My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 1349: One sword illuminates the nineth heaven

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiu Xian on campus!

"God of God and Demon! Supreme Supreme Yan!"

Everyone sighed in relief, and Lord Lormon almost wanted to slap himself.

He had just been relieved that Chu Yi was worshipping the **** of the moon, but the plot turned over again, and the other party tossed a bigger identity.

Whether it is the **** and demon leader, or the Supreme Master Yan Luo, just taking out a name is enough to shake the world.

Moreover, when he thinks of this guy, who is teaching the Xitian Temple, he feels extremely ridiculous, and it is the person who should be most resisted by everyone. Isn't he himself?

Moreover, the identity of a king of sin is also enough to cause headaches.

When such a person appears, everyone suddenly has a crazy idea, it is better to let the mysterious or heavenly people win.

"Senior Supreme Yan Luo, Senior Emperor Qing Emperor arranged for Supreme Supreme Yan Luo?" Dingtian Palace, everyone's face was white again and again, very ugly.

"It won't work, the gods and demon religions, but they are bigger and more domineering than the town of gods and gods. Once the gods and demon religions stretch out their arms, will I make the heavenly palace a holy place for humans?"

"Yes, this guy, with bad marks on his body, where should there be an accident, he must not be allowed to step into Dingtian Palace half a step."

White Emperor's face twitched, and he often closed his doors, but he did not expect that Yan Luo Supreme was even resisted by the whole universe.

"The Qing Emperor arranged, you can go to the Qing Emperor for something."

Suddenly, everyone felt very bad, is it that their holy land really fell into the hands of other forces.

In their eyes, Chu Yi came today with the same purpose as Xuanji Tianting and Xitian Temple.

Yan Luozhi appeared, and the scene was quiet for a moment. The young Supreme of Jiange finally understood why his sword moves would be seen by others in advance.

"Supreme Yan Luo!"

Anxinyou's eyes fell on Chu Yi again, but this time, she was more cautious and had a taste of scrutiny.

She didn't care before, because the opponent's strength seemed to be better than herself, but if it was Yan Luo Zhizun, it was that she didn't show her true ability.

What's more, the upper level of the heavenly court is to kill Yan Luo Supreme.

Mo paused carefully, and under the grim mask, a pair of beautiful eyes blinked frequently.

"Supreme Yan Luo..."


Unexpectedly, Mo took care to shoot quickly. She was tall, like a flying goose, and there was a black whirlwind above her hands.

"Mysterious Palm!"

The black mist was violent, and the void was flipped. She shot very fiercely, like a scorpion, and ejected.

Chu Yi is right, knowing that he has exposed his identity, it will definitely cause more trouble, but it does not matter.

He is supreme and has no fear of everything.

He pointed a little, and the dense sword light overflowed from the void like running water, converging on the fingertips.

One punch, one finger, one finger, trembling in the void.

The collision between the two people is like a firework blooming.

"Yan Luo Supreme, kill me many mysterious people, the above command must kill you, I am sorry, if you are only worshiping the **** of the moon, what kind of red scarf, this girl will let you go."


At this moment, the sword light came out of the void, and in an instant, the sword light bloomed.

Chu Yi's fingers together, like a short sword, Jianguang cut off the overwhelming sword.

The huge beam of light irradiated for nine days, and the sword gas and the sword gas mixed, as if they were going to hit the sun star.

"This is the real thing!" People marveled, but their eyes were complicated.

These three human beings, one from the mystery, one from the heaven, and one from the gods and deities, are fighting in the Dingtian Palace to fight for the position of the palace master, and they have no courage to even intervene.

Chu Yi's side is full of sword energy. He steps on a sword river and gathers three thousand sword paths, flying with a handle of sword, like a sword fairy.

And beside Anxianyou, it was purple sword gas, which caused the robe to hunt.

Mo Cao sat on a black whirlwind, and the tornado emerged from the void and swept through to nine days. It was spectacular.

"How did you all deal with me, hey, women are really fickle."

"It turns out that this impotence man is Yan Luo supreme, which is a pity, otherwise he will be able to develop a marriage with his master." Tutu's face fell down.

