Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiuxian on campus!

The blood was rolling, one huge beast head, messy on the ground, slowly disappearing.

"Twenty Swords...He is now killing a giant beast and asking for twenty swords. His strength is getting weaker and weaker, and the speed of wielding the sword is also slower."

"I can't do's really tiring." Chu Yi gasped with his hands on his knees.

"You are already very good. I can't do this step in your cultivation. Your strength, I am afraid, has reached the top thirty of the Star Wars." Mo Xinqiu exclaimed.

Chu Yi raised his head, his face covered with blood and sweat, and glanced at a dozen more white figures in front of him. One of the figures began to twist, and then his body merged into the shadow.

"Heirs of the Universiade, do you want to avenge the things of those years, you really thought that it was my Mo family, but it was a trap set by the creatures of the virtual world. You are so stupid that you came to avenge yourself."

"Follow me to the Mo family, the ancestor will solve your doubts."

"You are tired, this ray of thought is too tired, it's time to rest."

Chu Yi's eyelids are getting heavier, and at the end, his sword fell to the ground.

A man in white slowly drilled out of his shadow. The man was wearing a white mask with eyes painted on it, as if mocking Chu Yi's involuntary power.

He wanted to grasp Chu Yi's thought, and then use the secret method to detect where the other party is.


Suddenly, a sword light passed across his eyes, and the pupil of the white man shrank. He was about to fight back, but he saw his hand fall off his arm.

Immediately afterwards, he saw his body, moving further and further away from his head.

Jianguang rushed to the sky.

Out of the sword, Chu Yi coughed again, his body swaying, barely supporting himself with the sword.

"Mo Xinqiu, why don't you go on your own, and still stir people's hearts aside, it's the morality of the Mo family."

"I have only one person, but you dare not come up, which is really ridiculous."

Chu Yi raised his breath, his injuries recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye, and he began to stand firm without shaking his hand.

"Come here and watch me kill you!"

Mo Xinqiu said with a smile: "You are succeeding, now you have no physical strength at all. The sword just now seems powerful, but it also exposes your condition, and condenses that sword with your swordsmanship achievements. It doesn't take so long."

"And, the more you pretend to be intact now, the more pitiful and fearlessly struggling."

"You have to know the truth of the year, there is no problem at all, but you should not insult my Mo family."

Chu Yi didn't say a word, standing on the spot, with swords and gangs floating around him, ready to go.

Mo Xinqiu suddenly moved, he took a step, and there seemed to be some formation on the soles of his feet, which appeared directly in front of Chu Yi.

Swish swish!

Countless swords and gangs went out automatically.

But when the other party reached out, they even broke the Jiangang, Chu Yi noticed that the other party's palm was also inscribed with the formation.

"Strong force together."

Startled in his heart, the long sword came from the bottom up, the tip of the sword spit out Han Mang, and spurted into the throat of the other party.

But seeing the other person's eyebrows, a burst of methods emerged, just like an eye, the pupil showed a spiral, constantly turning and contracting, making Mo Xinqiu disappear.

The spiral appeared at the back of Chu Yi, and Mo Xinqiu's figure also appeared. A cold wind hit the back of Chu Yi.

Some people fight open and close, some people like to use various methods, but some people like to be subtle to the extreme.

Obviously, Mo Xinqiu belongs to the exquisite person, even during the battle, his face still has a smile on his face.

He is very cautious and will not easily shoot, and once he does, he will absolutely not allow failure.

Chu Yi's body crooked, avoiding the other party's fatal attack, and the other party's palm fell on Chu Yi's shoulder, making a bone cracking sound.

"Boy, almost, I can't see what is happening inside you anymore." In front of Chu Feifan, a black thing, like black liquid, like gas, permeated from the Tao House and never entered the small world. In the sea of ​​supreme hearts.

Only Yuanying is very clear and peaceful, and the power of Shennian guards itself.

"I know, it's about time, it's time to go in and overturn this place."

