"How long have you been sealed?" Bai Ye asked.

"How do I know. There is no trace of time there. You may feel that a long time has passed inside, but you may not know for a moment outside. It is also possible that a moment has passed inside, but hundreds of millions of years have passed outside. "The Nightmare Lord said.

"If I can find some reference objects, I might know how long time has passed." It was rare for the Nightmare Lord not to be funny.

it looks out the window,

"I have found some clues to what you asked me to investigate."

"Then Meilan Mountain went to Gao Ming from the Education Department of our base city after resting for a few days, that's him." The Nightmare Lord spit out a cloud of black smoke.

An ink scene evolved in front of him, and the conversation between Mei Lanshan and Gao Ming that day was reproduced.

This is the Lord of Nightmare sneaking into Gao Ming's dream, luring and stimulating his memory to reproduce the scene of that day.

Now in front of Bai Ye, that scene has re-evolved.

"It turns out that I was just incidental." Bai Ye laughed dumbfoundedly.

"Besides that, there is one more thing I think you should know." The Nightmare Lord created another scene.

Bai Ye's expression ranged from astonishment to disbelief, to disappointment and anger, and finally returned to calm.

"Why is it him?" Bai Ye's tone was indescribably complicated.

"Baldy..." Before Bai Ye finished speaking, the Nightmare Lord lowered his head, and his two pointed horns were facing Bai Ye.

"I've grown horns! Tell me again that I'm bald, believe it or not, and I'll stab you to death."

"Okay, I don't need my help in condensing the cloud pattern." Bai Ye said.

"No, I know how to condense the divine patterns myself." The Nightmare Lord said.

"I only know that the moiré is condensed on the crystal nucleus. Is there any way to do it?" Bai Ye only knows that the cultivation process of the gold level is to condense the moiré. Many people say that the gold level is between beasts and monsters. The first big grade that widens the gap between them.

This level is important.

"It's the cloud pattern." The Nightmare Lord didn't understand why Bai Ye asked such a simple question, "You call it cloud pattern here, but some places also call it god pattern and spirit pattern, but the names are different."

"I mean what's the use of cloud patterns after they condense." Bai Ye said.

Nightmare Zhizhi opened his mouth, holding what looked like a beast pill on his tongue.

After giving Bai Ye a glance, he hid quickly.

Crystal nuclei are very important things for any monster and beast.

"The crystal nucleus stores most of the elemental power in our body. Condensing a moiré will increase part of the storage limit of the crystal nucleus, and it can also compress a little bit of the power of the element, refining the power of the element more purely. The more moiré there are , the more elemental power stored in the crystal nucleus, the purer the elemental power will be."

Only then did Bai Ye understand.

These things are not recorded in the books that can be seen normally.

The purer the power of the elements, the more powerful the same skill will be.

"I have just broken through now, and I haven't condensed the cloud patterns yet, so I have a gold one star. After I condense the first round of cloud patterns to the limit, I will be a gold two star. There are a total of nine rounds of condensation. After nine rounds, I will be a golden ten star."

"How many cloud patterns can you condense each round?" Bai Ye was curious.

The Nightmare Lord looked arrogantly at Bai Ye, "This is my little secret, how could I tell you casually."

"Say it quickly." Bai Ye lifted the Nightmare Lord's neck.

The raised Nightmare Lord fluttered his wings, "Unless you give me an hour of free time every day!"

"You give me an hour of free time every day, and I will answer whatever you ask me in the future."

Bai Ye was happy, and would bargain with himself.

"Yes, but if the situation is special, the free time for daily activities should be saved temporarily."

The Nightmare Lord smirked,

"No problem." He said stretching out a wing.

Bai Ye stretched out his free hand and patted it.

"The kind of iron waste with the worst qualifications can only condense one divine pattern in each round, while those with outstanding talents like me can condense 120 divine patterns in each round, and a total of 1080 divine patterns after nine rounds."

"..." Bai Ye was secretly surprised.

Although he guessed that the nightmare master's aptitude might be very good, he didn't expect it to be so exaggerated.

The worst kind of nine rounds is not as good as one-tenth of the bald man's round?

"Are you scared by Dad's talent?" The Nightmare Lord was very satisfied with the expression on Bai Ye's face.

"It's only 120 points. I think Xiaowei's talent should be higher than yours." Bai Ye calmly picked up the water glass and took a sip of water.

"Impossible! The golden level 1080 Dao divine pattern is already the extreme level, and there are at most as many stupid mirrors as me." The Nightmare Lord jumped.

Xiaowei heard someone speak ill of it, and it, which was lurking in the void and devouring space energy, teleported to the back of the Nightmare Lord's head, and the mirror slapped the bald man on the back of his head, making it stagger. "Nonsence!"

Then a teleport disappears again.

Although Xiaowei doesn't talk much, he has been paying attention to the Nightmare Lord.

Especially after the Nightmare Lord was summoned, the speed of progress every day was as fast as lightning, which made Xiaowei gradually have a stronger and stronger sense of crisis, and his status as the boss could not be guaranteed.

Therefore, he has hardly bothered Bai Ye recently, lurking in the void 24 hours a day to absorb space energy, just wanting to surpass the Nightmare Lord as soon as possible.

But Obsidian's ground surface space structure is stable, and there is very little free space energy. In terms of breakthrough speed, how can it compare with the Nightmare Lord who pulls wool every day.

"Who hit me!" The Nightmare Lord covered his head and looked around.

No murderer was seen, so the Nightmare Lord knew who it was.

In the void, the super-dimensional mirror shone with a strange light, and the super-dimensional space opened up, like an extremely huge fishing net spread in the void, filtering and absorbing all passing space elements.

Who else could have this elusive ability but a broken mirror that is good at space ability.

"How many moiré patterns are condensed in each level of the general royal beast?" Bai Ye asked.

"Which kind is ordinary?" The Nightmare Lord pondered, and then thought of a certain silly bird. The ordinary one that the master said probably refers to this kind.

"Generally, it should be around the twelve divine patterns."

"That's also one tenth of yours." Bai Ye understood.

"The power absorbed in this city now allows me to condense three divine patterns every day, and it will take a whole year to break through to platinum." The Nightmare Lord said, "Master, when are we going to other cities?" Go shopping."

"Don't worry, and it doesn't necessarily mean that other base cities are the flock." Bai Ye meant a lot. "sleep early."


the next day.

after class.

"Bai Ye, the teacher won you a chance." Fang Hai said earnestly.

"This opportunity is very important. As long as you pass, your qualifications will be recognized by the Education Department, and this year's Education Department scholarship will also belong to you." Fang Hai grabbed Bai Ye's hand with sincere eyes.

"The Education Department has issued a notice to prepare for the joint city-wide examination immediately. The examination location is in the forest in the eastern suburbs." Fang Hai said. "As long as you can get a good rank in this exam, all doubts will be solved by themselves."

"Teacher Fang really wants me to go?" Bai Ye asked.

Fang Hai was taken aback, then smiled and said, "This opportunity is rare, and I don't want you to miss it."

"Yes, it's a rare opportunity, so I'll go." Bai Ye smiled.

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