My technology affects the whole world

Chapter 169 Escalation of the situation

David Thompson asked William to ask the intelligence chief Reno Mullins about Kigani, especially whether Tianyu Xinghai controlled the Kigani Pier.

After all, now Tianyu Xinghai has fully demonstrated its strength. In David Thompson's view, Safit Bruckner's weakling has surrendered at the feet of Tianyu Xinghai.

"The docks are not controlled by Tianyu Xinghai, but there is bad news. I heard that Tianyu Xinghai has built roadblocks on the road!" Reynold Mullins replied.

Tianyu Xinghai builds roadblocks in a swaggering manner, which can be seen by passing cars and can be found out by just asking around.

"What! Tianyu Xinghai built roadblocks on the road!" David Thompson was shocked when he heard it. Faq, what does Tianyu Xinghai want to do? Help Kijani with grassroots construction?

"General, is there a checkpoint in Tianyu Xinghai?"

"Let me ask Safitel Bruckner!" David Thompson felt the same way in his heart, but he still dialed Safitel Bruckner's phone with the hope of luck. As a local official, Safitel Bruckner Gotta know something.

But Safit Bruckner had already made up his mind to see the two sides merge, so naturally he would not tell the truth. He only said that Tianyu Xinghai felt that the road was difficult and wanted to help repair the road.

David Thompson was confused, but he was not stupid either. In order to find out what Tianyu Xinghai wanted to do, he asked his subordinates to drive a car and load some goods there to test it out.

Then the news he got made him feel bad. Although the car drove into Kigani as usual, it was stopped by Leng Feng and others when passing the Tianyu Xinghai roadblock, and the goods were inspected.

"Farke, Houli Benxuet, what's the difference between them and bandits?" David Thompson greeted God in the office.

"General, it seems that our plan to sneak them over is not going to work. We still need to deal with Tianyu Xinghai first!" Captain William said in a heavy tone.

"I know!" David Thompson looked ugly. He didn't expect Tianyu Xinghai to play this trick. Now he can only play a game with Tianyu Xinghai.

Now that they have decided to have a real battle with Tianyu Xinghai, Westland Company has also begun to mobilize with all its strength.

They began to mobilize troops and generals to rendezvous in Kigani. They began to set up camp and gather troops 120 kilometers away from Kigani.

Naturally, Ma Tian was aware of such a big movement, and began to move the battlefield forward, setting up camp 100 kilometers away from the Westland army for a confrontation.

Safit Bruckner sat in the city and watched the fight between tigers and tigers, with a sneer hanging on his lips. Fight, fight, fight as hard as possible.

Such a big thing happened in Kigani, which completely attracted the attention of all parties.

Wang Chenbo in China immediately called Ma Tian and asked what happened!

Ma Tian didn't hide anything and simply told Wang Chenbo what happened recently on the phone.

"Ma Tian, ​​come back here! Just have Su Xihua commanding you on the front line. You can take the embassy plane back to China!" Wang Chenbo also had anger on his face. Ma Tian had only arrived in Gangguo for a few days, and this happened. Big deal.

Do you really think that Westland is a rotten fish and shrimp?

Now, he did not blame Ma Tian for competing with Westland Company, but hoped that Ma Tian could return to China and ensure safety first.

What Westland said was indeed excessive. What does it mean for Tianyu Xinghai to get out of the steel fruit? This time he also supported Ma Tian's Tianyu Xinghai to touch them. Who is not bloody yet?

"Mr. Wang, don't worry, I'm measured. Besides, I'm not on the front line!" Ma Tian replied calmly. He didn't panic at all.

The reason is that his anti-aircraft guns and anti-aircraft missiles have been developed, and the prevention and control system is also being improved crazily under his wall.

This time, he had to give Westland a beating and let the world see what Tianyu Xinghai is!

His only weakness - air defense has been made up for by him. As for land combat, who is afraid of whom? Just watch the T-X1 and the terrifying hell robot dog developed by his great inventor show off!

"Ma Tian, ​​war is not a child's play! And do you have any experience in commanding a war?" Wang Chenbo's tone also became stern.

"Mr. Wang, but you have no experience in commanding mechanized combat, right!" Ma Tian retorted calmly. There should be no one in this era who knows how to control the automated T-X1 multi-functional vehicle and fight the terrifying hell robot dog better than him. .

Wang Chenbo was stunned. Ma Tian was telling the truth. Before Ma Tian developed the T-X1 and the terrifying hell robot dog, he never thought about sending robot dogs to fight the war.

