My Tamed Beasts Are a Little Strong

Chapter 64 Mirror Spirit Form

"My beast master is a bit strong ()"

Forget it, let's meditate first.

Wait until the meditation is over.

Bai Ye went to bed and meditated cross-legged.

Six star rings are circling in my mind.

It was as if the six black holes absorbed the free spirit particles in the surrounding air.

The sixth star ring was gradually becoming complete, and finally, at the moment when the sixth star ring was complete, a certain mechanism was triggered.

Each of the six star rings in the sea of ​​consciousness splits into a part,

The split parts reunited in the sea of ​​consciousness, trying to condense a new star ring.

Every time it fails, the condensed new star ring will be smaller.

Time passed slowly.

Finally, after twenty-eight failures, Zhihai finally succeeded in constructing the seventh star ring.

The seventh star ring is only about a third of the volume of the other six star rings. Although it is small, it is as stable as the other six star rings.

Mental power breaks through again.

The level of spiritual power has also naturally entered the golden six-star.

A warm current flowed through my mind, my eyes were clear, and my five senses were clear.

Vaguely, Bai Ye seemed to see colorful light spots floating in the void.

But it only lasted for an instant and the feeling disappeared.

There was a emptiness in Bai Ye's heart, followed by regret.

A bird that has seen the sky misses the thrill of flying when it returns to its cage.

The element I just saw?

Bai Ye quickly calmed down and guessed from the bottom of his heart.

Although humans cannot learn skills like beast masters, they can innately awaken master skills.

Some scholars believe that imperial skills are the natural skills of human beings.

But some scholars hold opposing views.

They believe that there are all kinds of imperial skills, and there are more than 100,000 recorded imperial skills alone.

What kind of race has so many natal talents.

Even the most known and recorded beast possesses only six natal innate skills.

There will always be some abnormal recruitment before the awakening of human beings.

And the minimum requirement for the Awakening Messenger Skill is Platinum-level mental power.

But before the spiritual power breaks through to the platinum level, there will be some special premonitions.

After the imperial envoy breaks through the platinum level, the awakened envoy skills often have a certain relationship with the premonition signs produced at the golden stage.

Now that I'm only a gold six star, do I have any signs of awakening the imperial skill?

Bai Ye opened his eyes and praised himself for being awesome.

However, I have to say that the meditation method that my father passed on to me is amazing.

There is no need to work hard on your own when you break through, and there is no saying that other people are bottlenecks.

On weekdays, the classmate chatted, although Bai Ye didn't deliberately pay attention to it, but he listened to it a lot.

Many people are complaining that it is too difficult to achieve a spiritual breakthrough through meditation.

It's just embarrassing them.

Breaking through the small bottleneck every time is extremely difficult. The bottleneck is a real thing, like a special layer of tough film. Mental power is like a gas, which keeps accumulating every time until the gas accumulates to a certain point. , to break through the bottleneck in one go.

Which breakthrough was not about wanting to die, begging grandpa to tell grandma, burning incense and praying.

But Bai Ye felt that his meditation didn't seem so difficult, just like an embroidery needle.

With a light stab, the bottleneck has no resistance.

Every breakthrough by myself is a matter of course.

You only need to practice step by step, and you will be promoted automatically after you complete it. Only when you break through the big level will you be a little bit embarrassed, and you will delay it for three to five days if you want to refuse.

"There is still half a year left for the gold six stars. If you work hard, the gold ten stars should be fine. The platinum level meditation practice depends on luck, but if I can awaken the platinum level spiritual power before the school exam, it should be very helpful for my exam. Great help, some imperial skills are just like summoner skills, they can play a decisive role at critical moments." Bai Ye thought.

But for some reason, Bai Ye always felt like he had overlooked something.


Two days passed.

After talking on the phone with his sister again, Bai Ye suddenly remembered that he was planning to meditate the day before yesterday and finished thinking about going to the main city of Hei Yao.

Bai Ye, Bai Ye,

You can forget such an important thing.

It really makes me look down on you.

Bai Ye scolded himself in his heart.

Then take out your mobile phone to book a ticket, and buy it directly after confirming that there is a ticket tomorrow.

Come on a walk-and-go trip.

