My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 1466: Invincible

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiu Xian on campus!

Mo Yefeng's talent is good, but this is only relative to other forces. In the Mo family, there are countless people who can reach his level.

Even if he is so, he is relying on his son Mo invincible, he is quite domineering within the clan, and often intervenes in some affairs, naturally there is not too good popularity.

If there is no such thing as Guanhui Mo, I am afraid they are in the Mo family, but they are just ordinary fairy kings.

"Do you know what you are talking about, and being able to give birth to an invincible young master is itself a kind of glory. If there is no good luck, how to give birth to such arrogance." An old man shouted, his eyebrows yellowed.

Chu Yi spread his hands together: "So, I'm talking about the fact that you can only sit here if you have a son. If you don't, I'm afraid I don't even have the qualification to meet me. I usually deal with such things as high-level immortals. King, but you are just an ordinary fairy king."

Seeing the other person's face getting more and more ugly, Chu Yi smiled, "Forget it, stop talking, you let me in, won't you just chat?"

"Why is King Chu Yan coming?" Mo Wuwei laughed.

"Don't you want to be invincible, and do you want my life? I'll send it to you now, it depends on whether you can bear it."

"What a great gift!" Mo ruthlessly sneered.

"Of course, I want to use your Mo family to punch my titled Supreme. I originally wanted to impact the Asterisk Supreme. It turned out that you are just such a person, and still in the Immortal Venerable Realm. I am afraid I can't reach it." Chu Yi is straightforward.


Mo Yefeng fell down, a huge stone table exploded, and pieces of water splashed at any time, and the black and white lake suddenly boiled.

In an instant, black and white currents soared into the sky, and two columns of water surrounded the whole lake heart island, and the horrible energy fluctuated enough to kill everything.

"You are already in the formation, you can't escape, of course, my Mo family will give you a chance." Mo Yefeng stood up, very tall, with his hands on his back.

"Hand over all invincible methods, and then tell the method, and finally let your real body go to the nearest station of your Mo family."

"Remember, this is not a suggestion, but a warning. Otherwise, you will be destroyed in the next second."

Chu Yi stood crookedly, hanging up and smiling, "Well, I will also give you a warning to the Mo family to hand over your invincible methods, and all the high-ranking members of the posterity will kill themselves. I may consider letting you go. Mo Family."

"Otherwise, the barren land is the burial place of your Mo family."


It's crazy!

At this point, he even dared to say these words, and did not take Mo's eyes into consideration.

"Even if this is the Immortal Venerable Realm, kill you!" An immortal king urged black and white jade pillars, and there was a chain link between the jade pillars, which moved closer to Chu Yi. Here.

"To the Supreme Supreme, there is still someone among you who can fight me, the realm of Immortal Venerable, dare to come out and jump?"

Chu Yi grasped the palm of his hand and condensed a long sword. His knees bent slightly, his body leaned forward, and then a sword was cut out.

The sword is like the rising sun, and the radiance is like the sun, and the sword comes out like a sea of ​​swords. The sword's awn floats on the sea, just like a round of scorching sun floating in the waves.

"Sword Atlas-Haitian Line!"

The terrible sword gas spread, the hot sun cracked, the sea water boiled, hit the black and white jade column, and the waves were magnificent.


"Black and white jade can't trap him!"

Everyone in the Mo family was terrified and quickly retreated. They underestimated Chu Yi.

They thought that the higher the cultivation level, the better the strength of oneself and others would be, far beyond the other party, but unexpectedly, at this level, Chu Yi was considered to show real strength.

Dozens of jade pillars exploded, the rubble rolled into the lake, and then turned into lake water.

However, Chu Yi's sword energy continued to spread in all directions, and the blazing sun continued to break and absorbed the energy of the ocean to recover, becoming more and more huge.

The blazing sun shone a round of sword lights, splitting the sky.

"Mo Family Glory, no blasphemy!"

The old man with a yellow beard who had spoken before shouted. His face was blue, his back was split, and a golden wing was born, covering the sky and the sun, various inscriptions were lit, and the feathers landed, to disturb Chu Yi's sword spirit.


