My technology affects the whole world

Chapter 152 Mr. Wang, times have changed

"Ma Tian, ​​please explain to me. When you asked me for retired soldiers, didn't you mean to open a security company?"

Wang Chenbo came to Ma Tian's temporary office in the suburbs, but when he saw Ma Tian's face paralyzed by thinking about the problem. His anger still dissipated and turned into talking.

In his eyes, Ma Tian is a national treasure scientist, or a junior. What can he do if he makes a mistake?

"I have opened a security company. I have already thought of a name. Let's call it Tianyu Security. It protects the family and the country!" Ma Tian saw Wang Chenbo running over without saying hello, and realized that Gang Guo's matter might have been noticed. .

However, now he must make a joke and turn this matter over. It has already happened anyway.

And, this time he didn’t think he did anything wrong, or in other words, he did it impulsively!

"So, you drove to Gangguo?" Wang Chenbo said weakly, looking at Ma Tian angrily, with speechlessness almost written on his face.

"Uh... isn't this some gangsters interrupting the progress of our company's construction of charging piles in Gangguo? I just thought about it and sent them to Gangguo for protection, so that our company can build charging piles faster!" Ma Tian forced explained.

"Then kill them by the way!" Wang Chenbo followed.

Ma Tian stopped talking and simply remained silent to express his response. Since Wang Chenbo is here, it means there must be evidence.

After all, he had smuggled so many people and weapons there, so Wang Chenbo and the others would definitely be able to find something if they wanted to.

"Alas -" Seeing Ma Tian's silence, Wang Chenbo also sighed and muttered, "Ma Tian, ​​Ma Tian, ​​we have to be diplomatic and not act on impulse. At worst, we will give up that market. Why do we have to do that?" Go and meet foreign warlords?"

When he heard Wang Chenbo calling him smooth, Ma Tian felt completely heavy. He was smooth about everything. Is this the reason why he swallowed his anger abroad?

In his opinion, it is necessary to hit with one punch to avoid hundreds of punches.

He doesn't ask for China's strategy to change because of him, as long as he can achieve the majesty of Tianyu Xinghai. Furthermore, the system upgrade requires a huge impact value, which means he is destined to take a different path!

Wang Chenbo did not pay attention to Ma Tian's micro-expression, but continued: "Even if you take action, you have to tell us! You are too reckless this time!"

"Why are you so reckless? It's just a few small warlords. If they are destroyed, they will be destroyed!" Ma Tian also became impatient and retorted.

"Pfft~" Wang Chenbo was angry and a little angry with Ma Tian's attitude. He said in a serious tone: "Mu Shen, the warlord leader, has more than 700 people. Is he still a small warlord? There are tanks and rocket launchers, and they are almost as strong as a regiment. Got it!"

"Oh, and then I lost zero money and was destroyed?"

"Do you understand General... hmm?" Wang Chenbo, who was about to continue reasoning, was stunned, "How much? 0 losses?"

Wang Chenbo couldn't believe it. In his opinion, Ma Tian must have sacrificed a lot of people to achieve such a result this time. How could he fight a tough battle and wipe out a whole regiment without losing a single person? It was not covered by heavy firepower and directly buried alive.

Some details about Ma Tian Mie Mu Shen were also collected by the embassy and sent back to China, so Wang Chenbo also roughly knew some details.

At least I know that Ma Tian did not directly bury Mu Shen alive with heavy firepower, and also took beheading actions against the other three warlords.

"0 people were killed, and a few people were injured, but they were all minor injuries. The most serious one was a shot in the calf!" Ma Tian gave a detailed account of the battle damage. This data is in Ma Tian's It even seemed reasonable, and he didn't even bother to show off.

From the beginning, Ma Tian looked down on these garbage warlords at all. He didn't even hit a single shell on his T-X1. How strong could he be?

A group of little Karami, if they were not concerned about the impact, would have been covered by his firepower long ago, and not even a single person would be injured.

Of course, it is true that we can also take this opportunity to train troops, but Ma Tian feels that the future will definitely be mechanized combat, and land combat will have to be postponed a little later. Unless all the robot dogs are dead, it is almost enough to engage in land combat.

When Wang Chenbo heard Ma Tian say that 0 people died, he immediately choked on what he wanted to say. He originally wanted to say that one general's success would lead to tens of thousands of bones being withered, and to advise Ma Tian to be cautious about war.

I didn’t expect it, I really didn’t expect it.

"How did you do it?" Wang Chenbo couldn't help but ask.

Ma Tian didn't hesitate and said directly: "Come with me!"

After saying that, he took the lead and walked to the experimental site. Wang Chenbo was also patient and followed slowly.

The experimental site has changed a lot in the past month. Not only does it have a single experimental workshop for testing various firearms and firepower, but there are also specialized large-scale experimental fields for testing rocket launchers and terrifying hell robot dogs.