"Baldy, I'll take Xiaowei and Shadiao out tomorrow, and you stay here." Bai Ye said to the Nightmare Lord.

Although the Nightmare Lord was not in the room, Bai Ye knew that it would definitely be able to hear it.


A cold snort came from somewhere.

The Nightmare Lord turned his head away and waved his wings.

"Don't die outside, or I will suffer too, cheapskate, you have to protect him, or don't blame me for looking down on you."

The Nightmare Lord said to the sky.

There are fluctuations in space.

A space rift as thin as a hair and only as long as a palm appeared out of thin air where the Nightmare Lord was fighting, almost without any fluctuations.

The Nightmare Lord had been prepared for a long time, and disappeared directly into a cloud of green smoke.

Nightmare World, the Nightmare Lord muttered to himself, with a smug expression on his face, "Hmph, I've expected you to sneak up on me, brat."

After the Nightmare Lord disappeared, Xiao Wei appeared in front of Bai Ye.

"I'm not a cheapskate." Xiaowei said arrogantly. "I'm the most generous. You see, I came here before Baldy. I don't mind it looking for you every day."

Xiaowei bites the word "will come first" very hard.

"Oh? Really, I can't remember who came first." Bai Ye teased it.

A certain mirror is in a hurry.

"I really came first!"

Jumping up is a beat.

"Hahaha, I'm so stupid, a gentleman doesn't move his hands or speak." Bai Ye covered his head and jumped onto the bed to hide under the quilt.

It really hurts to take pictures with this small mirror.

With a flash, Xiao Wei pierced through the quilt and directly stuck to Bai Ye's chest.

He said viciously: "Tell me quickly, did I come first!"

After playing around, Xiaowei jumped up and down on the table, ready to continue to capture space elements above the clouds.

It now has a gold four-star level and has condensed four hundred and eighty divine patterns.

It is the same as the Nightmare Lord, starting from the gold one star, every time it breaks through a small level, it needs to gather 120 divine patterns.

"I'm not going today, I'm leaving tomorrow. I'm tired from the journey, so chat with me for a while." Bai Ye held Xiaowei like holding an ipad-pro-2022-max.

"Bai Ye, why do I have no memories of the past?" Xiao Wei landed on the desk in front of Bai Ye, leaning on the desk lamp and looking at the sky.

"Maybe you chose to forget it yourself." Bai Ye said casually, how did he know.

"The bald man always says I'm a fool, and laughs at me every time I don't have the memory of the past." Xiao Wei was indignant.

"Do you really want to remember?" Bai Ye asked.

Xiaowei froze, then shook his head, "I don't know, but the bald man can remember it, so why can't I remember it!"

It turned out to be unconvinced.

Bai Ye laughed.

It really is a child's temper.

"Maybe you will remember it when you become stronger in the future." Bai Ye comforted it and drew a big cake for it.

"Really?" Xiao Wei was elated.

"Of course it's true." Bai Ye said from the bottom of his heart, it's always written like this in novels.

Xiaowei was happy for a long time, and the mirror streamer flashed.

"Bai Ye, I also want to play outside with you every day." Xiao Wei said.

"Don't you want to practice, but you can rest if you feel tired, just practice less for a while every day." Bai Ye said.

"You don't have to." Xiaowei chuckled, and then yelled.

A white arm protrudes from the left side of the mirror.

A white arm protrudes from the right side of the mirror.

A fluffy left foot stepped out from under the mirror.

But because of the unstable center of gravity, he fell to the table with a thud.

The mirror shook violently on the table, and after a while, the right foot finally kicked out.

The colored mirrors are convex.

A small face came alive in the mirror.


A fluffy cat's head pokes out of the mirror.

Amber eyes stared straight at Bai Ye.

With a leap, it turned into a ray of white light and landed on Bai Ye's chest.

His chest sank, Bai Ye quickly caught it,

He stared dumbfounded at the pure white fluffy cat in his arms.

"Aren't you a beast?"

"Yes, I'm in the form of a mirror spirit now, and I can follow you anytime after I transform into a mirror spirit." Xiaowei's tomboy-like voice came from the cat's mouth.

"I can still control the main body in this form, so don't worry, your safety will depend on me in the future!"

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