My technology affects the whole world

Chapter 228 Who said engineers can’t work on construction sites anymore?

"Are you your own engineering team?" Director Su couldn't help but ask, because he saw that the workers inside didn't look like those who had been at the construction site all year round. They were all young and fair.

They are not like real migrant workers on construction sites. Most of them are extremely tanned, and they all look like honest farmers.

"Yes, it's our engineering team, most of which are made up of our own engineers on a temporary basis." Ma Tian replied.

"Ah? Are you so confident that your engineers will go to the construction site?" Director Su was still a little surprised. In his eyes, engineers are all intellectuals who work in offices.

Ma Tian also smiled and explained: "In my opinion, engineers should not just be intellectuals, but a type of scientific researchers with practical ability. Their understanding of their knowledge should not just stay at the theoretical stage, but should be related to reality." conform to."

This is Ma Tian's philosophy, including his own. Many times he works in the manufacturing workshop with a wrench.

When the Tiangong Titan was built, there was no corresponding mechanical arm, and dozens of engineers still pulled ropes to lift heavy objects.

Director Su said that he did not understand, but this did not prevent him from praising Tianyu Xinghai engineers for their ability to combine theory with practice.

After sending Director Su away, Ma Tian continued to supervise the work.

His plan is to complete the project in April next year. After all, once April enters, it will be the rainy season.

The rain in Hunan City is unreasonable and can last for four months. It is estimated that if it is not completed by then, artificial meteorological interference will be necessary.

As Ma Tian said, the construction personnel on the construction site are basically engineers from Tianyu Xinghai. Even if they tie the steel bars and order the wooden boards, they are all engineers.

A group of old people are so accustomed to this that they don't even want to sit on the bench in the office and regard this as exercise.

But the newly recruited group of young fresh engineers were a little miserable, especially when they were blasting and moving bricks together, they suddenly felt like they were studying a fake computer or mechanical and electrical science course.

For example, Tong Yangyang, who had just graduated from Huaqing, was a bit unable to bear it. He was originally thin and weak, and had never done much work. It would be an exaggeration to say that he could not touch onion water with his five fingers.

As a result, I felt a little tired as soon as I arrived at the construction site, and I didn't dare to ask for leave for fear of being looked down upon.

And is he worried about being fired? As we all know, Tianyu Xinghai is currently the most difficult to enter the second batch of companies in China (the first batch is state-owned enterprises such as tobacco and oil and gas).

Don't get in after a long time and be looked down upon and expelled.

So this week, he gritted his teeth and persisted, but when he went up to tie the steel bars later, he couldn't help it because his legs were a little weak on it.

When I saw that it was more than ten meters above the ground, I was a little scared.

His team leader He Yifei suddenly became unhappy when he saw his trembling appearance.

"Stand up for me, what do you look like?" He Yifei cursed, his face was about to be shamed by Tong Yangyang

"Team leader, I'm afraid. I've never done such a job. What if I fall?" Tong Yangyang's face turned pale and he explained tremblingly.

"Mom, do you think the rope behind your back is just a decoration?" He Yifei was a little angry and tugged on the safety rope behind his back.

"Team leader, I know there is a safety rope, but I just can't overcome my fear."

"Damn it, you're just a coward." He Yifei yelled.

People nearby also looked over quickly, including some who were watching the excitement and some fresh graduates who sympathized with Tong Yangyang. They had never experienced this hardship before and were a little unable to bear it.

Ma Tian also found out about this through wireless communication. He smiled and walked over.

"Mr. Ma!" A group of people saw Ma Tianshang coming and greeted him quickly. They even worried about the safety of their boss.

"Mr. Ma, go down, it's too dangerous here!" an engineer advised.

"Mr. Ma!" He Yifei also left his team members and quickly greeted Ma Tian.

"Mr. Ma!" Tong Yangyang muttered with a pale face, obviously afraid that Ma Tian, ​​the big boss, would fire him.

"Are you afraid of heights?" Ma Tian asked Tong Yangyang.

"No, Mr. Ma." Tong Yangyang shook his head quickly. He was just a little scared because it was too high. Normal people would feel this way.

