My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 891: We may have a blood relationship

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiu Xian on campus!

The Great Leiyin Temple is so huge, it is said to be a temple, but it seems to be a small country that stretches without knowing its geometry.

In fact, the most important part of the real core is the central temple complex, which is where all living beings worship.

The Great Leiyin Temple floats in mid-air, and below it is a huge floating array. Under the brilliance of the sun star, the array slowly rotates and the blossoming petals spread out.

Avenue Golden Lotus!

Similarly, it is an extremely terrifying defensive formation.


Three figures came to Daleiyin Temple.

All the buildings are temple buildings, there is a fierce beast at the gate, very different, nine tails and four ears, the eyes are on the back, it is rumored to be an extremely fierce beast, countless bloodthirsty, and eventually was a big Buddhist, Concentrating on repairing the Buddha, it has become a symbol of the Buddhist sacred beast.

"I want to become a Buddha, too powerful, can suppress the strange beast!" The girl whispered excitedly, she was wearing a hat, and it was hard to see her appearance, but the delicate skin exposed between the capers, like a glimpse. , Lingering.

Although she was wearing a large robe, it was still difficult to hide her graceful posture.

"Sister, lady." In the rear, a young boy with a smell of a book pressed the girl's hat, but he knew that once the lady in his own house was seen, it would definitely cause a disaster.

"This is a pure land of Buddhism, and there are many monks. How could there be evil people... What's more, what can come here is to pursue the avenue, and the Tao heart should not be bad."

The girl was very impatient.

"This hat is wearing trouble!"

When she said nothing, she lifted Dou Li by half. Just as a little monk walked over, several people were in trouble.

"Three donors, if you are in trouble, you can find any monk to help..."

The words didn't finish, it was bleeding in the nostrils, blushing cheeks, dull eyes, and immediately fainted.

"Fairy...Fairy...I want to be vulgar!"


Chu Ling's hand rested in the air, and he could only put it on again in the end.

"The Dao heart of most people is not as firm as expected, especially the children of Buddhism. They are not close to female sex, but they are also most afraid of female sex." Chu Feng shook his head and became old.

"As soon as the heart of the Tao is broken, this young monk can only be vulgar."

He has a handsome face, sword eyebrows and star eyes, which are somewhat similar to Chu Yi's innate appearance, but he has a taste of the book.

Standing there, although not too exaggerated, also caused some women to look back frequently.

"Daleiyin Temple, there are many strong people, you..." Panjing originally wanted to tell the two of them, and finally only looked at Chu Ling, "Don't you provoke trouble, or I will be difficult to deal with."

Compared with Chu Feng and Chu Ling, Panjing looks much ordinary, and even somewhat dismal.

"Uncle Pan, what's wrong with me? I've been good lately. I haven't done anything except kicking a pervert egg."

"Cough..." Chu Feng coughed constantly.

But Chu Ling didn't pay attention to it at all, and her voice sounded nice, like a wind chime, jingling like a spring breeze.

"Uncle Pan, do you really not participate in the game of Daofu Realm? With Uncle Pan's strength, I am afraid no one is your opponent."

Panjing shook his head: "Since no one is my opponent, why should I participate in..."

"The two of you just go shopping, I'll wait for you in the inn, remember, don't cause trouble."

Waiting for the two to leave, Panjing sighed helplessly.

"Second Brother Shi is in Daleiyin Temple, it is not easy to find him, but Brother Jiu seems to be here too, go to him to drink bar."


There are still some time before the grand gatherings of the heavens from the ancient world, but everyone is not in a hurry. The Daleiyin Temple is full of Dharma, Zen, and many creatures sometimes face a mottled wall and will suddenly fall into In the epiphany.

Fo Na Bai Chuan.

This is true.

"Finally came out, Xiaofeng. We stayed there on a planet with iron knots. It's been 20 years, and this time I can finally have fun." Chu Ling already had many new toys in his hand.