"It's also interesting to think about it. If you can kill these fairy kings in Big Dream Realm first, then in reality, kill it again, hehehe..." Chu Yi's voice echoed in the body.

Chu Feifan shuddered, because the sound was too weird, like a demon roaring in hell.

He saw something surging in the darkness, and there was a little darkness above the sword species.

"Asura said, the stronger the demon, the stronger the strength, but the stronger the strength, the easier it is to control, so my swordsman, from small to large, will have professional monks to guide the cultivation of the soul, preventing future Because Asura was too strong, Yuanying was invaded."

"Historically, something like this happened, and the swordsman became a sword demon."

Chu Feifan was a little worried because Chu Yi had never grown up in Universiade from his childhood, nor had he been educated by Universiade about swordsmen.

The reason why the sword-bearers are mostly honest is that a large part of them are because of practicing samsara.

If the mind is too strong, Ashura will devour the swordman.

"No, this kid is not a good person at first glance, just opened the Asura Road, and the darkness has engulfed the Supreme Sea, no, I have to help him suppress it."

Chu Feifan's thought had just risen, and suddenly his body was creepy, and Yuan Ying quickly flew back to the sword spirit.

But in the dark, an alternative voice of Chu Yi sounded: "Are you going to destroy this king?"

The darkness was surging wildly, and a huge paw came out, shaking the earth.

"Crazy, how much resentment is there in this kid's heart, that even such a terrible heart demon will be born?" Chu Feifan was hiding in the sword soul, dared not to go out, and watched the huge darkness, and the claws emitting smoke shrank back into the darkness. .

"Sword reincarnation, a total of six paths, the animal path is only an auxiliary means, the human path is normal, the **** path will not be psychic, the evil path can be controlled by the mind, only the Ashura path and the human path..."

Chu Feifan had a headache because he had seen the swordman perform these two acts. Sometimes, even the master of the house was careless and would be repulsed by these two acts.

"Asura is the most troublesome!"

"However, it can only be seen how he controls it. After practicing Asura, you must cultivate humanity as soon as possible to suppress it. You cannot be swallowed by Asura."

Chu Yi felt a cold power in his body, which gave him a bloodthirsty urge.

He did not dare to carelessly, his long sword waved, and his sword flowed through the clouds.

"No, you..." Mo Xinqiu didn't even say anything, and saw countless swords that tied him up, and then lightly condensed, his body was like smoke disappearing.


Chu Yi coughed up blood and looked at the remaining ten people. His face was pale: "Hey, I have been seriously injured. It is really not your opponent."

After a moment, the sword light shrouded here like a tide, and when the sword light disappeared, there was no shadow at the gate of the city-state.

"Hematemesis again, everyone, who has a good healing medicine, otherwise I can't really enter again."

Everyone remained silent for a long time, and then a demon jumped up and shouted: "Boy, please go inside for Lao Tzu, don't pretend to be sick, Lao Tzu depends on you to destroy Mo Family."

"Go to his uncle!"

Everyone broke their mouth and yelled, some of them were just worried about Chu Yi, thinking that the other party was really going to fall, but now they can see that Chu Yi has not used his full strength at all, he wants to let the Mo family come to die one by one. , Simply playing with the Mo's IQ.

"I'm really going to die." Chu Yi stumbled all the way to the front of a mansion.

A group of people is speechless, you are going to die, then fall down, and it can still be supported to the present.

"Be good, let me enter, I just need a little medicine." Chu Yi was embarrassed and said to the guardian door god.


The door **** was very polite, and the big knife was cut down on Chu Yi's neck.


Suddenly, the opponent's palm was transformed into a huge, and he crushed him directly, and then with the door, he turned into ashes.

Everyone was shocked, but I didn't expect that this time Supreme Master Yan did not shy away.

"Destroying people's gates is like hitting a face, Yan Luo is supreme, stop here."

A young figure, armed with a spear, stood in the dust.

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