Anxin worried that there was no fluctuation in her heart. She was born this time to set the Temple of Heaven, and wanted to meet for a while. This genius that made the emperor pay attention.

She took a sip of light, the knife was shining, and a Zhenwen appeared in the palm of her hand, turning into a knife mountain and dumping towards Chu Yi.

Chu Yi opened his mouth long, and in an instant, the Jianhe riot, the mighty sword gas, swept across the blade of light.

Mo was careful to kill, the whirlwind was charged, the golden thunder spurred the storm, and the town was invincible.

Although she is a woman and looks hippie smiling, she has a fearless momentum.

Chu Yi slammed with a punch, the flames twirled, and the sky shrieked.

At the same time, he evaded for a moment, and suddenly there were thousands of figures.

"Although they are all women, I have never been soft on women, otherwise I would have died long ago."

His voice came from all around.

"Emperor, several emperors Mu came, it was almost the same, you are far away."

An Xinyou and Mo Cain changed color, their aura was destroyed by Chu Yi, and their surroundings became Chu Yi's kendo realm. The dense long swords flying, and even a thunder, would be turned into sword qi.

"Look at the sky!"

Some people screamed, but they saw a huge yin and yang roulette above the sky. Looking closely, the dense air was full of sword gas, covering a thousand miles, countless people only felt that every pore of their own was full of sword gas. .

The weapons in their hands could not help shaking.

"Yin Yang Sword Formation!"

Chu Yi did not show mercy this time. He sacrificed his sword formation. This was a formation created by the Yan and Huang people reading ancient books and combining Yin and Yang together.

The sword array was too vast, but it was silenced and crushed.

The violent wind and rain, the thunder roaring, all are swords.

Even people of the Baidi level frowned.

"At that time, I saw him for the first time. He had not reached the level of this kind of demon. The first person in Kendo was indeed extraordinary. The senior of the Qing Emperor was afraid that he would have seen his future long ago. Otherwise, why was it so early? At that time, the Changsheng Monument was set up.

The Lord of Nine Nine sighed: "Without a few years, we will be able to sit on par with us."

"Bai Di, if you don't want Heaven Palace, even if he is the **** and demon master, I will take the Nine Nethers. Once he enters the High Order Supreme, who will be his opponent, his swordsmanship is too powerful, fusion Thousands of ways, get out of it.

"not good!"


An Xinyou and Mo Cain only felt that they were locked by each other's sword qi. The man stood in the sky, like the honor of swordsmanship, heaven and earth, and no other way.

"Absolutely the level of the emperor." Anxin worried that the teeth were bitten. The emperor was called a monster because it was synthesized by humans. Unexpectedly, when he faced Chu Yi, he seemed to see the emperor.

Under this blow, even if the two teamed up, they would be injured and at a loss.


Chu Yi did not show mercy, and suppressed with one hand, Jianpan was horrible and gorgeous, but suddenly, a black shadow appeared in the void.

"Waiting for you!"

It was a two-headed black snake, and a four-winged dragonfinch, hidden in the dark. As soon as they appeared, the powerful body flew out of the plate, and then attacked Chu Yi.

"High-level Supreme!"

"This... The Supreme Master himself shot it! Oops!"

The face of Bai Di and Jiu You changed greatly.


Chu Yi was not afraid, holding the Xuanhuang sword in his hand. In an instant, all the light of heaven and earth disappeared, leaving only the sword light in his hand.

"breaking Dawn!"

In his dark pupil, a trace of bright color crossed the last sword, which isolated him and the two high-level supreme.

One sword illuminates the nineth heaven!

The world was dull, and then illuminated by this trick, Chu Yi backed off again and again, but his face was pale, but there was no injury.

On the other hand, the facial expressions of the two high-end supremes have changed again and again.

"Impossible, you can stop the joint attack of two high-level supremes when you first enter the supreme?"

Chu Yi looked down at the sword and touched the sword body with one hand. The sword worm said that the fusion of basic sword moves could not be counted as one way, but a state of mind. , The prestige of Kendo will naturally improve.

"Nothing is impossible, you are too weak."

"I can't kill you, but you, too, can't kill me. The next time you want to kill me, let's be the pinnacle supreme."

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