My technology affects the whole world

Chapter 130 No matter the cost

"Wang Chuanfu? What is he here for?" Ma Tian couldn't help but ask as he couldn't think of the purpose of Wang Chuanfu's arrival.

"I don't know. Biyadi only made an appointment with you on behalf of Wang Chuanfu and didn't say the purpose." Li Runqi shook her head, saying that she didn't know either.

"Promise him, I'll meet him." Ma Tian nodded and agreed directly. He wanted to see what was different about the king of new energy vehicles in China's original trajectory.

In the living room, Ma Tian met Wang Chuanfu.

Wang Chuanfu, who is middle-aged, has a clear-cut face with slight wrinkles. He wears a pair of black-rimmed glasses and has a mature and steady temperament. However, his eyes that should be bright and deep are now a bit swollen.

Ma Tian could tell that he hadn't gotten much sleep recently.

"Hello, Mr. Ma!" Seeing Ma Tian come in, Wang Chuanfu immediately stood up to greet him, even though Ma Tian was nearly 20 years younger than him.

Looking at Ma Tian's overly young face, Wang Chuanfu felt helpless and envious in his heart.

"Please sit down, Mr. Wang!" Ma Tian nodded and motioned for the two of them to sit down together.

"Mr. Ma, I came to visit you today mainly because I want to cooperate with your company on car batteries!" Wang Chuanfu organized his words and spoke first.

During this time, they were worried about the solid-state battery of Ma Tiantianming's car.

Since the release of Tianming Auto, Biyadi has attached great importance to it. He bought a Tianming No. 1 car and a Tianming No. 2 car and went back to disassemble and analyze the battery. He wanted to know why Tianming Auto supports fast charging and what is the secret of its battery.

As a result, when they saw that Tianming Motors actually used solid-state batteries, all the battery technicians at Biyadi almost stared out of their eyes.

"Damn it, solid-state batteries are already used, so what a fool!" a hot-tempered technician spat out.

As technicians, they naturally know the gold content of solid-state batteries. It can be said that solid-state batteries are the final version of new energy batteries in the future. Compared with solid-state batteries, they are inferior to Yadi's lithium phosphate batteries.

When Wang Chuanfu heard that Tianming Motors actually used solid-state batteries, he hurried over from upstairs with his strategy director Xu Yongbin.

When he really saw that Tianming Automobile had a solid-state battery, his legs almost gave out. He also knew technology. He knew what would happen to Biyadi if Tianming Automobile was a solid-state battery in the true sense!

It will be a dimensionality reduction attack from technology, and it will be the end of the road.

"Mr. Wang, it's not time to despair yet!" Xu Yongbin looked at the earth-colored Wang Chuanfu and said quickly. As a general, Wang Chuanfu cannot fall first at this time, otherwise it will be the end!

"You guys have forgotten that Ma Tian's Tianming 1 has a pure electric range of only 75 kilometers, and even Tianming 2 only has 150 kilometers!" Xu Yongbin spoke again to stabilize his morale and said, "Even if the Tianming car uses solid-state batteries, then It must be a defective version, otherwise the battery life shouldn’t be so low!”

As soon as these words came out, all the technical staff present also whispered among themselves:

"Yes, if it is really a complete solid-state battery, the battery life cannot be just this small!"

“Is it possible that the battery life is sacrificed because of fast charging?”

"I don't know, I have to analyze it further!"

Wang Chuanfu also regained his backbone and quickly calmed down. He also spoke to reassure his R\u0026D staff: "Yes, it must be defective, otherwise the battery life would not be so low!"

"Could it be that Ma Tian deliberately hid his secret and used the castrated version?" A senior R\u0026D engineer raised his own doubts.

Xu Yongbin quickly objected: "Impossible, how could someone as arrogant as Ma Tian use the castrated version! If he doesn't take action, he will definitely be the best once he does!"

Wang Chuanfu no longer panicked after hearing Xu Yongbin's analysis.

Yes, Ma Tian is recognized as arrogant and pushy. If he really had this skill, he would have used it to kill Bi Yadi. How could he hide it!

Wang Chuanfu was in a good mood and appealed to a group of his own engineers: "Please analyze the batteries of Tianming Motors. Learn from the foreigners and use their skills to defeat the foreigners. Let's learn from it and see if our batteries can also support fast charging." !”

This was because Ma Tian was not at the scene. If he had heard Xu Yongbin's words at the scene, he would not have known what to say. The co-authors all thought that he was extremely arrogant and did not know how to adapt and criticize the sky and the earth.

Instead, he kept a low profile and was misunderstood! It's quite dramatic.

Wang Chuanfu had a good idea to learn from Tianming's car battery, but obviously he failed than Yadi.

How could Ma Tian’s solid-state battery be so easily analyzed!

