My technology affects the whole world

Chapter 167 The first firefight

The night is like a black ghost, overlooking the earth and observing the evil in the world.

"Commander, the drone detected that the other side has entered our attack range, please give instructions!" The engineer in front of the screen on the command platform reported the situation to Ma Tian.

In order to reduce exposure, Ma Tian also asked everyone to call him Commander instead of Mr. Ma during this period.

Under the cover of night, the T-X1 multi-purpose vehicle was already in position 5 kilometers away from Tianyu Xinghai Depot. Its effective attack range is 2 kilometers, and its maximum attack range is 5 kilometers.

So soon the Westland Company's convoy had entered its attack range.

The attack distance of the terrifying hell robot dog is shorter, and it is still running forward, approaching the convoy quickly.

"Wait a little longer, wait until the terrifying hell robot dog reaches the attack distance, and then launch a general attack!" Ma Tian gave the order.

David Thompson, who was in the convoy, looked at the terrain map near Kigani and was considering how to direct this raid.

However, he was soon awakened by the sound of air-raid sirens on the car while he was deep in thought.

In the night, he saw dozens or hundreds of missiles flying towards his convoy. The radar on the car had detected them, and the anti-aircraft vehicles were already firing and intercepting them in the distance.

"Farke, we were discovered!" David Thompson yelled.


The anti-aircraft guns and anti-aircraft machine guns in the convoy hurriedly intercepted, but due to the excessive number, naturally they could not intercept them all. Soon, the cars in the convoy began to be destroyed by T-X1 missiles.

Moreover, the zodiac bombs on the terrifying Hell Robot Dog that came over also began to pour out firepower. Their air defense system could not defend against the linear rocket launchers of the terrifying Hell Robot Dog in the horizontal direction.

The car in front of the convoy was being blown up crazily, and the Westland soldiers who abandoned the car and fled were also set on fire by the firepower network composed of the machine guns behind the terrifying hell robot dogs.


There were explosions and screams everywhere.

"General, retreat! The other side is obviously well prepared and we can't withstand it anymore!" Captain William came to David Thompson's car and told David Thompson to escape.

After fighting for a long time, they didn't even see much of the enemy. They saw that the opposite side was pouring firepower, and they didn't even dare to look out.

"Go, retreat!" David Thompson quickly lowered his head to avoid the bullets and gave the order to retreat.

The opponent was indeed too fierce. He failed to make a sneak attack but was attacked instead. He was already in a weak position. The firepower of the opponent was so strong, so he naturally knew how to make a decision.

Several cars began to turn around.

The engineers observing through the drone naturally noticed this situation and said in the wireless communication: "The other side is trying to escape, and the firepower is concentrated and pouring over!"

The machine gun on the terrifying hell robot dog began to change its direction and fired in the direction of several U-turning cars. It hit their bulletproof cars and made a dense clanging sound.

Unfortunately, the zodiac bullets on the terrifying hell robot dog had long been empty, and the missiles flying from the sky were also intercepted.

In the end, three cars turned around and ran back.

This can also be seen that the armed forces of the Westland Company are indeed different from those of Mushen and other warlords. The convoy is not only equipped with specialized information radars, but also various air defense weapons and close-in defense machine guns.

Some cars were equipped with missiles, but unfortunately, before they could be launched, they were blown up by missiles launched by the T-X1 or the Zodiac bombs on the terrifying hell robot dogs.

The three cars that turned around began to run wildly. Ma Tian was not in the habit of chasing after the enemy, so the two T-X1s started chasing them. Compared with the speed of the T-X1, they really had no fear of anyone.

Even if the road in the wilderness is rugged, the T-X1 can catch up at a speed of nearly 70 kilometers per hour.

While chasing, he also aimed at the three vehicles, and then began to fire the anti-tank rocket launchers above.

Naturally, the three vehicles began to drift under the cover of night, dodging. The survivors in the vehicles also set up anti-aircraft machine guns and began to fight back towards the fire launch point.

"General, there is a car chasing us!" A soldier shouted to David Thompson in the car.

"I really saw it, set up my machine gun to fight back, tell the other two cars to get off the ground, slow down, and let us pass first!"

David Thompson made an immediate decision and prepared to let his men cut off their tails to survive.

In the end, two of the three vehicles escaped during the explosion, and only one was destroyed because the T-X1 had reached the engineer's maximum remote control range. The main reason is that the surface-to-air missiles on the T-X1 were all used up before.

"Commander, two vehicles ran out!"

"Bring the car back, there's nothing you can do if it runs away!" Ma Tian didn't blame his engineers too much, and they didn't want such a situation to happen.

Generally speaking, Tianyu Xinghai took advantage of tonight's confrontation. Westland Company wanted to make a surprise attack at night, but was caught off guard midway.

It can only be said that David Thompson underestimated the enemy and treated Tianyu Xinghai as a soft persimmon like a local warlord!

He would never have imagined that Tianyu Xinghai would launch a drone 10 kilometers away to start reconnaissance to prevent emergencies.

With such a fierce battle taking place in the suburbs, the city of Kigani, which was not far away, was naturally aware of it.

A phone call also woke up Safit Bruckner, the head of the relevant department, to the sound of explosions in the distance.

Safet Bruckner's first thought was that Tianyu Xinghai was at war with Westland Company, and the facts proved that his conjecture was correct.

The direction of the conflict is the location of Tianyu Xinghai's factory.

Looking at the "Fireworks" shooting video sent by his subordinates, Safit Bruckner couldn't help but sneer at the corner of his mouth.

"Hit me. Hit me as hard as you can."

David Thompson ran wildly on the road like a bereaved dog. After driving for almost half an hour, he finally had the courage to raise his head and look through the glass to see what was going on behind him.

When he found that there was a car behind him, he felt relieved.

He should be considered safe.

Sitting in the car, David Thompson began to recall the entire process of the battle, wanting to know what the problem was and why he was beaten by the opponent from the beginning.

Could it be that there is a traitor within him? Or was there a secret sentry on the other side who discovered them?

Another thing, the firepower of Tianyu Xinghai is too damn strong. How many missiles were used to hit them? Why do I feel like I'm full of missiles when I look up?

"What do you think, William!" David Thompson asked the captain next to him.

"General, the armed force on the other side is very strong. I have never seen such fierce firepower in all my years of fighting in Gangguo.

And the accuracy of the opponent was so accurate, I didn’t see a few empty shots. If it weren’t for the power of our anti-aircraft guns, we would have basically been doomed on the first encounter! "Captain William said with lingering fear. Even he, a veteran on the battlefield, was blinded by the sight of Tianyu Xinghai.

Tianyu Xinghai seemed a bit outrageous to him.

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