Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiu Xian on campus!

The heavens are calm, the warm sunlight re-sprinkles, and the sea rolls slightly with golden ripples.

Everything is gone!

Everyone looked away, missing the arm of destiny, and the body of the elder, as if nothing had happened.


"His body is really dead."

"There is no breath in my mystery..." Ji Daoxian seemed to have a doppelganger sitting in the headquarters and immediately went to investigate, but there was no movement.

Chu Yi has a complex emotion. The annihilation of destiny means that the elders disappear.

The sea was empty and there was no sign of the elders.

People are in a trance, and some people are crying in the magic city.

The ancient supremes such as Heaven Shadow Supreme, Oblivion Supreme, Lao Xuan Bird, etc., have moist eyes.

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo old. Lao Xuanniao cried out in disregard of his image. Although this time the battle exceeded everyone's expectations, and even they didn't take action, but the result of the battle was unexpected.

"Endless years, endless years... The efforts of countless generations, how many people have been sacrificed, and finally the destiny is destroyed."

Tianying Supreme laughed and smiled, and tears shed.

They have already reached the peak and reached the extreme, but they are trapped in this step. Even if they don't have the talent to become a fairy king, they don't want to see their way.

In particular, destiny controls the entire universe. This feeling is like being pinched by the neck and difficult to breathe. They are struggling like a drowning person.

Now, they all exhale heavily.

"Great elder..." The quiet elder silently stopped speaking, and all the children of the Yan and Huang clan bowed down.

A little dark flame burned, the flame swayed, as if the elders had come.

Many people are crying.

The great elder is a legend. From the end of the chaos to the present, the years have changed, and the Yan Emperor and the Yellow Emperor and many ancestors have left. Only the Great Elder is still there.

It was he who led the Yanhuang family to get out of the earth and into the fairy world.

It was he who led the Yanhuang family to achieve the pinnacle of the universe.

At the peak, he disappeared quietly. No one knew where he had gone. Maybe he just lived in seclusion in Houshan, and lived safely, letting his children and grandchildren glorious.

At the peak of Yan Huang, he disappeared, and at the bottom of his depression, he came back and survived the endless dark years.

Everyone is accustomed to the existence of the Great Elder, as if the world is cracking, this person will not die.

From generation to generation, people are used to the existence of great elders.

The birth of every tribe will be brought to the elders for baptism.

The death of each clan will be buried by the elders themselves.

He seems to have been there.

Suddenly, at this time, they found that the old elders would also die and leave them.

This immortal everlasting lamp was finally annihilated on this day.

Yan Yandao's eyebrows jumped into his hands and fell into his hands, endlessly.

The quiet elder wondered, he finally understood why the elder elder would let them follow Chu Yi, because at that time, the elder elder had a decision.


"No no no!"

In the air, the destiny's brain screamed. He couldn't sense his body. The despair made him terrified.

"It's awful to destroy my body!"

"I want revenge!"

"You destroy my body, I destroy your door."

Tingtian's eyes flashed, and he pressed the stone box directly on his hand.

Xie Wushuang frowned, and his lips were pale, because his way was intercepted by Ji Dao Xian.

"Ji Dao Xian, I didn't find you would be so kind."

Ji Dao Xian smiled and said: "Xie Wushuang, you better not provoke me. I just died of two friends. Although they have been dead for a long time, now, the last breath is gone."

What he said was the relic Buddha and Soul Yuan Emperor.

Although the three said they parted ways later, they were also in the same mood, otherwise they would not create a condemnation together.

"If you act rashly, I will kill you, if you are obedient, then leave quietly, your master has only his head left, it is a waste wood, he is useless to you, the next thing is our business, You who are mixed in the age of gods and demons, still go back to your place, don’t disturb here."

"Xie Wushuang, take me away!" Destiny shouted.

Thanks to Wushuang's complexion, he suddenly relieved and laughed: "You have lost the hole card and can't restrain me, so don't pass it, I hope to see you again in the future."

