My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 605: Imprisoned army

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiu Xian on campus!

Above the clock tower, Chu Yi, Qingshan and others looked out into the distance.

Mysterious turtle sat on the window sill and looked far away with interest.


In the smoke, the thunder rolled, and countless shadows flashed. It was a huge beast, with four corners facing the sky, very sharp. On their bodies, it seemed to be wearing a heavy privacy armor, and it moved slightly, and it was clank.

They carried turrets on their backs and made a dull sound. This is a turret that can bomb the congenital realm. Even if it is a realm of planting, it will be injured if it is bombarded repeatedly.

Behind the Celestial Beast, there are spaceships. The spaceships are built with thousands of years of trees, engraved with symbols and solemn and majestic. Each wooden boat is more than tens of meters in length.

Above, full of soldiers, all expressionless, holding a shield in one hand and a knife in the other.

They are elites cultivated by Emperor Qin, and all of them are innate powerhouses.

A team of nearly hundreds of people came from the sky, and Thunder Beast opened the road, driving above the Thunder Cloud, like a god.

At the end of the team, there is also a moving pavilion. Above the pavilion, the national teacher is in a black robe and stands proudly.

No one has ever seen his true identity, nor his face.

Qin Ling's flag was fluttering, the drums were full of battles, resounding through the sky.

This was Emperor Qin. The first time he opened fire in the Imperial Capital, he clearly had determination.

Although he is old, he does not lose his morale. He has to shock the world and the other three countries.

The yellow smoke filled the sky, the sky and the earth blew, and the thundercloud covered the sky and blocked the sun's brilliance.

Soon, they floated not far from Qiuren College.

"Emperor Qin is crazy, but I think the crazier thing is that the master of the country. He should be a disciple of Lizong of Nanyang and a disciple of Neimen. He is only talented, so he is anxious to get the core heritage and be able to break through to the realm of Taoism."

Chu Yi looked away, without joy or sorrow.

"Is it my time?" Xuan Gui licked his lips, his eyes full of war.

This group was already belligerent. He was imprisoned for thousands of years, and he was already in a hurry.

"Don't worry, we fight slowly. This time, it was used to deter. At least let Emperor Qin not dare to start against Qiuren College before breaking through the Taoist government. Similarly, we have to deter other forces and let them shoot. Before, think twice."

Chu Yi laughed.


"Yes, Elder Chu."

Qingshan nodded, then floated out of the bell tower, standing across the sky, facing the imprisonment.

"Guo Shi, please come back. This is not what you can enter. I also tell your majesty that we are not so bully when we ask for benevolence."

The national teacher stood hand in hand, and the two were far apart.

"Your Majesty is furious, there must always be an explanation, not to mention that the surnamed Chu has lived a few more days."

"Moreover, there are the remnants of the remnant party of Nanyang Lizong. It should be clear that otherwise, the country will be difficult to settle down."

"I think it's difficult for your majesty to settle down, or even the national teacher can't sleep," Qingshan said.

The national division was silent, and the forbidden army was still proceeding in an orderly manner towards Qiuren Academy. Once it set foot, it would set off a **** storm.

"Since that is the case, there is no way to go, wherever it comes from, go where it is."

Aoyama's hands were sealed, and as he saw the seals falling, they were faint and faint, hidden in all directions. Immediately, the whole sky was suddenly red.


Numerous fire clouds appeared, and they floated in front of the heavenly beasts, and the fire inside was soaring into the sky.

This is the formation method arranged by Qin Ling Academy to defend against the strong enemy.


The burning cloud seems to be aware of the hostility, and the blossoming wildly, countless flames erupted directly from the cloud.

A beast was hit, and not long after that, his body was scorched and died tragically.

The beast wailed, and his huge body fell to the ground, making a roar.

Fortunately, near Qiren College, most of them are roads, and the people have long been evacuated, otherwise, there will be countless deaths and injuries.

The red flame seemed to be spiritual, leaping, and tapping in the air, as if to cross the beast and directly attack the national division behind.

This is a formation method, which has been condensed for many years and is comparable to the full attack of the realm of planting.

