My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 1064: Kunxu Road

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiu Xian on campus!

What happened today will shake the whole fairyland.

It has always been believed that the mysterious coercion of heaven is inviolable.

But this time, the people of the heavenly court were beheaded, the heavenly army was defeated, and so embarrassed that they were killed alive from the final place to the outside world.

Heaven can kill!

This also made Tianting's coercion in the hearts of everyone unconsciously lowered. Of course, there were several times in Tianting, and it was impossible to lose the majesty because of the death of one person.

Looking at the young man standing on the firmament, Pang Guxian Zun stunned, Heavenly Sky Xianzun stared in a daze, Yu Yuxian Zunzun's eyes flashed a different style.

In fact, in their hearts, they are somewhat resistant to this leader. After all, three people belong to three factions. However, things have reached the point where they are today. With the strength of Chu Yi, I am afraid that the three young leaders have no chance.

"Maybe, he can really become the leader of my demon religion, but this time, he has done too much trouble and can only let the Supreme end him." Pang Guxianzun was helpless.

Chu Yi's talent is naturally terrifying, but his ability to break into trouble is also similar to his talent.

In particular, the exposure of the sinful king's identity has placed them in an extremely awkward position.

"Sovereign depends on how the supremes deal with them."

"If the Supreme Masters take action at the same time, they must be able to suppress this matter. Otherwise, this leader may not be able to live." Heavenly Heaven Immortal Venerable thought, he only felt that things would not be simple.

"Yun Luo Xianzun!"

"After today, there is no more Yan Luoxianzun." The old sage's hands shivered.

A few of their great power celestial beings looked at each other and seemed to have made a decision.

Nine Nether Nine shook his head and said, "This man is too terrifying and even more terrifying than the previous life. He even announced Kendo directly. His heart is more firm than before."

Some people are terrified, some people marvel, and the pavilion of the sword pavilion is ashamed.

Chu Yi announced Kendo, and the impact on them was too great.

At that time, the monks joined the sword pavilion in order to practice kendo, but nowadays, there are fewer and fewer people who join.

"Before he has recovered to the strength of Xianzun, he must be eradicated."

At this time, the Great Flame Immortal Venerable and the Apocalypse Immortal Venerable had already been ashamed.

Woody was desperate, his hands and feet were cold, and some could not believe this fact.


"Teacher, even the people in Heaven Court have been killed. This time it is a big disaster." Xia Houcheng screamed.

Ruhua gave him a white eye: "What if you kill, or you die if you don't kill."

"With the talent of the teacher, as long as a few more years, I am afraid that it is even heaven, and I want to kill him. It is very difficult... I am very happy for the old cow." Niu Mowang whined.

The emotions in the hearts of several people were extremely complicated. On the one hand, they were happy because they saw Chu Yi. On the other hand, they were worried about his future.


"Master Brother is retreating, it seems that he is going to break through the Taoist government, and I don't know if it has succeeded." He Feng said.

Several people looked at each other.

"Brother Master is really difficult to break through, but I don't dare to laugh at Brother Master, who knows that he is a Taoist house, crushing me with a psychic spirit." Qian Feng felt terrified. They didn't know the strength of Panjing not long ago.

If it is said that this fairyland is in the same realm, who else can fight Yan Luoxianzun, I am afraid they are their master brothers.

Chu Yi slowly landed, glanced at it, and saw some familiar people such as fat man, Niu Niu, but he didn't have extra branches, and he didn't go to them to reminisce.

He stood indifferently. In the hands of many monks around him, he still held Kendo Master, a pair of eyes, and looked at Chu Yi fieryly.

It seems that at this moment, Chu Yi is not in the same realm with them.

Shenzi and others looked strange, and Mumu looked at Chu Yi. If Chu Yi had exerted his full strength just now, a group of them might not be able to survive.

Although they cultivate higher than Chu Yi, they are not as good as Chu Yi in realm.

In his current state, he has reached the Immortal Venerable.

"Unless we step into the Immortal Venerable and close the gap in the realm, we will not be his opponent." Shen Zi said softly.

