My technology affects the whole world

Chapter 237 There’s no point in cheating

Olena finally made a request on behalf of Google to extend the time, and wanted to change the 3 seconds of thinking time into the 20 minutes of a normal chess game.

Yang Shuqin looked at the blond foreigner in front of him and never thought that he would change the rules of the game on the spot.

However, after a little thought, he guessed that the foreigner might feel that he had lost badly, so he decided to temporarily "cheat" and change the rules.

He thought for a while and said slowly:

"Logically speaking, this matter should not be modified, but as the host, we will also consider your request, and we will communicate with Tianyu Xinghai here.

If they agree, we can modify it. If they don’t, there’s nothing we can do! "

He didn't agree directly, but he didn't particularly like foreigners. He just said that he would communicate with Tianyu Xinghai.

"Oh, thank you so much, Mr. Yang!" Olena thanked him sincerely. His face was already red with embarrassment even though he could muster up his face to come here.

If he was asked to have a direct interview with Tianyu Xinghai about changing the rules, he would really have to find a hole to hide in.

Zheng Shijian was a little surprised to know this, but he quickly thought of what the foreigners had planned.

It is nothing more than trying to take advantage of the time to let the machine software think longer and make better chess.

He agreed to this without hesitation.

Foreigners may think that if they think about it for a longer time, their alpha dogs will lose less easily, but Zheng Shijian feels that they are "looking for death" and want to lose in a more humiliating way.

Both parties agreed to modify the rules. As the organizer, Yang Shuqin naturally had no objection and asked the female host to announce the modified rules on the spot.

This temporary change in the rules also caused a small commotion among the audience.

"Why do we need to change the rules? Is it because Google is playing fast and can't win, so it chooses to cheat?"

"Hahaha, Google is scared. Indeed, it didn't persist for two minutes. It's such an ugly loss!"

"As an 8-1 amateur chess player, I feel that playing slow chess will definitely be detrimental to Xiaodi. After all, there are only so many steps in chess. If you think long enough, it might lead to a tie!"

The audience and netizens had a heated discussion, but basically they all believed that Google was cheating if it couldn't win, and they immediately booed Google.

Rickard and Olena were debugging equipment and changing codes, but Quan pretended not to hear.

Since the replay lasted for half an hour and the time came to 11:10, the game simply moved to the afternoon to continue, giving both sides time to change their own strong and weak codes.

The viewers in the live broadcast room were still a little unsatisfied and wanted to discuss it there. Anyway, the live broadcast room was not closed, so they just started talking in the live broadcast room.

"Who will win this afternoon? Will Alpha Dog make a desperate counterattack?"

"Counterattack with a hammer, I think Xiaodi is going to beat that dog!"

"I don't know. I still like Xiaodi, but Alpha Dog is famous and should have something. Tianyu Xinghai shouldn't agree to change the rules!"

"Shave your head, shave your head, send the alpha dog home 10 to 0!"

The time soon came to 1 p.m., and both parties had debugged the code. This time it was the normal chess time, but if there was a tie, we still had to look at the final time.

The one with the shortest time in the end will definitely win!

Regarding this point, Google has no objection, as long as it doesn't lose in less than 2 minutes.

At 1:10, the game officially started.

The first few rounds continue to be a fast start with swords and swords. After all, the layout at the beginning must have been badly studied by the machine. There is no absolute advantage, and the computer does not need a long time to think.

In the middle game, AlphaGo took the lead and began to calculate for a long time. After thinking for a full minute, he made one move with horse 3 and entered 5, while Xiaodi made a move in seconds with cannon 7 and draw 3.

Then Alpha Dog began to hesitate again and began to think.

There are also more barrages in the live broadcast room. At least many chess fans watching the game can have time to think and comment.

"Alpha Dog keeps vaulting, I can see it!"

"You can see that there is a hammer, and there is a deep meaning in the horse's movement. It is probably the Thirteen Moves of Abandoning the Horse."

"Damn, it's obviously the Thirteen Moves of Abandoning the Commander."

The barrage is also a happy group.

Two super masters, Wang Tianyi and Tang Dan, were finally able to take a moment to explain the strong and soft moves.

I saw that Wang Tianyi was used to picking his nose with his hands. After thinking about it, this was an important occasion for many people to watch, and then he retracted his hand and said without saying anything:

"The red square alpha dog should have been slightly inferior. The knight is in a bad position, and the bottom bishop is also targeted by the black square's cannon."

Tang Dan: "Wang Teda is right."

"Do you want to fire the black cannon? If you fire it, you will lose one cannon, but with the offensive, the opponent's knight may be eaten back and you will also lose a bishop."

Tang Dan: "I also think it would be better to fire the black cannon."

It has to be said that Wang Tianyi is worthy of being the first person in chess. Xiaodi fired the black cannon and hit AlphaGo's bishop as he said.

Alpha Dog thought for a few minutes before flying away the cannon with the elephant, and then Xiaodi killed the No. 2 car and pointed directly at Alpha's horse.

Seeing that the situation in the live broadcast room was as Wang Tianyi expected, he also deducted a wave of 6.

Compared with Wang Tianyi's prediction and analysis, Tang Dan was a little more supportive. Sometimes I have to admit that there is still a little difference between men and women.

Including chess, the ceiling for women is still not as high as that for men.

Just like the national football team, many people think that the men's football team can't even win the women's football team, but the women's football team themselves have admitted that there is a huge gap with the men's football team, and they can't win in physical confrontation.

The chess game also continued to develop. Xiaodi's abandonment of the cannon really opened the offensive, and AlphaGo was suddenly unable to resist.

The thinking time also increased from 1 minute to 2 minutes, and there was even a move that took 5 minutes of thinking before moving the chess piece.

But Xiaodi still walked away in seconds!

Rickard and Olena were already sweating profusely in their seats. Why was there such a huge gap? Not only was it a disadvantage, but they also couldn't compare to others in terms of time spent thinking.

What is the underlying algorithm of XiaoDi, and how is XiaoDi trained?

The two foreigners really felt the impact of dimensionality reduction from Tianyu Xinghai technology. When did Rabbit Country go so far in artificial intelligence without making any noise?

Finally, when the total time was 20 minutes, 36 seconds and 28 seconds, the game ended, and AlphaGo's twenty minutes had been used up.

In other words, of the 20 minutes it took to get rid of Alpha Dog, Xiaodi actually only spent 36 seconds28.

This data was so disappointing that Rickard and Olena slumped in their chairs, completely at a loss for words.

But there are still 7 games left, and I will be ravaged seven more times!

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