There was an earth-shattering collision here, and Chu Yi understood that the other party’s deity was placed first in his secret realm. He had crossed several fairy rivers long ago, and his fighting skills and consciousness were all in the fairy king. Situation.

Chu Yi burst apart, but fortunately, Chu Yi had long been aware of it, his body twisted, and escaped into his shadow.

"This is my Mo family's land, where can you escape." Mo Yefeng shouted, and the cold frost woven into a net.


Chu Yi was underground, turning into a terrain beast, his body fluttering and swinging, making it difficult for the other party to lock in and attack.

Then it turned into a golden swimming fish, brushed through the black and white lake, and then broke away from the heart of the lake and appeared on the shore in the next second.

Everyone was shocked, because they didn't know how Chu Yi escaped their formation.

Chu Yi will not be stupid enough to fight with the opponent there, even if he is strong, if he can arrange the formation in advance, he is infinitely powerful and can exert energy far beyond the realm of Immortal Venerable.


Chu Yi Jianguang turned around, and suddenly, the endless black and white water seemed to become his treasure, turned into a sword feather, and flew down.

That feather flying through the void has affected time, making many people too late to make the most correct judgment, and instantly penetrated the head, heart, body...

On the heart of the lake, a scream, even some fairy kings of the Mo family, also fell under this blow.

This is not an ordinary attack, but Chu Yi's sword. The fairy king cannot compare with him in this state.


Mo Yefeng and Mo Wuwei joined forces to transform the entire lake heart into a huge earth wall, blocking Chu Yi's attack.


Mo ruthlessly ran inside the mansion, and then pulled out a few evil spirits transformed by Yuan Ying, who let go of his imprisonment. Those evil spirits without limbs rushed to Chu Yi.


Chu Yi didn't move. He had practiced the first layer of the moon-covering tactics for a few days before. The power of the gods and spirits skyrocketed. In conjunction with the heaven and the world, the bodies of the fierce ghosts quickly melted away.

"He has the most powerful way of thinking about God, which is the child of which force, ordinary forces can't cultivate such a demon at all, and they don't have that resource." Several fairy kings looked at him.

"Xianjia Shenfu, there is no Chu."

Various information flashed through everyone's minds quickly, but no force could match it.

"Kill first!"

Mo ruthlessly urged the chains in his hands. These chains could trap Li Gui before. They were not mortal. Now they are rising in the wind, and every chain has a mouth full of teeth.

The chain is extremely fast, breaking through the void.

Chu Yi's eyes flicked, and he stretched out his hands, and in an instant, all the gold and black birds appeared.

Jin Wu crowed, spread his wings, and the flames threw down, burning all those chains.

The chain screamed, and finally turned into a meaty intestine, emitting a stench.

"this is!"

"The fire of Jinwu disappeared for a long time?!"

"At that time, the golden fire on the lunar sun star was the first emperor flame. It was extremely difficult to get it. There are not many of our Mo family, and only a few people can tame it. Now this huge star has long been The disappearance of the endless years has become a legend. He even has it in his hands, indicating that there is definitely an ancient force behind him."

Mo Wuwei is very dignified.

With the improvement of Xiu Wei, the true strength of the other party was finally shown, which made him very astounded.


"What about the fire of Jinwu, the kind of fire is getting weaker and weaker now, there have been rumors that after the disappearance of that huge star, it has entered a stage of destruction, and you, after all, are only in the realm of Immortal Venerable."

"Shui Yuntian!" Mo Yefeng united with several fairy kings, with water droplets shining on his chest, and the water droplets were intertwined. At the next moment, the fire of Jin Yi from Chu Yi should be extinguished.


Suddenly, another flame appeared on Chu Yi, and rounds of the sun emerged, shining on all sides.

Those powerful drops of water were completely evaporated in an instant.

Jin Wu emerged, standing on three legs, under which was the blazing sun.

Chu Yi was carrying the golden sun of the scorching sun and looked around.

"Sun fire, golden fire!"

"He definitely knows the position of the lunar sun star."

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