My Tamed Beasts Are a Little Strong

Chapter 9 Mirror Servant Qingtian Chasing the Sun (9/10)

After all, even a platinum-level royal envoy needs to risk his life to hunt platinum-level monsters in the wild.

Even if there is a map and the latest intelligence information, no one knows if an accident will happen in the next moment. Once encountering a diamond-level monster, even a platinum-level imperial envoy will be close to death.

Moreover, monsters are all living creatures that move, and no one knows what they will encounter in the wild.

So the higher the level of monster corpses, the more valuable they are.

Nowadays, human beings apply the beast-guarding industry to all aspects of life. A monster corpse can be fully utilized, and scales, fur, tendons and bones can be made into defensive equipment and weapons.

It is said that in some galaxies, there is even a special way to make puppets from complete and fresh monster corpses.

There are also special inheritances on some planets that can use the souls of monsters.

The flesh and blood organs of monsters are the best supplements. This is true for both humans and beasts.

Because of this, the higher the quality of the monster corpse, the more valuable it is.

After taking a few mouthfuls, the two brats couldn't eat any more. The blood flow in their bodies accelerated, their foreheads and cheeks were blushing, and they were so hot that they took off their coats and screamed, running around in the living room.

"Eat slowly, eat as much as you can, pack it up and take it back later, don't worry, I have used a special treatment method, and not much nutrition will be lost in the refrigerator." Dong Shentong said to Fang Luolin and Bai Ye.

"No need..." Fang Luolin wanted to refuse.

Dong Shentong's complexion darkened: "I told you that you don't come here normally, but it's so rare that you come here once and you are so lucky. Do you really treat Uncle Dong as an outsider?"

"Then thank you, Uncle Dong." Bai Ye said on behalf of his sister.

Only then did Dong Shentong smile: "That's right. If you want to eat, you can come to Uncle Dong. Uncle Dong is a cook. If you don't have any skills, you can cook something. If you want to eat, come here!"

Aunt Dong sat aside and watched them chatting with a smile on her face.

Bai Ye took a few more bites and couldn't eat anymore. He didn't finish even one of the five dishes on the table.

Uncle Dong barely moved his chopsticks, and Aunt Dong stopped after taking a few bites.

After dinner, Uncle Dong personally sent the two of them away.

After he came back, Aunt Dong, who was always smiling at the dinner table, disappeared, and said worriedly: "You really gave it to them."

Aunt Dong frowned slightly, "Anyway, it's been stored for several years, so why not keep it for yourself."

Dong Shentong shook his head, "Who dares to take what he left for himself? He just left this planet, and it wasn't an accident. If he comes back one day and finds that I didn't do what I promised him, no one can afford the consequences."

"But didn't you secretly take care of them for so many years, without you looking for a relationship, the siblings could go to the best school?" Aunt Dong sulked.

"Confused, one yard counts for one yard! And let's not talk about the distance, let's say that Brother Bai and Mrs. Bai treated us well back then." Dong Shentong reprimanded.

"Forget it, this is your business and I don't care, you can give it to you." Aunt Dong changed the subject: "But my brother is going to breed a third beast, can you help him find a high-qualified one?" Cub."

Dong Shentong rubbed between his brows, "I'll drag my friend to ask."


After returning home, Bai Ye put the vegetables in the refrigerator, and went back to the bedroom to meditate.

The speed of meditation seems to be a little faster today, and the energy absorbed is much more than usual. Meditation is a process that accumulates over time. If you can eat these ingredients for a long time, it may form a considerable gain.

With meditation, the excess and abundant energy in the body is gradually digested, and then sneaked into the muscles and blood of the whole body.

Meditation can replace sleep. Right now, Bai Ye is full of energy, and he is still a night owl. Curious about the contents of that box, Bai Ye came to the living room and carried the box back to the bedroom.

The box exudes a faint fragrance, which makes people feel refreshed.

Bai Ye gently stroked the surface of the box curiously,

The touch is delicate and warm, and there is a four-digit combination lock at the opening.

Did not tell myself the password, indicating that the password should not be difficult to guess.

Bai Ye thought for a while, but it was wrong to enter his parents' birthdays, so he entered his own.

With a click, the lock of the box popped open.

Inside is an egg with a green and gold pattern.

As it is exposed to the air, the egg pulsates slightly as if it is breathing.

The super-dimensional mirror emerged.

"Mirror servant." The idea came from the super-dimensional mirror.

"You want to accept it as a mirror servant?"

The super-dimensional mirror nodded quickly.

Bai Ye was a little hesitant. After all, it was an egg left by his parents, which had a special meaning, but wouldn't it be a waste if he couldn't sign the soul contract.

Bai Ye tried to sign a soul contract with this egg.

But it was the familiar dizziness again.

The brain seems to have experienced a big bang.

Familiar failure.

Bai Ye's face was ugly.

He still couldn't sign the soul contract.


The super-dimensional mirror seems to have been expected.


After much consideration, Bai Ye finally decided to hand it over to the Ultra-Dimensional Mirror.

However, there are conditions, the super-dimensional mirror cannot erase and affect the individual thinking of the life in the egg, and retain its individual independence.

Seeing that the owner agreed, Chao Dimensional Mirror quickly swallowed the egg.

A layer of ripples appeared in the void.

The egg in front of him was swallowed by the ripples, and it was swallowed into the space of the super-dimensional mirror.

Bai Ye also followed into the space.

There is a green-golden egg floating in the very center of the super-dimensional space.

The green-gold veins on the surface of the eggs are getting brighter.

At the same time, the surface has a light golden luster.

The space was wrinkled like water, and a ray of milky white light fell from above and landed firmly on the surface of the eggshell.

The breath of life in the eggshell is filling, and the vitality is becoming more and more intense, and the vitality that has become a little dull due to several years of silence is gradually revived.

A crack runs through the egg from top to bottom.

In the center of the crack, a creamy yellow sharp thing penetrates the shell surface.

"Hey!" The super-dimensional mirror asked Bai Ye for credit. Proudly said that he hatched the egg.

The quality of the ultra-dimensional mirror is extremely high, and the mirror servant has a parasitic relationship with it in a sense.

With the blessing of the super-dimensional mirror, some mysterious changes have taken place in the egg, and the talent has been enhanced.

The eggshell quickly cracked open, and a furry little guy with a whole body of blue came out of it.

With a snap, it fell from mid-air to the ground.

However, its vitality is very tenacious. After struggling twice, a pair of small wings fluttered, and it quickly stood up.

The blue-gray lanugo is fluffy and exploding. There is a creamy yellow beak in the middle of the hairball-like head, a round belly, eyes hidden in the lanugo, and a slightly sloppy appearance.

This is a young vulture.

It's a pity that Bai Ye didn't know his quality because he didn't sign a soul contract.

"The blue sky is carved day by day." A message was transferred from the super-dimensional mirror to Bai Ye.

【Name】【Blue Sky Chasing the Sun】

【Level】【Black Iron Zero Star】

[Skill] Roaring Wind


Bai Ye knew the name of the little cyan eagle.

But he has never seen this name in books, so it should not be a native species of Obsidian.

This qualification can break through to the level above diamond even without using materials, and it is of infinite value in the outside world.

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