My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 1540: Perception vision

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiuxian on campus!

"Hahaha... Happy, really happy!"

Di Ye's short figure jumped on Mo Yutian's head and stomped on the other's face with a pair of feet.

"Old guy, wasn't it arrogant just now, why don't you talk now."

"Don't you Mo family, step by step, have you already decided on us, now you are overturning the boat."

"I see the old bone guy, how is it right now, two celestial lords, and one who will soon become celestial lords, are in our hands."

The three of Mo Yutian were locked in a large formation, their faces very gloomy and ugly.


Mo Yutian squeezed his nose, trying to drive the earth master away from his face.

"Yes, I’m miscalculated, but it’s your business. A group of old guys. If there was no King Yan Luo today, you would have become my plaything. You are still complacent here. If you dare to kill me, you have to face it. With the anger of my Mo family, the endless war will destroy this universe in an instant."

Mo Yutian's words made everyone's mood slightly relieved, and they raised it again.

They even felt scared.

If Yan Luoxian Wang was not present today, I am afraid Mo Yutian would have succeeded.

A group of immortal owners could not help but look at the king of Yan Luo.

"Everyone, on Xiuwei, Chu is not the strongest, he can't make a shot on his seniority, but he is also top-notch on strength, and he is a descendant of the Universiade... this time, just listen to him Yes," Di Ye said a little ashamed.

"Yeah, Lord Yan Luo, what do you think will happen next?" Lord Ye Bai sighed.

The current enemy, and more than one enemy, they have lost most of their pinnacles, and their overall strength has dropped by one grade.

This is too crises.

"Amitabha, King Yan Luoxian, the previous thing was our fault. I was confused by the enemy. I apologize here." Master Wu Dao folded his hands and bowed slightly.

Chu Yi breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, these people are not confused. If they really don't know how to repent at this time, then they will definitely lose.

"Seniors, then I would rather respect than obey."

"The next thing is simple and simple, and complex and complicated."

Chu Yi looked at Mo Yutian and his eyes were not heavy, which made Mo Yutian and his heart sink.

"Mr. Chu Yan, do you have any other way but to take us hostage." Mo Ditian sneered.

"Yes, take you as hostages and exchange with them, even if unsuccessful, you can delay the time." Chu Yi laughed.

"You, the most important thing for us now is time. Time is too important to us. But if we can delay one year, the overall strength of our universe will be greatly improved. More and more days will emerge in the years of the Emperor Calendar. ."

"Like the immortal kings here, I am afraid that you can enter the immortal master in less than a year or two, and you can enter the immortal master in the slow century."

"And the people at the Shengxian Conference are all the peak fairy kings in the future, and they are still an extremely powerful part."

"The longer it is, the better it is for us, and the less beneficial it is for them."

Chu Yi took a deep breath and said, "Mo Yutian, you are very powerful, but not too powerful to be terrible. You seem to have forgotten one of the most important things."

"What?" Mo Yutian frowned, and Chu Yi's expression made him very unhappy.


"Your universe, although there are many strong peaks, but the strong of the fairy king level, because of the year-round battle, there is absolutely no more universe than ours."

"Although the gap between Immortal King and Immortal Lord is too large, we can fully use the huge group of Immortal Kings and add various magical tools to hold down an Immortal Lord. This works."

"Not to mention, this is our home field!"

Mo Yutian suddenly laughed and said: "Yan Luoxian Wang, are you going to fight with us, do you know what the consequence is, that is, when the virtual world comes, everyone will be finished. "

"This is not something you can manage." Chu Yi narrowed his eyes, he understood the consequences of this matter.

It's just that there is a last retreat in his hand, and there is a passage to another universe.

However, less than a last resort, Chu Yi will not come up with it.


Suddenly, at the Shengxian Conference, there was a roar, one after another extremely terrible light beam, broke through the clouds, did not enter the void.

After Chu Yi gave a meal, he branded on the source, and now he feels that he knows that the source and the place are starting to resonate, and the vision is about to come.

"Everyone, Shen Xin Wu Dao, can now increase one point of strength, that is one point of strength." Di Ye shouted, let everyone wake up.

Especially some celestial king juniors, there is no recovery at this time.

Chu Yi seemed to feel: "The origin of the universe has sensed a threat. This time, the vision that came should be stronger than ever."


The terrible vision descended from the sky, the void was torn, the formation was swaying, and then a loud bang followed the flow into the void.

There were thirty-six vortexes of different colors, and the inscriptions were flying like thirty-six huge eyes.

"Involve in the vortex enlightenment, the more the vortex comes out later, the more mysteries it contains, but do your best, don't force it." The master here is the oldest and knows a lot.

Groups of fairy lords took the lead in flying up, and with the fairy lord's perception, they were basically entrenched in about thirty vortices.

They sat in the huge whirlpools and realized the mystery.

"Let's go too." Chu Yi looked at the sword bug, Feng Jingxian and others.

"I won't go, it's useless to me, stay and help you look at these three people." Swordworm said.

Chu Yi nodded, he took the pig Bajie, rose to the sky, and ran directly to the thirty-sixth vortex.

It is said to be a black vortex, but it is more like a huge black pupil with stars in it, which seems to have endless mysteries.

"He has gone to the black vortex...Yan Luo fairy king, is he in the realm, higher than us?"

An immortal looked at the past and was horrified.

"If he is not high, how can he have the fighting power of the Immortal Lord level, I am afraid that the basic kendo has merged many moves."

Chu Yi sat side by side with the pig Bajie, the body guard of the Eight Commandments, resonating with the origin.

As far as Chu Yi is concerned, he wants to merge swordsmanship and refine his roots.

But for Pig Bajie, it is to completely refine the Eight Commandments.

Chu Yi closed his eyes and practiced.

"The source of refining is the most critical. I haven't had time to refining after my strength was improved. Now I take advantage of this opportunity to be able to truly refining instead of branding."

The origin will exclude foreigners, but it will not exclude the life it was born, but the origin is too complicated, contains everything, and is the place where many souls return after death.

Every moment, it has to receive a lot of spiritual memory and energy, which makes the fairy masters unable to refine their origins.

"So slow……"

Chu Yi bit his teeth.

"A source, if viewed as an earth, I have just refined one square meter of land above, and the progress is getting slower and slower."

"It seems that the only way to start is to cover the moon and the basic kendo."

The stronger Yuanying is, in fact, the faster the refining, and the more basic kendo fusion, the closer it is to its origin.

The closer to the source, the better the natural refining.

Once fully integrated, it is a breeze to want to refine.

But Chu Yi is now following two paths.

At that time, the endless time of the Fire Immortal Master Card on the last move, Chu Yi could know by deduction, if he was only a simple fusion of basic swordsmanship, it can really be completed, I am afraid that this universe has been destroyed by the virtual world creatures.

Therefore, he used two roads to verify each other.

"Patriarch, do you say we will succeed?" Mo Wudi looked slightly worried.

"They are just struggling in vain. Our family has been preparing for a long time, and no one can resist our pace."

"They can't do it, nor can imaginary creatures. This will eventually become our hometown." Mo Yutian is convinced.

How powerful are their universes and can deal with imaginary creatures to this day, and there are not a few strong ones coming.


On the side of Feng Jingxian, a huge phoenix soared, and the hot line of fire swept through the sky, screaming for nine days and ten places.

She broke through and became a fairy lord. A red shirt stood in the void, beautiful and moving.

With the breakthrough of Feng Jingxian, those fairy kings also began to make progress one after another.

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