Not to mention that the raw material is LiSiS, a new material that Ma Tian finally synthesized in the laboratory. Ma Tian himself also added an additional security mechanism to it.

In the castrated version of the solid-state battery, he added a small tube mixed with carbon, magnesium and other substances. Once the shell of the solid-state battery is violently dismantled from the outside, the small tube inside will rupture, mixing other materials in the tube. Go into the battery.

If you analyze the ingredients according to these materials, it will be good if you don't get killed by horses!

The view switches back to Wang Chuanfu and Ma Tian in the living room.

When Ma Tian heard Wang Chuanfu coming to ask about car batteries, he thought about it in his mind before saying, "Are you going to purchase our Tianming batteries to install on your Biyadi cars?"

"Exactly!" Wang Chuanfu looked at Ma Tian anxiously. Although he felt that Ma Tian's hope of agreeing was slim, he still wanted to give it a try. Who said they couldn't figure it out?

No, Ma Tian is too perverted!

Fast charging technology is simply a "sharp weapon" for the current new energy vehicle market. As a rising star, Tianming Automobile is relying on fast charging technology to seize the market like a mad dog.

If he had no other choice, Wang Chuanfu would never be able to come to see Ma Tian, ​​and he would be so aggrieved that he would buy battery technology.

Ma Tian shook his head when he heard this and refused directly. How could he install his own solid-state battery on Biyadi? Biyadi was destined to be a stepping stone for his Tianming car.

It takes 100 million impact points to upgrade the system to the next level. Ma Tian feels terrible just thinking about it. Impacting the lives of 100 million people! Can this really be achieved in a short time? The next level will cost 1 billion, and then 10 billion? There are not so many heads on earth for him to swipe! Unless a person has been brushed several times.

And as Tianrun No. 1 is used by more and more people, it can no longer contribute impact value quickly. Therefore, the development of Tianming Automobile is imperative, and it will be the backbone of Matian’s influence in the future.

Ma Tian even thinks that he needs to develop other things to obtain impact value, because cars are currently too slow to build, and the impact value is not too small, and the more ways to obtain it, the better.

When Wang Chuanfu heard Ma Tian's refusal, he did not give up and continued to fight: "We can discuss the terms, Mr. Ma, don't be too busy to refuse, first listen to our sincerity than Yadi!"

"Please come back, Mr. Wang, it's impossible to sell it. This is our exclusive technology!" Ma Tian was merciless. No, he was already merciless. If he had taken out the Tianming battery with a battery life of 1,500 kilometers from the beginning, the entire country of China would have The new energy vehicle market and battery market have long been destroyed by him.

Wang Chuanfu looked at Ma Tian's determined face, pursed his lips, and finally could no longer plead in a low voice, and left with a look of sadness and determination.

He wanted to rush back. He couldn't give up. He had managed to be so many years ahead of Yadi and couldn't be defeated by Tianming Automobile.

He wants to go back and increase battery research and development, and Biyadi must come up with his own battery!

Before getting in the car and leaving, Wang Chuanfu also turned around and glanced at Tianyu Xinghai's company plaque for a few seconds before getting in the car and leaving...

Ma Tian looked at Wang Chuanfu's leaving figure with solemn eyes.

He returned to the office and checked on the current situation of Tesla and Biyadi.

The Tesla factory in Shanghai has not yet built a production line so quickly, but Musk still shamelessly advertised and released model S for pre-order. The slogan is that it is a new energy vehicle with the longest battery life in the pure electric series, and the acceleration ratio per 100 kilometers is average. The supercar is even stronger.

There was no mention of Tianming No. 3 losing to Ma Tian in the game.

Ma Tian also had an inexplicable smile when he saw this. He could imagine Musk's frustration when he created this advertisement.

Without Tianming Auto's intervention, Tesla could be said to be the fastest new energy vehicle, and could even surpass Biyadi.

Now, Jie Jie Jie~

However, Ma Tian soon stopped laughing. He actually saw that there were 600 reservations, and Tesla's pricing also maintained the original track of 1.08 million.

Damn it, who are they paying the IQ tax or are they soft-hearted enough to book it? Ma Tiantian had to smash the mouse.

It's not that he is overbearing, but why! Isn't his Tianming No. 2 car strong enough? And it only sells for 700,000. You can try both by comparing it with others. Are you just relying on Musk’s words and foreign brands to make reservations?

The more Ma Tian thought about it, the more furious he became. He wanted to immediately call Su Xihua to work together to develop a pure electric new energy vehicle to kill Musk's Tesla. After thinking about it, he calmed down and then looked at Biyadi's current situation.

On the Biyadi side, the Qin series has been released, with a total of two models launched: premium version and flagship version. The new car price range is 179,800-199,800 yuan.