Xie Wushuang's eyes flickered, and his body disappeared into the void.

"It's really pitiful, the boundless destiny of the scenery, how many eras have been destroyed, and in the end, there is only one brain." Ji Dao Xian Dao.

Ting Tian frowned: "Fate is no longer a big deal, Ji Dao Xian, I can study this brain with you, but there is one thing, I must kill Yan Luo Supreme."

"Oh?" Ji Dao Xian Lei laughed, "Although I promised the elders of the Yan and Huang clan to protect their clan from leaving, anyway, he died, you killed one, and I don't object."

Chu Yi's pupils shrank and quickly backed away. These fairy kings said that if they changed their faces, they would change their faces, which is really terrible.

"Oops, without the protection of the elder elders, I couldn't survive at all, so I had to fight hard."

Chu Yi held the oracle of the devil and his eyes cautiously. If he could take the opportunity to hide in the demon city, he would hope to escape back to the bottom of the earth. The formation left by the earth is enough to resist the attack of the fairy king level.

Although it is difficult to last, it is only there that there is a ray of life.

However, he has to enter the void through the earth and use Yinshen Tower. The void is so large that even the sky can not find a person from the void.

Most of his wishes have been fulfilled. As long as destiny is incapable of harming, then the entire universe can at least settle down, and in the next court, Ji Dao Xian and Xie Wushuang naturally restrict him.

Chu Yi felt relaxed, but did not expect that the biggest enemy was wiped out by the elders.

"Little Chu!"

"Be careful……"

In Shenmo City, countless people change color.

The sword worm snarled, but it could only be anxious.


Ting Tian pointed out that a huge seal formation appeared at the foot of Chu Yi.


Chu Yi flicked a character and suddenly thundered on the ground, like a volcano exploding, and the burst of practice was instantly destroyed.

Then, the horrible smoke was mixed with flames, turned into thousands of beasts, and went towards the sky.

"Sovereign Yan Luo, you have broken my plan, killed my people, destroyed your destiny, and used your life to pay it back."

"How many characters do you have left?"

"It's just the oracle of the devil, I will consume you with energy!"

Ting Tian was not fiercely attacking, but was forcing Chu Yi to move forward step by step.


The sword character appeared on the oracle of the demon, and there was no kendo at that time, but the deity ancestor still created the sword move.

This move coincides with Chu Yi's intentions.

"Death, Yan Luo Supreme, no, you can't die, I want you to be like me, and be trapped in a thousand disasters." Inside the stone box, destiny shouted wildly.

He lost!

He has no physical body, even if he goes out, it will take endless years to recover, and those treasures are even harder to find.

All his life, he will be trapped in this small stone box.

"Ant ants, a group of ants!"

He shouted, crazy, and his hoarse voice was louder than the explosion.

"Ming Yuesheng on the sword!"

Chu Yi swung a sword, and a long bright moon appeared above the long sword.

Moonlight is sword light.

One sword is brilliant to the extreme.

Chu Yi's realm of kendo is already extremely powerful, comparable to the pinnacle supreme, even if the cultivation is not achieved, but he is already not afraid, and the sword characters left by the gods and demon naturally become more extraordinary.


Layers of space were cut open, not deep.

Ting Tian's eyes were stunned, and he was terrified. From this sword, he felt an extremely terrible threat.

Eyes are thunderous!


The next moment, he flew away from the explosion, his hair fell down, and his eyes shed blood and tears.

"Yan Luo Zhizun, you dare to hurt me!" Ting Tian's heart was cold and cold. He had made up his mind to kill Chu Yi anyway. Once he left, the consequences would be unimaginable.

But suddenly he discovered that Chu Yi was in place.

His eyes were horrified, and the long sword in his hand slipped unconsciously.

Chu Yi looked at the void, and the void was still healing layer by layer, but his eyes were staring at the void.

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