Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiu Xian on campus!

Most of the court commanders had shortness of breath, their cheeks were flushed, and there was almost a mouthful of blood clogged in the throat.

"Amitabha, Shanzaishanzai, the teacher's favorite killing is invisible. If I go on, I am afraid that half of them will die of cerebral hemorrhage."

Wu Ming was heartbroken.

"Sister, please bring my special plaster today, and ask which adult needs it and sold it with a hundred spirit stones."


After Chu Yi finished speaking, he swaggered in. He didn't want to show his strength here. In case that those who scared the thousands of Fanzong ran away directly, this poison would be very difficult to deal with.

Ye Cang's face instantly pulled down: "The Land of Projectiles. Only this kind of person who sits in the sky and looks at the sky will be so unscrupulous."

"When the people of Qianfanzong come, you won't be able to cry."

Ye Linguo didn't know when, he had already arrived at the scene and witnessed everything just now. Angrily smiled back: "We Ye family, have assisted Emperor Qin throughout the ages, but did not expect that they were insulted."


"Master Ye."

Ye Linguo nodded: "Looking at his attitude, we probably know some of our actions."

"What should I do?" Chen Kuan was pale with fright.

"So what?" Ye Linguo laughed. "If Emperor Qin and the national master do not know, we have to worry about fraud."

"Yes, it's normal."

"You guys, go in."

Ye Linguo beckoned and suddenly everyone came in.

Not long. In the palace of Jin Luan, Qin Zheng appeared with his hand Ye Xin, who was holding a porcelain doll in his hand.

"Today, it is Chong'er's birthday. You don't need to pay much, I have prepared the banquet..."

"Your Majesty!" Ye Linguo was so impatient that he directly interrupted Qin Zheng's words and came out. "Guo Shih is rare to come back today. I want to invite Guo Shi to teach some dogs.

Qin Zheng's eyes narrowed, his face expressionless: "Master Ye, you are in a hurry, you are still hungry."

Ye Linguo said with a smile: "The dog is anxious. The dog is cultivated from the mainland of Kyushu. The heart is arrogant and proud. The old man also wants to ask the national teacher to help teach the dog..."

He looked at Chu Yi with a provocation in his eyes.

Everyone looked at it in unison. Obviously, this time Chu Yi could not refuse as before.

"Deacon Kong, this man's strength seems a little vague."

The three people of Qianfanzong were mixed in the crowd.

After all, today is just a feast, and there are many family members of officials, so it is quite chaotic.

A bit of contempt flashed in Deacon Kong's eyes: "It's just that the power is deliberately hidden. This man has the realm of Taoism, and he should have just entered, but it is really good to deliberately pretend to be the pinnacle of the Dao, but it is not so much compared to you. "

"Hey..." A gloomy man smiled, "Deacon Kong is right, we are just Zongmen's outer disciples of the year, and now they have achieved Daofu, although their status has been improved, but their talents are all in Zongmen. It's middle and lower."

"Like our sect door, a brother who came out at random can destroy him."

"In these small places, all kinds of ways can be rampant."

But seeing this moment, Qin Zheng snorted a little, faintly dissatisfied.

But Ye Linguo didn't even look at it.

Chu Yi lowered his head and smiled: "Master Ye, I still don't want to fight, lest I say I bully the small, today, let me a student out."

"Fang Xin, you come out, remember to be merciful, then the Ye Family's son seems to have a bad brain, so as not to really beat him into a brain disability."

"Guo Shi. You are insulting me now." Ye Cang walked past with a swing, seeing the look of Fang Xin, a little moved.

"However, if you really want to fight my little sister, then I will teach you a few tricks."

"I don't know what trick my little sister is good at?"

Fang Xin smiled sweetly: "kill trick!"

Ye Cang's pupil shrank. Immediately lost in laughter: "I would really joke, it really is a little beauty."

"Amitabha, this man is finished." Wu Ming read the eulogy.

Fang Xin groaned. Although she was only planting three realms, she was of a pedigree. But it is quite noble, but the blood of the mad warriors of ancient times.

Her calf is strong, and the whole person is like a rash cow, rushing past.

"It's fast!"

Ye Cang Lingran was about to raise the knife, but he was shocked. The opponent's hand, I don't know when, had pressed it on the back of his hand, and pressed the knife back again.

