My technology affects the whole world

Chapter 150 Cruel? The inevitable outcome of technological backwardness

"Leader, it's not good, we are surrounded!" A close aide said to Mu Shen in a panic.

"Nonsense, don't I know how to read it?" Mu Shen was so angry that he almost broke down on this stupid subordinate. How could this subordinate be so stupid?

He doesn't know that his men have been scared to death by the invincible and terrifying hell robot dog.

Facing such a powerful opponent that they have never seen before, normal people will despair, even if they are warlords and terrorists who do all kinds of evil.

However, Mu Shen was also very desperate. Even he had not experienced this feeling of fear for a long time. His hands were shaking. This was also the reason why he almost collapsed his men. His hands were really shaking.

Will death also come to him one day?

Leng Feng and a group of security personnel also gradually came to the house where Mu Shen was located, found a bunker and set up their guns. Although there was a terrifying hell robot dog taking aim, they were cautious and cautious. After all, they only had one life.

"People inside, listen, you are surrounded. Put down your weapons, come out and surrender, and I will spare your life!" Engineers in the command center who spoke Gangguo spoke remotely through a loudspeaker on site.

The ideal situation is for these last warlords to come out and surrender. Not only will there be no risk, but ammunition can also be saved.

Of course, the sentence of "spare you alive" must be false. For evil people, it is not bad if they don't have to be cut to pieces with a thousand cuts. It also talks about honesty and integrity.

Anyway, if these people are dead, no one will know that they are not honest!

Some of Mu Shen's men in the house were a little moved after hearing this. Who would want to die if they could live?

But Mu Shen is also a human spirit, and he immediately said viciously: "Do you believe it if you surrender without killing anyone? Have you forgotten how we treated people who surrendered before?"

Of course Mu Shen would not surrender, because it would be strange for a leader like him to survive if he surrendered. It was rare to see generals survive after surrendering in ancient times, especially since there were lessons learned from the deaths of the three previous warlord leaders.

Mu Shen is stupid to believe such nonsense.

Seeing Mu Shen staring at them fiercely, and thinking about Mu Shen's cruelty and how they treated surrenderers in the past, a group of subordinates did not dare to surrender.

"Mr. Su, what are the arrangements? Just bomb this house?" The engineer commanding in front of the screen asked Su Xihua as he looked at the other side, preparing to resist.

Now Mu Shen and the others only have the last house left. In order to avoid unnecessary casualties, the best way is to bomb this house directly.

Even if the terrifying hell robot dog Zodiac has run out of ammunition, it can still bring in a T-X1. Only one T-X1 can bury this four-story house alive.

Su Xihua also felt that it would be safest to bury the house alive, and was about to give the order, but Leng Feng's voice came from the wireless communication: "Mr. Su, there may be victims inside! We found some victims in the main buildings outside. The victims of these beasts' plunder!

If this house is bombed, the victims inside will die too! "Leng Feng's cold voice came out over the wireless communication. He could not forget the figure of the four-year-old girl clinging to her mother's body.

What if, what if there is such a girl in this house?

Leng Feng's words also caused the voices in the wireless communication channel to freeze, and everyone had their own ideas.

Some people think that Leng Feng is just an idiot, asking them to take risks for a few Gangguo victims?

Some people have seen the tragic conditions of those victims and feel that what Leng Feng said makes sense. They can kill those warlords and terrorists, but they cannot kill innocent people, especially children!

The engineers couldn't help but look at Su Xihua. The blame for this matter must have been passed on to the leader, and they didn't feel any guilt in their hearts.

Su Xihua also paused. Leng Feng really posed a problem for him. He couldn't help but look at Ma Tian on the main screen.

Ma Tian also moved his body back, straightened his back, and took a deep look at Su Xihua. This made him feel a little confused.

Leng Feng gritted his teeth and described the scene of the four-year-old girl clinging to her mother's corpse in the wireless communication. Ma Tian, ​​who has a good memory, naturally will not forget it, but is very impressed. This...

Su Xihua also looked at the silent Ma Tian, ​​and suddenly felt that he had done something stupid. How could he embarrass Mr. Ma? However, Mr. Ma's answer later made him unexpected.

"Instead of bombing, I want to see with my own eyes that beast Mu Shen was cut into pieces. It would be too easy to blow him up all at once! Let the robot dogs get on first, turn off their automatic aiming mode, and let the engineers try to capture him alive remotely. Mu Shen and the others!" Ma Tian said righteously, giving a suitable reason not to bomb the house.

