"David, tell me about your current situation!" As the top director, Moritz Drew said, the most important issue now is how to solve the situation faced by the SJM region.

David Thompson paused and organized the speech: "Tianyu Xinghai's army is expected to arrive at SJM in three hours. The situation is not good at the moment. I am not very sure that we can defend it!"

The underlying meaning of David Thompson is that SJM cannot hold on and must either give up or send people to support.

And who can come to support? The only one left is Raytheon Company, which is also in Gangguo. However, the Naku area where Raytheon Company is located is nearly 1,800 kilometers away from here, so the air force can only be sent here.

Hearing that David Thompson couldn't hold on, a grumpy director finally started shouting: "David Thompson, you are such a waste, you have to bear all the losses of our company!"

David Thompson's face suddenly turned ugly. No matter what, he was a respectable person, how could he be casually abused in front of so many people.

However, he still forcibly resisted and fought back. He took a deep look at the director who was teasing him.

"The SJM region can't bear to lose. David Thompson, please hold on, don't take a step back. I'll find a way to find reinforcements for you!" Moritz Drew finally decided to keep the SJM.

He didn't care whether David Thompson died or not, what mattered was the mine there!

"Okay, I will stick to it!" David Thompson didn't even call Moritz Drew this time. He was already determined to live and die with SJM, and he didn't want to do any superficial tricks.

After hanging up the video call, David Thompson asked his secretary to summon his people to prepare for the final defense.

Because there are many hills and trees in the Aobo area, there are basically no large cities here, just small villages and tribes.

This was what David Thompson had intentionally guided before. After all, villages and tribes were easy to attack and without decent fortifications, so the cannons could hit them accurately.

The scattered villages and tribes have led to the dispersion of Westland's power in the Aobo region, and soldiers need to be stationed everywhere.

Now in the battle with Tianyu Xinghai, there were only about 500 soldiers left around him. David Thompson also made a prompt decision and called back these scattered soldiers, preparing to make a last stand against Tianyu Xinghai around the mining area. .

Soldiers were called back one after another, and the number returned to more than 1,000, and they began to build defenses around the mining area.

"General, why don't we just abandon this place!" Chief of Staff William looked at the makeshift defenses and said quietly to David Thompson.

As someone who had just returned from the battlefield in Kigani, he could naturally see that SJM could not defend Tianyu Xinghai!

"William, we have no way out! If we run again, shall we run back to China? The directors of the company will not spare us!"

"But you won't necessarily die, right? The main reason is that we really can't win!"

"Stop talking, the company has sent people to Raytheon to rescue us. We just need to hold on for a while!" David Thompson interrupted William's words and continued to defend SJM.

William looked at David Thompson's decadent face, his expression was not very good, and in the end he said nothing.

The armored troops on Ma Tian's side also hurried on while not forgetting to pay attention to the surrounding situation.

The drone has already taken off for early warning, and is always paying attention to the surrounding situation, especially to prevent ambushes on both sides of the road.

Facts have proved that they overthought. David Thompson's arrangement was to concentrate on defending the most important mining areas, and they did not even think about harassing Tianyu Xinghai's troops.

After all, not every force has the experience or ideas of "Sparrow War".

After arriving at the central mining area unimpeded, the armored troops also stopped and began to make final pre-war preparations after checking the situation through the drone.

The drones began to fly to the opposite position like bees to check the situation, and the opposite air defense also began to fire at the drones.

Although many drones were shot down, some drones still survived, and some pictures were taken before they crashed and were sent to the engineers on the display side.

After a while, a 3D map began to appear in front of Ma Tian, ​​which also marked landmarks with enemy fortifications and corresponding firepower.

"Commander, we are ready, please ask for next instructions!" Engineers on the front line were on standby with Ma Tian via wireless communication.

"Stand where you are, wait for my order!" Ma Tian simply replied and began to analyze the best attack route based on the map.

In his mind, like a sophisticated computer, he began to frantically calculate the combination of firepower at various coordinates on the opposite side, as well as the impact points of his own artillery and the various situations of the terrifying hell robot dog's attack.

