"So, your boss is on vacation and doesn't know how to spend the vacation, so he asked you to make arrangements?" Jing Tian asked Yang Jinli while sitting on the bed, typing.

"Yes!" Yang Jinli had just finished taking a shower and sat on the bed, eager to send a message to Jing Tian.

The charity party recommended by Jingtian today was really interesting. At least it made her feel quite novel, and the snacks were also quite delicious.

Jing Tian was silent. She never thought that Ma Tian would be bored and not know what to do? It's a little different from what she imagined.

"How does your boss spend his holidays?"

"Our boss doesn't have any holidays. He is usually not in the laboratory developing things, or he is handling business in the company." Yang Jinli did not hide it, and told Ma Tian's usual work status. She did not feel that it would be harmful at all to tell her. What problem.

As soon as these words came out, Jing Tian's eyes lit up after seeing it. So it turns out that Ma Tian lives such a homely life? Does that mean that Ma Tian will never go out and mess around?

It seems that Ma Tian's life is much cleaner than she imagined.

"Yang Jinli, how about this? How about we have a BBQ together at the villa tomorrow?" Jing Tian took the opportunity to make his proposal. He wanted to take this opportunity to go to the villa where Ma Tian and Yang Jinli lived, and get close to Ma Tian.


"It's just barbecue. We can get a barbecue box and barbecue by ourselves!"

Jing Tian's proposal also made Yang Jinli's eyes light up. She thought it was fun as soon as she heard it, and she could also fulfill her promise and invite Fatty to come over and have a taste of her craftsmanship.

"I'll ask the boss!" Yang Jinli stepped on the white rabbit cotton slippers and ran to Ma Tian's room.

"Bang bang~" Yang Jinli knocked on Ma Tian's door.

Ma Tian opened the door and saw Yang Jinli, who was slightly out of breath from running, appearing at the door. His face was a little red from running, and his chest was heaving.

"Yang Jinli, what's the matter?"

"Boss, boss, do you want to have a barbecue at the villa tomorrow?"

"Barbeque? Okay!" Ma Tian nodded in agreement. It would be nice to have a barbecue. It's such a cold weather now, and it would be warmer to sit next to the barbecue and have a barbecue.

"Then I invite sister Jingtian and Reba over?"

"It's up to you!" Ma Tian didn't refuse. He never thought that others might say that there were several stars or beauties in his villa. At this point in his life, he would never think about these issues.

Yang Jinli was so happy that he invited Reba and Jing Tian. Ma Tian continued to sit in front of the computer and play games. Yes, he was so bored that he played games to relax.

He is playing the most popular LOL at the moment. Unfortunately, his superb intelligence cannot make him a master in the game all of a sudden. He is still struggling in the bronze game. Sometimes his teammates are too cheating, and sometimes he is double-doubled by the opponent. Row targeting.

The water in the Bronze Bureau is so deep! This was an idea that Ma Tian had been playing with for hours.

Over there, Yang Jinli received Ma Tian's reply, and naturally went back to Jingtian happily, and then invited Reba on the meager account.

Reba was still chatting with Da Mi Mi at this time, and his eyes widened when he saw Yang Jinli's invitation. Da Mi Mi looked at the angle from the side, and he was happy and sour at the invitation.

Reba's life is really much better than hers, and she was actually invited.

"Sister Mi, look!"

"Go, behave well, and learn about the barbecue online later." Da Mi Mi said in a calm tone. She was slightly shocked.

In order to communicate better, Yang Jinli created a WeChat group and brought the two of them in to discuss how to barbecue tomorrow.

Jing Tian looked at Reba in the group chat and couldn't help but frown slightly. She blamed Yang Jinli for inviting Reba too many times, but since the deal was already done, there was nothing she could do.

The three of them, who were still decent in the group, began to discuss it. The main force was Jing Tian, ​​because only Jing Tian had actually seen others do it.

"You have to have a barbecue first, Koi. Is there a barbecue in your villa?"

"No, we can go buy it in the morning!"

"Well, I definitely have to buy it. I also need to buy coal. It's best to buy a blower, otherwise the fire won't start." Jing Tian searched for experience in his head and started planning to become the head coach.

"Do you have meat in your villa? For example, mutton and beef."

"There must be some. If not, you can ask others to deliver it in the morning!" Yang Jinli replied. The food in the villa is delivered by a dedicated person in the morning. It is absolutely guaranteed to be fresh and safe. This is the responsibility of the bodyguard team.

The three of them discussed until very late before going to bed...

Early the next morning, the three of them were still urging each other to prepare things. Those who should buy a barbecue grill bought a barbecue grill, those who should buy skewers bought skewers, and those who should prepare ingredients prepared ingredients. It can be said that they were very active.

Only Ma Tian was still asleep. He played games too late last night, especially the Brawl at the end. The more he played, the more excited he became. He actually played until 4 o'clock in the morning.

"Yang Jinli, come and pick us up, we can't get in!" Jingtian and Reba bought good things together and wanted to go to Yang Jinli's villa.

However, they were stopped by several cars that suddenly appeared outside. They said they were the bodyguards of Ma Tian Villa, and they were forced to stop and not go any further.

Jing Tian had no choice but to call Yang Jinli to explain the situation.

"Someone stopped a car? That shouldn't be the case. We have never stopped a car here!" Yang Jinli was confused. She had never encountered such a situation.

What she didn't know was that there had already been a bodyguard team divided into three circles to protect Ma Tian near the villa where he lived. They would not let any suspicious vehicles or people get close to Ma Tian.

Even if Jing Tian explained his purpose, Ma Tian could only relent, and since Ma Tian was sleeping, Yang Jinli could only come to pick them up.

Yang Jinli arrived in a car soon, and Jingtian and the others had to get into Yang Jinli's vehicle from their own vehicle.

"I'm sorry, ladies, for the sake of safety, please forgive me!" The bodyguard team is professional, and they will not allow such vehicles that may carry weapons or anything dangerous to enter the Matian Villa.

"Okay, we understand!" Jing Tian nodded and could only agree. He also recognized Ma Tian's status in his heart again. Just look at the security situation.

Fortunately, the bodyguards helped them move the barbecue grill, charcoal and other things from the car into Yang Jinli's car, otherwise the girls would be in trouble.

After struggling for more than half an hour, the three of them arrived at Ma Tian's villa.

"Is this the villa you usually live in?" Jing Tian looked at the environment in the villa lobby, still a little surprised, because the decoration of the villa was much simpler than she imagined.

The living room is a very simple sofa and a massage chair, and then there is a hanging TV and projector. The rest is full of bookcases. Compared with the decoration of some wealthy homes she has seen, it can be said to be very simple.

"Yes, Brother Ma and I both live here, as do Sister Qi and Brother Lei Ming." Yang Jinli answered truthfully, "Sister Qi and Brother Lei Ming both went to work today, but the boss hasn't gotten up yet. , let’s not disturb him first and prepare things first!”

Jingtian and Reba nodded naturally, and prepared a barbecue with Yang Koi on the backyard lawn.

Wash the dishes, chopsticks and skewers, take out the frozen meat and defrost it, arrange the tables and stools, and extend the power strip to prepare for the fire...

One thing was prepared in an orderly manner under the hands of three people. The three of them were very careful and serious and wanted to make the barbecue a success.

However, what they didn't expect was that something happened that really disturbed Ma Tian's vacation.

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