Ma Tian's answer also made Su Xihua's eyes light up. Why didn't he think of this reason? The engineers in the command center also breathed a sigh of relief and issued Ma Tian's instructions through wireless communication.

Without hesitation, the remote engineers decisively entered instructions to turn off the self-aiming mode of the terrifying machine Cerberus, and began to discuss how to attack the house.

Now the back door of the house has been completely blown and collapsed, and the only way to enter the house is the front door and two windows on the left and right.

After a while, the engineers communicated through wireless communication, and the 15 terrifying hell robot dogs were also divided into 3 teams, with 5 dogs in each team, preparing to enter from three locations.

First, the terrifying hell robot dogs used their own machine guns to shoot out two windows, and then with an order, five terrifying hell robot dogs from each team broke in directly.

After a while, gunfire rang out.

Especially the terrifying hell robot dog that jumped in from two windows was under heavy fire. After all, Mu Shen and the others were not fools. They knew that people could come in through the two windows, so they naturally set up artillery fire in the room by the window in preparation.

When the first terrifying hell robot dog came in, Mu Shen's younger brother opened fire without hesitation, acting like a maniac, wanting to vent his fear through bullets.

"Dang Dang Dang~"

The bullets hit the terrifying hell robot dog and bounced off sparks. The terrifying hell robot dog was not idle either. It set up the machine gun behind it and started to fight back.

After a while, the firepower on the opposite side was suppressed, especially the second and third hell robot dogs also jumped in and joined the fire suppression situation.

Immediately, Mu Shen's younger brothers were defeated and smashed to pieces.

However, this house is filled with the best of the best among Mu Shen's men, and they have sufficient firepower. Seeing that the bullets couldn't kill the terrifying hell robot dog, they threw a few high-explosive grenades.

Because it is a narrow space, the terrifying hell robot dogs have no room to dodge, and the remote-operated engineers have no choice. At most, they can only control the terrifying hell robot dogs to temporarily rush forward for a certain distance.

Immediately, two huge explosions occurred in the house, because TNT was originally buried in the terrifying hell robot dogs as self-destruction devices. Under the explosion of the grenades, the TNT inside them also detonated, directly carrying wooden weapons. Brother Gentleman died together!

Mu Shen's house was also blown to pieces, which frightened Mu Shen upstairs. What kind of noise was happening downstairs? Why did he feel that the house jumped.

Dog-headed strategist Bucky Hull was also completely panicked. He was so frantic that he was calling many people's satellite phones for help.

Finally, as if grasping the last straw, he dialed the nearest Safit Bruckner number and stammered in a trembling tone:

"Sa...Safit, come and us. We are surrounded. I don't know what force is massacring...slaughtering your citizens!"

Bucky Hull no longer had any hope in Mushen, the boss, and could only daydream about the possibility that Safit Bruckner, an official, might be of some use.

But Safet Bruckner was also confused. He had no idea who the forces that surrounded and suppressed Mu Shen and the other warlords were, or even where they came from.

Safet Bruckner asked: "Bucky, do you know which force is encircling you?"

His expression was extremely serious. In any case, this force must have seriously challenged the official authority of Gangguo, and they simply did not treat them as human beings.

As the saying goes, beating a dog depends on the owner. No matter what, Mu Shen and the others are still legal Gangguo people.

"No...I don't know, but I think they are from the United States. The weapons they use are very advanced. I even heard that they used robot dogs. Come and save us. As long as you save us this time, we will You are the only one who will obey me!" Bucky Hull begged with tears in his eyes.

In this current situation, he is really desperate. He can only wait for death step by step and cannot run away.

Mu Shen, this idiot, refused to run away when told to do so, but now he is surrounded and cannot escape even if he wants to.

Safet Bruckner was silent, although Mushen's base was not far from the main city of Kigani, only 200 kilometers away, and it would only take 2 hours to get there quickly.

But it was impossible for Safit Bruckner to send people to rescue him, let alone whether Mushen and Bucky Hull could persist until they rescued him.

The key is that even if they go to rescue, they may not be able to defeat them. At least in Safit Bruckner's view, it is not that simple for his army to deal with Mu Shen and the other four warlords.

If it was really as simple as Ma Tiantianyu Xinghai, how could he allow Mu Shen and the others to be so disobedient? That is impossible.

The most important thing is that because Bucky Hull said that it was American mercenaries, Safet Bruckner believed most of it, so he refused to go.

They don't expect Americans to stop provoking them. If they want to find trouble, wouldn't they take the initiative to bring trouble to their door?

