At the Tianyu Xinghai Research Department, Leng Fangguo met Ma Tian, ​​who was leading research.

Seeing Ma Tian's figure, Leng Fangguo's first impression was that he was young, still young, and had an indescribable temperament. It was not the domineering one he expected when he came, but... instead it was more like confidence and elegance, but a little uncomfortable. Same.

"Hello, Mr. Leng, I'm sorry, I just encountered an interesting question, so I didn't pick you up!" Looking at the old but handsome figure next to Ji Leiming, Ma Tian quickly realized that this was Leng. Fang Guo, with a smile on his face, took the initiative to say hello to Leng Fangguo and explained.

Leng Fangguo is on the same level as Wang Chenbo and deserves his respect.

"It's okay, Ma Tian, ​​don't be so polite!" Leng Fangguo looked at Ma Tian and smiled. He didn't mind this bit of courtesy or respect.

And for scientific researchers, there is really no need to talk so much. There are many scientists with more personality than Ma Tian.

The five people walking behind Leng Fangguo also looked at Ma Tian, ​​with different thoughts in their minds.

"So young!"

"Niu Bi, you single-handedly created Tianyu Xinghai, what a genius!"

Su Xihua and others behind Ma Tian were also sizing up Leng Fangguo and his team. They might have to work together for a while in the future, and they were still a little curious about each other, and they didn't know what the standards of the research institute were.

Ma Tian and Leng Fangguo continued to chat for a few words, and then began to show them around the office area, which was a show of friendship as a landlord.

After the visit, Leng Fangguo was also a capable man. He said directly to Ma Tian: "Ma Tian, ​​let's talk about this work directly. We want to know what are your plans?"

After saying that, Leng Fangguo also looked at Ma Tian's facial expression. He hoped that Ma Tian was not a fool, but really had the confidence and ideas to study sixth-generation aircraft.

Ma Tian looked calm and nodded: "Come with me, Mr. Leng!"

After saying that, he led Leng Fangguo and others to a special office, where Ye Yuyan, a modeler, was sitting inside wearing big black-rimmed glasses and typing on the computer.

There are many people in the office, either working seriously or talking softly.

After seeing Ma Tian arrive, he stopped what he was doing and greeted Ma Tian: "Mr. Ma!"

"Ye Yuyan, project our Baidi design on the screen." Ma Tian said to Ye Yuyan.

Ye Yuyan nodded, then tapped the keyboard a few times. After a while, the 200-inch screen in front began to project the design drawings of the "White Emperor" fighter jet developed this time.

Immediately, Leng Fangguo and others' eyes widened, staring straight at Bai Di's figure on the screen and the various modeling parameters on it.

"The aircraft length is 25.8 meters, the wingspan is 14.2 meters, the empty weight is 24.5 tons, the standard mission weight is 48 tons, and the maximum take-off weight is 54 tons."

"The cruise speed is Mach 2.6 and the maximum speed is Mach 4.8 (exoatmospheric combat is not supported for the time being)."

"Variable wings, externally inclined double vertical tails, controllable retraction, maximum retractable wingspan of 12.6 meters."

"Hiss—" Looking at the concept drawing of the Baidi fighter, Leng Fangguo took a deep breath. Putting aside everything else, is the atmospheric speed of Mach 4.8 real?

You must know that the fastest known MiG-25 "Foxbat" fighter/reconnaissance aircraft has a maximum flight speed of Mach 3.2.

However, at that time, the MiG-25 "Foxbat" reconnaissance aircraft was able to fly at this speed mainly to escape. When it landed, its two engines were completely scrapped.

The five people behind Leng Fangguo also didn't believe it. After all, they had been studying it and they were the professionals.

Hong Huan, who was in charge of the power system, asked on the spot: "Ma Tian, ​​did you design your power system yourself? Can it really support the speed of Mach 4.8?"

Ma Tian glanced at him and replied: "The power system must be designed by myself. The speed of Mach 4.8 is the speed we calculated through modeling. As for whether it can really be achieved, it still needs to be built and tested!"

Listening to Ma Tian's explanation that theory can achieve this speed, Hong Huan stopped asking questions and thought to himself that it was just theoretical data as he had guessed.

When it is actually made, there will probably be a question mark as to whether it can take off.

However, the matter has not yet been finalized, so Hong Huan will not be stupid enough to ridicule or raise questions at this time. He is an adult, so give him some face.

