My technology affects the whole world

Chapter 249 Satellite Program Establishment

Ma Tian will not pay attention to this investment matter, and will not even ask about it.

After all, if he had to take care of everything, he wouldn't be busy enough even with eight hands.

In the laboratory, Ma Tian is currently communicating with Hua Shuwen about the satellite.

Ma Tian definitely has the corresponding technology to launch satellites and rockets, but this must be reported and communicated. After all, satellite launches are very sensitive.

Because the satellites on the rocket can also be replaced with other things.

People like Xiaobaga will definitely think too much and come out with strong condemnation and firm opposition.

"Does Tianyu Xinghai need technical support?" Hua Shuwen asked kindly on the phone. He could send someone to support Ma Tian. After all, they have launched for so many years and have sufficient experience.

"No need for this, we can do it ourselves!" Ma Tian declined.

"Okay, let me tell you, the qualification document review may take about a few days!" Hua Shuwen did not insist. Now, he is very confident in Ma Tian's Tianyu Xinghai. It is really technical. Very strong and often brings some shocks!

For example, Bai Di last time was so shocked that he didn't want anything he didn't want. He was really awesome!

A few days later, the qualifications for launching satellites and rockets came quickly.

Ma Tian also convened a meeting with corresponding senior engineers and made a plan to launch the satellite!

The launch site is within the City of Progress. Ma Tian had specifically considered this as early as the design of the City of Progress, so it was not too abrupt.

The City of Progress is in full swing, and at the same time, a special rocket launch tower is being built at the same time.

It is about 100 meters high and is used for rocket assembly, inspection, maintenance, fueling, etc.

For such a large transmitting tower, Ma Tian did not hide it and appeared openly in front of the world.

First, the engineer at his own construction site exclaimed:

"Is our company going to build a rocket?"

"Looking at the structure, it should be, ah - I also want to build rockets, but I don't want to build a house here!"

"Who wouldn't want to? Compared with building a rocket, building a house suddenly feels boring~"

"Why are you complaining? Just do whatever the company arranges! Besides, are you sure you can build rockets?" Someone poured cold water on them.

Secondly, there are the bored people on the periphery. They often use telescopes to look at the construction progress of the City of Progress. When they see the obvious rocket launch tower, they immediately report this matter as if they have discovered some alien. online.

Immediately, the whole network was excited again, and was shocked again by Tianyu Xinghai

"Good guy! Are you going to launch a rocket? Is there anything that Tianyu Xinghai can't do?"

"I don't know what to say. Why do I feel like Tianyu Xinghai is omnipotent and can do whatever I want with technology? (Crying with laughter.jpg)"

"By the way, can private companies develop rockets? Does anyone know?"

"Upstairs, I don't pay much attention to this aspect. There are quite a few private companies in our country that launch rockets. For example, Zero 1 Space, Glory Space, etc. are all private research rockets~"

Netizens can't remember how many times they were shocked, but they were shocked again when they saw Tianyu Xinghai turning his head to engage in Rockets.

After all, the Rockets sound very high-end and can only be done by state agencies. I believe many people have this impression.

Naturally, the little Bagas noticed the news again, and came to condemn it as Ma Tian expected.

There are also Western media outlets that have expressed opposition one by one. Whether they are sincerely pretending to be stupid and doing useless work, or deliberately trying to gain popularity, Ma Tian doesn't know.

It was Musk's news that surprised Ma Tian.

"Ma Tian, ​​I didn't expect you to come to the rocket field! When I heard the news, I was very happy that another human being who also loves technology joined the rocket field. I hope your goal is to colonize Mars like me. Rather than simply being limited to the earth.

I'm waiting for you in front, hoping you can catch up with me quickly. ——Musk”

? ? ?

After reading Musk's WeChat messages, Ma Tian was filled with questions. What's going on with Musk?

Also, why does Musk still have this WeChat ID? Didn’t he delete his WeChat ID when he was beaten in the car last time?

Ma Tian browsed Musk's recent news on the Internet, and finally understood Musk's words.

It turns out that Musk, after realizing the recyclable rocket last year, was a little arrogant and believed that his rocket technology was invincible in the world.

Just look at his interviews with the media.

"Currently SpaceX is the only company in the world that has realized recyclable rocket technology, and it is far ahead in the world~"

"Our goal is the stars and the sea, and colonizing Mars. 'Infighting' on Earth is not what we want to see!"

Good guy, Ma Tian also laughed. Why did he feel that Musk was better at pretending than he was? He could smell the faint smell through the screen.

However, the next piece of news made Ma Tian froze on the spot, and he looked at Musk a little seriously.

Musk actually used his entry into the rocket field as an introduction, saying in the media that he would engage in a space race, and hoped that the country and people would give him more support for SpaceX. The underlying meaning is to provide some funds and investment.

It can only be said that in the previous generation, Musk was able to become the world's richest man. He was not only an entrepreneur who understood technology, but also an excellent marketing businessman. He did not miss any opportunity to create favorable conditions for himself. It was really amazing.

Seeing this, Ma Tian also shook his head and chuckled. After all, Musk was influenced by his butterfly in this life. Because the sales of Tesla electric cars were suppressed by Tianming Motors, he could not squander money to build rockets.

Otherwise, he wouldn't need to put so much effort into seeking investment for SpaceX.

Thinking about it this way, Musk is actually quite pitiful. Not only has Tesla been damaged by him, but this proud rocket may also be hit by him.

After closing the news page he was browsing, Ma Tian also put aside his distracting thoughts and concentrated on rocket design.

There are many satellites launched this time, including positioning and navigation satellites, communication satellites, and even auxiliary ranging satellites.

The total number is estimated to be 12, with a total weight of about 3.6 tons.

In order to maximize benefits, Ma Tian will naturally not follow the previous rules to launch one satellite per rocket, but plans to send all 12 satellites up at once.

Then use the small rockets on the satellites after deorbiting to send their respective satellites to designated places.

This is definitely the easiest and most economical thing to do.

Moreover, Ma Tian is preparing to temporarily change his rocket plan, since Musk is proud of his recycling technology.

Well, this time he will also make the rocket recyclable, and it will be accurately recovered to its original position, not on the sea.

Let Musk see what real rocket technology is!

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