Ma Tian looked at Bekiel Cobb's "docile" look and couldn't help but think of a line from a movie:

"I still like your unruly look, please recover."

Of course, Ma Tian only thought about it in his mind and did not say it out loud.

Even Bakir Cobb, who is the chairman of the International Telecommunications Union, agreed. Naturally, others did not say much. Even Honda Shichinosuke of the island nation temporarily shut up. It is unknown what he was thinking.

The atmosphere in the audience suddenly became a little awkward. Ma Tian didn't speak, and Bekier Cobb suddenly regretted his move to welcome Ma Tian just now.

People are contradictory animals. He was worried that if Ma Tian was not allowed to participate in this meeting, Ma Tian would be unhappy and directly use technology to cause damage. I am also worried that if Ma Tian attends this meeting, Hua Shuwen will make a comeback, and there will be changes today.

Since its establishment, the International Telecommunications Union has been composed of leaders in the field of telecommunications. It has led the development of the world's communications field, formulated corresponding rules, and is also responsible for "peace" in the world's communications field.

It can be said that the 12 of them are definitely top technical experts, both "athletes" and "referees".

But today, Ma Tian used a technology beyond their understanding to break through their defense. This forced Bekier Cobb to choose to temporarily stabilize Ma Tian, ​​fearing that Ma Tian would use his unknown technology to attack the International Telecommunications Union. The stability of telecommunications that they have maintained up to now has been destroyed, and their rule of rules has been overthrown.

His eyes couldn't help but look at Halls in the video window. Halls was still busy finding out how Ma Tian hacked into his computer. The most skilled among them was probably the world's second-ranked hacker - Halls. Come on, Halls has won three consecutive championships in the World Hacking Competition. He broke into the Google system in 8 seconds and won 100,000 US dollars.

Even his computer was hacked into by Ma Tian unknowingly. One can imagine the high technical content of Ma Tian's small show just now.

He couldn't help but look at Gualja Frey again. Although Gualja Frey was not ranked high in the world, his student Tos Frey was the world's number one top hacker.

Gualja Frey basically does not participate in competitions, and mainly publishes papers in academia. He has more than 15 top SCI papers. This shows that Gualja Frey's technology is definitely the best in the telecommunications field. A group of people.

However, in Bekier Cobb's field of vision, Gualja Frei was also sweating profusely, looking for how his computer was hacked.

Two recognized top players had their computers hacked by Ma Tian without anyone noticing, and it was still unclear where the problem came from.

Bekier Cobb no longer knew what to say. He could only sigh in his heart that there is no real person under the fame.

"Then let's have a meeting?" Ma Tian said at the right time. He didn't have time to continue watching a group of them looking for Tianji's offensive methods. He was the helmsman of Tianyu Xinghai and had a lot to do.

Even if you study technology yourself, it is better than watching these people typing on the keyboard.

Ma Tian's words interrupted Bekir Cobb's thinking. Others also stopped checking their own loopholes and looked at Ma Tian.

Especially Halls, he wanted to ask Ma Tian on the spot how he did it? However, he had his own pride, so he restrained himself from asking on this occasion.

Bekir Cobb could only come back to his senses temporarily and said:

"Then let's continue the meeting. Today's meeting is mainly about the review of the materials of Mr. Hua Shuwen and Mr. Musk. We will give reference opinions and point out the shortcomings of both parties."

Up to now, Bekier Cobb did not dare to compare the two. He even had a suspicion that Hua Shuwen was setting the game early on.

Hua Shuwen's materials were probably polished by Ma Tian a long time ago, and then he worked with Halls and others to make a comparison. During the comparison, they were directly approved.

Ma Tian was expressionless and it involved professional matters. As long as he was here, Bekier Cobb would not be able to make any trouble.

The materials began to be uploaded to the conference document, and 12 people viewed the two people's materials.

The materials they applied for were many and complicated, with more than 100 pages of PPT materials, but they were only relatively common to ordinary people. For a group of big guys like them who often engage in technology, they could easily grasp the key points at a glance. Place to watch.

Even if Ma Tian has no relevant experience, he can still quickly understand the technical principles and details in the application materials.

The entire meeting video suddenly became quiet, a bit like a college entrance examination examination room, almost silent, only the occasional swishing sound of typing on the keyboard to fast forward...

When Bekier Cobb gets tired of reading, he will look up at Ma Tian. Seeing Ma Tian reading there without any problems, he knows that Ma Tian does not know English at all, but is too lazy to speak.

This made him feel uncomfortable again, but before he could figure out Ma Tian's hacking skills, he had to keep Ma Tian steady, so he didn't say anything.

Soon, an hour passed. Ma Tian was the first to read the two people's materials. One was Hua Shuwen's material. He had read it before and polished the techniques in it.

The other is that Ma Tian really knows these things very well. He has all the suitable satellite coordinates and orbits on the earth in his mind.

Therefore, he can know whether the material is professional by looking at the information to see if the satellite data is reasonable.

Naturally, Musk looked at the material more seriously. In just one hour, he discovered at least three major unreasonable things.

They are: the calculation of satellite orbit coordinates is biased, the experimental data is too ideal, and the launch plan is a blank check.

Musk wrote in the material that 4,000 satellites will be launched in the next four years, and the goal of 1,000 satellites a year will be achieved, with one rocket carrying 100 satellites.

Isn't this the so-called bragging first to get a project, and then realizing it in the end?

It seems that it is not only the domestic academic circles who brag, foreigners also brag too much.

Bekir Cobb kept looking at Ma Tian's video window frequently with his peripheral vision. He saw Ma Tian drinking tea again and his eyes stopped focusing. He only thought that Ma Tian saw something unconfirmed in the material and got stuck. He couldn't help but ask:

"Mr. Ma Tian, ​​do you have any questions?"

"I've finished reading it. I'm waiting for you guys!" Ma Tian replied.

Ma Tian's answer also surprised the 11 people present. Ma Tian finished reading it so quickly. Did he read it seriously? Or did you take a quick look?

"Then wait for us first!" Bekir Cobb pursed his lips, but in the end he just said this sentence. He always felt that as soon as Ma Tian came, the situation was completely wrong and out of control.

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