Leng Fangguo glanced at Hong Huan on his side, then looked at Ma Tian and said, "You guys just made the model drawings. It's so efficient!"

Although Leng Fangguo also felt that Ma Tian's model exaggerated the data, he still praised it a few words. After all, Ma Tian is a young man, and it is normal for him to be a little ambitious and enjoy success!

"Well, it's not bad!" Ma Tian looked expressionless and didn't say much.

He didn't notice the disbelief of Leng Fangguo and others, and only thought that Leng Fangguo was sincerely praising them.

"Ma Tian, ​​please tell us your design concept and basis!" Leng Fangguo said. The birth of a design drawing must have a basis.

From this basis, we can also see the level of designers. Leng Fangguo wanted to make a breakthrough in this aspect to teach Ma Tian to realize the difficulty of fighter aircraft design.

You can't just act haphazardly, you have to consider the impact of all aspects step by step and calculate it step by step.

Ma Tian nodded and began to state:

"The Baidi fighter jet I designed must be essentially based on the design concept of the sixth-generation aircraft. The first is to increase the speed. The speed of the sixth-generation aircraft must completely crush the fifth-generation aircraft.

Taking into account the limitations of pilot factors on fighter aircraft, our fighters are unmanned! "

"Wait a minute, is it the same remote control as the T-X1 multifunctional tank?" Leng Fangguo interrupted and asked.

"Well, that's right, exactly!"

"But will that be interfered by electronics? You know that fighter planes can fly thousands of kilometers away, can they have such a long remote control distance?" Leng Fangguo raised his own questions, including Hong Huan and Diao Yuxuan behind him. His eyes widened and his brows furrowed.

"Yes, because we have a technology that can be controlled remotely and effectively prevent interference!" Ma Tian said without changing his expression.

This remote control technology was naturally created by his recent knowledge of Level 4 physics. Ma Tian named him - long-range electromagnetic wave interference technology.

As the name suggests, this is a communication technology that uses long-range interference of electromagnetic waves. This electromagnetic wave is not ordinary electromagnetic wave communication, but a duplex technology used in a specific frequency band.

A bit like the reliable communication channel established by the four-way handshake on the Internet, this is a reliable communication channel established in a specific frequency band using special electromagnetic wave interference.

If there is no electromagnetic wave key in a specific band, it is generally difficult to crack and interfere with the accuracy of communication, and specific interference means that it is difficult to interfere.

Unless a special metal cover can be used to cover the "White Emperor" fighter, there is absolutely no possibility of complete interference.

Leng Fangguo and others expressed their confusion.

"Go on!"

"Since it is unmanned, we don't need to interfere with the cockpit, and we completely adopt an aerodynamic design to minimize the wind resistance coefficient. You can also see it from the overall fuselage design!"

Ma Tian continued: "In order to increase flexibility, we also specially designed this variable wing. In cruise mode, the wings will tilt outwards, so that difficult actions such as turning the aircraft can be quickly controlled.

Once speed is required, the wings will lie flat and the entire fuselage will become a fluid body, minimizing the wind resistance of the fuselage..."

Ma Tian was still introducing. Baidi's concept drawings were basically designed based on his ideas. What he introduced was done casually without any pause.

The more Leng Fangguo and others listened, the less they felt something was wrong. Why did Ma Tian's words make sense? Could this "White Emperor" concept map really be designed?

"In general, this is the design concept. Of course, I will not elaborate on some details, because if you introduce it carefully, it will probably take until dark!" After saying that, Ma Tian looked at Leng Fangguo and others who were stunned.

After thinking about it, he followed the polite lines in the TV series he watched and said, "Old Leng, do you have any suggestions?"

"Uh..." Leng Fangguo finally came to his senses, "Well, we haven't understood this in detail. Let's wait until we take a closer look at the concept design!"

Leng Fangguo is still confused now. He could understand a little bit at the beginning of what Ma Tian said, but he started to listen to the scriptures later.

He can understand the formula for the optimal solution to the lift coefficient in the angle of attack range, the formula for climb rate and unit residual power, etc., but he cannot understand it.

"Okay, let me show you the conceptual design drawing first. If you don't understand anything, you can ask our engineer, Su Xihua. You will be responsible for the whole process, Leng Lao and the others!" Ma Tian said to Su Xihua behind him.

From the beginning, Ma Tian did not expect Leng Fangguo and the others to bring any surprises. An afternoon of politeness should be enough, and he could just leave it to Su Xihua later.

