My technology affects the whole world

Chapter 191 Wind tunnel experiment passed, Battle Bureau meeting

In the Tianyu Xinghai workshop, engineers were busy assembling the first model machine.

Even if it is a screw, it is screwed in by hand, and the measurement is repeatedly checked to see if it conforms to the drawing design.

Special steel alloy, special stealth coating, special super-powerful electric engine.

Materials were installed in an orderly manner until the final wing.

The first sixth-generation machine "White Emperor" was born. Its sharp and streamlined body, raised swan head, powerful jet vortex fan wheel, etc. all demonstrate its full sense of technology.

Several major engineers, including Ma Tian and Su Xihua, have been watching from the sidelines to prevent mistakes.

You must know that if you work hard in one go, it will fail again, and it will be exhausted three times. If you can succeed the first time, don't wait until the second time.

It doesn't matter if you fail or not, the most important thing is confidence, whether you firmly believe that you are on the right path.

"Move to the wind tunnel workshop and start running the wind tunnel!" Ma Tian looked at the overall data of the final scan and measurement and gave the next instructions.

The wind tunnel experiment done by Ma Tian this time was also very bold, because he decided to take the first step to install a complete first-generation aircraft of the same proportion. Except for the mounted ammunition, which was filled with sand and weighed the same proportion, everything else was It is a complete Baidi fighter configuration, and the cost has already exceeded 100 million, or even close to 1 billion.

You should know that general aircraft wind tunnel experiments are initially run on simplified models, and then various acoustic wind tunnels, icing wind tunnels, etc. are conducted, and finally complete runs are conducted.

Anyway, Leng Fangguo and other people from the institute looked around and were speechless. Ma Tian was really rich and could build things. If their aviation institute had done this, the leader would have pointed their noses and scolded them: "Do you want to pass?"

Under the arrangement of several engineers, two trailers began to drag the Baidi fighter to another wind tunnel test room.

This is a super wind tunnel built underground, in the shape of a circular marble stone pier that we usually see, 12 meters high and 10 meters wide.

Except for the transparent glass with observation on both sides, the rest are flat surfaces made of special alloy and super-strong concrete, with a five-star-shaped super-powerful fan at the bottom.

The maximum wind speed of the wind tunnel was directly designed by Ma Tian to be Mach 10, so the material requirements for the wind tunnel building are particularly high. For example, the observation glass on both sides is special bulletproof fiber transparent glass.

Under the strongest airflow speed of Mach 10, except for some special streamlined items, basically nothing can survive in the wind tunnel for 3 seconds.

Under the guidance of engineers, the Baidi fighter jet entered the large wind tunnel, removed the fixed frame, and placed it in the middle of the wind tunnel.

Then, the engineers gradually left the wind tunnel testing workshop and began to come to the observation glass.

The operating console is located behind the transparent glass on the right. Ma Tian, ​​as the chief designer, is sitting in front of the operating console. On the screen in front of him are the various parameters of the Baidi fighter and the wind tunnel wind speed display.

Ma Tian checked the data of the Baidi fighter for the last time, and then pressed the vertical takeoff button.

The turbine engine under the belly of the Baidi fighter in the wind tunnel began to rotate, blue flame gas began to spray out from the turbine port, and the wheels of the aircraft began to retract back to the belly of the Baidi fighter.

After a while, the Baidi fighter plane was suspended 3 meters above the ground.

The engineers who were observing on the side also began to clenched their fists and cheered. Although this was a seemingly understatement of the Baidi fighter, it represented the most critical vertical takeoff technology of the sixth-generation aircraft. This technology can already defeat the world.

Ma Tian looked serious and observed the stability of various parameters on the Baidi Fighter's fuselage. After ensuring safety, he began to control the wind speed in the wind tunnel.

The wind speed in the wind tunnel began to accelerate:

1m/s, 5m/s……

As the wind tunnel accelerates, the engine at the tail of the Baidi fighter also begins to accelerate. Only the combined effect of the two can make the Baidi fighter stop steadily in the middle and simulate flying at high altitude.

Soon, the wind speed in the wind tunnel has reached 0.4Ma, which is the maximum threshold of the low-speed wind tunnel. The wind speed at this time has reached 136m/s. Perhaps it is more intuitive for everyone to change it to kilometers.

That is to say, the wind speed has now reached 490 kilometers/hour, which has exceeded the maximum speed of most high-speed trains. People can run in and take off in one second.

The airflow ejected from the tail of the Baidi fighter also began to become stronger, which was used to withstand the impact of wind speed. It still maintained a stable figure in the air.

Various sensor cameras also capture various data on Bai Emperor's body, including air flow, endurance, vibration amplitude, etc.

It is only Mach 0.4 now, and it has already raised everyone’s hearts.

The wind speed continued to increase, and the power of the Baidi fighter's engine also continued to increase.

Mach 1, the wind speed soon reached Mach 1, and sonic boom clouds began to form on the Baidi fighter aircraft.