The forbidden army, who had just returned to the majesty, now looked rather embarrassed.

"A good formation, this flame, seems to have been refined by Tianlei." The master of the country was proud, and the tone was calm.

He has been practicing for more than a thousand years. Last time, most of the core inheritance was captured by Dongxuzong. They can only pick up some corners and corners, so he will never give up the opportunity in front of him.

Once inherited, one can enter the realm of Taoism in one step.

"Since you resist, it would be best..."

"Order the beast to fire."

A single beast, with a big mouth of blood basin and a greasy face, they were originally not high in combat power, but they can be transformed by humans and combined with an aura cannon, which can transform the bloated aura in the beast and then shoot it.


The beasts roared, they glowed all over, the artillery fire on the back roared, and they shot directly at the fire cloud.

The flaming clouds were broken up and turned into igniting seedlings, which were spreading and falling on the earth.

Countless people are silent.

How powerful is that formation, even the strongest in the realm of Dao are not willing to resist, but now, they are scattered by a few shots.

This is the strength of the Legion.

The power of ants can also subvert the sky.

Underneath, those spies are also evaluating the specific strength of Qin Ling Empire.

"Useless, unless you enter the realm of Daofu, otherwise you can't stop this battle."

"Qiuren Academy, benevolence and virtue, but it is a pity that everything should be built on its own strength, otherwise, it is like the moon in the mirror, the flowers in the water, but the bubbles."

"This is powerful!"

The national teacher's voice was a little louder.

"I can cut you off by myself."


"This beast is good, but unfortunately, in the hands of Emperor Qin, it can only be destroyed."

When Chu Yi said it was a pity, there was no emotion in his eyes.

"Li Qiu."

"The disciples are here."

"Although you are a person in the dark world, it is inconvenient to shoot, but no one has seen you shoot. Now, you use shadow manipulation to kill the forbidden army. Don't let the other party enter our college and destroy the flowers and plants. ."

Chu Yi said that for him, everything is nothing more than that.

The vision of both parties has already decided the ending.

Chu Yi planned to deal with Dong Xuzong. As for Emperor Qin, he had not put it in his eyes.


Li Qiu's figure moved, and under his feet, the shadow twisted and twisted.

Shadow manipulation, this exercise, is not difficult to obtain, at least for the strong men who are more than a monk during the infancy, it can be purchased.

Among the exercises left by Chu Yi at that time, there was such a way. Li Qiu spent many years. Although he did not talk about Dacheng, he had already entered the room.

Just when the Forbidden Army was about to be dispatched, all of a sudden, the world and earth were dark again, and a twisted shadow burst from the void.

They were either holding long thorns or holding knives in their hands, and they were all transformed by the shadows, and they drove towards the beasts and the imprisonment.

The gunfire didn't damage the shadow at all.

Those heavenly beasts and the forbidden army, who had had their reactions in the future, had their heads cut off, blood was spilled from the sky, and blood rain was heavy, staining the streets nearby.



This exercise is too evil, at least on the Tianchen mainland, rarely appears, and the Qin Ling Empire is also unknown.

"Out of the shield!" The national teacher looked solemn and his heart was horrified. He suspected that it was the old dean here who was performing this exercise.

Wan Ying misty.

It's like a ghost walking at night, whining, it makes your scalp numb.

However, when the Forbidden Army made the shield, the offensive of these shadows slowed down.

Blocked by a shield, occasionally smashed into air.

"Shadow manipulation, although powerful, has never had a method of blocking. Especially, the person who performed it has not yet practiced it to a great success. Otherwise, it would be really difficult."


Suddenly, the thousands of shadows suddenly twirled in the air, forming a huge flying shuttle, directly facing the forbidden army and flying down.

At this moment, countless people were pierced through, and one body after another fell from the sky.

The master of the country was as deep as water.

At this time, the forbidden army lost more than half.

This is something he didn't really think of.

However, at this moment the forbidden army has already approached the gate of Qiuren Academy. Once entered, it will be a massacre. At least the senior level of the Academy is difficult to escape.

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