"It's not difficult for me to step into the Immortal Venerable, but it will take at least thousands of years for us to enter the Immortal Venerable even if we have experienced the heavenly realm. This guy is afraid that it will be completed in hundreds of years." Gritted his teeth.

She hates!

Yan Luoxian Zun is alive, she is worried that her position of Nine Heavens Xuan Nu is not guaranteed.

Although Xia You was seriously injured, if the cloud asks Supreme to cure her, there is still the possibility of recovery.

By then, she became a beam-jumping clown.

"Hundreds and thousands of years, for Immortal Venerable, the gap is not big. With our talents, it is always possible to exceed him."

The son of Nine Nine eyes is firm.


Suddenly, the whole island was trembling, with the sea water continuously boiling.

The sky was dim and dark, and endless rays of light burst from the mountain.

In front of the mountain, a ground kept rising, and in the end, a huge fierce beast head was formed.

The fierce beast has a height of thousands of feet, with four corners, and a huge mouth, and sharp teeth inside are vaguely visible.


"This is the gateway to the true Kunxu Cave!"

Everyone was shocked. At this moment, the powerful people outside also left Chu Yi's things behind.

"Kunxu Cave, really opened!"

Everyone knows how it exists, and once it gets a little heritage, I'm afraid it will advance by leaps and bounds.


"A real chance!"

"Where is the Kunxu Road, but the Supreme Road!"

Countless monks are crazy, because the gas escaping from inside brings special energy to seduce their souls.

It was a trace of chaos.

When Chu Yi opened his eyes, he could only see a blur. He had a bad hunch in his heart, but he wanted to get a glimpse after all.

"Don't come in really!"

Chu Yi secretly transmitted sounds to several students and fat people.

He always feels wrong, how high is his realm, more than everyone present, so his intuition is equally sensitive.

"I also feel that something is wrong, Xiao Jiu and Xiao Shimei, you are all coming in real life, and listen to the teacher, don't go in first."

He Feng asked, and then entered with the rest, a period of lag behind Chu Yi.

Inside the mountain, it was not dim, but rather a hazy beauty, one after another afterglow, floating in the void, constantly entangled, radiating light.

"What a magical substance, the energy contained in it, changing from one another, endlessly, from chaos to the present."

The mountain is so large that it hardly sees the boundary, and obviously uses space technology.

They walked on an avenue, the ground was bumpy, and some drops of water dripped from time to time.

It's too quiet.

It's suffocating quiet here.

"A lot of chaotic creatures are rumored to have died here, why are there no corpses, even traces." A group of Buddha and Divine Son walked in the forefront, and there were some reincarnated demons who proclaimed themselves in this life.

Such as Dugu crazy, Dragon and Phoenix son, are walking among them.

Everything was quiet, and the front was shrouded in darkness. Only when they passed by, those silk threads would glow and illuminate some areas.

There are too many monks coming in, nearly one million, I am afraid that the monks in the whole final place have already entered.

However, these one million people walk here, but they seem very small, they are like walking up the river, walking in the river channel of the years.


Suddenly, there is a distinctive halo in front.

A huge stalactite grows downward from above. The stalactite has a length of one hundred feet. At its tip, there is a hazy drop of water.

"Chaotic stock solution!"

The son of Nine Nether whispered.

The original chaotic liquid is formed by condensing the origin of chaos. Nowadays, there are few drops in the entire fairyland, and they are all in the hands of the Supreme. This is how precious.

Everyone was short of breath, but no one stepped forward because millions of people were staring closely.

Suddenly, Chu Yi jumped lightly and fell in front of the chaotic liquid.

A lot of peerless demon glances moved.

"Amitabha, Yan Luoxianzun contributed the master of Kendo, this first drop of chaos, should be obtained by him." Buddha said softly.

Although some people are unwilling, most people have no opinion.

Chu Yi used the power of the world to guide the chaotic liquid into his own house of Tao, but he had no time to observe, and suddenly, the stalactites in front of him began to collapse.

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