Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiu Xian on campus!

Is this still the famous Fengshan of China?

Everyone stared dumbfounded at this bare mountain forest. The leaves on the ground were gently blown by the wind and became powder.

They witnessed with their own eyes that all the plants withered quickly, even the flying birds, seemed to disappear in an instant.

The whole maple mountain is dead, like a huge cemetery, and there is a breath of death all over the forest, which makes people shudder.

Once, King Chu Yan made Fengshan popular all day.

On this day, he let Fengshan wither away and become a dead ground.

The old lady Wang Lan, seeing this kind of scene, did not pass in one breath, and passed out directly.

Fengshan is the Tangshan's Fengshan, but also the ancestral home of the Tang family.

This is a symbol of the power and identity of the Tang family, and it is where the luck is.

Therefore, Chu Yi proposed to let them move away from the Tang family. The Tang family would rather die than leave.

But now, this originally beautiful Maple Mountain has become what it is today. Who can bear it?

"I am afraid that this Maple Mountain will not have animals entering and flowers growing for decades." Zhang Tianxin lamented, and also marveled at Chu Yi's strength while sympathizing with the Tang family.

Such a horrible person, instead of being enveloped by the Tang family, he was enemies everywhere, and this caused the situation today.

"The Tang family, regardless of their heritage, contacts, and strength, are all first-class families, but there is no way to take Chu Yan."

"And what about us?"

Looking at the corpses on the ground, some blood had soaked their shoes, and their terrifying heads made everyone cold and their hands and feet cold.

Even the Tang family could not deter King Chu Yan, what did they count in Chu Yi's eyes?

This is the truly powerful warrior!

"Why did you come back, you want to remind me, how unhappy I am now?" Yang Lingjiao shivered for a while, and his mind was complicated to the limit.

Every time she thought that she surpassed Chu Yi, but the result of each time often made her unable to sleep for many days.

"Beijing, it's going to change."

"It's not just the capital, it's the whole China, and even the whole world is in an uproar. The black list was once the first and returned again.

"Those who have secretly made hands and feet may be restless now."

"Fortunately, we didn't do anything with the Chu family, otherwise, it has now become a corpse."

People are terrified, but the seeds of Chu Yi in their hearts have been deeply engraved in their souls, and they have become a shadow that cannot be scattered in this life.


When Qing Changhong and others arrived, they were stunned by the sight.

The blood was arbitrarily contaminated with the white walls, and the red carpet stepped on it, and even more blood came out.

That body exuding temperature, a greasy head...

"Fortunately, there was no harm to the Tang family, and Teacher Chu was considered restrained." Qing Changhong could only convince himself in this way, but too many people died, and they were all high society people. This thing, even he did not Easy to handle.

However, when Zhao Peng saw the injured Chen Kaiqiang, his heart paused uncomfortably.


"I hope that General Chen will get out of the customs later."

Tang Zhentian, sitting on the ground in despair, lost his strength to get up.

Who could have imagined that the Tang family would suffer such a huge blow that even the ancestral land was destroyed by others.

"Tang family, it is really self-sufficiency." Long Qin sneered. If he is a member of the Tang family, I am afraid that he will regret it now. A powerful person like this is pushed out by them. It is really eye-catching.

"However, the Tang family can't afford it. As long as General Chen is alive, there is still room for the Tang family to rise."

"But the glory of the past will no longer be there, and Fengshan will never be red again."

"Let's go..."

The crowd, leaving one after another, the shock in his eyes, has not retreated for a long time.

This matter today is enough for them to recall their whole lives.

"Xiao Feng, are you okay." Tang Wei walked to Tang Qifeng with the help of the housekeeper.

Tang Qifeng's eyes were dull, and he recovered a moment later, somewhat desperately saying: "Grandpa, don't you say, the warrior, but is our weapon, why can he be so powerful as to ignore our Tang family."

Tang Wei froze for a long time, and then sighed deeply: "Because he is not an ordinary warrior, he is the first in the black list. This list means that the people above have to consider the entire underground if they want to deal with him. The emotions of all the warriors in the world."

Chen Zhantian grew up in the army from an early age, and his growth is inseparable from the cultivation of the country, so he can hold him in his hands.

But Chu Yi is different.

Suddenly rising, there is no sign at all, even if Langfang is involved, but the constraints on Chu Yi are too small and too small.

What's more, Chu Yi now is too strong to kill him even with missiles. Once he is angry at him, he may not know what will happen.

Not daring above, they Tang family, it is even impossible to take Chu Yi.

"Then Tang family, just watched the decline like this?"

Tang Qifeng looked at the dead Maple Mountain, but felt that his heart was extremely desolate.

"stand up!"

"This is not the time to say this."

"Although we failed, it does not mean that we will never fail!"

"The Tang family now needs to endure and hide their own sharpness. When the enemy relaxes, he will be killed."

Tang Wei didn't realize his mistakes at all. In his eyes, everything the Tang family did was correct, and the unscrupulous descendants of the rebellious family like Chu Yi were the worst sins.

"It's too arrogant!" Chen Kaiqiang kicked the chair with a fierce kick, there was still blood in the corner of his mouth, and his forehead burst into blue.

"I grew so big that even Grandpa never hit me, and no one dared to blame me. He dared to shoot me."

"Chen Shao, calm down." A Tang family hurriedly persuaded.

Chen Kaiqiang sneered: "You can rest assured that this matter has nothing to do with your Tang family. When my grandfather closes, I will go to him in person and let him avenge me."


Suddenly, he received a call.

"What, grandpa is out?" Chen Kaiqiang's angry face just now, full of surprise at the moment.

"Okay, I will go back now."

"Master Tang, my grandfather is out, do you want to see me with me?"

Tang Zhentian looked at him, and finally a smile appeared on his face.

"it is good!"


Return of King Chu Yan!

This news, as the Tang family incident ended, has spread throughout the country, and almost all major forces were informed in the first place.

"He, why are you still alive?"

"It's terrifying. I can't die in this way. The Tang family is really unlucky. He gave up such a strong man. Otherwise, he has already become the first family of China."

"I'm a deadly rival. Yesterday I was still robbing a piece of land from Jinlin with me. Now I'm afraid to think about how to go back."

"No. 1 in the Black List, King Chu Yan!"

"What is the first, it was only the first. Now the black list has been updated a long time ago. The first seems to be an islander."

"Hey, I think this matter is really getting more and more exciting."


"King Chu Yan is still alive?"

The Luo Family, Lei Family, Feng Family, and even Liang Shier and others all got the news.

"In any case, this time, we are all right." The old man said away with a smile.

"It seems that some people should be anxious."

"However, Master Chu's so much trouble in Beijing, I am afraid that it will also cause the above fear."

No matter what everyone thinks, there is no doubt that Chu Yi is back alive!

"Mr. Chu Yan, is he still alive?" Wang Ying's hands holding the teacup tightened slightly.

"It's impossible. That day, but with countless missiles, we couldn't run away after a few kilometers. Many people were affected. He couldn't be alive."

Sun Zhen stunned, trembling in his eyes.

He witnessed the explosion with his own eyes, ruining the world, and even the landscape was changed.

"Nothing is impossible." Wang Ying narrowed his eyes. The name, in his heart, became more and more disgusting.

"What a nasty name."

"However, that sentence, as long as it doesn't provoke me, what should I do."

"I have locked the last phoenix, right in the capital!"

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