My technology affects the whole world

Chapter 145 The methods of scientific researchers

Ma Tian's words were so shocking that Su Xihua agreed directly without thinking. He went to Ganguo to prove himself and prove that he was a bloody Chinese man.

The next day, the plane from Shanghai to Gangguo landed in Gangguo, and Rao Shanhai had already personally picked him up at the airport.

"Mr. Su, welcome!" Rao Shanhai took over Su Xihua's luggage and was also surprised. He didn't expect that the headquarters would send Su Xihua, the car boss, here this time. You must know that Su Xihua is a third-level executive.

At present, the first level of Tianyu Xinghai must be Ma Tian, ​​the only existence.

The second level is Li Runqi and Ji Leiming, the two vice presidents, and Ma Tiangong are the three giants of Tianyu Xinghai.

The third level is the general manager of each product department, such as Zheng Shijian of the machine learning department.

Su Xihua climbed to the third level in just one year. One reason is that his personal ability is not bad, and the other is because Ma Tian values ​​​​technical personnel, and the tone of the entire company is technology-driven.

Rao Shanhai also didn't expect that the company would pay so much attention to it. Is there anything special about Gangguo?

"Shan Hai, you're welcome, just take me to the company!" Su Xihua's attitude was not high. In terms of qualifications, Rao Shanhai was older than him, so he had no right to be arrogant.

And this time, he came with the task of unscrewing the heads of four warlords, and he also needed the cooperation of Rao Shanhai, a local acquaintance.

In the branch office, Su Xihua also blocked other people, and then took out a portable shielding device to detect and block the eavesdropping signals in the office.

Rao Shanhai was a little stunned when he saw Su Xihua's actions.

"Shanhai, just in case, so I brought a shielding device." Su Xihua explained after seeing that the device was normal, and then started to get into the topic:

"Shan Hai, tell me about the situation here, especially the four warlords!"

Rao Shanhai nodded, without saying anything, picked up a piece of paper and a pen and started drawing.

Mainly starting from the road from Kigani to the Bafuwasen belt, they are the leaders of the four warlords: Mushen Gabudi, Attila Simon, Peta Urbis, and Villian Waller. territory.

This is also the reason why the first warlord who came to cause trouble was Mushen, because Mushen was the closest, and Mushen’s base of Apocynum was also the closest, it was less than 200 kilometers away from the company. .

"Do they usually only stay in their own base areas?" Su Xihua asked with a serious expression.

Rao Shanhai nodded: "Usually I stay in my base area. After all, their army is there and it's the safest. But occasionally I go to nearby cities to play, and I always take a dozen or so boys with me when I travel!"

"Then treat them to dinner in my name and give them money! Is it possible for them to leave their base and go to a specific place to eat?" Su Xihua then asked.

Rao Shanhai shook his head: "It's difficult! Each of their warlords is cautious and cautious, and there are dog-headed military advisors on the side to make suggestions!"

Su Xihua fell into thinking after hearing this. Although he came in a hurry this time, Ma Tian would not let him come to die and act recklessly.

Before leaving, the task given to him was to first get familiar with the situation of the four warlords. It would be best to know where they are!

The domestic support staff were on the way. Ma Tian didn't say the rest, but Su Xihua also understood.

Therefore, before Ma Tian is ready in China, he must try his best to find out the situation of the four people. It is best to find out where they usually stay.

In the next few days, Su Xihua also stayed at Gangguo to learn more information, including the personalities of the four warlords and the industries they operated.

At the same time, he kept thinking about how to locate the four people's whereabouts. Finally, he drafted a plan and made an ocean video with Ma Tian for the first time.

"Mr. Ma!" Looking at Ma Tian in the video, Su Xihua also cautiously greeted him.

"Su Xihua, how are you preparing there?" Ma Tian glanced at Su Xihua, said nothing more, and went straight to the topic.

If Su Xihua still disappoints him this time, Su Xihua will definitely lose his position.

"Mr. Ma, I probably already understand the situation. The four of them are all turtles. They usually hide in their base areas and seldom come out. If you want to kill them, you can only go to their base areas or use firepower. Covered, directly buried their base!" Su Xihua said seriously.

"The fire coverage is not good, the noise is too great!" Ma Tian shook his head and rejected the second suggestion. It's not that he doesn't have the skills, but it's better to keep a low profile in front of Yingjiang now, and using large-scale firepower will easily arouse the dissatisfaction of the authorities. .

"Mr. Ma, I think so too. We can only go to their base area and take beheading action. But in order not to alert the snake, we can only kill four people at the same time. To achieve this level, we need to know the whereabouts of four people at the same time. I Our plan is to use remote eavesdropping and use data analysis to deduce their location during a certain period of time!"