"You must hold still!" Leng Fangguo looked through the glass at the Baidi fighter jet bumping in the air, his fists clenched tightly. Mach 1 was a hurdle, and getting over it was more than half the battle.

Two minutes passed quickly. Seeing the steady figure of the Baidi fighter, the audience began to cheer for the second time.

The excited ones were already hugging each other, expressing their excitement.

The Mach 1 experiment was a success!

Ma Tian also breathed a sigh of relief and continued to increase the wind speed in the wind tunnel.

At Mach 2.01, Ma Tian stopped again. The reason is that when the wind speed exceeds Mach 2, the sound barrier has disappeared.

It continued to maintain stability for 2 minutes, and the data of the Baidi fighter was stable. Ma Tian also accelerated to Mach 3 again without hesitation and entered the thermal barrier.

At this time, the surface of the fighter plane was already vibrating due to the thermal barrier. The surface temperature of the aircraft had reached 350 degrees Celsius, forming a red circle package visible to the infrared sensor.

Mach 3 is here, and the most critical moment has arrived.

Currently, there are only a handful of fighters in the world that can break through Mach 3, and there are only a few models.

Once Bai Di can break through, then needless to say, the whole country will be excited. In addition to the Dongfeng series, the country will add another national artifact.

Under the wind speed of Mach 3, the fluctuation range of the Baidi fighter also began to increase, and everyone's hearts began to tighten again.

"You must hold still!"

"come on!"

The 2-minute test time was the same as it had been for a century. Watching the 2-minute countdown end, Baidi successfully stabilized in the middle of the wind tunnel.


"Yeah yeah yeah~"

The whole audience cheered for the third time. There was nothing more to say. Even if it failed later, the current Baidi fighter was already at the level of the fifth and a half generations!

If the standard is lower, it would not be an exaggeration to call it a sixth-generation machine. Bai Di has already been considered a success in the eyes of Leng Fangguo!

Ma Tian also showed a happy smile, but there was still one last step, which was to test the ultimate speed of Mach 4.8.

After everyone cheered, they continued to look at Bai Di's figure, and the wind speed in the wind tunnel further increased.

Mach 3.1, Mach 3.2, Mach 4…Mach 4.78

Mach 4.8! Baidi finally reached the ideal maximum speed of the design - Mach 4.8. This is an epoch-making fighter aircraft, and it is a sixth-generation aircraft in the true sense.

Hold on for the last 2 minutes, and this time Baidi's simulated wind tunnel experiment will be completed perfectly.

Two minutes passed in the expectation of everyone. Seeing Bai Di's steady figure, the whole audience could no longer suppress their cheers, and there were deafening exclamations everywhere.

Even though they were steady scientists, they couldn't help but revel in the excitement.

With tears in his eyes, Leng Fangguo was so dazed that he touched the glass. Behind the glass was the figure of the Baidi fighter plane flying in the wind. His eyes saw the figure of the Baidi flying freely over the country.

He saw the great renaissance of the country!

The 2-minute test has passed. Ma Tian is also operating the console to continuously reduce the wind speed and the output power of the Baidi fighter engine. Finally, the wind tunnel is closed, and the Baidi fighter hangs steadily in the air, then cuts off the wheels from its belly and lands successfully.

Bai Di really succeeded, so successful that it felt unreal. Ma Tian also stood up and looked at Bai Di's figure with a smile on his lips.

"Ma Tian, ​​thank you so much!" Leng Fangguo didn't know when he had arrived at Ma Tian's side, and held Ma Tian's right hand tightly with a pair of rough hands, full of tears.

His lifelong ideal has finally been realized today. More than 40 years ago, he vowed to lead his country's fighter jets to surpass the rest of the world.

Constantly struggling, constantly failing in experiments, he has experienced countless setbacks and failures over the past 40 years. He has also been decadent and thought about giving up.

Especially when the J-10 bombed during its test flight, he and Yang Gutai (Chief Engineer Yang) once suspected that they were in trouble and wanted to withdraw from the front line.

It was their old mentor who came over with a cane to comfort them: "Xiao Leng, the country needs us, who will do it if we don't do it?"

Yes, if their group of people can't do it, who can do it? The country needs fighter planes, and fighter planes need someone to develop them.

It has stumbled all the way until now. Although the J-20 has been developed, it can only barely catch up with foreign countries.

But things are different now. Even if compared with the most advanced F35 from the United States, Baidi will definitely beat them in terms of mobility. This is enough.

As for other stealth functions, they still need to be tested.

If the stealth performance is as good as the data shown in Ma Tian's design drawings, the Baidi fighter's stealth performance is definitely far ahead.

In the drawings, Ma Tian said that the head-on RCS of the Baidi fighter is only 0.001 square meters, and the lateral RCS is only 0.02 square meters. Even the upward and downward directions, which are the most difficult to hide, are only 0.05 square meters.

What is this concept? It can be said that it is impossible for the airborne radar to detect the Baidi fighter. Only the large-scale special phased reconnaissance radar on the ground can reduce the detection range to see the Baidi fighter.

