My technology affects the whole world

Chapter 193: Flying is banned across the country, Yingjiang will not be able to deal with it

"Nuclear fusion power? Meson circulation generator? Inductive force field drive device?" Yingjiang's military analysts were confused. Although they were military analysts, they were not fools.

Rabbit, why don't you remove the nuclear fusion technology? I've never heard of the latter two technologies, and you might be able to fool them.

Who has never studied nuclear fusion?

However, to be on the safe side, Yingjiang still checked with its own R\u0026D personnel.

"Impossible, absolutely impossible! We have not developed these two technologies ourselves for use on fighter planes. How could Rabbit develop them?" Dr. Amber, a top expert, quickly denied it, especially after hearing that it was from Rabbit. I don’t even believe in technology anymore.

Being in the lead for many years has made him develop an arrogant character. He said disdainfully: "How could Rabbit and the others develop these technologies? Give them a few hundred more years?"

"Dr. Amber, so you think the rabbit video is fake this time?"

"Yes, we are sure!"

"Okay, thank you, Dr. Amber, we will find fault if necessary!"

After Amber's affirmation, Yingjiang's military analysts also believed in their own judgment:

Rabbit must be deceiving people again this time, but this time he is not hiding his clumsiness, but bragging instead.

When interviewed by reporters, five-star military analyst MacArthur replied: "Impossible, absolutely impossible! This time Rabbit is trying to use an animation to deceive people all over the world. Even my three-year-old child will not believe it!" "

"We in the United States have always led the world in technology, and we might as well reveal to everyone that we may verify our new generation of sixth-generation aircraft in the next few years!"

MacArthur was a bit of a thief. While denying the "Nantianmen Plan," he also threw out a smoke bomb that his country was about to launch a sixth-generation aircraft.

In his mind, he was already imagining that Leng Fangguo and the others were worried when they heard that their sixth-generation aircraft was about to enter service, but this time he obviously miscalculated.

Leng Fangguo thought to himself, my "White Emperor" is about to take off, who are you going to scare with your sixth-generation aircraft that will be verified in a few years?

Regarding Yingjiang's denial in the media, Leng Fangguo and the others ignored it and responded with silence.

After a few days, MacArthur's unusually calm attitude made MacArthur suspicious again.

"It shouldn't be. Why doesn't Rabbit retort like before? Why don't you respond to us head on?" MacArthur muttered in the office.

A few days later, the War Ignorance Bureau even received a call from MacArthur:

"Hey, is it a rabbit? Where is your "Nantianmen Project" at? Our sixth-generation F40 is about to be released, right?"

"Our aerospace aircraft carrier "Luanniao" has ascended to the sky!"

"Just blow it to me? Why didn't our satellite find it?"

"Sorry, we use the latest stealth technology, which cannot be explored by satellites! Your country should improve its technology."

MacArthur: "..."

After a confrontation, MacArthur quickly hung up the phone. This rabbit was so eloquent that he was afraid that if he continued to listen, he would be deceived and become lame.

Anyway, Rabbit's "Nantianmen Plan" must be scary, MacArthur kept hypnotizing himself in his mind.

Tianyu Xinghai, the test of the "White Emperor" fighter jet has also reached the final stage.

For more than ten days, a large number of wind tunnel, performance and other tests have been carried out in an orderly manner by engineers, and a huge amount of data has been sent back to the R\u0026D department for final analysis and improvement.

Today, as long as the last few low-altitude flight takeoff experiments are carried out on the air-ground test site, you can apply for takeoff with the test data.

Under the control of Su Xihua, the Baidi fighter took off steadily and vertically, then conducted a low-altitude and slow-speed flight test, and finally stopped steadily at the designated apron.

After repeating it several times, the test passed completely!

Tomorrow, all we need to do is submit the test data compiled over the past ten days to the Air Traffic Control Bureau and apply for takeoff permission. Leng Fangguo, Mr. Leng, will handle it.

In less than a day, the air traffic control bureau replied "approved".

But this time, the War Control Bureau and the War Neglect Bureau are preparing to play a big game.

Leng Fangguo found Ma Tian and talked about the arrangements for this test flight. His plan also surprised Ma Tian.

"Old Leng, do you mean to patrol along the coastline?"

Ma Tian looked at Leng Fangguo and did not expect how the country would arrange this time:

The Baidi fighter jet will take off from Hunan City, then fly directly to the three northeastern provinces, and finally all the way down the coastline, fly around the bay and then come back.

This is too strong and exciting!

"How is it? Ma Tian, ​​is it technically difficult?" Leng Fangguo looked at Ma Tian with a serious expression.

This is an opportunity to show off your "fist". It would be best if you can do it once. First, scare the surrounding lackeys of the US imperialism to death!

According to the parameters, the endurance of the Baidi fighter can reach 8,000 kilometers. The designed route is about 5,900 kilometers, which is theoretically achievable. Of course, you have to ask the chief designer Ma Tian whether it is feasible.

"No problem at all!" Ma Tian replied without hesitation, letting him fly around the island country, but they were afraid of being misunderstood, so Leng Fang Country didn't allow him.

"Okay, let's arrange it this way. I'll plan the time!" Leng Fangguo was also excited.

The test flight is scheduled for the 23rd of this month!

On the 18th, major airports across the country issued instructions to ban flights on the 23rd.

"Dear passengers and airlines, according to the instructions of relevant departments, all airports in my country will prohibit all domestic and international flights from taking off and landing within the territory of our country on the 23rd. All airlines should immediately stop selling tickets and properly arrange for passengers who have purchased tickets .

Passengers who have booked flight 23 are asked to change their tickets or refund their tickets. Thank you for your support! ——Aviation Regulatory Authority”

People were a little confused when they saw this announcement and didn't know what was happening. Looking at the weather forecast, there is no so-called storm or typhoon. Why is the flight banned? Or is it a nationwide flight ban?

What happened?

"Why? Why are flights banned on the 23rd? I have an important business trip that day!"

"I made an appointment with my girlfriend to meet on the 23rd. This ban on flying is so weird."

"Is there going to be a war?"

"How about fun? If there's a war, it's not like you're prohibited from flying for a day!"

Most netizens complained because of this ban, while a small number of melon-eating people expressed curiosity, until one netizen's comment completely exploded the comment area:

"Everyone, stop complaining. Let alone civil aviation, there is no need to ban flights at military airports that day. Everyone can take a closer look!"

This comment sent shock waves, and netizens immediately realized something was wrong.

"Something's wrong, something's wrong, something's very wrong. What's going on?"

"I have a hunch that the country is going to play big this time."

"A total flight ban is to make way for something to clear the airspace?"

It has to be said that there is no shortage of talents among netizens, and a few people have actually analyzed a little bit of the truth.

Especially when they saw that the account of the netizen who "revealed that there is no need to ban flights at military airports" had his account blocked, netizens' curiosity suddenly aroused.

The forces paying attention abroad are also confused. What is Rabbit doing?

MacArthur was also sitting in the office, dumbfounded, because the Rabbit War Ignorance Bureau had just called him and told him: "We are going to test fly Baidi to prove that the "Nantianmen Project" is not a fake!"

This, will he be able to fix this?

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