Ma Tian took Wang Chenbo to the experimental field dedicated to experimenting with the terrifying hell robot dog. Here, engineers were conducting optimization tests on the terrifying hell robot dog.

Wang Chenbo couldn't move his eyes away as he watched the anti-aircraft machine gun behind the terrifying hell robot dog shoot at the 200-meter target.

"Robot dog?"

Ma Tian nodded and said to the testing engineer: "Show it in full!"

The test engineer nodded and began to control the terrifying hell robot dog to demonstrate its complete functions, including the anti-aircraft machine gun that automatically aimed at the dummy's head, the blasting of zodiac bullets, the vertical eye cutting laser, night vision and sensor functions...

Wang Chenbo is an expert on tanks and is no stranger to various weapons of war. Seeing the excellent attack performance of the terrifying hell robot dog, he was completely stunned on the spot, feeling that the world was unreal.

After the terrifying hell robot dog performed a circle, when Ma Tian looked at him, he still had a stunned expression.

Ma Tian couldn't help but snap his fingers and reminded: "How is it? Now you know how I did it?"

Wang Chenbo came back to his senses, pursed his lips, wanted to say something, but held it back.

After a while, he said: "So, you used the robot dog to kill Mu Shen and his group of more than 700 people?"

"Bingo! That's right, that's it. We destroyed them with zero loss with the help of the robot dog!" Ma Tian nodded, looking at Wang Chenbo who had never seen the world, he felt happy and had a sense of accomplishment.

"Can today's automated machines do this?" Wang Chenbo murmured.

"Mr. Wang, times have changed. Sometimes land warfare may have become obsolete!" Ma Tian also looked serious. Although this matter may not be accepted by China, which has the largest army, but without him, Ma Tian, ​​this would also be inevitable. Time will come.

Robotics technology abroad is already far ahead of China. Don’t be woken up until later.

"Mr. Wang, the terrifying hell robot dog is a practical experiment I put into Steel Fruit this time, although those warlord leaders do not have any electronic jamming technology, nor do they have any aircraft or artillery.

However, general electronic jamming technology does not affect the actions of the terrifying hell robot dog at all. Within 2 kilometers, our engineers can control the actions of the terrifying hell robot dog through encrypted signals in special frequency bands.

And as you can see, ordinary machine gun bullets are completely useless to it. On the contrary, with its self-aiming algorithm, it can kill one for a hundred! "

Ma Tian looked at the terrifying hell robot dog and explained in detail that this was also the first time he felt the crushing power of technology. This was different from civilian science, where ordinary people could only experience the convenience of life.

This is war technology. Crushing means death and a huge battle loss ratio.

"Ma Tian, ​​you really surprised me!" Wang Chenbo said after a while. He never thought that Ma Tian would use a robot dog to kill the warlord in Gangguo this time.

This, this made him say what to do, and his long-standing philosophy was impacted!

"This matter is too big, Ma Tian. I want to ask experts from the Land War Bureau to come over and evaluate your robot dog technology. Maybe we have to change our tactics!" Wang Chenbo said with a serious face at the end. He stood high enough. , the view is further.

They also understand the impact of this technology of remotely operating machines on war. Although Ma Tian was the first to research this technology, they must also prevent or apply it in a targeted manner.

"Yes!" Ma Tian nodded without saying anything. This technology must be used to strengthen his country's army. Even if it cannot be strengthened, it must make them realize that the times are changing.

Wang Chenbo left in a hurry, and a few days later he hurried over at noon with several experts from the Land War Bureau.

Ma Tian did not dare to neglect, so he sent someone to entertain them and planned to treat a few people to dinner. However, a few people were not interested in eating. Even Wang Chenbo had no time to introduce them, so he directly took Ma Tian to demonstrate.

Ma Tian had no choice but to lead a few people and continue to demonstrate the terrifying hell robot dog.

Just like when Wang Chenbo saw it for the first time, several experts from the Land War Bureau were also dumbfounded.

Before coming, they had heard that Ma Tian used this terrifying hell robot dog to achieve a 0 to 700 loss ratio in the battle with the Gangguo Warlord, but they were still shocked when they saw it with their own eyes.

"This night vision device is so powerful with the sensor that it can accurately locate the soldiers hiding behind the wall."

"This machine gun with the self-aiming algorithm is also very scary. You see, the dummy targets are all shot in the head and fell down!"

"It's unbelievable. There are twelve small missiles hanging on it. This robot dog is a close-range bombing turret, right?"

Several people discussed around the terrifying hell robot dog without worrying about Ma Tian, ​​Wang Chenbo and others next to them.

In their minds, they have already considered what it would be like if their marines encountered such a robot dog, especially at night...

