"And that guy, we can't let him live to confront another group of people, otherwise we will be exposed." Bai Ye said to the Nightmare Lord.

When the two sides confront each other, he who hides behind the scenes will be exposed.

So this hidden danger must be eliminated.

Although he is not easy to kill, it does not mean that he has no temper. Since he has shot at himself, he is the enemy, and there is only one way to deal with the enemy.

The Nightmare Lord smiled strangely, "Leave it to me and rest assured."

In the wilderness, Jingming Yuan fell into the haystack, and his second golden-crowned crane, the golden nine-star, was under his body as a pad, but now it was a cold corpse.

If it weren't for the golden-crowned crane as a meat pad, even with a little increase in physical fitness brought by the imperial beast, falling from such a high altitude would be dead.

Covering his chest, Jing Mingyuan took a breath of cold air, but halfway through the inhalation, he was so painful that he had to stop.

"It's over." He was ashamed.

I was seriously injured, and I didn't have a beast master, how could I escape from those people's pursuit now.


If it wasn't for that person's ability to restrain the gold and silver face-smearing insect's natal skill, the same phase, if he kills the leader first, he may not necessarily lose.

But it's too late to say anything now.

A cloud of thin gray mist gathered in front of him.

A looming shadow appeared.

Jing Mingyuan was puzzled.

Before he could react, the deadly gray fog invaded his brain.

The endless cycle of nightmares.

Jingming is willing to roll his eyes.

Grab the soil on the side with both hands, and pick up a piece of grass root.

The body trembled uncontrollably.

Wounds were born out of thin air on the surface of the body.

Fatal Wound A deep gash in the throat.

Blood gushed out like a fountain.

In a daze, Jing Mingyuan muttered vaguely to himself: "Nightmare... Nightmare... I am waiting for you in the Kingdom of Nightmare..."


"It's too late, I've already been silenced." Mei Lanshan looked expressionlessly at Jing Mingyuan's tortured corpse at his feet.

It's like a horrible old rag doll with wounds all over its body.

The blood in the body was almost drained.

Pale complexion.

The face is hideous.

"Dead." Mei Languang kicked Jing Mingyuan's body over, and the grass under him had already been stained red with blood.

"Sister Yu, can you find the person or beast that came here just now?"

Mei Languang asked.

"Can't find it."

The old woman who had been silent all this time spoke, but her voice was clear and sweet.

A solitary eye poked out of her loose cloak.

Behind the eyes is a slender tail.

The tail is pure black and smooth, like the tail of a tadpole.

A faint golden light glowed on the surface of the eyeballs.

In the void, a tiny paw print quietly dispersed like smoke.

Like ashes blown by a gust of wind.

Meilanshan looked at the city on the horizon in the distance, his eyes fixed.

On the horizon in the distance, a city stands.


"He's not at home?" Mei Lanshan asked

Standing far away in the community.

They learned through some channels that Bai Ye was not at home and had been staying in school.

Came to the place where Bai Ye lived, in the community, looking at the distant windows.

There's something... weird about this building.

"This building feels like a living thing to me." Mei Lanshan hesitated.

He raised his head and frowned, looking at the darkened window.

For some reason, there was a feeling of palpitation in my heart.

Perhaps it was because of the matter of respecting the vows that he, who was originally a little arrogant, became more cautious.

Entering the city, I wanted to directly arrest Bai Ye for torture and then kill him and throw him into the sewer, but Bai Ye happened to be staying at the school for a few days.

Mei Lanshan frowned.

Going back to school again, it is evening self-study now, far away, deep in the campus, there seems to be a dark red phantom floating above the school.

Staring at them from a distance.

Mei Lanshan cupped his fists at the phantom, and the two sides remained silent.

"He's a master." Mei Lanshan said after leaving.

"How tall?"

"This city is the tallest I've seen so far." Mei Lanshan shook his head, and the two people behind him knew it well.

That master in this school, Mei Lanshan thinks that the three of them together don't have the confidence to beat him.

The three of them temporarily gave up targeting Bai Ye, and went to the city to investigate the cause of Mei Quanhe's death.

It really made them investigate something. A false identity used by Mei Quanhe was reported in the Mei family.

Not long ago, I opened a house in Base City No. 36.

The investigation circled and came back.

Looking at the building in front of me, I didn't want to go in, but I didn't expect that it was still in this building.

It seems that I have to take a trip. Now that things have happened, I am a little unwilling to go back.

"Let's go in separately." Mei Lanshan pondered, worried that there might be a trap or an ambush.

"Enter together." Mei Lanyu said.

"Separation is easy to be broken one by one. If the opponent really has the strength to directly defeat us, why use borrowed swords to kill people? Only when the strength is insufficient will they use tricks."

Mei Lanshan and Mei Languang felt that what Mei Lanyu said made sense.

Although there are extremely rare cases, some people are obviously strong but overly cautious.

I just love tricks.

But such people are in the minority after all.

The three looked at each other and communicated with each other.

Then go through the window and enter the room on the first floor.

Indeed, some daily necessities of Meiquanhe were found in the house.

Nothing else.

"How about it?"

"not found."

"She came here in the first place to guard that kid, but she suddenly left for the suburbs in the middle of the night..." Mei Lanshan frowned.

"It doesn't look like being forced, then she went there on her own initiative, unless there is something she thinks is valuable." Mei Lanshan guessed.

"Could it be that kid?" Mei Languang looked up at the ceiling.

"I checked that he didn't go out of the city that night, and he is not strong enough to reach the silver level, even if he wants to go out of the city."

"That shouldn't be him."

As for whether it is an illusion.

After thinking about it, they thought it was impossible.

Because from the residential area to the suburbs, how far is the range of illusion spells, at least it is possible to be a beast of the illusion department above the platinum level.

The probe is stuck.

"I have a solution. Since he is a student now, we can't force his way in. We can't use secret means, so why don't we use open means."

"You're right..." Mei Languang laughed.

It's true that there are too many secret methods used, and they forget the obvious methods.

In the past, the opponents who confronted them were all at the same level, so the official means were naturally useless.

Mei Lanshan began to contact some contacts in the clan.

For a time, the undercurrent was surging.

"How is your news distribution channel going?" Bai Ye asked the Nightmare Lord.

"It has already begun to spread. The first batch of 3,000 seeds tonight are all potential customers I have observed." The Nightmare Lord said.

"Whether it will be successful depends on the results tonight." Bai Ye muttered to himself.

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