Su Xihua took the lead in the car and within two minutes urged the driver in front to hurry up.

The sooner he receives Ma Tian, ​​the sooner his heart will calm down.

It was really a bolt from the blue. He didn't expect Ma Tian to come as well.

Do the other two vice presidents of the company know? Also, do Wang Chenbo, Wang Lao and the others know?

Su Xihua felt that there was a high probability that he did not know, otherwise Ma Tian would not be able to come to Ganguo, and Mr. Li would strongly stop him.

Although Li Runqi currently has no relationship with Ma Tian, ​​everyone in the company can see that Li Runqi cares about Ma Tian.

The relationship between Li Runqi and Ma Tian is like Pepper Potts and Tony in the "Iron Man" movie.

"Mr. Su, you can't go any faster. If you go any faster, you may cause an accident and attract other people's attention!" Wu Yuanzong, an engineer who also serves as the driver, reminded that we haven't even left Kigani yet, and there are still quite a lot of cars on the road.

The less people know about Ma Tian's whereabouts, the better, so it's better to keep Ma Tian over as low-key as possible.

Su Xihua sighed. After all, he was confused because he was concerned: "Oh, then just drive as usual and leave me alone!"

Leng Feng on the side was also standing ready with a gun in his hand, ready to accept orders at any time.

Maya Airport in the capital of Ganggo is more than 1,000 kilometers away from Kigani. Even if it is a straight line in the wilderness, it will take at least 8 hours to get to Ma Tian.

Ma Tian's plane arrived at four o'clock in the afternoon, which meant that it would be at least 12 o'clock in the evening to pick up Ma Tian.

After the car finally got out of Kigani, the team really let go of the speed. Along the way, this speed also caused a lot of curses from passing drivers:

"You're looking for death, driving so fast!"

The distance of more than 1,000 kilometers was shortened to 500 kilometers in the blink of an eye, and the night was completely dark.

Su Xihua was silent all the way, and naturally the others in the car did not dare to speak.


Suddenly there was an explosion, and the car in front jumped into the air, then hit the fence at high speed and rushed into the wilderness on the roadside. After a while, it stopped in the wilderness. No one knew whether it was alive or dead in the car.


There was another loud noise, and Su Xihua and others in the second car were jolted up from their seats. Su Xihua's head hit the glass, and stars suddenly appeared in front of his eyes.

"There's an ambush!"

The driver stabilized the car and shouted in alarm, if he hadn't braked in time when he saw something was wrong with the car in front, they would have gone flying like the first car and had a major accident.

Leng Feng and the others had already pulled the bolts of their assault rifles, with murderous intent in their eyes. They immediately opened the car door and entered the field, lying down and observing the enemies around them.

The truck team following far behind also knew from the wireless communication that there was an ambush ahead, and the truck also stopped.

The security personnel on the car got out of the car fully armed, and the T-X1 had been unloaded with the cooperation of the unloading steel plate.

Of the three vehicles in the front line of the convoy, except for the first one that rushed into the wilderness and the people inside were in danger, the other two vehicles just broke down on the road, and the security personnel in the vehicles were still able to fight.

For a moment, Su Xihua, who was in the car, saw a burst of bright light shining on the car, and then a group of black coal briquettes rushed over with guns and shouts.

"Damn, a group of robbers?" Leng Feng, who had already fallen down in the field, also cursed. No one expected that these robbers actually buried roadblocks and dared to ambush their car.

I feel sorry for the brother who was in the first car. He didn't know whether he was alive or dead because of this group of robbers.

"Calm down, wait until they get close and fight!" Leng Feng gave an order to his younger brother via wireless communication.

A group of robbers who were not afraid of death were also excited and ran towards the car from the front, imagining that they would be able to rob a lot of fat this time and go to the big city to find Nana.

However, what greeted them was the "chunk" sound of the MT-1 assault rifle, and their fantasy was quickly interrupted!