"Uncle Pan let us practice, not to play." Looking at his sister, Chu Feng was quite helpless.

"I know, I'll just do it if I don't run into trouble... By the way, Uncle Pan said, our father used to pee in front of a Buddha statue at Daleiyin Temple, where? I'm going to try it too."

Chu Feng: "..."

Fortunately, Chu Ling still has the restraint of being a girl.

"Go around, there is a temple fair, just like Ganji, maybe you can find good things."

As she spoke, her body shook and she passed through the crowd.

Chu Feng was helpless and could only keep up, although he walked slowly, but every step of the way, when he appeared again, he was still behind Chu Ling.

"Good sword!"

Chu Ling came to the rally and looked at a stall where several long swords were displayed with fine workmanship.

"Girl, don't say good swords to me, it will make me feel cheap." A young man was sitting at the booth, with a black snake wrapped around his neck. It was a state of Taoism.

Many of the stalls here are geniuses and come to participate in the grand events.

"I was saying that you are so cheap." Chu Ling chuckled. "Your sword looks like a good sword, but in fact, it has been disguised. Is this the sword of the realm of Taoism?"

Chu Ling's fingertips snapped a long sword easily.

"You are selling fakes, who are you cheap?"

"Fake? No wonder, I said how the sword is cheaper than the outside world." A fat man glanced disgustedly, there were still a few people watching around, and he also frowned and left.

The young man's eyebrows were tight.

"Girl, you are too young, walking in fairyland, seeing through is not blunt, bad business, but taboo."

When the young man patted the ground, the whole person stood cross-legged, suspended in the air.

"Daleiyin Temple has regulations that are not in the same realm. They cannot kill or seriously hurt their opponents. You are planting Dao. I am in Daofu. I will teach you."

"Xiaofeng saves lives." Chu Ling turned to look at his brother.

Chu Feng couldn't help but feel a headache: "Sister, it took me three seconds to leave your sight, and you will be in trouble, you will solve it yourself."

"Xiaofeng, you have changed, and you are no longer the cute brother who distressed my sister." Chu Ling spoke with a crying voice.

Chu Feng's face immediately became dark.

"Sister, I told you, read less romance novels and read more general knowledge of exercises..."


But at this time, the black snake on the young man had already vacated.

It suddenly grew to about ten meters, and the huge body was pressed down.

People around are not surprised, because by now, this level of conflict is no longer prohibited.

"Bi snake Daoyou is the pinnacle of Daofu, these two boys are out of luck." Someone was watching the show.

Chu Feng is still at his peak.

But Yiran was not afraid. He raised his hand gently, not knowing when there was already a long sword in his hand.

The sword is very transparent, and almost no sword body can be seen.

The **** snake was split into two easily, and the thick snake blood fell from the sky like rain.

The teenager stood indifferently, and those blood rains were blocked before falling to his side.

The green snake's eyes shrank violently, and snake scales appeared on his face.

Everyone's eyes also fell on the young man, to be precise, the young man's long sword.

"Good sword!"

Chu Yigang was teleported from Master Yuan Kong, and he didn't know where it was, so he swayed at random, just saw this scene.

The sword is an empty sword. This is a special method of forging. Instead of forging in kind, it is forged with its own breath.

However, the success rate of this method is very low, and it takes a lot of time.

However, at the next moment, Chu Yi paused.

He was relatively close to Chu Ling, and because of this, he suddenly had a special feeling.

The blood in his whole body was boiling, so he looked at Chu Ling in a daze.

His palms were sweating, and the hairs on his spine stood upside down, as if thousands of ants were crawling, his throat was dry, and he was swallowing.

"Look what to see, pervert!" Chu Ling felt the opponent's weird gaze and could not help but scold.

"This girl, we may have a blood relationship." Chu Yi was almost instinctive and blurted out. He didn't even know why he was blank.

Chu Ling was dumbfounded and looked at the humble man in front of him.

Is the reason for the conversation now so fresh and refined?

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