Just kidding, if you can soak in the advanced meditation room every day.

Three times the speed of cultivation, after half a year, it will be a year and a half.

It is equivalent to a year of meditation progress for free.

Just to take a college entrance examination.

Bai Ye didn't think that a false name was worth a year's worth of meditation.

Besides, Bai Ye had other ideas.

My family knows my own affairs.

When the Nightmare Lord grows up, he shouldn't lack the resources to train beasts.

There are news and channels.

I can take Xiaowei and the Nightmare Lord to hunt monsters or find materials in the wild.

A considerable part of the resources within those big families is obtained through this way.

Every large family will cultivate a large number of exploration teams.

These professional exploration teams will go deep into the wilderness to explore, hunt and kill high-level monsters, and look for materials that grow naturally.

Bai Ye is not too worried about the resources for cultivating royal beasts. Instead, it is related to his own meditation. At present, he has only seen advanced meditation rooms in college, which can significantly improve the efficiency of meditation.

Although Ningshen Grass and Anshen Grass are also effective, the improvement efficiency is limited, and it can only increase the effect by 10 to 20%.

"Sister Cheng, do I have to go back to my school to go through any formalities?" Bai Ye asked.

"No need." Cheng Yu shook his head.

"It's fine if your household registration is registered in the federation. The federation will naturally transfer your online household registration." Cheng Yu said.


"How is it? Did you find out the background of the young man who came into contact with the young man of the Wang family that day?"

"It's confirmed. It's just a friend from the countryside. It should be because he heard that he has developed and came to the main city of Obsidian to curry favor with him." Zheng Tiangao felt a little funny.

"Oh, then ignore it." Zheng Wugu nodded.


Do you think that Wang Guifu looks a bit like Wang Defa? " Zheng Tiangao said.

This kind of resemblance is not just the similarity between relatives, but a closer relationship...

"Whoever he looks like, the development of the Escort has something to do with Wang Guifu?" Zheng Wugu said.

"Wang Defa, that old man, the Auspicious Escort was not able to grow thanks to us old brothers. Now that the family business has been established, it is a joke that a distant relative who has never heard of it has been found in some country to inherit it! " Zheng Wugu said in a deep voice.

"It's not just me, many brothers in the Escort are not reconciled! Then Wang Qilin really thought that I wanted to be friends with him sincerely, so stupid." Zheng Tiangao thought it was funny, it was so naive.

"As long as you have a word, I'll go right now..." Zheng Tiangao made a gesture of wiping his neck.

Zheng Wugu suddenly knocked Zheng Tiangao hard on the head.

"Thinking about something, we just want to increase the right to speak in the bodyguard bureau and drive the father and son out. Although the boss is gone, they have been brothers for so many years anyway, so don't do anything wrong." Zheng Wugu snorted twice, never From his position, he could just see the big bronze statue in the middle courtyard of the Escort Bureau through the window, his eyes were in a daze, and he didn't know what he thought of.

At the same time, on the other side of the Jixiang Escort, Wang Guifu was sitting across the table from another person.

"Second Uncle." The man in front of Wang Guifu has gray hair and is a whole generation older than Wang Guifu.

The second uncle's full name is Huang Yihu, and he is Wang Defa's sworn brother, ranking second.

Huang Yihu has a lot of prestige in the Escort.

Since Wang Defa's death, he has further become one of the few people who have the most say in the Jixiang Escort.

During the days when he took over the Escort, Wang Guifu was also thanks to his help, otherwise it would not have been so easy to take over.

"I received news that some people in the Escort are not convinced that you are in this position, and there may be some troubles."

"Who is it, second uncle, please let me know." Wang Guifu knew that there were such a group of people.

Huang Yihu was silent, took a puff of cigarette, and said in a hoarse voice: "It's the third child. I persuaded him, but he still wants to do this. Even if I want to suppress it, it will not be easy."

Wang Guifu was a little panicked, but when he saw Huang Yihu sitting across from him, he quickly calmed down.

"Second uncle, please help me."

"Brother told me repeatedly before he died, I will definitely help you." Huang Yihu said.

"I will try my best to settle this matter, so don't worry. Since the boss has entrusted you to us, I, as an uncle, will not let you be wronged."

Huang Yihu left after speaking.

Looking at Huang Yihu's back.

Wang Guifu's face was cloudy and uncertain.

Finally closing his eyes, he sighed.

This second uncle has taken care of him in every possible way since he came.

It's too kind.

But there is nothing good in this world without a reason.

It's just that now he's really stuck.

"Qilin." Wang Guifu called his son, "You don't want to stay in the Escort Bureau during this time. Didn't you say that your classmate's sister was admitted to the Rotating Star University, and you should find a way to live with him for a few days during this time."

"Ah." Wang Qilin sensed something was wrong.

He quickly asked his father what happened.

Wang Guifu was silent for a while.

Shaking his head: "I'm not sure, you go there first."

"Is it about the Escort?" Wang Qilin gritted his teeth and asked.

Wang Guifu glanced at Wang Qilin, but did not speak.

"Father, it's a big deal for us to leave the Escort. Why do we have to stay? Although this Escort has a great family and business, it is not ours after all." Wang Qilin said impatiently.

"We don't want it anymore. Dad, you didn't open a farm back then. You have experience. Let's open another farm or do some other business." Seeing that his father didn't answer him, Wang Qilin said anxiously.

He didn't care about this property at all.

It's not just a dart board.

"Okay, you go there first, and send me a message when you arrive." Wang Guifu said sternly.

Seeing his father angry, Wang Qilin's momentum weakened.

In the end, he had no choice but to leave the Escort.

I called Bai Ye, asked about the location, and then took a taxi to Yaoxing University.

Watching Wang Qilin go away, a figure standing behind the window closed the window.

After meeting Bai Ye, Wang Qilin complained a lot.

From his father's weird behavior today and the tense atmosphere in the escort agency, he also noticed something was wrong.

"Old Bai, I always feel that my dad is hiding something from me. There should be something big happening in the escort agency soon." Wang Qilin was depressed, drinking and getting drunk.

"Since you know, why did you leave?" Bai Ye said.

"I can't help them if I stay, but it's a burden." Wang Qilin felt a little uncomfortable.

He just looks silly, but his heart is clearer than anyone else.

Knowing that something big will happen at home, but I can only contribute a little value in this way.

That is to hide in a safe place.

Don't allow yourself to be a burden to your father.

Rotating Star University is currently a safe place.


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