My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 878: Smoke yourself

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiu Xian on campus!

Ye Qingsong and others sat comfortably in the same place. The other monks on this floor saw Ye Qingsong sitting calmly and sat calmly.

It didn't take long for the restaurant owner and the two to walk in.

They saw the four-armed man at a glance.

"It turns out to be a demon, who do I think it is?" One whispered softly.

But just after his words fell, he saw his body getting farther and farther away.


His head fell to the ground, and blood splattered the dining table.

"who are you?!"

"Dare to kill in Yukun City!" Everyone was shocked, and the strength shown by the other party was at least at the level of Yuan infants.

Meng Changqiang frowned, and Mei Qingfeng was also surprised, but only Ye Qingsong, put a bite into his mouth without any hassle, and after enjoying it, it was like the boss said.

"I am Ye Qingsong, the apprentice of the Lantian Taoist, and dare to ask my senior, how do I call it?"

His words were slightly frivolous, and it was obvious that the ordinary Yuanying strongman was not in his eyes at all.

Moreover, the Landi Taoist, he was a closed disciple.

"Landi Taoist?" The Tianji Taoist took a chair and sat down. The powerful aura made almost everyone tremble.

"He is nothing. When Lao Tzu killed someone in Fairyland, he was still feeding."

Ye Qingsong heard the word, flicked the glass directly to the ground, and stood up.

"Also please this senior to be careful, my master is in this jade city."

"Be careful?"

"The joke, even if your master is here, you can only call your seniors obediently."

"He... he is a heavenly man!" Suddenly, Mei Qingfeng cried out, stunned.

"Heaven... Heavenly Arm Daoist?" Everyone's face changed suddenly, Ye Qingsong's legs softened for a moment.

The Lanti Taoist is very powerful, but the reputation of the Heavenly Arm Taoist is even more fierce.

He became famous for his killing. He almost slaughtered dozens of creatures, but fortunately he was stopped.

At that time, his name was very prominent, and his talents were outstanding. If it hadn't produced a demon in it, I am afraid that his current strength will be at least seven in Yuanying.

However, for everyone, the more terrifying point is that this is a guy who does not blink.

Even if their background is strong, nowadays, they are likely to die in the next second.

Even if it is the Lanti Taoist, he will not want to face up to the Heavenly Arm Daoist without the last resort.


"Haha, a bunch of useless guys."

"Come on, but you stay at this table and play with me."

Heavenly arms Taoist pointed to Ye Qingsong's table.

Ye Qingsong's forehead was cold and sweating: "Senior Tian arm, this matter, just forget it, we leave immediately."

Meng Changqiang and others were terrified enough. Their sect was strong, but they would not offend the Heavenly Armed Daoist for them. What's more, this time it was really their disrespect.

The more powerful the monk, the more he pays attention to face.

"Just go if you want? Did you think I'm too kind? Even the guys who sit in front of the Buddha can kill people, not to mention me?"

With a big wave of his hand, the Heavenly Arm Daoist suddenly filled the tank with wine tanks.

"This is ghost wine, as long as one person finishes drinking a jar, he can leave."

"Ghost wine?!"

Mei Qingfeng shivered.

"It's impossible. Youjiujiu comes from the Nine Netherlands. As long as it is not a strong infant, the realm of Daofu is a sip, and it will fall into a phantom. You can't extricate yourself. If you finish drinking, you will be directly in Die in the illusion."

For them, this is not wine at all, but a deadly poison.

"No, Master is still in retreat and can't receive my voice at all." Ye Qingsong turned pale.

"The teacher is Kong Youdao, and please ask Tianji Taoist to look at the teacher's face, so don't embarrass our juniors."

Xia Yang stood up and respectfully said that he was a disciple of Kong Youdao, the master of Wanfeng Sect.

"Kong You, the old thief, just because of good luck, got a holy medicine. He mentioned the Great Consummation of Yuan infantry, and he did not rely on his own strength."

Heavenly Arm Dao yelled impatiently, and immediately everyone almost fell to the ground.

When meeting such a strong man with no principle, they suddenly had no choice.

Ye Qingsong no longer dared to speak.

"Brother Park, I haven't seen you for a long time." At this moment, a light voice sounded.