In the final analysis, this research has to rely on him as a wall hanging to conduct research. He doesn't have so much thought to deal with those people and sophistication. As long as he researches the fighter plane, he has to keep his mouth shut about everything.

After leaving Leng Fangguo and others to Su Xihua's arrangement, Ma Tian returned to his original position and continued to lead the engineers to solve the problem of the flying wing.

Although this variable wing is just a simple deformation, the difficulty involved is not ordinary.

Don't compare it with ordinary toys. You have to think about it. This is a deformation at a speed of nearly Mach 3. How big is the wind speed of Mach 3? You can refer to riding a motorcycle at a speed of 80 kilometers per hour without a helmet.

The speed of Mach 3 is nearly 46 times that of 80 km/h, reaching 3672 km/h.

Therefore, this variable wing has very strict requirements on materials, and the effects of various factors during deformation, including airflow, temperature, damage, etc., must be fully considered.

This requires close calculation and simulation before it can be actually built, otherwise a slight deviation will lead to an aviation accident.

"What are the results of the simulation calculation? Is it still not working?" Ma Tian asked Ye Yuyan and other engineers who were simulating.

Engineer Xia Qinglin on the side shook his head and said: "Mr. Ma, the simulation cannot achieve the results you want, nor can it be synthesized with the latest carbon fiber materials. The simulation shows that the impact force generated by a slight turbulence in the airflow is basically carbon fiber." It’s damaged!”

"What about hydrocarbon-nitrogen-2 synthetic fiber?" Ma Tian asked. Hydrogen-nitrogen-2 synthetic fiber is a new ceramic material he uses to make the fastest bicycles, and later also made bulletproof vests.

"No, the hydrocarbon-nitrogen-2 synthetic fiber is hard enough, but its toughness and melting point may be a bit dangerous!"

The melting point of hydrocarbon-nitrogen-2 synthetic fiber is only over 400 degrees. This temperature can barely meet the thermal barrier requirements brought by Mach 5. A slight accident can cause an accident.

Ma Tian fell into deep thought after listening. It seemed that he still couldn't get around the new material. He had to find a material with strong toughness, high hardness and high melting point.

Thinking of this, Ma Tian simply returned to his laboratory and began a new round of retreat to seek more suitable materials.

Leng Fangguo and others also continued to adapt to the environment in the past few days and began to join the research work of Su Xihua and others.

"No, there's something wrong with your power system. How can your engine have such great performance?" Hong Huan, who has been dealing with power systems for many years, was shocked. He looked at the engine parameters designed by Tianyu Xinghai and was shocked. This is really domestically produced. Manufactured engine parameters?

250 thousand cattle, are you kidding me?

"Hong Gong, our engine can really reach this level!" Su Xihua nodded expressionlessly and glanced at Hong Huan, wondering why he came to question Tianyu Xinghai's strength.

The engine level has long been broken by Ma Tian. Just look at the engine of the Tiangong Titan excavator. Without a powerful engine, it can drive the Tiangong Titan weighing more than 200 tons?

"Ah?" Hong Huan looked confused. When did domestic engines become so powerful? Why didn't he know?

Forgot to mention, the current top engine thrust of fifth-generation aircraft is about 180 kilonewtons, and the engine parameters of the sixth-generation aircraft recently studied by Yingjiang are only expected to be 200 kilonewtons.

Regarding this, Yingjiang has been showing off for at least two years, saying that it will definitely be the first country in the world to develop a sixth-generation engine. The engine with a thrust of 200 kN will lead the world.

Su Xihua glanced at Hong Huan and asked uncertainly: "Hong Gong, have you been studying in the past and not paying attention to external things?"

"It's not like there's no attention, not much!" Hong Huan replied.

That makes sense. Su Xihua nodded and started talking about some things about Tianyu Xinghai:

“As early as a year ago, the engines developed by our Tianyu Xinghai were used in automobiles, including Tianming Automobile and the excavators cooperated with Shanyi Heavy Industries, which all use the engines developed by our Tianyu Xinghai!

Moreover, our Tianming No. 3 directly defeated the Japanese Toyota Supra sports car in the 100-meter straight line race, which directly proved that our engine is ahead of foreign countries..."

Hong Huan was stunned and listened to Su Xihua's story with his mouth wide open. At this time, he needed to calm down. Why did he study in the institute for several years? The outside world was a little different from what he imagined.

In his impression, foreign engines are stronger and more stable.

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