Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiu Xian on campus!

It is said that the latest batch of post-90s are also grown-up this year, and the earliest batch is on the way to Ben3, so I really thank you and would like to listen to me as a greasy middle-aged post-90s man. (Inner heart: "We are always 18-year-old cute.")

First of all, the invincible and handsome author of bacteria is here to tell everyone that New Year's Day is happy.

Thank you guys for your kind love, so that I can write a book for three years without eunuchs.

I still remember the day when I wrote the first book in Heiyan on December 22, 2014, which was just over three years.

In the first book of Black Rock, the first person of the last day, "Final Evolution", when I was signed, God knows how excited I am. After all, in the previous six months, I had tossed through multiple websites and had no income at all.

I remember the first manuscript fee for "Final Evolution" was more than two hundred yuan, and I was very excited at that time.

In fact, although this first book was written with fear, it was also a beginning.

However, when writing the second "Final Salvation" and the third "Endless Depravity", the results were not as good as the first.

At that time, I continued to doubt myself and wondered whether to continue this way, because the income of those two books was simply not enough to feed myself.

Within a year and a half after graduating from university, it was probably the most painful time. All the things rushed together. My mother was still in the hospital, and she almost gave up the path of online text.

But after thinking about it, I decided to give it a try and make changes, so there was a third-person Dark Age.

"Dark Age" is better than the first book, at least it keeps my life from being stretched, but honestly, "Dark Age" is not enough to give me the confidence to go down this path.

What really made me see the hope was "Cultivation of the Immortal Returning on Campus".

At the beginning of the 17th year, I actually contributed to the end, but the editor said, let me try the city.

I hardly read city books, and I never thought about writing city, because I don’t know how to write ambiguous.

If you can’t write, then you can only read it. After you finished the Dark Ages, you rested for a while, reading crazy books and reading everything.

Later, he gritted his teeth and abolished a few openings, and finally began to return to Xiuxian.

I won't write... I'm so mad... I'm scared...

This was the idea at the time. I don’t know what kind of features and style of writing I should use when I write about the city. I think of several big plots and setting up the power system, and I went straight to it.

I set a general goal for myself, to write compulsively and easily, and to be slightly different from other urban writings, but I just have no fun in my real life.

Do you really believe that a person who is not good at speaking can write a relaxed and humorous style?

I don't believe it anyway.

Everyone should be able to tell what kind of person Chu Chuyuan is, and I am the person who is completely opposite to Chu Chuchen.

I want to create a character whose personality is completely opposite to myself.

I want him to be cheap, I want him to be humorous, I want him to be bloody, I want him to have dreams, I want him to cry and laugh, I want him to have some wisdom.

Then, I started to collect various sentences. Even when I usually tweeted Weibo, I saw a fun sentence, watched a talk show, watched Tucao, and immediately recorded it.

And a lot of character creation comes from the plot, so I started to think about the plot, what is the general plot, what will the wonderful plot look like, and what will happen if it is a little more wonderful.

For example, in Qianlong Mountain Villa, Chu is cheap and prudent in practicing the flesh, and it is necessary to use lightning.

The general plot is like Thunder, and I want something wonderful. At that time, the computer was out of power, connected to the power... let him use the plug-in board.

However, using a patch panel is not enough! For Chu Bian, it is indeed not strange to draw out the electrical practice in the plug-in board.

Then, inexplicably, I thought of the northern licking of the **** stalk with my tongue in the winter, and then Chu Chuan cheaply sucked electricity with my tongue.

All these plots will enrich the image of a protagonist, rather than relying on the protagonist to pretend to hit the face and say a few words.

This book has a lot of bottlenecks, and it's a stumbling block. This is also the first time I have written about the city.

However, as of writing so far, I am generally satisfied. I haven’t started drinking because of more than three million words. I have racked my brain every day to think about the plot and basically kept four changes. The hair in front of me was white and sad.

But it doesn't matter, this book is really important to me, let me see, it turns out that I can still write this book, and can write this style of writing, and thanks to everyone's love, this book is basically in the top ten of the subscription list.

If I were to choose one of my favorite plots in this book, it was the plot of the Chu Family Banquet. It was very comfortable to write the story from beginning to end, especially from the end to the final climax. There is no reference to other cities in this plot. The terrier of the book.

The most touching character is not the protagonist. Because the protagonist needs it, it is too perfect. In fact, he prefers the elders of the Yanhuang family.

I like tragic characters, but those who are not good at writing tragic characters, the elder elder is a relatively successful one.

He's a tall son, strong, but rigid, but his rigidity, stubbornness, comes from his experience and is caused by his responsibility.

He experienced too much, saw too much, tried too much, so he was unimpressed by the protagonist.

He doesn't care what other people think of him, he just blindly wants to inherit his race, maybe this is why he can master the fire.

He is almost the only fairy who survived the chaotic age.

The protagonist can struggle and be able to see death as if he was home, but he can't, this is a problem experienced.

The elders of nature will not disappear this way, and the Yanhuang family will reappear, but this is the plot behind.

Now that this book is written here, I am afraid that the biggest pits are-

What is destiny?

What is the swordman?

What happens to the complete Eight Commandments?

What happens to long biomass and dead substances?

After that, I will fill the holes one by one.

I originally wanted the protagonist to first solve the heaven, and then start the battle with the mystery.

But then think about it, either heaven or mystery, but it is a product of fate.

Rather than this, let them fight first, let the protagonist accumulate strength first.

After the book is finished, there are about 1.2 million words.

To be honest, the results of this book are indeed good, I can write more and more, but I don’t want water, and when I finish writing, I finish the book, not only the best account for you, but also my own.

It is tiring to write this book, but also very happy.

Tired because, sometimes I don’t want to write a character of too popular Facebook, which requires me to create a supporting role through different aspects.

I am a person, and under a lot of updates, to create a lot of different supporting roles, just getting the name is a headache.

Haha, I really want to say something. I really want to keep changing, so that the burden is easier, especially a few days ago, I was not in good health, I wrote on the day of fever, I fell asleep and woke up The face is dumbfounded.

But in any case, this book still persists, and the amount of 4D updates per day is not insignificant in the industry of online text.

The 4D update every day is not terrible, the terrible is the 4D update every day.

However, this book has been written to the present, although there are large and small flaws, but at least I am currently the most satisfied.

After thinking about it, why did I write such a protagonist, and suddenly thought of a celebrity's words.

"There is only one kind of heroism in the world, that is, after recognizing the truth of life, I still love life."

This is Chu cheap, and I hope it is you.

Don’t confess that the number of words I summarized in this chapter is the same as writing a novel, because it’s not over yet.

In the new year, I hope to write a better book. After finishing this book, I will probably rest for a while, and then make persistent efforts.

In other words, I opened a WeChat public account, and the one I abandoned was shameful.

You can search for "Author Black Rice", and I will upload a spoof Fan Chu "New Year's Day" on the public account later today. I hope you will not come to kill me after reading it.

This kind of fan is not good for uploading in Heiyan, it will affect reading haha ​​too. I will put it on the public account if there is any fan in the future, or you can leave a message to whom you want to see. I can write it there. Transfer.

Thank you for being able to see here, thank you for your encouragement, thanks to the "Flame King" for picking typos every day, to my editor general, and to Heiyan for this platform.

In the end, the pure, kind and handsome Chu Chuchen who knows a little about Kendo, said to you, Happy New Year!

——January 1, 2018

From a grungy thought of a greasy middle-aged man in Bensan

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