My technology affects the whole world

Chapter 158 TX1’s first actual battle

Chapter 158 T-X1’s first actual combat

"Brother Feng, why are you fighting so fast?" After Nie Feixiong vented his anger, he relaxed and returned to normal again.

Leng Feng and the others had solved the battle too quickly just now, and it seemed that they were dead in less than 10 seconds. The captives were completely different from what he had imagined, so he asked.

"Do you think it's a TV show? Real killing is not that complicated, especially if you have a gun and shoot each enemy one at a time!" Leng Feng replied simply.

However, these warlords are too weak and really have no defense at all.

With such a close distance and such a big head, it would be strange not to be shot one by one. It is easier than target practice.

"Tsk~" Looking at Leng Feng's calm and calm appearance, Nie Feixiong also smacked his lips, feeling extremely safe.

Leng Feng looked at the three people who were no longer human, and said to Nie Feixiong: "Ask which force they are from and what they are doing here today?"

Nie Feixiong acted as a translator and began to ask questions about the three people.

Among them, the big black guy and the little leader naturally knew everything. He almost told me which girl he slept with last night and what actions he did. His courage had long since been frightened.

Especially when they saw Leng Feng's teammates starting to collect the bodies of the younger brothers who came with him, dragging them into the cement pit.

A living example is right in front of him, and his arrogance has long turned into nothing but terror. In the face of death, most people who have no faith behave like this.

"Can you drive?" Leng Feng asked.

Nie Feixiong didn't know why Leng Feng asked this, but he still followed the translation.

The big black leader nodded quickly.

"Tell him to go back and tell Jesse Byrne and others that if he dares to mess with Tianyu Xinghai in the future, this is what he will end up with!"

After saying that, he took out his pistol and killed the remaining two people, leaving the big black leader alone!

"Bang, bang!"

Two consecutive gunshots rang out in his ears, and Nie Feixiong's heart skipped a beat, while the black leader was so frightened that he thought it would be his turn next.

Nie Feixiong did not expect Leng Feng to be so decisive, and when he came to his senses, he conveyed Leng Feng's words.

The big black leader didn't expect that he could still live, so he quickly climbed back into his car with gratitude for his hands and feet.

He stepped on the accelerator, turned around in a panic, and drove back, hitting another car on the way.

Leng Feng's face turned grim as he watched the car leaving, and he said to his team: "Get ready to fight!"

Naturally, letting this big black guy go was not just a simple notice, but a prediction that these warlords would continue to call more people to come and die.

This time, we will shock them with a wave and come out under the banner of Tianyu Security!

The team quickly went down to prepare. Those who should occupy the commanding heights occupied the commanding heights. The accompanying engineer reconnaissance radar was also set up. The curtain of the T-X1 was also torn down and drove out of the truck...

Nie Feixiong looked on and said to Leng Feng: "Brother Feng, do you need our help? We have a lot of strength and can help you move your things!"

When Leng Feng heard this, he shook his head and said, "If you are not afraid, just stay here, or drive back directly!"

"Brother Feng, why are we afraid? Why don't you give us guns too, and we will join in to help you!" Nie Feixiong was also determined and wanted to join Leng Feng and the others with guns.

"Yes, Brother Feng, give us a gun, even a pistol!" A group of Chinese workers behind Nie Feixiong also echoed, and they were also aroused.

Leng Feng was also a little surprised. Looking at the determination on their dark faces, he nodded. They were all good men.

However, war is not a child's play, and guns cannot be given to them. They have never fired a gun. They might hit one of their own people, so they can only ask them to help move some things.

Especially since the engineers have to set up remote communication equipment, this group of construction workers is very powerful and can work more efficiently than Leng Feng and the other soldiers.

After a while, the engineers set up communication and reconnaissance radars.

And as Leng Feng and the others expected, when the black leader returned to the base, tears and snot rolled down his nose in front of the three leaders, Jesse Byrne.

Seeing the dirty appearance of his men, Jesse Byrne kicked his hands away with his feet and asked in a cold voice: "Ultrama, didn't I ask you to ask about the protection fee of Tianyu Xinghai? Why? Are you the only one who came back?"

