"This is your breakfast today. The situation is special recently, and the food in the city is tight." The staff member said outside the door after knocking on the door.

"Understood." Bai Ye took the lunch box.

Food and lodging are provided for free by others, without charging a penny, so what else can I say.

Interesting enough.

"If there are royal beasts that need food, they need to apply. Now the food and resources in the whole city need to be controlled." The staff said.


After closing the door, Bai Ye opened the lunch box.

Below is rice, with a thin layer of twice-cooked pork on top.

The smell of twice-cooked pork is a bit strange.

Bai Ye smelled it and put down the lunch box.

Fortunately, Xiaowei was brought along.

In Xiaowei's ultra-dimensional space, there are daily canned food reserves.

There was a faint sound of arguing in the next room outside the corridor.

"I'm leaving! Is this something people eat?"

"Sir, food is limited now, and we also eat this."

"If I give you the money, can I buy it?"

"It's not a matter of money. Now all food in the base city must be distributed uniformly."

Bai Ye took out a can of fruit and a box of braised beef-flavored self-heating rice from Xiaowei's space.

"Senior, do you eat?" Bai Ye asked Xianbrowed Ape.

Xianbrowed Ape stared at the canned fruit in Bai Ye's hand.

"The old man only eats fruit and doesn't like meat."

Bai Ye handed another bottle of canned fruit to the old ape.

The old ape took the can with a smile.

Give it a little shake.

Open your mouth, crunch~

It mixed the glass bottle with the canned food and juice inside and ate it.

The sound of teeth rubbing against glass was particularly harsh.

The strange thing is that after being shaken by it, the juice in the broken glass bottle of the fruit can seems to have solidified, like jelly.

Bai Ye looked out the window, and the wind and sea were still calm outside the window.

But since the last time he saw the situation outside through the Xianbrowed Ape, Bai Ye had a little shadow in his heart.

Even though he couldn't see it, he knew that the seemingly empty streets outside were full of transparent black lines.

Sighing, he couldn't solve these things either.

I can only try to save my life.

No matter how weird this thing is, it is impossible to penetrate into the super-dimensional space.

"Bai Ye, Bai Ye." Seeing Bai Ye in a daze, Xiao Wei called out twice.

But at the moment Bai Ye was preoccupied, and Xiaowei's voice was so quiet that he ignored it for a while.

Xiao Wei jumped onto the table, glanced back at Bai Ye, stretched out his paw and gently hooked the cup on the table.

The cup moves a little distance.

Turn around and look at Bai Ye again.

Bai Ye still ignored it.

Xiaowei's mouth became more crooked.

Go back and continue poking the cup with your paw.

The cup gradually approached the edge and was precarious.

"Hey, it's a pity that the bald man is not around. Otherwise, I don't know how much I can sell the news of the source of the plague." Bai Ye shook his head disappointed.

Xiaowei slapped his paw and heard Bai Ye not only ignoring it, but also talking about the bald man.

With a decisive wave of paws.

The last camel that broke the straw.


The cup fell to the ground.

Fortunately, a layer of blankets was laid on the ground without breaking.

"Huh?" Bai Ye turned around and saw Xiao Wei looking at him innocently.


"Let's play games for a while." Bai Ye took out the tablet from the suitcase, and downloaded a software.

Because there are many beasts, some games are dedicated to beasts.

For example, a fish-catching game specially created for cats and beasts.

Although Xiaowei's body is a mirror, but his hands are so cheap, Bai Ye believes that it must be inseparable from the cat.

"Play by yourself for a while!"

Throw the phone to Xiaowei.

Xiaowei took the phone.

Tilting his head and staring at the water surface on the screen, the fish under the water surface are big and small, looming.

After staring at it for a while, I stretched out the paw pad and pressed it.


The water surface on the screen rippled vividly, and the fish were startled to swim away.

Xiaowei gradually concentrated his attention.

Can't take my eyes off it.

more serious.


Rotate to the counselor building of Shining Star University.

Fang Luolin's scalp was numb. She had been adventuring in the secret place attached to the school for the past few days, and she just came out today, and she learned about such a big event as soon as she came out.

"Is there a big epidemic?"

"It's not very big, it won't affect our main city." The round-faced almond-eyed girl sitting in front of Fang Luolin said.

"I know...I want to ask for leave to go out." Fang Luolin was fidgeting.

The safest place now is the main city of Obsidian.

"What are you doing out there, you don't know that you have offended the Yan family badly recently." Huang Xiuyun said quickly. "It's not as safe as a school outside."

"Although you are a student at school, they don't dare to make a move in the open. In case, you can't put your own safety on the comfort of others."

"The epidemic is so serious, my brother is still at home." Fang Luolin said.

"I went to check the ten base cities that are currently blocked. There is no list of your hometown, so don't worry about it." Huang Xiuyun said.

"What if the plague spreads, I want to bring my brother back." Fang Luolin said.

Huang Xiuyun looked at Fang Luolin with a strange expression, this guy couldn't be a younger brother.

"You can call him and ask him to come here by himself, or ask your parents to bring him here. Isn't it just the summer vacation now?"

Fang Luolin did not say that her parents were not at home, and she rarely talked about her family situation outside.

Because of insecurity.

Reluctant to be in contact with others.

Even friends are few.


Three o'clock in the afternoon.

There is a golden light shining from the north.

Bai Ye looked at the sky.

I thought I was wrong, but it was three o'clock in the afternoon, and during this period of time, there was always a dark cloud over my head, and the clouds were dense.

The city was dark and gloomy.

The Xianbrowed Ape stood beside Bai Ye at some point.

"Someone is coming, and the speed of human forces on this planet is very fast." Said the fairy-browed ape.

Bai Ye only saw the golden light coming, and the dark clouds were gradually dispersed.

Knowing that something is happening in the sky, it is likely that the masters are fighting, but in the end, he is not even qualified to watch the battle.

He couldn't help but look down at Xianbrowed Ape's fingers.

It was this finger that pointed at me that day, as if playing a magic trick, and I could suddenly see it.

Of course, Xianbrowed Ape explained that this is not a fairy art, but a small trick that will naturally appear after the power grows to a certain level.

For their existence at this level, it can't affect the battle, and it doesn't have any impact.

But it can have some incredible effects on beings below their level.

For example, every time the level of the imperial beast breaks through, the lifespan and upper limit of vitality will increase.

In some remote places, the condensed crystal nucleus of the royal beast is called the condensed "golden pill".

Some effects attached to the crystal core itself can increase the power of skills and store the power of elements.

Because the power of elements in those places is thin, there are very few monsters and beasts that can break through to the silver level, and they are called golden core powers.

Therefore, they are full of illusions about the golden core.

However, under some people's embellishment, the crystal nucleus has been depicted with various mysterious colors.

The fairy art in Bai Ye's eyes is the same for Xianmei Ape.

Xianbrowed Ape pointed out.

What miraculous things were seen in Bai Ye's eyes again.

In the sky above, the black mist melted like white snow in the sun.

The black hole in the center of the black mist revealed its true colors.

An extremely huge head, facing the ground, eyes closed, mouth open, and countless limb-like tentacles extending from its mouth.

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