Leng Feng and the others held MT-1 assault rifles in their hands and started pouring bullets, sweeping away a large area like cutting rice.

After a while, everyone on the other side fell down. Leng Feng waved his hand and led his brothers to touch them, and then began to carefully replenish their guns.

In the wireless communication, the convoy personnel behind also began to ask whether force support was needed.

"It's just a group of robbers. They have been dealt with by us. After the drone can take off for reconnaissance, you can come closer." Leng Feng replied in the wireless communication.

Looking at the dead robbers all over the place, he couldn't help but feel the hatred in his heart! Damn it, this Gangguo is really chaotic. You can encounter robbers who are not afraid of death wherever you go.

The security personnel of the rear convoy were silent when they heard this answer, but it was better to do less than to do more. They loaded the T-X1 back into their truck.

In the car, Su Xihua knew that the situation outside was also in Bengbu. The more anxious he was, the more likely things would go wrong. Who would have thought that picking up someone would encounter robbers.

A group of people began to clean up the bodies on the road, and also cleaned up the triangular spike tire breaker on the road. The accompanying engineers also began to change the tires.

The condition of the first Pioneer car was much better than expected, except that several brothers had their heads bruised and bloody. It was lucky that they survived a tire puncture at such a fast speed.

This is also thanks to the fact that the off-road vehicles specially developed by Tianyu Xinghai are of good quality and have some emergency protection measures.

The convoy soon caught up and helped clean up.

Su Xihua also sighed, called Ma Tian, ​​told Ma Tian about the situation here, and said that he might arrive later than expected.

Ma Tian didn't think too much, but looked relaxed: "It doesn't matter if none of us sacrifice. Please pay attention to safety and don't be so anxious. The situation here is much better than imagined."

"Okay, Mr. Ma!"

After hanging up the phone, Ma Tian also glanced at the two bodyguards Chang Chenghu and Chang Chenglong who were not far away pretending to be passers-by. It was not easy to disturb them and asked them to come over and talk.

He felt lonely alone because he had finished reading the magazine in his hand.

It wasn't until around 1 o'clock in the evening that Ma Tian met Su Xihua.

"Mr. Ma!" Su Xihua saw Ma Tian carrying the suitcase and quickly stepped forward to take the suitcase, feeling relieved.

Ma Tian nodded, with a relaxed smile on his face: "Thank you for your hard work!"

Su Xihua pursed his lips, but in the end he couldn't say what he wanted to say. Ma Tian was his boss, what could he do?

When Leng Feng saw Chang Chenghu, he quickly said hello: "Hello, instructor!"

In the army, Chang Chenghu was his instructor. Chang Chenghu smiled and nodded in response. His eyes were still looking around, paying attention to the surrounding environment.

The group finally returned to Kigani by car, and a storm began to gather outside Maya Airport...

In Tianyu Xinghai, Yang Jinli, who had made an appointment to deliver meals on the fourth day, also knocked on the laboratory door for a long time, but received no response from Ma Tian.

Her eyes lit up and she thought Ma Tian was sleeping! I wanted to sneak in and do some mischief, but I ended up seeing an empty laboratory.

"Boss, where are you? Are you in the bathroom?" Yang Jinli shouted towards the bathroom in the laboratory.

There was still no response, and her head froze.


She simply punched the door of the bathroom and was stunned when she saw the empty bathroom.

It wasn't until she saw the note Ma Tian left her that her eyes widened. She picked up her phone and dialed Li Runqi's number:

"Sister Qi, I'm sorry, please come to the boss's laboratory!"

The note left by Ma Tian clearly said: "Koi, I'm going to Heizhou. Remember not to tell anyone except your sister Qi. Your sister Qi will arrange it!"

"Is he crazy?" Li Runqi hurried to the laboratory. When she saw Ma Tian's note, her face was full of worry, and she couldn't help complaining about Ma Tian's ridiculous behavior.

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