My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 1351: Terror is coming

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiuxian on campus!

In Dingtian Palace, there are many fortresses of war appearing above the fortresses.

It is obviously not easy to invade such a rising force, not to mention how low-key and silently developed Dingtian Temple has been in the past few years, and it has hardly been involved in any conflicts. It has accumulated a lot of power.

The disciples in Dingtian Palace are in formation, and they are waiting for it.

Chu Yi fell beside several white foxes, the atmosphere was dignified, the monster above his head wriggled, exuding a shocking breath.

"Fate is coming, be careful. If you can't pass this level, you can go into seclusion in the future." Chu Yi said.

It was destiny, he will face up sooner or later, but now he encounters it, but it is just an appetizer.


Suddenly, a drop of liquid fell from the sky beside a fairy.

The liquid fell to the ground, making a snorting noise and burning directly.

As soon as the young immortal looked up, he suddenly found that a huge tentacle had reached the top of his head.

The tentacles were like dried wicker, but they were densely covered with mouths full of teeth.

The young immortal stunned, immediately reacted, his fists blasted into the sky, and his huge fist roared.

It is naturally not easy to reach this level.

His reaction was quick. The fist burned with flames, accompanied by thunder. In the case of encountering unknown creatures, these two energies were the most restrained.

However, the tentacle was just a light roll in the void, and countless mouths tore the fist and engulfed thunder and flames.

Finally, the tentacle penetrated the void, protruding from behind the young Immortal Venerable, the tentacle swelled suddenly, from the thickness of the wicker, and instantly reached Baizhang, with a terrifying and terrifying mouth, spraying poisonous mist.

The young immortal was like being petrified in place, with dark green liquid all over his body, and finally squeezed together by many mouths and swallowed into his belly.

Everyone took a breath of air, brushed away, and left the area.

Someone tentatively put out his hand, and a holy weapon shone like a blazing sun, constantly zooming in, smashing past, but in the end, it still disappeared.


Bai Di shouted loudly, and in the Dingtian Palace, hundreds of monks unfolded the flags behind them. On the large flags, the mysterious patterns glowed, and various metal parts were scattered and combined to form ten huge crossbows.

These parts are automatically assembled, and are shining brilliantly by the pattern.

At the same time, from the inside of Dingtian Palace, a huge flower emerged, about a few hundred feet, and the petals opened and closed, as if breathing, emitting a poisonous cloud, covering the void.

There are thousands of other disciples, carrying a statue of the statue, sitting cross-legged, the statue is heavy, like a puppet, and began to move slowly.

The wind is very cold, with a fishy smell, and the world is killing.

The atmosphere in Dingtian Palace was quite depressing. The tentacles retracted, but the heavy overlapped protective cover had already appeared a big hole. The hole was squeezed by many monsters, and it was getting bigger and bigger, just like a mouth opened by heaven.


The White Emperor ordered that the bow and crossbow made a sharp roar, and ten huge arrows, like lightning, exploded toward the hole.


The monsters whispered, tentacles scrolled one after another, and they kept following the crossbows.

"I really thought it was just a crossbow?" Bai Di sneered.

The next second, on the ten bows and crossbows, various weird patterns emerged, forming a huge snowflake at the hole.

The absolute cold spread quickly and spread to most of the sky. Those monsters were frozen by frost, and then the tentacles and the body began to crack and turned into powder.


"Unlike the tragic events of the past, this life, we have a spirit."

Chu Yi was overjoyed. Under this blow, the opponent was destroyed by half, but he still found a bad phenomenon.

The dead are only monsters under a hundred feet and relatively small in size, and those huge monsters have basically not suffered any harm.

"Sky array!"

The white emperor is trying, and everyone understands that they must know how strong these monsters are, where is the bottom line, and how can they be killed.


A monk carrying a stone figure suddenly stood up. The stone figure behind them continued to expand under the spell and turned into a giant.

