My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 884: Neither side believes

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiuxian on campus!

"This leader is good..."

Chu Yi has left, and there is not much left for the man, the devil, and the wise man. There is only one person left in the underground passage.

But soon, under his feet, the shadow floated, and gradually, a thin and tall shadow came out and turned into a human form.

"What should I say?" The man, the demon, and the wise did not return their heads.

The figure had long black hair, a thin figure, a slightly curved back, and a cane.

This is a creature of a **** clan, with a **** pattern imprinted on his forehead, like an eye, surrounded by the gods around the body, somewhat mysterious.

If Chu Yi is there, it can be seen through the **** pattern that the other party is a human wise man.

Whether it is a human demon or a human being, their status is extremely high in their respective races.

The human wise man grinned and revealed a mouthful of gold teeth: "Our leader, deliberately uttered items such as Jiulongxingguo, holy objects, so that when you are emotional, you can give him something better."

"He made such a high demand, if you give some second-class things, you feel sorry for the face of the **** demon."

"In fact, we didn't intend to come up with the exercises of the eight-armed divine demon and the heavenly demon Vientiane..."

"You think you are smart, and lead him step by step, so that he has to become our leader, but he is not stupid, a little pitted you."

"Did your brain get into the water recently, I said let me handle this kind of thing."

The man-magic wise man was silent first, and then said angrily: "Dead old lady, you have got your brain into the water. I call the wise man a thousand thoughts and he will lose, and the foolish one will gain."

"I am a wise man, he is just a fool."

"What's more, his talent is really good. At his young age, he has reached the peak of Daofu. If he can achieve the supremacy, maybe he can really unlock the complete voice of the gods and demons. Then, we will benefit."

The human wise man snorted and said, "This is also true. We have a **** and demon religion for so long, and there should be a leader."

"There is a king out of sin, a king out of Qiankun Palace, a goddess out of the cloud, a dragon out of Tianhe, and a demon out of the Nine Netherlands...all on the list. Stay on."

"My gods and deities should also be squeezed in, stirring up the situation."

The man-devil wise man said solemnly: "I got the information, and the heavenly prince is also going to walk into the fairy realm."

The human sage breathed.

"Heavenly Court, this is a big trouble... It's hard to see through."

"We awaken the ancient strong, and we may not be afraid of them."

"The time has not yet passed, at least a thousand years."

"But it's very close."

"The future is coming soon."


After Chu Yi left the Shenmojiao headquarters, he automatically returned to Yukun City.

"Mr. Chu, you can't trust him, man-devil wise man. I know this kind of creature very well. I am a dark flame demon, and I want to conquer one. The result has been reorganized."

Chu Yi nodded, very serious: "I know, I know this better than you. I didn't believe him from beginning to end."

"The gods and demons are a group of lunatics. They are trying to awaken the gods and demons in this era. Their essence is to use absolute force to unify the two universes."

"During this process, large-scale massacres are bound to occur."

Chu Yi would not believe that as soon as the devil came out, all the forces would be quietly censured. This is absolutely impossible.


The dark flame demon nodded again and again, the shock to him today is really too great.

"Fortunately, you didn't trust them completely, and don't touch too much in the future."

"That's nature." Chu Yizheng said, "The water here is too deep. With the strength of my last life, it can't be involved. Unless you become a supreme powerhouse, it is best not to touch it at all."

"I just got the Demon Vientiane just now. I used the Vientiane Demon to exchange some Yuyuan characters with you."

Chu Yi said.

Although the gods and demons know some Yuyuan characters, they definitely don't know much about the dark flame demons.

After all, the dark flame demon was born in chaos by nature, and there are absolutely engraved characters in the body.

"That's fine." The dark flame demon rejoiced. "However, this technique is extremely complicated. At the strength of your current mindfulness, it will take at least ten years to complete the teaching, and you can't rush it. Otherwise, it will damage the mindfulness."

Darkflame demons rarely cared.

"You teach a little bit, and now let me have fun, and we learn together, the speed will be faster."

"Yes." Chu Yi nodded.

This is the most convenient way for the two people to connect their minds. Otherwise, with the complexity of the heavens and demons, the immortal deity cannot be copied.

Just as the dark flame demon let go of the mind, suddenly a flash of light passed by.

He secretly cried badly, but it was too late.

I saw a halo directly covering his mind, and then disappeared.

"Lock the God Ring!"

"you you you!"

The dark flame demon was frightened, "Go to your uncle, you who surnamed Chu pit me!"

Chu Yi smiled and said: "Calm, the agreement stipulates that I can't hurt you, so it's just locking your mind, making it difficult for you to return to the hidden world after a hundred years, and you can't commit suicide."

"Look, this is for your sake, what a lovely idea."

The dark flame demon looked pale.

"Don't blame me. This magic ring was secretly given to me by the man's demon wise man. He said that you are not credible. In the hidden world, it is a sinister and deceitful demon, so let me be careful."

"You actually believe that they don't believe in this king?" The six eyes of the dark flame demon tried to widen and looked at Chu Yi fiercely.

Chu Yi shared his hands: "I don't believe on both sides, and there is no loss for me anyway."

Even if there is no gods and gods, he has to unravel the secrets of the sounds of gods and gods.

But now, Ping Bai has two more peerless exercises for no reason, why not do it.

Pig Bajie stretched out his trotters and gently patted the dark flame demon's head, growling low, expressing comfort.

The dark flame demon only felt that he had lived so suffocatingly that he could not go anywhere.

Chu Yi returned to the inn early and began to study the two exercises, but at last he frowned.

"It's really troublesome. I'm afraid it's only when we reach the infancy that we can understand."

"But fortunately, there is only one house left."

In this last house, Chu Yi wanted to let go of his sword.

"Kendo realm and sword moves are actually complementary."

"In the last life, I created the eleven styles of the heart sword, and then I realized the state of the heart sword."

"Later, the Starry Night Sword Array was created, and then there was the realm of the eternal sword domain."

"If I want to make a breakthrough, I must create another sword move, and if I want to increase the speed, I must be in the realm of Taoism, and then bury the seeds of this sword move in Taoism, and then I can continue to improve it."

Chu Yi had thoughts in his mind, but he was not sure.


Yukun City, the main palace.

"Adults, those who disappeared are back, and there is no other movement in the demon religion."

"All back?" The blessed city owner's brow furrowed, what's going on?

"Yes, it's all back. I haven't heard of any missing creatures now. Lord of the city, would you like us to investigate."

"Investigation? How to investigate?" The city owner had a headache. "Thousands of people are missing, each of them is on the continent, and they are of genius level, from cultivating all the way to Yuanying, every race, every creature has countless causes and effects. The relationship, coupled with the shield of the gods and demon religions, even if you play the role of the elder level, they will have a headache."

"The gods and gods are deliberate and confuse us."


Suddenly, a piece of paper emerged from the void and fell into the hands of his subordinates.

He was originally an intelligence officer in the main palace of Yukun City, and there were naturally many ways to get news.

"Adult..." He saw the news, his eyes stunned.

"what happened?"

"Just got the news, the leader of the God Demon Church, appeared!"

The city lord's eyes widened: "This sect, which has never had a priest since Archaic, has appeared a prince?"

Suddenly, he reacted.

"Come on, check. The thousands of creatures that disappeared before, the deity leader, are definitely inside, even if they are not, it is also about them."

"Also, we have no way to report this information to Daleiyin Temple, but Daleiyin Temple must have a way."

"The **** demon leader, even within the scope of my jurisdiction, is really messy." The lord of the city felt a headache.

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