It is completely different from the base city of my hometown.

I heard that the resident population of the main city of Obsidian exceeds 50 million, and it would be even more exaggerated if the number of floating population is added.

More important is the siphon effect.

Countless masters cluster here.

It will attract more experts to come.

Moreover, the resources of the main city are also more abundant than those of other base cities, which is an indisputable fact.

Over time, the water in the main city of Obsidian is getting deeper and deeper.

Fang Luolin had two more days to reach the main city of Hei Yao.

Bai Ye was alone, so he simply wandered around the city.

But first you need to find a place to stay.

Bai Ye went to find a hotel first.

After putting down the things, ask the front desk and go to the nearest Fangshi.

Fangshi is just 400 meters away, very close to the hotel.


"Hey, I wanted to go back for a vacation, but I didn't expect the epidemic to break out." Wang Qilin came out of the bodyguard with a tired face.

Half a year ago, the breeding farm he and his father opened suffered serious losses due to animal swarms.

They were about to make a comeback, but an elder who had been in contact with them suddenly found them.

This elder has no words and no daughters, and has opened an ancestral escort agency for many years in the main city of Hei Yao.

Escorts are mercenaries who escort some important supplies.

Because there are many monsters in the wild, the Escort business has always been good.

But this elder was unfortunately poisoned by a strange poison in the process of betting on a dart, even if he found a diamond-level healing beast, he could only relieve it.

He couldn't bear the ancestral inheritance of the Wang family to fall into the hands of outsiders.

So the elder invited Wang Qilin and his father, handed over part of the shares of the Escort to them, taught them hand in hand for two months, and passed away after two months.

In the past six months, Wang Qilin has been trained by the devil every day.

I have been tired for half a year, but I have also undergone a radical change.

I wanted to return home rich and honored to pretend to be coquettish in front of old friends, but it was temporarily put on hold because of the plague.

"There is a market in the afternoon, do you want to go and have a look?" Footsteps sounded from behind, and Zheng Tiangao, who was four years older than Wang Qilin, came from behind and put his hand on Wang Qilin's shoulder familiarly.

"Let's go and have a look together." Wang Qilin said.

The things in Fangshi come from all kinds of sources, and they are better than novelty.

When he came to Fangshi, Wang Qilin looked left and right.

Fangshi is somewhat similar to a vegetable market.

Rows of cement wide horizontal platforms are numbered, and things are placed on the concrete horizontal platforms.

People come and go, so lively.

"Don't miss it when you pass by, the corpse of a fresh silver-ranked swallowtail butterfly, the corpse of a one-shot kill is 90% good."

As soon as he entered, he saw a bearded young man in a green vest behind a platform on the right shouting loudly.

Someone stopped for a moment in front of his booth to inquire about the price. "How much?"

"Six hundred thousand star coins!"

"It's expensive, it's only silver grade, not gold grade, how can it be so expensive."

"You said that, you don't want to buy a gold class without adding a zero." The bearded young man said. "If you buy it sincerely, give a real price, otherwise forget it."

"Two hundred thousand."

The bearded young man was speechless and waved his hand.

"Hey, can we talk slowly, how about 250,000 yuan." It was a gentle man who asked about the price.

"I won't tell you too much, 550,000, 50,000 less, if you want to buy it, you can take it." The bearded young man said.

Wang Qilin looked away.

The big swallowtail butterfly is a relatively rare monster that lives in the forest. The most valuable thing is the scale powder on its wings.

Powdered scales have hallucinogenic effects.

I won't say anything about what it can be used for.

It's useless for ordinary people to buy.

Because the big swallowtail has no meat, let alone bones, whether a monster corpse is valuable or not depends on its size and race besides its level.

Although their main job is to receive darts, they will also act as adventure envoys to hunt and kill monsters when they can't receive darts.

Wang Qilin walked inside.

The stalls outside are relatively small, and there are large stalls the size of warehouses in the depths of Fangshi.

The corpses of the monsters inside are even bigger, and they are all big things.

That's exciting to watch.

Suddenly Wang Qilin's gaze stopped in the distance.

Blinking his eyes, he thought he was wrong.

Hurry up and walk over.

"Wait for me." Zheng Tiangao shouted from behind.

"Old Bai?" Wang Qilin patted Bai Ye's shoulder with his right hand from behind.

As soon as Bai Ye turned his head, he saw a... stranger.

"Who are you?"

"My old king." Fatty Wang said.

"Wang Qilin?" Bai Ye looked at it for a while before hesitating.

It's really that Fatty Wang has changed too much now.

Lost at least fifty catties, from a fat man to a strong dark-skinned young man.

"Female big eighteen changes."

Wang Qilin smiled and punched Bai Ye, "Shit, you are the woman."

"How did you lose so much weight?"

"Hey, I can't help it, I'm going to be drilled to death every day." Wang Qilin sighed.

Zheng Tiangao came from behind and saw Bai Ye who was chatting with Wang Qilin. It was an unfamiliar face, and he looked at Bai Ye with some vigilance. "who is this?"

"Brother Zheng, let me introduce you. This is my good brother Bai Ye." Wang Qilin introduced Bai Ye to Zheng Tiangao. "I used to be at the same table in junior high school."

"Oh." Zheng Tiangao nodded.

It turned out to be a countryman.

The vigilance in his eyes was much less. He glanced at Bai Ye, smiled, and stretched out his hand, "Hello, my name is Zheng Tiangao."

I don't know if it was Bai Ye's illusion, but he felt a trace of malice from the person in front of him.

Bai Ye returned with a handshake.

"Bai Ye."

The three of them went shopping together, but most of the time it was Bai Ye and Wang Qilin who were talking about the past.

Zheng Tiangao couldn't get in on what the two of them were talking about.

When three people walk together, there must be one redundant.

He felt like he was the extra one.

After staying for a while, the uncomfortable Zheng Tiangao found a reason to leave.

"What have you been doing recently?" Bai Ye asked, "Isn't it because you joined a cult?"

"Go, go, what cult, I'm a bodyguard now!" Wang Qilin said triumphantly.


Bai Ye was a little surprised.

do not judge a book by it's cover.

You, a lazy guy with thick eyebrows and big eyes, can actually become a bodyguard master.

Wang Qilin coughed, "Don't look at me like that, I'll be embarrassed. I don't believe your eyes."

Wang Qilin dug in his pocket, but couldn't find the bodyguard certificate.

"It's a pity, I just passed the junior bodyguard certificate last month, otherwise I can show it off to you."

While chatting, the two of them were in no mood to continue shopping around the market.

"I'll take you to a fun place." Wang Qilin winked.

"It won't be riding a pig again."

"Absolutely not, this is entertainment only available in big cities." Wang Qilin chuckled.

Looking at Bai Ye's innocent and puzzled expression.

Wang Qilin took Bai Ye to a taxi and came to a luxurious club.

This guild hall is low-key and luxurious, with a jade gate in the middle.

The walls on the left and right sides are covered with green vines.

Go through the Yumen Gate and walk down the trail.

A few mandarin ducks play in a fountain pool in a small courtyard.

In front of you is a club that looks like a villa. There are a few large characters on the club: Natural Massage Club.

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