My Tamed Beasts Are a Little Strong

Chapter 29 Family Status - Part 1 (3/3)

Today, his spiritual power broke through to the gold level, and he also possessed a second imperial beast.

Although it is a bit fast, most of the peers are still cultivating the first beast.

I have already started to cultivate three royal beasts, which is indeed a bit fast.

But since it's already here, it can't be lost.

Fortunately, Xiaowei's breakthrough does not need to be taken care of by himself. The super-dimensional space is located outside the real world, and the ever-expanding space is a screen that absorbs and intercepts all passing space elements. The speed of absorption is ten times or a hundred times faster than that of the same realm. .

This is also the reason why Xiaowei's level breaks through so quickly.

Even if no resources were used, he already had a nine-star bronze level since he was summoned.

And the new Nightmare Lord doesn't seem to need to consume any resources of his own.

It only eats dreams.

Save more.

Dreams have no need for people.

Even if there is no Nightmare Lord, people will naturally have dreams.

"Don't absorb too much extra, you can do it just by absorbing other people's normal dreams? Even if others dream normally, they should also emit some things that are beneficial to you. You only need to swallow the things that are normally dreamed. There is no harm to others by attracting others' attention, and you have also gained benefits." Bai Ye thought about it, and all the people living in his community were his neighbors.

Although I don't have much contact with them on weekdays, they are still familiar, and they will smile and nod when they meet each other to say hello.

It may be a bit too much to absorb all dreams directly.

but if......

If it only absorbs normal dreams and does not absorb extra mental power, then there should be no problem.

The quality is not enough, the quantity is enough.

There are hundreds of thousands of households and thousands of people in a community, and the residential area in the base city is relatively dense. The residential area I am in is relatively old and a high-density community, and several surrounding residential areas are only separated by a street.

If it can absorb the dreams of everyone in several neighborhoods at the same time, even if it is just ordinary dreams, the number of dreams will increase, and the dream power absorbed every day will definitely be a large number.

And Bai Ye has other ideas. If he absorbs too much at one time, the strange situation will cause other people to lack of energy the next day, and they will gather in this area again, which will easily attract the attention of the Law Enforcement Agency and the Security Agency.

Don't treat others as fools, even if you haven't seen some beast masters with special abilities, at least you have heard of them.

The use of force is strictly prohibited in the base city, absorbing other people's dreams is an illegal act.

It would be dire if it were discovered.

And maybe it will arouse the coveting of others.

Bai Ye didn't want to be noticed so early.

Put a long line to catch big fish, and the water will flow slowly.

There is no future for frenzied fishing.

"Of course I can do it, but it's so troublesome, and I have to fall into the dream one by one." The bald crow muttered, rolling its eyeballs, "I have a way. I can pull all of them into the same dream In this way, I don’t have to absorb dreams one by one!”

"You still have this ability!?" Bai Ye was surprised.

Then think.

"No, it's too obvious. If others communicate a little bit, they may find that the dream is abnormal." Bai Ye shook his head and said.

"But your ability..." Bai Ye's eyes flickered.

It seems that there are other uses, and if used well, it may give him unexpected gains.

But it can't be exposed now.

After squinting at the bald crow, Bai Ye said, "If you want to work hard, how can you not give in? Others are willing to provide you with dreams for free. Are you too lazy to move?"

The bald crow opened its eyes wide, raised its wings and pointed at Bai Ye.

You are shameless.

Where are these people willing to provide me with dreams for free.

You went to tell them?

You are clearly bullying others without knowing it.

"Whatever you sow, you will reap. Work hard, little baldy, I believe this will also improve your speed of using your dream ability." Bai Ye chuckled.

Gently patted the bald crow's head, and touched the two spots on the bald spot. It was hard and rough, not like a soft scalp.

"Don't suffer labor!" The bald crow slapped Bai Ye's finger angrily.

It's okay to touch me, but also touch my sensitive places.


When I don't know what you think again.

The wings spread out, turning into a puff of smoke and dissipating on the spot.

Looking at the empty room, Bai Ye raised the corners of his mouth and smiled lightly.

Then look out the window.

These guys came out of the strange starry sky cemetery, Xiaowei didn't look very intelligent, but this bald crow was much more mature and seemed to know a lot of things.

His mind moved again, it would be great if he could know a lot of skills.

If you know a lot of skills, you can save yourself a lot of money.

And they are both birds, although one is a crow and the other is a vulture, but they are both birds, and maybe they can be a free master for a silly vulture, which can save a lot of money.

At night, the sky is full of stars.

A cloud of gray mist quietly spread outwards without anyone or the imperial beast noticing.

The dreams that ordinary creatures cannot observe are like pieces of delicious cakes in the foggy senses.

The dream flickered quietly, and then it was invaded.

The light in a bedroom on the seventh floor of Building Two was still on.

Xu Tianming sat in front of the desk, turning on the fluorescent lamp and writing horizontally.

School is about to start, summer vacation is crazy, and there are still three days left, so I must finish my homework!

A little golden-red leopard squatting next to the desk raised its head, looked around suspiciously, found nothing, and lay down on the ground again.

Outside the window, a cloud of gray mist silently condensed into the shape of a crow, suspended in the air, looking faintly at Xu Tianming in front of the desk.

It's so late and you can't go to's not okay, it's good to go to bed early and get up early to work and rest healthy.

The master doesn't let me suck too many dreams at once.

But it’s okay for me to urge others to sleep.

The red-eyed crow smiled strangely, and lightly vomited a cloud of gray mist.

Gray mist covered Xu Tianming's face.

Xu Tianming yawned.

Eyelids sink.

Playing crazy during the day, I am so sleepy now... I really want to sleep.

I couldn't hold the pen steadily in my hand, and the words I wrote were crooked.

Or take a break.

Xu Tianming thought silently in his heart.

I woke up after a short sleep and continued to catch up with homework.

Xu Tianming lowered his head, climbed on the desk and fell asleep directly.

Not only Xu Tianming, some people in the community who were still staying up late to play games, stay up late to fight beasts, and stay up late to watch movies fell asleep one after another and gradually fell asleep.


A cloud of gray mist condensed and formed, Bai Ye looked at the crow suspiciously, as if it was in a good mood.

Found the money?

"It's not messing around."

"No." The bald crow said decisively.

"Well, that's good. By the way, you're fine during this time. Anyway, you're idle and bored. By the way, help me train another beast."

"There are also royal beasts?" The bald crow was taken aback.

Isn't it just me and that stupid mirror? Do you have other beasts?

After Xiaowei summoned the little eagle from the super-dimensional space, the bald crow stared at it carefully for a long time before suddenly realizing it.

I roughly guessed its identity.

"Okay." The bald crow rolled his eyes, and he agreed without knowing what kind of idea came to his mind.

Looking at the red-eyed crow, Xiao Diao felt a chill down his back for some reason.

Inexplicably, I feel that my family status is -1 again.

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