I never thought that without heavy fire coverage, I could achieve a record of 0:700.

"Ma Tian, ​​I can't help you. Once the situation changes, remember, you must retreat and keep the green hills. You should understand why you are not afraid of running out of firewood!"

"Okay, Mr. Wang, I promise you!"

Ma Tian hung up the phone, neither happy nor sad. Wang Chenbo was concerned about his safety and had nothing to say.

Although Kigani is located in the Black Continent and is still at war between two forces, it has still attracted international attention.

For the first time, the name Tianyu Xinghai appeared in important intelligence agencies of various countries. No one expected that a private company would suddenly compete with Westland, a long-established arms company in Gangguo.

"What does Rabbit want?"

"It's impossible to know, but Ma Tian from Tianyu Xinghai is indeed an amazing scientist. It's not impossible for him to study tanks. After all, he has experience in building cars!"

"Find a way to get a deeper understanding of the company Tianyu Xinghai and see what Rabbit's intentions are!"

Reporters from the American Today Network also came to Ganguo without fear of death, wanting to know the origin of the conflict up close, and even boldly wanted to interview important leaders of both parties.

David Thompson of Westland Company happily accepted the interview, and told the story of Tianyu Xinghai forcibly building roadblocks on the road, as well as the destruction of Mushen and other warlord forces.

"Tianyu Xinghai is a bandit! Relying on their powerful armed forces, they forcibly build checkpoints on the roads to check passing vehicles. Once there is gold or other valuables in the car, they will take it for themselves without mercy!"

"In one night, they carried out a brutal massacre of local villages. According to our statistics, Tianyu Xinghai wiped out two villages with cannons and killed at least more than 3,000 innocent civilians in Gangguo!"

In front of reporters from, David Thompson pretended to be noble and accused Tianyu Xinghai of his crimes.

Half-truth, half-false, evasive and trivial, he gave an overview of what happened recently, and poured dirty water on the sea of ​​​​stars in the sky. They, Westland, are the masters of justice! They came to punish Tianyu Xinghai for their crimes, so they had no choice but to provoke a war!

Today's News Network is owned by the United States, so their buttocks are naturally a little crooked, and they immediately believed David Thompson's words.

Before interviewing Tianyu Xinghai, he wrote a draft and sent it out. Tianyu Xinghai was immediately labeled as a "devil" and an "executioner".

The news quickly spread back to China, and the country was also in a state of excitement.

No one expected that Ma Tian, ​​who had been silent for a long time, would appear on the hot search again in this way.

[Holy shit, Boss Ma Tian just had sex with a foreigner in Gangguo? 】

[What is the situation? Tianyu Xinghai is not a private enterprise, so why does it have armed forces? 】

[Can anyone tell me why Tianyu Xinghai wants to fight in Gangguo! 】

Netizens started a discussion, wondering why Tianyu Xinghai suddenly started a war in Gangguo.

There are some unintelligent supporters, but there are also many opponents who believe that provoking war is bad and that people should be peace-loving.

There are even rumors that Tianyu Xinghai is going to seize the mines in Heizhou and embark on the path of a capital company.

Some entrepreneurs who had suffered losses due to public opinion in foreign trade were also unhappy with Ma Tian. After all, it was not Ma Tian who was causing trouble in Gangguo, and they would not suffer losses.

They reported to the superiors, either to obtain some compensation, or simply to express their bad feelings.

Ma Tian, ​​who was far away in Gangguo, did not expect that the situation could be brought to the current stage by the public opinion of a newspaper in the United States.

Wang Chenbo sat in Li Runqi's office and together with Li Runqi made a video call to Ma Tian.

"Brother Ma, how are you doing now?" Li Runqi was the first to speak. She only cared about Ma Tian's safety.

"I'm fine!" Ma Tian replied simply, his expression also calm.

Seeing Ma Tian with a straight face and a calm look, Wang Chenbo raised his eyebrows. Why did he feel that Ma Tian gave people a terrifying feeling, like he was holding back a big move?

He also suppressed the words of blame and said in a relatively relaxed tone: "Ma Tian, ​​how is the front line now?"

"The war hasn't started yet. We are making deployments now and using drones and satellites to detect the situation!" Ma Tian continued to answer calmly.

The more Wang Chenbo looked at it, the more something was wrong, and he quickly said: "Ma Tian, ​​don't do anything crazy! It's just the public opinion used by the United States to smear us. They have smeared us a lot. Do you think we are cheating on them?"