After a long time, he came back to his senses from thinking and began to sit in front of the computer and draw an offensive rhythm diagram.

"The first team's T-X1 multifunctional vehicle optimally selects targets to attack A1, A2...A6 and provide fire coverage."

"The second team's T-X1 multi-purpose vehicle optimally selected B1, B2...B5 for fire coverage."

"Before the second round of coverage, the terrifying hell robot dog followed the red line I drew. At this position, four Type 1 dogs fired out the 12 zodiac bombs on their body!"

"The terrifying hell robot dog with smoke bombs comes to this location and shoots the smoke bombs at the enemies in this ravine!"

Ma Tian issued the orders one by one over the wireless communication. After each team understood their attack route, the battle began.

The surface-to-air missiles on the T-X1 multifunctional vehicle first targeted Westland's position with fire coverage.

At the same time, the terrifying hell robot dog was also touching it at full speed...

On the Westland position, the soldiers buried their heads deeply in the makeshift trenches and plugged their ears tightly with their hands.

They had no choice but to hide in the makeshift fortifications dug by Tianyu Xinghai's firepower, not even daring to probe.

When the artillery fire finally stopped and the survivors just poked their heads out, the terrifying hell robot dog was less than a few dozen meters away from them.

The machine gun on the terrifying hell robot dog is still on fire, and combined with the aiming algorithm, it is like a harvest of leeks.

After a while, there were no more ones showing up.

Leng Feng and the others finally began to be useful. After they waited for the terrifying hell robot dog to pass, they began to pounce on them and clean up the surviving soldiers hiding in the fortifications.

Pull them out one by one and either shoot them or take them prisoner.

After a while, the defensive hilltop in front of the mining area was captured by Tianyu Xinghai, and behind the mountain was the mining area guarded by Westland.

Next to the mining area are the last three lonely houses in Westland. In front of the houses, there are some symbolic fences and some fortifications.

"Commander, there are only a few houses left on the opposite side, please ask for next instructions!" Deep in the front line, Rao Shanhai, the temporary captain, reported to Ma Tian via wireless communication.

"Get a loudspeaker to persuade them to surrender!" Ma Tianxia ordered.

At this point where he must win, Ma Tian also wanted to minimize the loss of money and not go too far. There must be senior generals in the last house opposite, and the heads of these "big fish" must be valuable.

The frontline engineer did as he was told, tied a loudspeaker and used a drone to fly over the house, shouting:

“People inside, listen, you are surrounded by us, please put down your weapons and surrender, and we will spare your life!

There's no point in resisting. Think of your families! Think about your mother..."

"Think about the children you have never met. If you die, your wife will be someone else's wife, and your baby will be beaten by another man!"

"They sleep with your wife and beat your baby!"

The loudspeaker attached to the drone was broadcasting loudly, and the engineers who knew English were already laughing.

Leng Feng and the security team couldn't understand, but when the engineers translated, they all smiled widely.

Who on earth thought of the words of surrender.

The people in Tianyu Xinghai were laughing, but David Thompson in the house was already furious.

"Fake! Bichi! Houli Bengxuete!"

This Tianyu Xinghai is really nothing, and it actually disturbs the morale of his troops.

Also, are the soldiers in the front positions eating shit? How long did this last? A quarter of an hour? He was beaten here, what a waste!

The more David Thompson thought about it, the angrier he became. He couldn't help but look at his subordinates around him. His anger suddenly disappeared and he was stunned because he saw that his subordinates were all looking at him expectantly.

"General, why don't we surrender? I think Tianyu Xinghai is right. If we die, our wives will be advantageous to others!"

"General, there is an old saying in China: If you keep the green hills, you won't have to worry about running out of firewood. Now is the age of peace, and Tianyu Xinghai may not necessarily kill us!"

A group of people in turn began to persuade David Thompson. After all, there was artillery fire in Tianyu Xinghai, and everyone knew that holding on to the house would mean death.

If you can live, why should you die?

William, who was closest to David Thompson, even had a fierce look in his eyes. He was a man who was determined to surrender to save his life and would not accompany David Thompson to death.