Ma Tian patted him on the shoulder and said: "The bird standing on the tree is never afraid of the branch breaking, because it trusts not the branch but its own wings. Experienced migrant workers are not afraid either, because they believe their experience.

Likewise, I hope you won’t be afraid because you have to trust your own scientific knowledge.

Look at the nylon rope and other protective measures around your waist. Use your theoretical knowledge to tell me, will you be in danger if you fall? "

Tong Yangyang was stunned. He could work as an engineer in Tianyu Xinghai, so he was naturally a top student. Soon a lot of physical formulas popped up in his mind, such as acceleration of gravity S = 1/2at^2 and so on.

"No, Mr. Ma!" Tong Yangyang replied frustratedly. Safety measures such as nylon ropes can definitely ensure his safety when working at high altitudes.

"Remove the safety measures on your body!" Ma Tian said calmly.

Tong Yangyang's eyes turned red, thinking that Ma Tian was going to fire him, but he still held back his tears and took off the protective measures on his body and handed them to Ma Tian.

However, the expected sound of dismissal did not appear, and Ma Tian was seen taking the nylon rope and other protection and putting it on himself.

"Look, the force-bearing area of ​​the nylon shield on our waist is 20X70 square centimeters. The nylon rope is 3 meters long and there are three. The tensile index of the nylon rope...

My weight is 75 kilograms, so after the above calculation, even if I fall, I will be suspended at about 1.5 meters, and the maximum pressure area of ​​​​the instantaneous force on the waist is about 12.5N/cm^2pa, which will not affect our human body at all. . "

When everyone was admiring Ma Tian's oral calculation analysis, Ma Tian suddenly jumped off the floor of the construction site.

"Mr. Ma!!!" A group of people were startled, but when they saw Ma Tian staying firmly 1.5 meters below, they quickly pulled Ma Tian up.

"Mr. Ma, you are too... too risky!" Bodyguard Chang Chenghu complained.

Ma Tian smiled and didn't take it seriously. He looked at the dumbfounded Tong Yang and said, "Did you see that the calculation is completely accurate, so I believe in my scientific knowledge. Just like a circuit engineer, you will be impressed by the circuit you designed." Is there a short circuit?

If you are electrocuted to death by the circuit you designed, I can only say that everything you learned is rubbish. It is better to go back and reincarnate as soon as possible to avoid being laughed to death by us~"

"Hahahaha~" The engineers surrounding him also laughed. Most of them were majoring in science and engineering. You can imagine how funny it would be for an engineer to be electrocuted to death by a circuit he designed.

This is a cold joke belonging to science and engineering.

"I know, Mr. Ma!" Tong Yangyang suddenly became bolder. He might have understood something.

Ma Tian returned the protective equipment to him, patted his shoulder and left, hoping not to disappoint him.

"Goodbye, Mr. Ma!" A group of people also watched Ma Tian leave with reverence.

He Yifei watched Ma Tian leave and patted Tong Yangyang's hat in annoyance, "Did you see, you've killed my man! I remember when I was fighting in Gangguo, that was considered dangerous. This is just a ball. If you had come two years earlier, I would have taken you to Gangguo to exercise!"

"Hahaha!" A group of old engineers around who had also been to Gangguo laughed again.

"Lao He, I'm a newbie, please forgive me, we pretend we didn't see it!"

"Hahaha, Lao He, your performance in Gangguo is good?"

A group of people were joking, but Tong Yangyang had a look on his face, tied up his own safety measures, and then actually came to the place where Ma Tian had just jumped, and jumped down.

"What the hell are you doing?" Everyone quickly pulled Tong Yangyang up again.

"Team Leader He, I just calculated that my suspended height should be 1.4 meters, which proves that I was right!" Tong Yangyang, who was pulled up, just laughed.

The best way to face fear is to defeat it, right? He wanted to use his theoretical knowledge to overcome his fear, and it turned out that he was right.

"Damn it, don't you think it's tiring for us to pull you up?" He Yifei scolded with a smile, but the eyes he looked at Tong Yangyang were full of admiration.

Children can be taught~

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