"Hey, Safet! Are you listening? Come and save us!" Bucky Hull hasn't given up yet, he only has this life-saving straw.

Mu Shen was also watching blankly from the side and did not stop his men's actions. He was already numb by now.

However, there was hope for life, even if there was only a glimmer of it, he still longed for it, but seeing Bucky Hull's phone hanging up, he was completely desperate in life.

Although most of the terrifying hell robot dogs were destroyed by grenades when they first entered this house, there were about 6 units left that began to clean up the trash layer by layer.

The sensors on their ears can finely hear and distinguish the heartbeats of humans within a radius of ten meters, so even if Mu Shen's little brother hides in the room, he cannot escape their ears.

However, because they may be victims, the terrifying hell robot dog can only dare to shoot after inserting its head under the control of an engineer to confirm the situation.

It's slow, but sure.

But the top leaders like Mu Shen were suffering from torture and fear. The feeling of watching death approaching step by step was too suffocating.

Finally, only 4 terrifying hell robot dogs were left and came to Mu Shen's last room. There were also Mu Shen, 8 of his cronies and a strategist in the room, totaling more than 10 people.

The four terrifying hell robot dogs looked at the wooden door, then set up their machine guns and fired a round of fire to smash the door open. Mu Shen and the others were trembling in the corner where they were, finally seeing the real murderer who killed most of them. The true face of Lushan!

Looking at the ferocious appearance of the terrifying hell robot dog with blood all over its body, the rifles or shotguns in the hands of several people were shooting without paying for the bullets.

However, apart from producing some sparks, it has no use!

Now it was a small room again. The last few people in Mu Shen didn't even dare to throw grenades for fear of blowing up themselves.

The eyes of the terrifying hell robot dog also transmitted the vision to the remote operating engineers, and they saw that only some warlords and terrorists were left.

The engineers also opened fire without hesitation, killing eight of the younger brothers next to Mushen, leaving only the last Mushen and his strategist Bucky Hull lying underground.

Seeing Mu Shen still resisting with a gun, the third eye of a terrifying hell robot dog also lit up on its forehead, and a cutting laser shot at Mu Shen's hand holding the gun.

"Ah~" Mu Shen's hand was cut off, and he immediately wailed in pain while holding his arms.

"Don't kill me, don't kill me!" Bucky Hull curled up and held his head, looking crazy.

"Leng Feng, you can go up and harvest the corn!" The engineer informed Leng Feng and the security personnel via wireless communication.

Leng Feng also understood the meaning of harvesting corn, and was the first to rush in with a gun.

Step by step, he stepped over the corpses scattered all over the place and reached the fourth floor, where he saw Mu Shen holding his arms and a curled up Bucky Hull.

They also recognized the two of them through the previous pictures.

Seeing Mu Shen's painful look, Leng Feng and the others had cold eyes. Not only did they not show any sympathy, they went over and broke his other hand and three legs.


"Ah -" Mu Shen groaned in pain.

The four security personnel dragged the two people outside the house like dead dogs. A group of security personnel also surrounded them and looked at Mu Shen's miserable condition.

"Mr. Su, give the order!" Leng Feng took a deep breath and said over the wireless communication.

Seeing Mu Shen's miserable state like a lonely wild dog, Su Xihua couldn't help but think of his unruly and unruly look when he had dinner with Mu Shen a week ago.

It’s really ironic when you think about it.

"Why do you still keep such a scumbag? Give him a shot and kill him. Don't hit the vital parts and let him die all at once!" Su Xihua said coldly.

Leng Feng and the others did as they were told, shooting from the ankle to the top...

Before the sun had risen, a group of people took advantage of the last darkness to leave.

Well-meaning engineers used hacking technology to anonymously send a text message to Safet Bruckner, telling him that there were many victims of his crimes who needed to be rescued, and that they should come and clean the floor quickly.

"Captain, are we too cruel?" A recruit who had never been on the battlefield asked his captain Leng Feng. It was his first time on the battlefield, and he felt that it was a bit too inhumane for him to massacre nearly 700 people in a village.

However, Leng Feng did not answer him. Liang Chuping, the engineer driving in front, answered him: "Cruel? If our country falls behind in science and technology, this ending will also happen to us!"

Although the words were short, the pupils of Leng Feng and others in the back seat shrank...

The sun rose as usual in Gangguo today, but Mushen's base was in ruins. Only the vultures were happily enjoying their breakfast.

Safit Bruckner led the soldiers to this base area that had become ruins, and his face was sad, as if the rabbit was dead and the fox was sad.

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