If Ma Tiande's design is true, there is no doubt that the Baidi fighter is the strongest fighter currently known on earth.

"Mr. Leng, you're so polite. This is what I should do!" Seeing Leng Fangguo's face burst into tears, Ma Tian was also a little touched.

What kind of emotions would it take to see Bai Di pass the test and have such great emotions.

Ma Tian couldn't help but look at Hong Huan and Diao Yuxuan. Sure enough, their faces were also full of tears, and they seemed to be in great emotions.

After passing the Baidi large-scale wind tunnel test, the next step is various simulation tests, such as crosswind tests and ice cave tests. At an altitude of tens of thousands of meters, the irregular airflow and cold currents encountered also need to be considered.

These relatively simple tests can be left to specialized test engineers.

A group of people happily left the underground wind tunnel testing workshop. Ma Tian simply waved his hand and gave everyone a half-day holiday. They can just come back to work tomorrow.

It can be regarded as a way to relax the tense nerves. Baidi has been researching and developing it for more than two months, but there is no concept of weekend breaks. Basically, everyone is working on research and development in the company every day.

Ma Tian's move undoubtedly made the whole audience cheer again.

Leng Fangguo looked at the excited crowd with a smile and said to Ma Tian beside him: "Everyone has really worked hard during this time!"

"Mr. Leng, are you taking this time to go out for a walk? You guys have been in Hunan City for more than two months and you haven't been out yet!" Ma Tian suggested. Mr. Leng and the others said it was quite difficult to go on a business trip. I have been engaged in research and development for more than 2 months.

Why not take advantage of today to go to the famous May Day Square and Orange Island to check in and eat stinky tofu or something, so that your trip to Hunan City is not in vain.

"I'll forget it, Hong Huan and the others can go and have fun!" Leng Fangguo shook his head and refused, and then said, "I may have to hold a meeting with the War and Control Bureau to talk about the current results, and then give you a good performance! "

With results like Bai Di's, Leng Fangguo would of course have to show off in front of Wang Chenbo and the others. Of course, the most important thing was the national strategic layout.

The birth of the White Emperor will definitely have a huge impact, and the corresponding strategies will definitely need to be changed accordingly.

"Okay, when I have time, Leng Lao really wants to go to Xiang City for a walk."

In an independent office, Leng Fangguo opened the highest meeting of the War Management Bureau. Army representative Wang Chenbo, Navy representative Wen Jin, and some other important personnel attended the meeting.

Wang Chenbo looked at Leng Fangguo's tense face and asked worriedly on the spot: "Old Leng, what's wrong? Why do you feel like you have been wronged in Tianyu Xinghai?

Let me tell you, this young man Ma Tian has a bad temper, but he has a good heart and his skills are not to mention. You'd better be more accommodating. "

Wang Chenbo is most worried about the discord between Ma Tian and Leng Fangguo. After all, based on his understanding of Ma Tian, ​​Ma Tian will not care about your status in technology. You have to fight if you should.

Wen Jin sat firmly on the Diaoyutai and looked at the two people without saying anything, thinking that Wang Chenbo was really partial to Ma Tiantian.

"What are you thinking about? How could I be wronged!" Leng Fangguo glanced at Wang Chenbo, wondering what he was talking about.

Then he said sternly: "Now the international situation is becoming more and more unstable, Yingjiang is so ambitious!"

"Huh?" Listening to Leng Fangguo's words, everyone was a little confused. What happened today, what kind of excitement did they receive in Tianyu Xinghai?

Wang Chenbo and Wen Jin, you look at me, I look at you, and finally Wen Jin said: "Mr. Leng, do you have any plans?"

"Well, I heard a "Nantianmen Plan" here from Ma Tian which is pretty good. I think it can be released!" Leng Fangguo said.

After saying that, he directly shared the screen and played the "Nantianmen Project" science fiction video made by Ma Tian.

Speaking of which, this video was made by Ma Tian and Leng Fangguo's bragging, saying that the Baidi fighter was just a small step, and that a formal air and space fighter platform should have outer space combat capabilities.

Leng Fangguo definitely didn't believe it at the time, and then Ma Tian simply asked the media department and modeling department to make a rough video of the "Nantianmen Project" in his mind.

Anyway, Leng Fangguo was quite shocked when he read it. It made his blood boil, but it was a bit unrealistic.

However, today's wind tunnel test of the Baidi fighter made him feel that it was a little bit possible.

Horse God, horse God!

The short film only lasts for two and a half minutes, and it ends quickly.

As Leng Fangguo expected, Wang Chenbo and Wen Jin didn't believe it. This aerospace aircraft carrier was too stupid. With such a heavy aircraft carrier hanging in the sky, they knew it was impossible.

Not to mention the various advanced fighter planes above. They are cool, but they are all science fiction.

"Is this possible? It looks too fake!" Wen Jin raised his own doubts.

"What if the White Emperor comes to this world?" Leng Fangguo smiled.

"Huh?" Everyone was shocked and looked at Leng Fangguo, what a guy! What did they hear?

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