Ma Tian watched silently from the side, thinking about Xiao Jiujiu in his heart, thinking about what to say next.

"Ma Tian, ​​are you selling this terrifying hell robot dog?" A person suddenly turned around and asked Ma Tian.

Wang Chenbo also quickly introduced: "This is Zuo Jindong, you can just call him Zuo Lao. Next to him are Zhen Changchun and Le Jianyuan..."

"Well, you also know that it is difficult for us to study such a high-tech thing." Ma Tian pretended to be confused.

Wang Chenbo was stunned when he heard Ma Tian's tone. He had never heard the word "difficult" in Ma Tian's mouth. He usually used words like "average" and "relatively rubbish" to describe the things developed by the researchers. .

Ma Tiankuang is crazy, but he really has no technical research and development capabilities. Is this terrifying hell robot dog really that difficult? He couldn't help but become curious.

"Ma Tian, ​​please make an offer and we'll consider it!" Zuo Jindong took a deep look at Ma Tian and suddenly became less anxious.

"Twenty million units!" Ma Tian thought for a while and stretched out two fingers.

"Cough cough cough~" Zuo Jindong was choked up and frightened by the price. It only cost about 8 million for them to buy an advanced tank.

Including the T-X1 multifunctional tank developed by Ma Tian, ​​one of them only sells for 10 million, and a terrifying hell robot dog sells for 20 million. Ma Tian is really brave enough to open his mouth.

"God Ma, I'm not a big landowner, I'm not worth your money! Isn't 20 million too expensive?" Zuo Jindong said weakly for a long time.

"Mr. Zuo, we have sold you 20 million units with guaranteed capital! Don't underestimate the size of the terrifying hell robot dog. The technological content contained in it is beyond your imagination.

Take that night vision device as an example. The phase control technology and infrared imaging technology on it are not even worth 1 million; and the Zodiac missiles cost hundreds of thousands each; and the remote control technology...

All of these are packaged together for only 20 million. Mr. Zuo, I really sold you with guaranteed capital, and even lost some money! "Ma Tian said seriously. Of course, the actual cost is definitely not that high. One is still available for about 3 million.

The reason why he offered such a high price was to make demands for lower prices later. He wants to gain the power to develop his own armed forces in the Black Continent.

At present, he is not strong enough and needs the great motherland to take care of him from behind, which is simply called wiping his butt.

Zuo Jindong was silent. He was not sure whether what Ma Tian said was true. When Ma Tian talked about the technology, he really felt that 20 million was somewhat reasonable.

However, the equipment for each of their individual soldiers is estimated to be only tens of thousands, and 20 million is almost enough to purchase equipment for a reinforced battalion, which still makes him hesitate.

Wang Chenbo listened silently. Ma Tian's price of 20 million was really scary. He really wanted to know how much it cost.

Seeing Zuo Jindong's entangled look, Ma Tian no longer hesitated and said, "It's okay if it's cheaper, but I have a request!"

As soon as Ma Tian's words came out, they attracted everyone's attention. Wang Chenbo said angrily: "Ma Tian, ​​you don't want us to agree to your development of armed forces in Heizhou, do you?"

Um... Hearing Wang Chenbo directly say what he was thinking, Ma Tian could only nod helplessly.

He definitely wants to develop armed forces in the Black Continent, and it is not impossible to even go to the Middle East later. In one word, he can exert influence!

Even when necessary, arm-wrestling with the world's top mercenaries such as Raytheon and General Dynamics.

Only with some influence will some countries hesitate to open their markets and let their Tianming cars enter.

Ma Tian already has a crazy idea in his mind, but he can't say it out now. If he does, he might be stopped by Wang Chenbo and the others.

Wang Chenbo and Zuo Jindong looked at each other. Zuo Jindong also looked at Ma Tian and said in a serious tone: "Ma Tian, ​​you may not know many things. Before you destroyed the warlord Mu Shen, did you know that the people behind them were from the United States? Westland Company!”

What, Ma Tian's eyes widened when he heard this. He really didn't know about this.

"Ma Tian, ​​the situation in Ganguo is far beyond your imagination. We can agree with you to develop armed forces in Ganguo to protect your company, but you have to promise us not to use your own power to affect the situation there." Zuo Zongjin continued.

Ma Tian was also lost in thought, frowning and asked: "What if they deliberately come to trouble us?"

"If they did it on purpose, you can communicate with us before taking action and learn more information before taking action!" Zuo Zongjin said, and his eyes began to deepen when he looked at Ma Tian.

Ma Tian thought for a long time and finally nodded in agreement. Although he didn't want to admit it, he really didn't consider the power behind them when he killed Mu Shen and others this time.

In fact, this is exactly what happened. Westland Company has sent people to Kigani to start investigating the cause of the death of Mushen and others.

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