My Tamed Beasts Are a Little Strong

Chapter 81 The Big Bronze Statue

At the same time that the Nightmare Lord created life, Obsidian's main city.

"Xiao Wang, there are some things I think we should discuss." Zheng Wugu came to the door and found Wang Guifu.

Behind Zheng Wugu, there were several old people with not low seniority in the escort agency.

Their ideas were similar to Zheng Wugu's. If Wang Defa was still in power, they would naturally not make trouble.

Wang Defa is the chief escort of the Escort Bureau, and they are convinced by both reputation and prestige.

But this Wang Guifu, He De He Neng, ascended to a high position without making any achievements.

"Third Uncle." Wang Guifu was troubled in his heart, what should come is still here.

Looking at the few people staring at Zheng Wugu behind him, although there were only a few of them, they represented the interests of a certain group in the Escort.

"Xiao Wang, the third uncle came here this time because he wanted to tell you something in his heart. The third uncle is not an outsider. Since you call me the third uncle, then I, the third uncle, will be responsible for you and the Escort Bureau." Zheng Wugu Said.

Wang Guifu was speechless.

"These brothers have worked for the Jixiang Escort from birth to death for decades. It can be said that the Auspicious Escort is their second home. Many youngsters in the family will inherit their father's career and stay in the Escort after they grow up."

Zheng Wugu sat on the round stool and held Wang Guifu's hands with a sincere look.

"The Escort Bureau is like a fire, everyone gathers firewood and the fire burns high."

"Only when everyone in the Escort works hard for it, can the Escort grow bigger and bigger, and the passion of the brothers below will also become higher and higher."

"Third Uncle, I also think that the welfare of bodyguards can be properly improved." Wang Guifu said after pondering.

It's not because of Zheng Wugu, Wang Guifu himself had already had this idea.

He felt that the welfare of the Escort could be properly improved.

For example, rewards such as year-end bonuses and bonuses can be increased, and at the same time, subsidies for children within the Escort can be increased.

Increase the cohesion of the Escort, and at the same time increase your own prestige.

Zheng Wugu's eyes froze, but soon returned to normal.

"Of course you are very happy to think of the third uncle in this way, but you must be very tired to manage so many things in the bodyguard bureau every day. I think this reward system can be carried forward. There must always be someone who is responsible for managing these rewards and punishments. Third uncle, I usually have There is also a little face in the Escort, how do you feel about giving third uncle this face."

Zheng Wugu said with a smile.

If you refuse him, then of course you will not give him face.

He didn't say what would happen if he didn't give him face.

However, the old bodyguards he brought with him all had unfriendly eyes and a domineering aura.

Wang Guifu was silent.

He definitely didn't want to give it in his heart.

He has opened a farm before, and he understands that if this kind of thing sets a precedent.

It's hard to tell after that.

"Third brother, you've really lived longer and come back, and you actually brought people to do this kind of thing." With a cold snort, there was a cold scolding sound from outside the room.

Zheng Wugu's complexion changed suddenly, and through the thin paper window, a figure could be seen approaching from far and near, and the next moment he pushed the door open and entered.

The cold wind poured in from outside.

Huang Yihu looked down at the people sitting in the house expressionlessly from a high position.

"Second brother." Zheng Wugu said with a half smile.

"The position of Guifu is personally appointed by the boss, and the position behind him will be passed on to Qilin. This bodyguard agency is the foundation of the boss. It is true that we are sworn brothers with the boss, but it does not mean that you can rely on this status. Do anything wrong!" Huang Yihu said sternly.

His face was angry and his eyes were fierce.

Several old bodyguards behind Zheng Wugu lowered their heads.

Everyone in the bodyguard agency knew that the relationship between the two deputy chief bodyguards was somewhat tense.

It was okay when the boss was still there, but now that the boss is gone, no one can suppress them anymore.

Zheng Wugu stood up. In terms of height, he was almost the same as Huang Yihu.

They are all in their early 1.9 meters.

It's just that the former is fatter and the latter is thinner.

"Second brother,

You can eat indiscriminately, but you can't talk indiscriminately. When will I do anything wrong. "Zheng Wugu's eyes squeezed into a slit.

His eyes were fierce.

Indistinctly, a deep roar came from behind Zheng Wugu.

"Why, the younger generation who bullied the elders doesn't want to say anything, but still wants to do something to me, the second brother? Just rely on your little wolf dog?" Huang Yihu looked up to the sky and laughed.

Amidst the laughter, a dark red colorful giant tiger cast a phantom and roared upwards.

In an instant, the roar of the tiger behind Zheng Wugu was suppressed.

"Which step has your beast master broken through?" Zheng Wugu couldn't believe it.

"Guess." Huang Yihu smiled, his thin face sunken, like a sick tiger.

Zheng Wugu's complexion was cloudy and uncertain.

With a cold snort, he walked away.

Huang Yihu didn't stop Zheng Wugu from leaving, and after watching him leave, he turned to look at Wang Guifu.

Wang Guifu sat on the spot with an innocent face.

"Second uncle."

Huang Yihu pondered for a moment, and then said: "Although I drove him away for the time being, as long as he is still alive, his evil intentions will not die. When he breaks through to the diamond one day, he will continue to make trouble."

"But it's not impossible. There is a way, if successful, that may increase your survival rate."

Following Huang Yihu's tone, Wang Guifu asked, "What method?"

"Although the boss is gone, the boss's beasts still exist. The boss tamed four beasts during his lifetime, one died in the battle, and the other two chose to leave after the boss passed away, but the first one that followed the boss was also the last. The strongest imperial beast stayed behind." Huang Yihu said quietly.

Wang Guifu was startled, thinking of something.

Didn't expect there to be such a card.

"As long as you can get the approval of the boss' beast master, you don't have to worry even if the third brother breaks through." Huang Yihu said.

"Second Uncle, how can I be recognized," Wang Guifu asked.

"It likes the smell of sandalwood." Huang Yihu said silently, turning his head to look at the center of the bodyguard's compound.

Wang Guifu followed his line of sight.

As far as the eye can see, a big bronze statue of Buddha is half head above the eaves, with eyes slightly closed and expressionless face.

Wang Guifu had a terrible guess in his heart.

At two o'clock in the morning, after taking a bath, Wang Guifu changed into new clothes, worshiped Buddha and burned incense, and followed Huang Yihu.

At this time, almost all the escorts in the escort agency fell asleep.

Huang Yihu kept walking, but turned his head to look at the corner alleyway.

In the alleyway, Zheng Wugu stood in the shadows, watching the two leave.

"The Royal Beast is this big bronze statue." Wang Guifu raised his head and looked at this big bronze statue 30 to 40 meters high. It is indeed the existence of the diamond realm, and he has not found it for so long.

"No." Huang Yihu said lightly.

From the step ladder to the lotus platform, and then walked to the back of the big bronze statue, I didn't know where to press the mechanism.

With a creak, a small door opened quietly.

"Come in." Huang Yihu looked behind him and said to Wang Guifu.

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