"Little white face dares to tease my old lady!"

Fang Xin's wrist turned, holding the other's wrist with one hand, everyone's scalp tingled, only to hear the crackling sound of a crack.

Ye Cang didn't have time to respond. With a wailing sound, he was thrown out by Fang Xin like garbage, breaking a huge stone lion.


Smoke billowing.

There was a figure there, with his head down, his feet dangling in the air.

It was quiet all around.

Even Ye Linguo and Ye Xin, who had always been smiling, couldn't react.

But they knew that Ye Cang Nai was the pinnacle of cultivation, and was solved by a girl in three or two times. Even the little supernatural power was not released.

"Ah! Why did I hit someone again?" Fang Xin suddenly shouted, covering his mouth with an innocent expression. Let everyone's face twitch non-stop.

"I didn't fight it!"

"Brother Qin, would you want me to lose money?"

Qin Zheng subconsciously took a step back.

Lin Feiyan quickly stepped forward and pulled Fang Xin back: "I'm sorry, the younger sister has some mental problems. This adult, where did you talk about, then talk, or go to see your son first."

Ye Linguo recovered, and ran away in an instant.

Fortunately, after all, Ye Cang had some problems. At this time, he only broke his hands and broke one leg, and he recovered after a month of rest.

His eyes were a little trance, and even pain could not pull him back.

Obviously was beaten.

"Good seedling!" Deacon Kong shined. "This girl, placed in our Qianfanzong, is a rare talent. He has defeated the peak of seeding with two ways, and is so clean."

"It seems that this trip is not a small one."

Ye Linguo helped Ye Cang in and said painfully: "Your Majesty, this woman has a heart and a **** heart, but it is just a contest, but she beat my son to pieces, and the old man begged your majesty to kill this woman!"

"Beheaded?" Qin Zheng sneered. "Ye Jae-sang is just kidding, Fang Xin is my sister."

"Your Majesty, please give my brother a fair one, just kill this woman." The empress said by the way.

Until now. Everyone finally reacted, and the Ye family couldn't help it anymore.

The atmosphere in the Jin Luan Hall suddenly dimmed.

"If your majesty refuses, then ask the sin master! This is his student!" Ye Linguo said loudly.

"Ask me?" Chu Yi pulled out his ear and sat in position with Erlang's legs.

Not long ago. The face is all Tongxianzun Supreme, but unexpectedly, these jumping beam clowns also came out.

"Who else, come out together, isn't it rebellion. Happier."

Ye Linguo's eyes widened, but his heart was ecstatic. The more the opponent was, the more they showed that they didn't know their cards.

"Your Majesty." Master Chen came out, "Guo teacher has no way to teach, and he has not been in the DPRK for several years.

"Secretary waits!"

Seeing that someone came out first, the courtiers who were persuaded later came out together.

The king of Zhenbei and others stared at their eyes wide, but they did not expect that so many people would be rebelled.

Zheng Gonggong stood sideways, Yu Guang looked at Chu Yi, and sighed in his heart. He was one of the few people who had seen Chu Yi's true strength.

But Chu Yi smiled. Tao: "It seems that you want to rebel, forcing Qin Zheng to abdicate, so as to seek your own interests."

"Qin Zheng, then you emperor, don't be a prince. If the Ye family wants it, then take it."

Take it?

Everyone was dumbfounded.

"Haha, it makes sense!" Qin Zheng smiled, "I am the emperor, one is for revenge, and the other is a kind of experience. Now that both are completed, it doesn't make much sense."

"I am a monk, I should ask Longevity, at ease, Ye Linguo, you are still capable, this emperor, for you."

Qin Zheng is very chic.

Ye Linguo was dumbfounded, and all his officials were dumbfounded.

No, this is not the same as the plot they presupposed.

Emperor Qin, shouldn't he bear the humiliation, and vow not to step down.

But Chu Yi casually said that he retreated from the position of emperor.


Qunchen looked at each other, this script and reality, there seems to be a difference.

They were silent for a while.

"How about the emperor of the ages, which is not as good as Dadao Xiaoyao." Chu Yi smiled in his heart. He knew that Qin really let go, which would greatly benefit his future path.

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