Su Xihua slowly explained his eavesdropping plan. Scientific researchers naturally have their own advantages, which is to use their smart bosses and leading scientific and technological means.

"Please tell me the plan in detail!" Ma Tian nodded, Su Xihua still had some brains.

"I plan to..." Su Xihua revealed his detailed plan, but there was a technology in the plan that required help from the headquarters.

After hearing this, Ma Tian said without thinking: "I will help you solve this technology, and a dedicated group of engineers will rush to cooperate with you soon!"

"Yes, Mr. Ma!" Su Xihua smiled. If Ma Tian could solve the technical problem, things would be much easier.

A few days later, the engineers from China who came over to provide first support were in place and were received by Su Xihua and Rao Shanhai.

After Su Xihua arranged several engineers, he went directly to Rao Shanhai: "Get 6 million in cash for me!"

Rao Shanhai was stunned and couldn't help but ask: "Mr. Su, do we still have to pay protection fees?"

"No, give them the money for the coffin, and if possible, ask them to pay it back twice as much!" Su Xihua motioned to Rao Shanhai with his hand and whispered his plan into his ear.

"Mr. Su, I understand, leave this matter to me!" Rao Shanhai's eyes lit up after hearing this. Su Xihua's method is quite bold, but it is not impossible to implement.

"Well, Shanhai, I have wronged you, so be careful. If it happens, I will ask Mr. Ma to give you a reward!" Su Xihua also looked at Rao Shanhai and said seriously. After all, if he is discovered doing such a thing, he will die. Danger.

"Then thank you, Mr. Su!"

At Tamu Security Company, Kano Ren didn't expect to receive another call from Rao Shanhai. When he heard that Rao Shanhai asked him to be the intermediary and take him to pay the 2 million protection fee, he suddenly realized.

"Forgive me, this matter is all on me, I still have some face." After hearing that there was an introduction fee of 100,000 US dollars, Kano Ren agreed immediately.

These four referral fees totaled US$400,000, which is considered a considerable amount of income.

On the same day, Rao Shanhai carried 2 million US dollars and followed Kano Ren's people to the territory of the second warlord Atila Simon.

Along the way, Kano Ren also chatted with Rao Shanhai easily: "Rao, you Tianyu Xinghai is such a great friend. Atila will definitely be happy to be friends with you!"

Rao Shanhai didn't say anything. He just took out the chewing gum from his pocket, opened one piece himself, and asked Kano Ren, who was opposite him: "Kano, do you want a piece?"

"Oh, I'll take a piece too." Kano Ren didn't refuse and started chewing.

Rao Shanhai also chewed gum a few times before saying: "Kano, you also know that we are a serious company, just here to sell cars. We can understand that such a thing happens.

But please, once you become friends, don't do any damage again. After all, if we can’t make money, we can’t give money to continue making friends! "

"Oh, I understand." Kano Ren quickly expressed his understanding, "Rao, I know, a virtuous circle! Don't worry, I will definitely tell Atila and the others, and I guarantee that there will be no such thing on their territory in the future. Who is disturbing you?"

Rao Shanhai nodded with satisfaction when he heard this.

The journey was smooth enough to arrive at the territory of Attila Simon. The territory of Attila Simon and Mushen were pretty much the same. A group of horse boys were prowling around with weapons like hyenas on the outside. There were only a few decent buildings in the middle. House of.

When they came to a red house, several people got out of the car. Kano Ren took the lead and walked inside. Rao Shanhai also got off the car with an expressionless face. However, what no one noticed was that there was a stone running along Rao Shanhai's face. The legs of his trousers fell to Rao Shanhai's feet, and he kicked them to the side of the road carelessly.

When several people wanted to enter the red room, naturally some people came to search them.

"Be gentle, man, you're about to touch my bird!" Kano Ren's tone was frivolous, and his confident look made Rao Shanhai feel a lot more at ease.

Soon, all the big and small bags were searched by the horse boys. Looking at the heavy 2 million US dollars in the bag, the horse boys were a little moved, but they still held back and let Kano Renn and Rao Shanhai Wait for someone to go in.

There is a unique paradise inside the red house. Everywhere is full of feasting and luxury, and a group of people are so drunk that they suck white noodles and look like they are dying.

Ma Zai took them upstairs. The third floor was where Attila Simon was.

Rao Shanhai followed unhurriedly, looking at the dirty and dark environment around him. When he was about to reach the destination room, he accidentally bumped into the doorpost, and then stuck the chewing gum in his mouth to the corner behind the door. The light was too bright. It was so dark that no one noticed at all.

There is a black device inside the chewing gum, which is constantly transmitting data to the outside.

