My Tamed Beasts Are a Little Strong

Chapter 54 Curse of Nightmare, Killing People Outside 0 Miles

"This joint exam is a rare opportunity. If you want to go to the forest to explore, generally speaking, you have to become a silver-level imperial envoy. The Education Department mainly believes that you can't always talk about it on paper. It is necessary for you to experience real wild monsters. It can be regarded as training you in advance." Fang Hai stood up from his seat and walked in the aisle, clapping his hands loudly, all the students in the car quieted down and focused on him.

"Teacher Fang, we have already been to the wild."

"I went to the forest with my dad during the summer vacation this year. I don't think it's as dangerous as you said, teacher."

Several boys in the car yelled loudly, showing off loudly.

Fang Hai shook his head with a smile. He was not angry when he was told back. Instead, he waited for the boys to quiet down before speaking, "Do you think that you have really gone to the wild after exploring the wild? It's wild."

"I know that some of my classmates have been out of the city, but the wilderness also depends on the situation. Some forests have been cleared and are not dangerous, and some forests have maintained their original wildness."

"You should go to a monster gathering area in the suburbs like Heishiyan. The monsters that exceed the specifications have basically been cleaned up. The remaining monsters cannot pose a threat to you. It is an entertainment area for you to experience underage. The real wilderness is far more dangerous than that."

"Of course, the Wild Bat Forest we went to this time is also a safe area similar to Heishiyan. Now you go to the real wilderness and you will only be eaten to the bone. There will be no monsters that exceed your limit in the Wild Bat Forest. , the highest level of monsters is only silver level, although there is a certain risk for you, but as long as you are careful, there will be no major accidents."

Bai Ye heard that there will be no major accidents, which means that there may still be accidents.

Everyone signed a letter of commitment before coming.

If you encounter any danger in the specified area of ​​the Wild Bat Forest, you must be safe and confident.

Of course, you can refuse to sign the contract, but the result is that the result of this assessment is zero, which will always be recorded in the file, and if you want to work in the federal government in the future, it will be affected.


Fang Hai sat down again, with a gentle and charming smile on his face, and the phone in his arms vibrated.

He took out his phone from his pocket and opened it at will.

Fang Hai deleted the message after reading it, and then put the phone back into his pocket naturally.

After arriving at the destination, Hai clapped his hands, and then issued the rules.

All students carry alarms on their bodies.

If you press the alarm when you are out of combat or want to quit the game, the nearest rescuers will come as soon as possible.

The area of ​​the test site is the forest in front of you, and you cannot leave the test area during the test.

The scope of the test is easy to observe. There will be road markers and a layer of barbed wire at the border of this forest.

Bai Ye looked around. The place where they got off was a square, which should be specially used for parking. There were more than 30 school buses parked in the parking spaces in this square, and school buses came from time to time on the road behind.

A stone monument stands next to the entrance to the forest on the opposite side of the square.

"Wild Bat Forest"

A large number of students got off the school bus, and the originally deserted square soon became lively.

Fang Hai went to the Education Department to get the alarms, and then distributed the alarms and material packages to the students in the class.

Bai Ye took over the transparent light yellow square alarm with a red button in the middle. Since this alarm can be activated for positioning, it must also be able to be passively located, so it is not too much to say that it is a tracker, right?

Bai Ye squinted one eye, picked up the alarm and looked at the sky through the light to observe the structure inside.

Someone on the side opened the zipper of the supply bag and took out four bottles of water and four cans from it.

"The exam takes a whole day. You will spend the night in the forest. There is a death rate for this exam. As long as it does not exceed 5% of the total number of people, it is a passing standard." Fang Hai said,

"You are all students of the No. 1 Middle School. You were the best among your peers before entering school. I don't want you to be among the five percent."

"The target of your assessment is the monster. There are no restrictions on the methods of hunting monsters, but you can only use your own beasts. After hunting the monsters, you can strip the obvious organs of the prey as proof. It can be ears, tails, or hearts. But be careful, monsters of the same type can only use the same organ as proof."

Fang Hai also carefully explained some precautions, such as how to choose a rest place in the wild, try not to drink unboiled water in the wild and other common sense of wilderness adventure.

Most students understand it, but there are still a few who don't know it.

After the explanation, people in the square have already entered the forest one after another.

The time to enter the forest is between ten and eleven in the morning.

The departure time is ten o'clock tomorrow morning.

Getting in an hour earlier has the advantage of getting in early.

Going in later is of course safer in theory.

After entering the forest, Bai Ye found many people and classmates, so they found a nearby place to prepare a shelter for the night.

These are people who just want to get through the day, and their goal is not to score high.