Each giant was still wearing a series of bells and made a clear sound, which was a means of illusion attack.

The giant stone statue carried the stone sword and walked away in the clouds. It was extremely fierce and flew directly into the monster group.


The war broke out, like a meteor hitting the stars, a fierce battle took place above the sky.

In an instant, the monsters were countless dead and wounded, all turned into dark green liquid.

But they are too many, like the tide, especially some hundreds of feet, thousands of monsters, huge body, directly suppress everything.

The shield is getting thinner and thinner, and more monsters ignore the stone attack, just trying to dissolve the shield.

The hole is getting bigger.

Suddenly, the only monster with eyes suddenly opened the eyes of the abdomen, the horrible beam of light, like a condemnation, landed from the sky, and countless bursts of law burst.

"What are these!"

Dragonfinch, black-headed snake with dull face.

"Everyone, if you want to live, there is only one battle, Baidi, I will go to the biggest one for a while, and let you arrange the rest."

There was a hint of war on the pale face of the Lord of Nine Serenities.

As the river rises into the sky, it spreads continuously, and there are many wraiths in Hanoi. The crying period of Ai Ai disturbs the souls of the souls.

He sat alone in a dry boat, holding an oil lamp in his hand, like a demon harvesting soul, with a strange smile on his pale face.


Jiu Youhe collided with a tentacle of a monster of thousands of feet, countless wraiths were broken, and the entire huge Jiu Youhe was intercepted in the air.

"Don't be afraid of the spirit attack, or say, there is no spirit at all." Chu Yi frowned.

In this way, the means of mind is useless to the other party.

"The Lord of Nine Nethers has lived the second life, and possesses the spirit of turbidity. It should not be as tragic as the Yanhuangs of that year."

Chu Yi was a little relieved and sturdy, making up the gap between them and Destiny.

After obtaining the method, the elders disappeared for a period of time. Chu Yi guessed that the other party should go to the Yanhuang Realm and bury some supreme-level monsters.

As for the monster beyond the supreme, it is too terrible, and it can’t be killed by mastering the spirit.

"You, only one battle."

When the Emperor Bai Di thought, everyone suddenly realized that the blood in his body was boiling, the energy was tumbling violently, and he had a fearless heart.

Their state has reached an unprecedented level of strength.

Chu Yi was stunned. His spirit and spirit were perfectly integrated in an instant, just like being in the warm waters.

"Bai Di's exercises may be biased toward auxiliary ones, but this is too terrifying, and it seems that even the vitality is a lot of vitality."

The sword worm was surprised: "This is through the change of your mind through the mind, and then affects the flesh. In this state, even if injured, it will recover and accelerate, and it is not easy to fall into the illusion and not easy to be poisoned."

"It's terrible, Tutu is still scared, master... wooh..."

Tutu trembles all over, and a monster falls from the sky and sweeps towards it.

"do not come!"

The silver bunny flew, and the monster burst into tears, crushing its bones.

"Master, it's terrible, it wants to eat me."

Chu Yi: "..."

"Fate?" An Xinyou didn't pay attention to Tutu, and her eyes under the black robe burst into endless killing intent.

"I settled down, and most of them died in destiny. These monsters devoured my parents and my people."

Anxin smiled miserably. They set up their homes. The reason why they are so special is that they are responsible for suppressing such a monster in the heavenly court.

However, the monster was too powerful, and every hundred years, the people of Anjia had to sacrifice, and became the ration of the monster themselves, using their own special flesh and blood, to gain another hundred years of tranquility.

Behind the glory is the tragic price of generation after generation.

She lifted the knife to the sky, the wind hunted and hunted, the sky-blue long knife, like a slim waist woman, cut through the sky, issued a soft drink, a slender awn, like the skyline, walked across, without looking at the end .

"This is the glory of my home."

"The destiny is not going to die, I will settle down and kill you for thousands of years."

"Is this mother-in-law crazy, so desperate." Chu Yi saw this scene and opened his mouth wide.

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