And he had already said that he would escape by helicopter, but now it’s fine, and he can’t escape even if he wants to! If David Thompson refused again this time, he had secretly decided to capture David Thompson first and surrender directly.

David Thompson in front of him didn't know that his subordinates had other intentions, and he listened to his subordinates' words to persuade him to surrender.

His first thought was to curse the men who persuaded him to surrender. He said righteously that Tianyu Xinghai would not be so kind and that anyone who said anything that undermined the morale of the army would be shot.

But when the words came to his lips, he still swallowed them.

He didn't say anything, just picked up the satellite phone and called Moritz Drew at the headquarters.

"Hey, Chairman, I would like to ask when our support will arrive?" David Thompson got straight to the point. The only hope now is support.

Moritz Drew was also heartbroken when he heard David Thompson's inquiry, and replied: "I discussed it with Raytheon an hour ago. Their plane should take off, right? You can hold on for another two hours. That’s it!”

David Thompson was speechless when he heard this. He persisted for 2 hours, and after 2 hours, the ashes were raised. He probably couldn't last even 30 minutes.

And even if they persist, are you sure that Tianyu Xinghai will not cover them with a round of firepower before leaving?

David Thompson didn't think his house was strong enough to be hit by a missile from Tianyu Xinghai's unknown car.

After hanging up the phone, David Thompson also made a decision in his heart and said to his chief of staff William:

"William, as an envoy, go talk to them and try to test what will happen if we surrender!"

William also nodded and did not refuse.

Waiting to die here is also death. There may be a chance of survival if he becomes the messenger of surrender. He has no reason to refuse.

Holding a white flag from nowhere with a wooden stick, William walked out of the house, shouting:

"We surrender, we surrender, don't shoot!"

"Go straight ahead and come to the intersection!" Rao Shanhai's voice came from the loudspeaker on the drone, and William obeyed.

Then, in the blind spot at the intersection, he was detained and searched by the security team, and taken to Raoshanhai Beach where he was under temporary command.

Rao Shanhai looked at William, a foreigner, and frowned, and asked, "What are you doing here? If you want to surrender, it would be a big deal if you surrendered collectively and lost your weapons. Could it be that you surrendered alone?"

William quickly waved his hand to deny: "No, no, no, I am not surrendering alone, we are surrendering collectively. They sent me as a representative to ask what you will do with us if we surrender!

You know, according to international conventions and humanitarianism, prisoners need to be treated kindly! "

Rao Shanhai looked at William and observed his expression to determine whether what he said was true or false.

During the wireless communication, Ma Tian, ​​who heard William's words through the live microphone, also twisted his neck. This war can be declared over.

"Tell them that they will not be killed if they surrender, and as long as they are obedient, their safety will be guaranteed!" Ma Tian replied.

Rao Shanhai repeated Ma Tian's words, and William had no doubts. After all, to put it bluntly, they didn't seem to have caused any big damage to Tianyu Xinghai, and Tianyu Xinghai had no need to punish them to death.

Once again, if Tianyu Xinghai really wants to kill them, there is no need to spend a lot of effort to persuade them to surrender, just cover them with one firepower.

Tianyu Xinghai should not be short of this little money for shells.

William quickly expressed his gratitude to Rao Shanhai, racking his brains to say a lifetime of praise and flattery.

"Go ahead and ask your people to put down their weapons and come out with their hands on their heads!" Rao Shanhai said. This was his most proud day in Ganguo. Hearing William's flattery, his expression became brighter.

William did as he was told and quickly returned to the house and relayed Tianyu Xinghai's words to David Thompson. The others also listened attentively.

Hearing that Tianyu Xinghai was not going to kill them, they couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief and prepared to throw away their weapons and surrender as instructed.

William looked at David Thompson. The surrender must have been led by the general David Thompson.

With a bitter look on his face, David Thompson could only drop the gun in his hand, hold his head and start to lead the way out of the house.

After a while, hundreds of people began to walk out of the three houses one after another, and stood in front of the houses one after another with their heads held in their hands!

Leng Feng and the others carefully followed the terrifying hell robot dog with guns in hand, surrounded and captured everyone.

And Raytheon's fighter jets are still on the way...

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