I just came to take this exam, and then randomly found two black iron-level monsters in the forest near the entrance and killed them as a result.

There are many people who have this idea, and not all of them have enough ambition to support them to become high-level envoys.

Most of the ordinary people make up the cornerstone of the federation.

Entering the forest, the Nightmare Lord quietly spread the Nightmare World over the nearby area.

In the eyes of outsiders, the position and direction of Bai Ye they see is completely different from the real Bai Ye.

After the Nightmare Lord had finished setting it up, Bai Ye found a Qingshi and sat down.

"Any news?" Bai Ye asked.

"Those people don't seem to be planning to attack you for the time being." The Nightmare Lord waved his hand.

The dialogue between Mei Lanshan and Dong Shentong resumed.

Bai Ye fell into silence after watching.

Mom and Dad...

He didn't know much about them since he was a child.

I just vaguely know that they are different from other parents.

They left saying they would come back before they were adults.

At that time, I was still young, so I cried and refused to let them go.

"Huh..." He let out a breath.

Being able to keep a blue sky chasing sun eagle with colorful qualifications for themselves, perhaps their identities are really not simple.

To say that I might have dreamed about it before.

But since getting the Ultra-Dimensional Mirror and Nightmare Lord.

It seems that he lost his goal and became very salty, just passively becoming stronger.

"That's not okay, let's just forget about it if they don't do anything to me?" Bai Ye sneered.

"You've been bragging about how powerful you are, so let me see the power of your nightmare curse." Bai Ye looked at the Nightmare Lord.

"The goal is to..."

Bai Ye originally wanted to take revenge on Director Gao.

But after thinking about it, wouldn't it be a direct exposure of himself if Director Gao took revenge together.

"Let's take that Mei Lanyu first," Bai Ye said.

It seems that Mount Meilan has an imperial skill that diverts damage, and the imperial envoy's spiritual power can be awakened when it reaches the platinum level.

There are various types of royal skills, and they are generally life-saving.



The sky gradually dimmed.

The base city is brightly lit.

Mei Lanyu, Mei Lanshan, and Mei Languang lived on the top floor of the largest Haochi Hotel in the center of the base, from where they could overlook the bustling night view of the city center.

The three of them each opened a luxurious single room.

Mei Lanyu is sixty-four this year, and her mental strength is only ten golden stars.

For ordinary people, being able to achieve this achievement at this age is of course considered outstanding, but in a big family like the Mei family with resources to support, at her age, she only has this level of mental strength, so it can only be said to be quite satisfactory.

He began to meditate at the age of five, broke through to one star of bronze at the age of ten, one star of silver at the age of eighteen, one star of gold at the age of twenty-eight, and this year is exactly ten stars of gold at sixty-four.

On the contrary, her beast master has already broken through to platinum.

In a sense, her talent in beast control is much better than hers.

At this stage, she should have retreated and recuperated in the family to break through the platinum-level spiritual power.

But something big happened.

Meiquanhe died.

Mei Quanhe's mother is her own sister, so Mei Quanhe should call her aunt.

Mei Quanhe's mother died early, and died in an operation shortly after giving birth.

On weekdays, Mei Lanyu occasionally takes care of Mei Quanhe.

It's just that Mei Quanhe has a rebellious personality because he lost his mother since he was a child, and even betrayed his family because of emotional matters when he was an adult.

It was Mei Lanyu who moved a lot, which saved her family from holding her accountable.

Mei Quanhe occasionally asks someone to send some gifts to Mei Lanyu to express his affection during the festivals.

It's just that he didn't expect that Meiquanhe died like this, and he couldn't even find a complete body.

Mei Lanyu has no children and no daughters, and she also has a special affection for Meiquanhe, otherwise she would not have made much fuss about Meiquanhe's rebellion.

When she died, Mei Lanyu deliberately put down what she was doing and came here.

"Brother Shan still has too many worries." Mei Lanyu looked gloomy.

What parenthood background is not simple, so much is not a bastard whose parents are not around.

You can't do it on the surface, but you can't do it in the dark.

If you kill them, you will kill them. As long as you don't reveal your identity, who knows that they did it.

Wait for the turmoil in these two days to pass, and find a chance to solve him.

Mei Lanyu sneered.

Sitting cross-legged on the ground covered with thick cashmere carpet, Mei Lanyu closed her eyes and meditated.

jingle bell~

A gust of wind blew outside the window, and the wind chimes hanging on the balcony jingled.

A black mist drifted in from a distance, passed through the glass, and sank straight into the Meilanyu Tianling Gai.

A black diamond-shaped imprint resembling a ghost appeared on Mei Lanyu's forehead.


