her family relationship.

Over the past few years, we have only occasionally contacted each other during holidays.

It's a holiday now, and Zhou Xia got through the phone soon after she dialed.

After briefly explaining Bai Ye's situation, Zhou Xia asked if she could go to the main city of Hei Yao to study.

over the phone.

In a high-end residential complex on the fourth ring road outside the main city of Hei Yao, a woman lying on the sofa with a plant animal essence mask on her face said, "Do foreigners come to Hei Yao to study in high school? They must have a residence permit in Hei Yao City." Just do it."

"Is it necessary to have a household registration?" Zhou Xia asked.

"Yes, but it's not difficult to apply for a Heiyao City account. As long as you are a gold-level envoy, you can directly settle in Heiyao City. Or you can buy a Heiyao City account directly with 50 million star coins. "

"Ai Fang, this is too difficult." Zhou Xia believes that Bai Ye will definitely become a gold-level envoy in the future, or even a higher-level envoy.

But for the current Bai Ye, potential is potential after all.

Difficult to translate directly into the future.

"I can't help it. Now Hei Yao City is becoming more and more popular. No matter in terms of resources or security, other base cities can't compare. If you want me to say Xiaoxia, you might as well come to Hei Yao City. In the future, Hei Yao City will settle down. It's only going to get harder."

"Are there other ways to settle down besides these two?"

"I heard that the household registration department of Heiyao City has set up a talent landing policy. It seems that if you can have some designated advanced certificates." Xie Aifang said.

Zhou Xia told Bai Ye the conditions.

Reluctantly said: "The teacher asked for you, it may be more difficult for you now."

Bai Ye felt a little regretful.

But he also nodded, "Teacher Zhou is in trouble."

Since you can't get the main city of Obsidian for the time being, then find a way to earn money or become a gold-level envoy.

Try to meet one of these two conditions as soon as possible, and then move to the main city of Obsidian.

If that's the case, it doesn't matter which school you stay in.

"Then what are you thinking now?" Zhou Xia asked, "The school said that if you stay in the school and advance to the middle school, you will be given a discount. First, you will get a rocket class, and then there will be a scholarship of 300,000 star coins. At the same time, I will give you a student contract for A-level top students."

"A student contract?"

"That's right, high school schools have certain preferential training policies for those students, which are divided into student aid contracts for A-level excellent students and student aid contracts for B-level excellent students.

The two contract schools will provide catering and accommodation for free, and open the meditation room for free. The school’s meditation room can be used for free on weekends and after class. For normal students, there is a charge for using the meditation room during non-teaching hours.

The A-level honorary student contract will provide a certain amount of animal-monitoring resources every month.

Provided according to the attribute and level of your beast. "

"It's so rich, so what's the requirement?" Bai Ye asked.

"You must take the college entrance examination at No. 1 Middle School," Zhou Xia said.

"Ah?" Bai Ye frowned.

"You still want to go to the main city of Hei Yao?" Zhou Xia asked.

"Yes." Bai Ye nodded.

"There is another way." Zhou Xia said.

"any solution?"

"Take the college entrance examination in advance." Zhou Xia couldn't help laughing as she said that, this method is indeed a bit damaging. "The teacher also said casually that you can only take the college entrance examination once, so you can't waste the opportunity. If you don't do well in the exam, it will not be good for you, after all, it will affect your life."

Bai Ye was moved.

If... If I can be admitted to the Rotary Star University within a year, then can I go directly to the main city of Obsidian?

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