The premium version is 179,800 yuan, and the flagship version is 199,800 yuan.

This is a decrease of 10,000 yuan from the original world trajectory of 189,800 yuan and 209,800 yuan respectively.

Probably to avoid the 198,000 price of the basic version of Tianming No. 1, Ma Tian thought. I think the price is more reasonable than Yadi.

Judging from the data, the response of the two models does not seem to be very good. Both the battery life and the battery charging speed are slightly inferior to the Tianming One, and the sales volume is naturally not as good, being squeezed by the Tianming One.

No wonder Wang Chuanfu couldn't sit still and came to him to buy battery technology. Ma Tian also understood why Wang Chuanfu came to him to buy batteries today.

Both are made in China, and Tianming Motors really threatens Biyadi with its batteries.

After briefly browsing the information, Ma Tian also asked his secretary to find Su Xihua, the general manager of the automobile.

If Tesla is not killed, he will feel uncomfortable.

Su Xihua was originally experimenting with cars at the factory. When he heard Secretary Ma Tian's call, he immediately put down his work and came to see Ma Tian without even changing his clothes.

"Mr. Ma, look for me!" Su Xihua quickly came to Ma Tian and said hello.

"Well, sit down and let me ask you something!" Ma Tian nodded, not paying attention to Su Xihua's slovenly appearance. Instead, he was very satisfied with the engine oil stained on Su Xihua's body.

This is what a technical manager should do, and technology is king.

"How is the sales situation of our new energy vehicles now?" Ma Tian asked.

Su Xihua paused, looked up with his left eye, recalled the data, and then said: "A total of about 128,800 vehicles have been delivered in the past five months, of which 98,600 vehicles were delivered on Tianming 1st and 30,200 vehicles were delivered on Tianming 2nd. I will give you the specific province distribution. I can’t remember clearly, but the biggest sales volume was in our Hunan city.

Compared with Biyadi's annual sales of 550,000 vehicles, we are definitely a little less, but this is mainly because we have too few production lines. Our orders can be scheduled for at least 2 years!

At present, the factory area is still expanding under the command of General Ji, and the number of vehicles delivered every month will only increase. "

Hearing this, Ma Tian nodded. The domestic development seemed to be pretty good at the moment. He asked again: "What about abroad? How is the foreign market?"

What Ma Tian cares about is this. The domestic market will belong to him sooner or later. He mainly values ​​the foreign market.

It can not only make money from foreigners, but also gain influence, and it can also suppress foreigners' local fuel vehicles. It can be said that it kills three birds with one stone.

"Foreign markets are being developed in an orderly manner, but the installation of charging piles is relatively slow. The main reason is that people in some countries have dirty hands and feet, and they often make trouble and steal wires!" Su Xihua said with disdain, saying that foreign countries are good. , but I don’t know that it’s also like that.

In particular, he often pays attention to the deployment of charging piles in foreign countries, and he understands that the citizens of some countries are really idle, cheating, and doing everything. He is so angry that he wants to attack them all with an AK.

"Find a way to speed up the laying of charging piles for me!" Ma Tian said with a serious expression. Only when there are enough charging piles can his new energy vehicles sell better. And there is another factor, that is, when there are enough charging piles, More, when enough cars are sold. The rules can be defined by the leader Tianming Automobile.

This is the most critical thing. Why is it sometimes difficult for China to surpass foreign countries in technology? It is because it is too difficult to overtake in corners. Many technical companies not only have patent walls, but they also set the rules.

It is really difficult to face an opponent who is both a referee and an enemy.

However, no one is to blame for letting others temporarily take the lead.

So this time when Ma Tian faced the foreign new energy vehicle market, he tried every means to seize the high ground, and then formulated rules to make foreigners dependent.

Once foreigners become dependent, it will be difficult to exclude Tianming Automobile later, and the cost of exclusion will inevitably increase greatly.

"It can be speeded up, but the cost may increase greatly!" Su Xihua said. He had already considered this speeding up issue. For example, when building charging piles, he asked security personnel to maintain safety and held a charger. Damn AK, it also has a camera.

In this case, there will be fewer troublemakers and the speed will naturally increase.

"Don't worry about the cost for me. If you are short of money, let the company transfer it to you. There is no upper limit. I will transfer 100 billion to you! Speed ​​up the laying of charging piles abroad at any cost!" Ma Tianxia ordered.

Now that he has no feeling for money, it is better to use the money to accelerate the implementation of Tianming Automobile's strategy.

Money, just find a way to earn it back later.

"Yes, Mr. Ma!" Su Xihua said yes quickly, but he didn't expect Ma Tian to be so courageous, 100 billion.

This number is scary!

"One more thing!" Ma Tian finally got to the point...

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