Seeing Wang Chenbo's nervous look, Ma Tian couldn't help but laugh, "Mr. Wang, what crazy things can I do? Don't worry, my mentality is much stronger than you think!"

He was actually thinking about how to win back the battle with public opinion. After all, public opinion caused other countries to boycott his products, and the growth of his influence value suddenly slowed down!

But he thought for a long time and couldn't think of any good solution.

"Mr. Wang, do you think there is any way we can win back the public opinion? After all, it is their Westland Company that supports Gangguo's warlords behind the scenes to do all kinds of evil!" Ma Tian expressed his confusion.

When Wang Chenbo heard this, he breathed a sigh of relief, moved his stiff body, and replied: "You can't get it back, this involves influence! Rather than public opinion, it is better to say that the influence of the United States is great! "

Li Runqi also echoed: "Brother Ma, it's like this. Foreign trade is inherently linked to a country's influence. These public opinions can easily be selectively blocked. No matter how hard you talk, it's useless!"

"Influence?" Ma Tian pondered, and also brought the goal of strengthening national defense science and technology to the forefront in the future.

"Runqi, please use the name of the company to announce the cause of the Gangguo incident. At least don't let the people in the country misunderstand us!" Ma Tian looked at Li Runqi and said.

"Okay, Brother Ma!" Li Runqi nodded quickly, she would do it even if Ma Tian didn't say anything.

Seeing Ma Tian return to a normal person, Wang Chenbo finally had the opportunity to preach. However, he still only dared to say in a relaxed tone: "Ma Tian, ​​I didn't expect this incident to have such a big impact! Sometimes things happen. You are too young to think of what it will be like."

"Mr. Wang, please stop preaching, just this time, not next time!" Ma Tian replied lightly, but it made Wang Chenbo's eyelids twitch.

"Ma Tian, ​​what do you want to do?"

"Mr. Wang, during the Gulf War, the United States established its influence and awakened the world. Let us establish our influence this time and awaken the world again!"

Ma Tian said in a calm tone.

Wang Chenbo was stunned, good guy, what does Ma Tian want to do? What confidence do you have to say such a thing?

Li Runqi looked at the domineering Ma Tian, ​​but she felt proud in her heart. This was the Ma Tian she had always supported.

The meeting ended hastily, and Li Runqi also asked the Propaganda Department to issue a document overnight:

[Dear customers, partners and all sectors of society:

First of all, we sincerely thank you for your continued support and trust in our company. Here, we would like to announce to everyone our company’s position and values.

Our company has always upheld peace-loving principles and considered it one of its core values. We firmly believe that peace is the cornerstone of the development of human society and the key to achieving sustainable development and common prosperity. Therefore, we always strive to promote a peaceful and stable environment and make a positive contribution to society.

However, we have to face the challenges posed by the chaotic situation in Ganggo. In this volatile and uncertain environment, our company has also been severely impacted. Our vehicle sales business has suffered significant losses and our employees and assets are at significant risk.

These are all brought by the Steel Fruit Warlords supported by the Westland Company!

When we were spreading the charging piles, the Gangguo warlords sent their young men to cause trouble again and again.

In particular, they blackmailed us twice. The first time was 8 million U.S. dollars, but we reluctantly gave it to them. If you think about a peaceful solution, you should make a contribution to the people of Gangguo.

Then, within a few weeks, they came to extort another $6 million from us, and we finally had enough!

In this case, we were forced to take countermeasures to protect our interests and survival. We understand and respect the complex situation in the Ganggo area, but we must ensure the safety of our employees and property. Our counter-attacks are motivated by the need for self-defense and protection rather than an attack on any particular group or individual.

We are deeply aware of the damage and suffering caused by violence and conflict to local residents and society. We call on all relevant parties to strengthen dialogue and cooperation and seek peaceful solutions to the problem. We will continue to work with local governments, international organizations and communities to contribute to peace and stability in the Congo region.

Finally, we promise to continue to uphold peace-loving principles and promote the development of peace and stability. We will strive to bring positive impact to society and promote sustainable development and common prosperity through our business and actions.

Thank you again for your support and understanding of our company. We believe that only through cooperation and unity can we jointly create a more peaceful, prosperous and better future.


——Tianyu Xinghai]

Tianyu Xinghai's statement was a semi-official and semi-vernacular introduction to Tianyu Xinghai's situation in Gangguo. People who paid attention in China were immediately shocked.

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