"Mad bat." Bai Ye looked at the four monsters attacking him in groups.

With a wingspan of more than two meters, there is a layer of gray-green fluff on the broad bat wings.

Sharp teeth, dark green eyes.

Stocky thick thigh muscles are strong and powerful.

This is the wild wild bat, a unique monster in the wild bat forest.

A monster that likes to live in groups and hunt in groups.

It is also the origin of the name of this forest.

Because there are too many forests and terrains in the wild, some awkward and complicated names are not conducive to remembering, so most of the place names later are related to the most famous monsters in the forest.

Such as Mad Bat Forest, Red Ape River, White Banner Consumption Plain, etc.

These wild wild bats opened their sharp fangs and spit out sharp infrasonic waves.

Wandering back and forth, repeated in the woods.

Bai Ye's ears were noisy, and he felt the noise, and goose bumps appeared all over his body.

These mental attacks had no effect on him.

Because his mental power is stable, the gold-level mental power may not seem obvious, but it has many obvious benefits.

This kind of noise has almost no effect on his brain, but the constant noise is like four brats scratching the blackboard with their fingernails and nailing the foam board.

The star falling dragonfly was even more uncomfortable.

"I'm still suffering from gold-level mental strength. If those students met, their eardrums would be worn out." Bai Ye mourned for the other students.

I was just disgusted, and the others were dying.

Starfall Dragonfly spit out eight dreamy bubbles.

The dreamy water bubbles slowly flew towards the three bats in the distance.

The three bats knew the power of the dream bubble, so they didn't dare to catch it, so they spun around to avoid it.

But as soon as they avoided it, the three wind blades from behind precisely hit their chests.

This time the wind blade directly tore the thick fur on their chests and penetrated deep into their internal organs.

These three mad bats are only at the Bronze level, and the wind blade directly caused inexplicable injuries to them.

After being hit hard, the three mad bats wanted to escape.

The star falls and the dragonfly catches up.

The surface of the wings has a cold and hard color.

"Steel Wings."

The star falls and the dragonfly flies by, its wings are like chopping knives.

The bodies of the three wild bats were divided into six parts.

Bai Ye stepped forward and cut off the left ears of the three wild bats.

"Keep searching." Bai Ye straightened up and put the left ears of the three wild bats into the bag.


The night passed, and as the time arrived, the students came out of the forest one after another.

"According to the time, it should be coming out soon." Fang Hai glanced down at his watch, and then looked at the entrance.

Not long ago, I received a text message saying that the operation is temporarily cancelled.

Fang Hai naturally has everything he can do.

Just being involved in this thing is deep in the mud.

Even if you pull it out, the trousers are still covered with mud.

"Is Director Gao out of his mind?" Fang Hai's eyes dimmed.

It would have been fine if Bai Ye had been dealt with directly, but now that he suddenly gave up, and he was involved in this matter again, everyone took off their pants, how could you suddenly become a gentleman.

There is a villain in his heart, grabbing Director Gao by the collar, slapping him frantically, and shouting at the same time: "Are you sick! Are you sick! If you fucking want to cheat me, just go straight!" explain."

Then he is now in a dilemma.

I am afraid that the position of grade director who promised me is probably too yellow.

If I had known earlier, I would not have been obsessed with greed.

After rubbing his face, Fang Hai cheered up, and put on a friendly smile on his face again.


The students who came out of the forest went to the statistics office one after another to grade their monster hunting results.

Muddy trouser legs, mud spots and leaves on the outside of the raincoat, messy black hair covering the eyebrows, and a tired face.

He stayed up all night in the wild for hunting.

"Three tokens of bronze-level monsters, and five tokens of black-iron-level monsters." The teachers in the statistics office are arranged in a row of desks, and there is a teacher behind each desk.

The teacher behind the desk wears thick glasses.

Hold up the mirror frame.

Bai Ye took off the backpack from his shoulder.

Unzip the zipper and shake it upside down.


Everything with a bloody smell fell on the table.

"It's a bit much." The teacher glanced at Bai Ye in surprise.

The objects that Bai Ye poured out caused commotion among the surrounding students, so many tokens could not be found in the outskirts of the forest.

Because there are too many tourists and students in the suburbs, and the monsters are not fools, they basically hide in the distance or deep in the forest.

So if you want so much harvest, you can only go deep into the forest.

"Fuck, with so many tokens, he must have gone deep into the forest."

"Nonsense, so many loot, how can you find them if you don't go deep."

"Brute man, there are silver-level monsters in the depths of the forest."

"Some powerful academic masters have silver-ranked monsters when they first enter school."

The number of monsters in the area near the forest entrance is relatively small, and the level is generally relatively low.

It is naturally safer, so most of the students will stay overnight in the forest near the entrance.

This is not a college entrance examination, nor is it a decisive exam. It is just an unimportant trial exam. It is enough to come out to gather ideas.

Really go to the depths of the forest where silver-ranked monsters exist... If something happens, it will be your own life.

If the imperial beast suffers any fatal injury or becomes disabled, it is also a very serious injury.

Can affect growth and development.

Many people's beast masters were cultivated from childhood.

If the training dies halfway, it will be a big thunderbolt to many people.

"That seems to be from the class next to us." The two girls next to each other at the back of the queue on the left whispered.

"I heard that he doesn't talk much, and he always goes to the meditation room alone after school."

"Sixteen iron-level tokens, twelve bronze-level tokens, and four silver-level tokens." The teacher counted them all before announcing them publicly.

Behind the teacher crawled a pure white wolfhound squatting with its legs together, a head taller than a human.

The teacher with thick eye sockets praised Bai Ye after putting his grades in the record book, "Not bad, you performed very well."

He has counted more than 300 students today, and Bai Ye is the first student to have a silver token.

His beast kamikaze can familiarize and distinguish a million different smells in a short time.

All of Bai Ye's tokens come from different monsters.

There is no overlap with other people's keepsake scents.

So as long as there is no overlap with the tokens of other students after the test, it can be proved that he hunted and killed the monsters independently, and the results will take effect.

If there is a repeating smell, it means that two students have collected two pieces of material on the same body part at the same time.

At this time, it is necessary to use some special methods to prove the authenticity.

For example, using some special monster lie detectors, for example, some students will take pictures of the monster corpses after hunting and keep them.

If it is proved to be a lie, the consequences will be very serious, ranging from repeating a grade warning to losing student status and never being admitted.

So generally speaking, no students would lie so boldly.

When the surrounding students heard that there were four silver-level tokens among Bai Ye's tokens, their eyes widened.

In addition to envy can only envy.

To be able to kill silver-level monsters with lightning, there must be a silver-level beast master, and the level is not low.

The parents of many students present did not have a silver-level beast master, and the silver-level means that they can already get admission tickets for the middle class in the Obsidian Federation.

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