Ye Qingsong and others looked back, but they saw Chu Yi who had been standing by the window.

Brother Park?

Everyone is suspicious.

"Brother Chu?!" Park Lesheng was a little surprised, looking at Chu Yi, the opponent who had defeated him, unexpectedly appeared here.

Heavenly arms Taoist also looked at Chu Yi.

"Do you know my younger brother? Then you're fine." Although Tianbi Taoist was in the infant period, he was very close to Park Lesheng, so he didn't call himself elders, but called his brothers.

Pu Lesheng had a funny heart, but he knew that Chu Yi was a disciple of the nine-star Taoist, and he didn't need him to protect him at all.

"Senior Heavenly Arm, so, can I keep another person, just that Xia Yang." Chu Yi smiled, he and Xia Yang had no grievances, no need to push each other to death.

As for Wang Ying, if this guy had no means, Chu Yi would never believe it.

For the rest, it’s casual.

Ye Qingsong and others were stunned one by one, and immediately everyone was furious.

"Brother Chu, I didn't expect you to be such a person. I invited you to dinner. You even wanted me to die."

"Behind everyone here, there are strong infants in the infant period. Do you think we are dead? Can you survive?"

Chu Yi shrugged: "It's not you I killed, you are dead or alive, it's all about me."

Ye Qingsong turned purple.

Mei Qingfeng's lips were fair, she couldn't think of it. Chu Yi, who had been mocked by them just now, was able to get away in this situation.

"Poisonous kid." At this moment, a figure appeared in front of everyone.

It is a middle-aged man with a thin horse face.

"Master! Are you out?"

The comer is the legendary Lanti Taoist.

Lanti Taoist nodded: "I noticed that you are in danger, so I went out in advance. I didn't expect that Tianji Taoist bully the junior here."

Heavenly Arm Dao laughed, but his eyes were full of fear.

"Landi Taoist, your disciple is looking for something first."

"Do you know that this time it wasn't me coming over, it was Patriarch Patriarch and Senior Nine Stars, are you sure you want to make a big noise here, and wait for the two of them to come over?"

The Lanti Taoist's skin was dry, as if he had been steamed to dryness. He frowned, and his entire face looked like crumpled pieces of paper.

"Two seniors came..."

He originally wanted to get his face back, but when he heard the Sect Master Bai Chong and the Daoist of Nine Stars, the heart of the Lanti Daoist giggled.

Although he has extraordinary opportunities, he is no longer the opponent of the two, especially the latter, who are the most popular characters in the entire world.

"In this case, we have the right to misunderstand..." said the priest of Lanti.

"Master, this matter can be ignored, but this person must be responsible."

Ye Qingsong saw his master's arrival, and he was full of confidence, and he walked out with his head upright.

The rest of the people seemed to have guessed what they were doing, one by one, looking at Chu Yi.

"He was malicious, and he just planned to watch us die just now. Such a person, even if he stays, is also a scourge of the human race."

Ye Qingsong's face was ruthless.

The Lanti Taoist nodded and looked at the Heavenly Arm Taoist.

Tian arm Taoist frowned: "This person is my brother's friend."

The Lantian Taoist raised his hand and said: "Then you and I will give in one step, I don't want his life, I just need to teach you something, how?"

"Yes." Tian arm Dao people have fears, so they didn't look at Park Lesheng's expression, they answered.

"Qingsong, you give him a lesson to solve your anger."

The Lantian Taoist was very calm, and in his eyes, Chu Yi didn't even speak.

"Boy, if you dare to fight back, I will kill you."

Chu Yi did not move.

However, he looked as if he had accepted his life in the eyes of everyone.

Mei Qingfeng smirked and said to Xia Yang: "Brother, now you see, his level is different from Brother Ye."

Even the cruelest Heavenly Arm Daoist has to take care of the Lanti Daoist.

Chu Yi, but only knew that Park Lesheng.

"Brother Chu, I really want you to fight back...hehe..."

Facing Chu Yi, Ye Qingsong just slapped over, which was obviously an insult.

It was only at the next moment that he felt his arm caught, and this slap suddenly hit his face.


Ye Qingsong was beaten by himself.

Chu Yi laughed: "Brother Ye, you don't have to be ashamed to smoke yourself."

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