The speech signal collected by the miniature microphone is converted into an analog circuit signal, and this signal is modulated using a pulse position modulation method to a predetermined square wave signal, turning on a field effect tube.

Normally, the signal range of this field effect tube is up to several kilometers, and the signal can be captured through radar waves.

In order to strengthen the signal transmission range, a special signal amplifier must be used, and this signal amplifier was hidden in the stone by Rao Shanhai when he got off the car. This signal amplifier can increase the signal strength of the eavesdropping device in the chewing gum. With the special radar, Su Xihua can eavesdrop on the sound of this room within 600 kilometers.

Su Xihua, who was far away in the branch, also led the engineers to install radars, use computers to debug signal waves, and receive distant data...

After entering the room, a few people met today's protagonist, Attila Simon. Attila Simon is a lean man with short hair and triangular eyes. He was shirtless and showed off the tattoos on his body. Still holding a glass of wine.

"Hello, Atila!" Kano Ren greeted him warmly first.

Attila Simon nodded and put down his wine glass, but his inverted triangular eyes stared at Rao Shanhai for a moment.

"Atila, let me introduce to you. This is Rao from Tianyu Xinghai, who came here specifically to 'make friends' with you today!" Kano Renne quickly introduced Rao Shanhai, but the word "make friends" was He emphasized his tone.

Attila Simon showed an evil smile and said, neither salty nor bland: "Sit down!"

The posture is also aloof.

Kano Ren didn't mind and took the lead and sat down, followed closely by Rao Shanhai.

Kano Renn is a veteran. When facing Attila Simon, one of the four warlords, he directly threw out 2 million US dollars. The expression on Attila Simon's face suddenly became enthusiastic.

Who doesn’t love small money? He liked the unique scent of the banknotes.

"Come and have a drink, my friend Rao!"

Attila Simon directly had a drink with Rao Shanhai, and all three were very happy.

In less than half an hour, Rao Shanhai left 2 million US dollars and left with Cano Renn under the watch of Attila Simon.

During the same trip, Rao Shanhai came twice, and successfully installed bugs in the territory of two other warlords, Peta Urbis and Villian Waller.

Now there is only one Mu Shen left. How to find another opportunity to contact Mu Shen is a problem.

Ma Tian said that if he, Su Xihua, should unscrew the heads of four people, then no one should be missing. The four people must die at the same time to prevent the surviving ones from being scared away.

Rao Shanhai looked at the silent Su Xihua and volunteered: "I'll go there again and say that I want to make more friends with him!"

Su Xihua looked at Rao Shanhai who was not afraid of death, but shook his head and said: "It's me this time!"

Su Xihua also risked his life. Since his subordinate Rao Shanhai had the courage to go to the meeting alone, he, the leader, must have it even more.

He first asked Cano Ren, a middleman, to make an appointment with Mu Shen for him, hoping that as Rao Shanhai's leader, he would treat Mu Shen to a meal and consolidate their friendship.

As for the location, it would be best to come to Bakulu, where the Tianyu Xinghai branch is located. He expected that Mu Shen, a turtle, would not agree.

Sure enough, Mu Shen, who was a sinister and cunning man, would never take the risk of coming to Bakulu to meet Su Xihua. He rejected Su Xihua's invitation and said that if he really wanted to see him, come to his territory.

Su Xihua also sneered, showing great disdain for Mu Shen, a shy turtle.

Ma Tian is right, what kind of bullshit warlord?

Accompanied by Kano Ren, Su Xihua swaggered to Mu Shen's territory for an appointment. Rao Shanhai wanted to follow but he refused.

"There must be a person in charge staying at the site. If something happens to me, wait for Mr. Ma to arrive." Su Xihua said with a calm face.

Still at the bar, Su Xihua met the bald and scarred Mu Shen.

Mu Shen's left eye twitched a few times when he looked at Su Xihua, who was wearing glasses and a white suit. He was gentle, elegant, and harmless to humans and animals.

However, he just thought it was because he had too much fun last night and didn't get a good rest.

"Mu Shen, this is Mr. Su from Tianyu Xinghai. Mr. Su, this is our Boss Mu Shen." Kano Renn was already very good at acting as a middleman and introduced the two parties to each other.

Su Xihua came here to deepen friendship, so his attitude was naturally lower. He took the initiative and said, "I have long admired your name, Mr. Mu Shen."

Mu Shen just nodded, showing his arrogance vividly, obviously looking down on Su Xihua.

Su Xihua didn't mind either, and secretly moved the chewing gum stuck to his trousers from his trousers to under the coffee table.

After all, he is a scientific researcher. When doing such things, his heartbeat is soaring and his hands are shaking a little...

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