Mei Lanyu slowly opened her eyes.

It was dawn outside the window.

"the time passes so fast."

I felt like I meditated for a while, and it turned out that it was already dawn.

Boom boom boom.

Then there was a knock on the door.

Mei Lanyu stood up and opened the door.

"Go down and have breakfast." Mei Lanshan said.

Mei Languang stood beside him.

Mei Lanyu nodded, and the three of them were going to have dinner at the restaurant on the second floor.

When they came to the second floor, the three of them took their breakfasts, and then found a seat by the window to sit down.

The location has excellent lighting.

Mei Lanyu took a sip of sweet soy milk.

He took another piece of snack and swallowed it.

A few minutes passed, and Mei Lanyu's complexion suddenly changed drastically.

Abdominal cramps were incomparable, and bean-sized beads of sweat appeared on his forehead.


Mei Lanyu was shocked and furious.

He wanted to take out the medicine bottle containing the detoxification pill from his arms.

But it was empty.

"Do you have the detoxification pill?" Mei Lanyu hurriedly said to Mei Lanshan and the two.

The faces of Mei Languang and Mei Lanshan on the opposite side also changed drastically, and they searched all over their bodies but couldn't find them.

"Damn it! I want you to be buried with me!" Mei Lanyu's eyes were red, and she frantically summoned her imperial beast.

"Evil Shadow, come out!"

Under Mei Lanyu's feet, a black shadow sprang out from her shadow.

"Wait, I found it." Mei Lanshan's voice came from beside her. Mei Lanyu turned her head, a sharp dagger pierced her throat, and a splash of blood splashed out. Mei Lanyu opened her eyes wide. Looking at Meilan Mountain in disbelief.

At the junction of the knife edge and the throat, traces of blood bubbled out.

Mei Lanshan's expression was grim, and he pulled the dagger horizontally.

The throat was torn, and blood gushed out.

" are not Mei Lanshan." Mei Lanyu could not make a human voice, only a hoarse voice.

The surrounding pictures collapsed and rotated, the building collapsed like a house, and a large number of huge boulders on the walls of the house were squeezed by external forces, pressing against Mei Lanyu in the center. Mei Lanyu could only watch this scene in despair.

She was not reconciled, her dignified envoy of the Mei family died here.


In the real world, in the luxury single room of the hotel, Mei Lanyu sat cross-legged with her eyes closed.

Suddenly, a figure emerged from the shadow under her feet. This figure was about two meters high, completely black, with two sharp curved blades on the elbows of both arms, and the long and narrow ears flying backwards like two ribbons on the top of the head.

Xie Ying looked around suspiciously. It seemed to hear its master calling it to come out just now, but after coming out, it didn't find the enemy, and the master was also meditating.

Mei Lanyu's throat suddenly slit open out of thin air, as if her throat had been torn apart by an invisible dagger.

Blood spurted out.

Xie Ying was furious.

The violent momentum bloomed, and the soft wall lamp by the bed flickered violently.

Countless shadows scurry from under its feet in all directions, occupying every corner of the room.

Xie Ying was furious, but he couldn't find where the invisible enemy was hiding.

Ka Ka Ka——

The walls came off with a rattling sound.

Every shadow connected to its body is like a sledgehammer hitting the wall and rumbling.

In the next room, Mei Lanshan noticed a strange noise in the next room, and hurried over.

But the door was locked and could not be opened, so Mei Lanshan summoned the Peach Blossom Immortal without hesitation.

boom! ~

The ceiling of the hallway is burst, and huge tree branches run through the walls and the top floor.

Lush peach blossoms bloom in the dark.

The movement here shocked the passers-by downstairs of the hotel to exclaim.

Two thick branches tore through the gate, and Mei Lanshan strode into it.

Xieying recognized Mei Lanshan and knew that he was a relative of the owner, so he didn't attack him for the time being.

"Ah!" Mei Lanyu, who had her eyes closed, suddenly let out a scream.

Blood spattered on his chest, and his forehead split open out of thin air, as if hit by some heavy object.

The bones in the body creaked unbearably.

The whole person was crazily squeezed by the external force, his head sank into his chest, his limbs twisted and contracted irregularly, the white bones pierced through the surface of the skin, and quickly snapped off, blood spattered wildly and sprayed everywhere on the walls and ceilings.

It also splashed on Mei Lanshan and Mei Languang.

It was clearly still early autumn, but the two of them had cold hands and feet. This death was too tragic.

No idea who the enemy is.

In front of them, Mei Lanyu was crushed into a ball of meat.

Mei Lanshan trembled all over.

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