The big black leader was called Ultramar Muse. When he heard Jesse Byrne's question, he introduced the matter very quickly:

"Boss, we went to collect protection fees today. I just got out of the car with my younger brothers to look for them. Suddenly, more than a dozen people shot at us. Except for me and my two younger brothers, everyone else was killed. I also He was pointed at with a pistol. My other two younger brothers were also dead, and I was the only one who escaped.

They asked me to tell them that we should not cause trouble to Tianyu Xinghai in the future, otherwise we would die! "

"What?" Jesse Byrne and others were shocked. They didn't expect such a thing to happen. The rabbit would actually bite the tiger?

Where did they get the courage to resist?

"It's outrageous, just gather the brothers and kill them!" The second big leader Trond Treto had a bad temper. After hearing this, he was going to gather his brothers to kill Leng Feng and the others.

Jesse Byrne also had an ugly expression on his face. He watched Trond Treto set off with his younger brother, but he did not stop him. They had died today, and they would definitely have to exchange blood for blood.

Dozens of cars began to gather under the leadership of Trond Treto, and a group of young men jumped on the cars like carps crossing the river, shouting "Huhu" in excitement.

Some of them got too excited and fired dozens of shots into the air.

A convoy of more than a dozen vehicles began to drive toward the charging pile construction site in a swaggering manner. However, it was detected by a drone that was launched to an altitude of more than 400 meters as early as 5 kilometers away.

"The control tower called the T-X1 team, and 14 vehicles were found driving towards us on the road. It is initially estimated that they are people brought by warlords and terrorists for revenge."

"The T-X1 team is calling the headquarters to apply for T-X1 attack permission."

"Approved by the headquarters, the T-X1 missile has been unlocked!"

During the wireless communication, Leng Feng and other close combat security personnel were embarrassed. It was obvious that they had to activate the T-X1, which was more boring than activating the terrifying hell robot dog.

They can still go up and play with the terrifying hell robot dog. If they activate the T-X1, the 14 vehicles on the opposite side will probably die before they even get close to the attack range.

Nie Feixiong and the others also stuck their heads out through the wall and looked into the distance. They didn't know anything and were the most nervous. After all, it was their first time on the battlefield.

Looking into the distance, my mind is recalling the scenes of watching anti-Japanese dramas when I was a child.

"Coming, coming!" Someone with good eyesight screamed loudly when he saw the vehicle approaching in the distance.

Nie Feixiong couldn't help but look at Leng Feng and the others, but found that Leng Feng and the others were surprisingly calm. They were even comfortable holding the gun without their hand on the trigger.

He couldn't help but flatter him, and at the same time relieved his nervous mood, he said: "Brother Feng, you look so relaxed. Are you like the so-called martial arts masters who only use their strength at critical times?"

Leng Feng was also confused by Nie Feixiong, "What, what are you talking about? Why can't I understand it?"

"I see you look very relaxed, unlike us, who are so nervous!"

Now Leng Feng understood. He couldn't laugh or cry at the corner of his mouth and said, "I'm so nervous. I'll just go up and harvest the corn later!"

"What do you mean?" Nie Feixiong was confused.

"Soon you..." Leng Feng was about to reply, but his voice was quickly interrupted by the huge "whoosh" sound of the T-X1 missile being launched.

It turned out that the vehicle led by Trond Treto and his younger brothers had entered the attack range of the T-X1 missile and was targeted.

In less than 30 seconds, the 12 surface-to-air missiles mounted on the T-X1 had been launched.

Nie Feixiong and the others looked up at the missiles flying past their leader, looking dumbfounded.

Trond Treto and other people in the convoy were stunned. 12 missiles flew over, and the people sitting in the car could naturally see them clearly.

But it's one thing to see clearly, and it's another thing to be able to react. From a distance of less than 1 kilometer, the missile came close within seconds.

While they were still wondering what this was flying over, they were already blown into the sky.

Of the 14 vehicles, 12 were directly hit by the explosion, and even the bones could not be seen.

Of the two surviving cars, one did not stop and directly hit the car that exploded in front. It also performed a backflip and fell to the ground and was dragged for dozens of meters.

The driver of a car was so frightened that he drove out of the wilderness and was stranded in the wilderness.

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